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It's kinda weird that all of the non-main event storylines get progressed on SD when it seems like most people who watch Raw don't watch SD. So, come Monday night, they give the non-main event storylines short matches because they have to recap what people didn't watch on Friday. idk



I hope Wade knocks people out after ever job. But the last match with Ziggles was so boring because for whatever reason Ziggles still hasn't figured out what an interesting offense is.


"The Wyatts did a promo with Bray vowing they are taking all the belts."


I'll take an order of that.


I would so love if this happens.

Because the next night on Raw, when The Authority is in the ring and then the GLURRRRRTTTTT flashes on the screen, we're going to see and hear an epic pop.


What's even dumber is if they're making Summer a face because of Total Divas where she's sort of a heel because she gets heat with everyone, but on top of it, she's trying to get back together with the guy that she kissed on the show and said she had no chemistry with.


Bo Dallas' post match comment sounds like gold.


Ziggler won, which is good

I can't believe people still believe this.

It is good. Ziggler can be as great as they'll give him the room to be.

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We finally see at MITB which is a bigger loser on a big show, the IC champ or Dolph Ziggler.

They wanted to stick Ric Flair with Miz over Dolph. With Miz. Miz.

Big E is lucky his feud blowoff with Dolph was snuck in between two of the best matches of the year, he had a hope to escape unscathed.


I don't like Ziggler at all but I'll say one thing; after seeing them on boards and Twitter, his fans are fiercely loyal. They're like Truthers.

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I hope for the second MITB match it will be all the flippy doos and Kane.


Just people flying all over the place and Kane standing there looking slightly confused by it all.




I hope for the second MITB match it will be all the flippy doos and Kane.


Just people flying all over the place and Kane standing there looking slightly confused by it all.

Kane scratching his head as all these guys flip off ladders would be great.  


You two do remember Kane has been in ladder matches before right?


I don't like Ziggler at all but I'll say one thing; after seeing them on boards and Twitter, his fans are fiercely loyal. They're like Truthers.

I believe they refer to themselves as "Little Jimmies."

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I don't like Ziggler at all but I'll say one thing; after seeing them on boards and Twitter, his fans are fiercely loyal. They're like Truthers.

I believe they refer to themselves as "Little Jimmies."

I hope so. It's a hell lot better than "Dolphins".


Well lets see...his top moves are: The Fameasser, a dropkick, doing ten elbowdrops, a sleeperhold, and a finisher where he's the one taking the biggest bump.


Expose away.

I think you just did it yourself. He has a varied offense that he can do to anyone regardless of size. The Zig Zag has him land on his ass and the other guy the back of his head. 

If you don't like him, fine. But drop the weak offense talking point. 

It is remarkable how many "Smart" fans are easily brainwashed by booking.



Well lets see...his top moves are: The Fameasser, a dropkick, doing ten elbowdrops, a sleeperhold, and a finisher where he's the one taking the biggest bump.


Expose away.

I think you just did it yourself. He has a varied offense that he can do to anyone regardless of size. The Zig Zag has him land on his ass and the other guy the back of his head. 

If you don't like him, fine. But drop the weak offense talking point. 

It is remarkable how many "Smart" fans are easily brainwashed by booking.


Yes, he has a varied offense...a varied weak offense. That has nothing to do with booking. Even during his program with Cena or Del Rio, one of his biggest weaknesses was his unimpressive offense. It speaks volumes when the few months he was doing a superkick made him much more credible looking in-ring because everything else he did wasn't. His biggest strength is taking crazy bumps that make the other guy look good at his expense. That's not the recipe for a main eventer, that's the perfect traits of enhancement talent.


Don't think I'm picking on him, though. I think guys like Sandow or Cody Rhodes suffer from much the same problem. At least Dolph's offense has a distinct look to it. I couldn't tell you what Sandow does in-ring outside of the Elbow of Disdain.


Well lets see...his top moves are: The Fameasser, a dropkick, doing ten elbowdrops, a sleeperhold, and a finisher where he's the one taking the biggest bump.


Expose away.


He's got that top rope X-Factor as well.


So, this incredible offense exist. Maybe, I don't know. It's just covered because he's bumping looks like it hurt more. It might also be a lack of presence. No one leaves watching a Ziggles match going, "WOW! Great move."

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