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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Tower of Doom at Wrestlemania, brother. Stone Cold and Pat McAfee vs Meng, The Barbarian, Austin Theory, Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman, Kevin Sullivan, and Ric Flair
    7 points
  2. A friend of mine's brother teaches high school in Downer's Grove, IL. They have this up at school today:
    6 points
  3. Cagematch shows one match in the US, and it's a real corker: Jun Akiyama, Misterioso Jr. & Ultimo Dragon defeat The Border Patrol (Colt Stevens & JR Kratos) & Vinny Massaro PWR The Calm Before The Storm - Pay Per View @ John O'Connor High School in San Francisco, California, USA Which is not quite bringing Hashimoto over to work Gary Steele but it's still not great.
    6 points
  4. Oh man. I blinked fot a second and saw this weird scenario where Sasha ends the streak and wins the AEW TBS Championship and the entire reigns is carried by a "The Banks Statement" pun. All other TBS Champions must play into the acronym. Abadon being nicknamed "The Big Spooky". Toni By-Gawd Storm. Matt Riddle in drag as "Thunder Bro-Sa". I can see for miles.
    5 points
  5. Honored to say I share a birthday with the Macho Man and Judge Wapner.
    5 points
  6. Every one of those matches should be straight up excellent! And, uh... I don't mind hearing from Mox and Joe!
    5 points
  7. Mercedes Moné is the only one that actually sounds like a name. The rest seem like terrible puns that are third grader would think are beneath them intellectually.
    4 points
  8. It's the go home show for the PPV, so I guess they see that as a necessary evil. They have various set up things: The singles match between guys in the Tag Title match. A shine-up match for Storm since Hayter got hers last week. The tag between the faces and the heels in the 4 way ROH title match. A trios showcase match for the champs so that the Elite can come back to challenge afterwards. A tournament semifinal. I'm curious if they can salvage Saraya at this point, but it feels a little hopeless. It'll be kind of funny (but an absolute disaster) after All Out/Grand Slam if the two biggest babyfaces at Full Gear are MJF and Britt Baker. Anyway, the biggest question for this show is whether or not Bunny pops a rating in her return.
    4 points
  9. IMO DDP fits that celebrity guest tag partner role better than Goldberg. Goldberg's character didn't really fit hanging out with Karl Malone or Jay Leno. Also, part of the reason DDP was there is to work the lion's share of those matches. I mean it's the same reason they would insert Savage or DiBiase in the Hogan vs. Zeus program coming off No Holds Barred. But yeah, DDP is my pick to stop the streak just cause he was the next guy up. I think some of his momentum from 97 got lost along the way in his forever feud with Raven and the Flock. Tagging with Malone kinda got it back, but boy it didn't seem like he was as hot as he was in 1997 feuding with Savage. Hell, maybe they could have use that to get a face vs. face feud with Goldberg going. The guy who was going to be the next big WCW star vs. the actual guy who became WCW's big star. My little booking scenario is you let Hogan and Nash continue to fight it out over NWO, and you can have Nash win WW3. However, I would make Starrcade basically be a repeat of WrestleMania X. Goldberg vs. DDP at Havoc ends as a schmoz thus justifying a rematch. Nash demands a title shot at Starrcade. You have it where Goldberg has to defend it first against Nash and the winner meets DDP in the main event later on in the show. Goldberg beats Nash after Hogan distracts Nash thus setting up Hogan vs. Nash legit at SuperBrawl where they do a best of 3 or 5 team series (Luger and Sting in seperate matches vs. NWO B&W members...maybe Giant and Scott Steiner) for the rights to the NWO. Then, in the main event of Starrcade, you have Goldberg dominate a good portion of the match and then DDP makes a comeback. DDP misses a spot and then Goldberg catches him with a spear. Crowd goes nuts. Goldberg takes up him for the Jackhammer. DDP reverses in mid air -> Diamond Cutter. 1.2.3. New WCW World Heavyweight champion. You can close out the trilogy at Souled Out or make SuperBrawl even bigger. However, you have something to look forward to at the beginning of 1999.
    4 points
  10. Finally getting around to watching UHF for the very first time. Wish I'd seen it sooner, because it's pretty damned good.
    4 points
  11. All I see is a picture of MJF.
    3 points
  12. If he can get Puddy to accompany him to ringside it’s a win for all.
    3 points
  13. I want Dave The Clown Komander having an army of trained clowns at his disposal like the armies of Hobos and cats
    3 points
  14. The fact that it's taken a year and a half for Justin Field's coaches to look at that massive man who runs that fast to say, "maybe we should let him run," is a fucking travesty. The average football coach is fucking terrible at his job.
    3 points
  15. watching a 1997 Hardcore TV immediately after a 1995 Hardcore TV makes me think that they invested in light bulbs at the ECW Arena as they found more success EDIT: when did Lance Storm clip off his atrocious looking blonde rat tail? he has a haircut that 3rd graders thought was cool back in the mid-90s
    3 points
  16. This absolutely could have been a good story to tell. But WCW was both unwilling and completely unable to pull it off.
    3 points
  17. Oh, it's time for my yearly "the Diamond Cutter was so over as a flash killer that Goldberg losing to it would have served him better than all the taser crap" post. You can get rematches out of whether or not the relatively inexperienced Goldberg can avoid the Diamond Cutter, too. That move was built up as instadeath at that point.
    3 points
  18. So Starks is having 2 matches on Rampage? Because the other 1st round match between Starks/Archer still hasn't happened and the winner still has to face Brian Cage after that. Looking forward to the return of Top Flight and AR Fox getting a shot. Fox is already on part 3 of the Willow Nightingale process of getting a contract. Part 1: impress on Dark/Elevation. Part 2: Finally win a match on Dark/Elevation. Part 3: Make the main shows. Part 4 is getting a win on Dynamite or Rampage and getting the contract. It doesn't hurt when the fans get behind you during this process lol.
    3 points
  19. I finally got to caught up to episode 10 and I would run through a goddamned brick wall for Andy Serkis.
    3 points
  20. Famous alcoholic and shirtless comedian Burnt Chrysler?
    3 points
  21. The longer I look at the promo poster for Full Gear, the more convinced I am MJF is wrestling comedian Bert Kreischer James
    3 points
  22. Kaito Kitamiya vs Timothy Thatcher. November 10, 2022 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15d4y1k71Q/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click
    3 points
  23. I support them adopting the name PARTY HARDY~! for their team.
    3 points
  24. I'd argue that Khan cares more about Gordi's needs right now than Gordi cares about Khan's needs. Which is kind of funny when you think about it. Right now, Khan's needs are 1.) getting a TV show for ROH and 2) getting WBD to give him a big boost for AEW's new contract. Accomplishing both things gives him the room to be a little weirder. That said, I think a lot of why AEW's suffered over the last nine months, past the injuries which I've documented elsewhere, is that they did push into a slightly more traditional space (and this is likely due to the injuries as much as anything else! and also maybe not all that much as it hasn't been THAT long since Forbidden Door and the ROH stuff is not what I'd consider 'traditional space' even if some of the execution might be).... is that Vince got the boot and WWE got less terrible. There was much more value in edging into WWE's space with competence and great matches and not punishing wrestlers and fans nine months ago than there is now. I think Khan's still playing damage control after All Out (and again injuries!) as he precariously walks the tightrope towards a new contract. Personally, I'm ok so long as the wrestling is good. But then again, I'm the guy here who thinks Takeshita is pretty terrible, so what are you even going to do with me?
    3 points
  25. DDP should have definitely gotten a reign as a babyface even if it was 1-3 months. As far as ending the streak, he and Bret are my only real choices as people who I wanted to end the streak. DDP should have at least gotten a singles PPV main event against Hollywood Hogan. People always talk about WCW not pushing the younger talent but I feel like they left so much money on the table with their established talent in 98. Sting/Goldberg should have been a PPV match instead of a match thrown out on Nitro with Hogan getting involved. When they finally had their PPV match in 1999, it was after WCW lost its momentum. Hogan and Nash definitely should have had a match in 1998 when the nWo split up. Of course Hogan and Bret was probably the biggest missed opportunity. Even a Sting/Nash match, which ended up as 2 Nitro main events with no finish, should have been an obvious PPV match
    3 points
  26. Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon should be tarred and feathered for making the "loud executive shows up on camera multiple times a show to be obnoxious" trope a thing. It's a bottom-three wrestling trope ever. EDIT: Maybe we can scrape some of the tar for this purpose off Mick Foley's head.
    3 points
  27. i am about 45 minutes into the first TNA episode of 2003. sweet baby jesus, i am fucking sick of Vince Russo. it is completely unacceptable how much tv time was wasted on this absolute dogshit character. he actively makes every segment that he's in worse. so of course, he's already shown up 3 times
    3 points
  28. I'm late! Suck it! It's Skye Blue! It's Paris Van Dale. I thought she was Von Dale yesterday on Elevation. I may be crazy. That kick thing Skye Blue does from the mat is starting to not look horrible. Van Dale is fun as a 1970s heel. Skye kicks her a bunch until hitting a Flatliner that she needs a bit of work. She should switch to a Piledriver. It's the Iron Savages! JT Davidson is annoying. Is Boulder losing weight too? Is AEW introducing junior heavyweight tag team titles? They beat the crap out of two dudes. Kiera Hogan takes on Kennedi Copeland, who I've seen a couple times on YouTube in the indies. I remember she was good. Hogan wrestles a lot like Skye Blue with lots of kicks. Copeland looked good in the wee bit of offense she got in. Zack Clayton takes on IMPACT! contender, Frankie Kazarian! This should be interesting, since there is an outside chance Clayton could win this! Just to fuck with IMPACT! Clayton looks good in this. There is some awkwardness and Kaz OPTS to start laying it in. Kaz wins with the Chicken Face Cross Wing! IMPACT! is SAVED! It's Cole Karter! He was almost a Best Friend on Rampage last week! It's Teddy Goodz again! He still owns a toy store with his brother! Man Scout sounds like a walking sex crime. QT Marshall is the biggest HEAT MACHINE in AEW, though Sammy is edging him out lately. Big Shotty is way better as a heel. He should join the Gunns as contenders for the trios title. QT CHEATS early! The crowd gets behind Jack Thomas' STRUGGLE and he makes the hot tag to Teddy Goodz! Teddy thrills the crowd until the Factory hits a very elaborate 3-D/Diamond Cutter combination for the win! ATHENA! ATHENA! ATHENA! Little Mean Kathleen! LMK is as New England as clam chowder! I assume Athena will beat the hell out of her. Athena makes LMK look great. LMK is so fun before Athena beats her to death. Athena doesn't beat the fuck out of her like she has been doing to folks. LMK is awesome. The Dark Order beats three dudes. The three dudes are good heels, beating HEAT on Evil Uno! ATHENA MENACES LEXY! Daniel Garcia takes on Brock Anderson for the ROH Pure Title! Will Garcia go all Volk Han? Yes, he does! Brock Anderson is good selling the mangled knee. Brock is great powering out of Garcia's Guillotine. Good nearfall on the DDT. I don't remember Volk Han hitting a Lawler Piledriver, but it was fucking NASTY. That was good.
    2 points
  29. Count me in the "MJF losing is the better choice" group. I feel like they really screwed the pooch the first time he lost to Mox. That should've been a huge growth moment for his character, and I feel like they let it get away. Part of me thinks the better story would be to have MJF come up short again, even after cheating, and go "find himself" as a character, with the payoff being that deep down he's still a piece of shit. We'd all be awaiting the big moment and instead it turns into a "tiger never changes his stripes" moment. I think you're again also faced with the issue of how strongly you've booked Moxley. It felt bogus when Punk beat Mox and I'm not sure there's any way to present MJF as victorious over Mox (short of The Firm hitting him with a semi) that feels earned. So little of MJF's character growth happens in the ring that I don't feel any sense that he's credible against a guy like Mox. On the other hand, Mox never got his vacay. You could have the Firm screw him, The BCC be strife with infighting, and have Mox come back in 8 weeks or so like Michael Myers and just mow through the Firm in his way to a rematch. MJF tries to make him do the "task list" to earn his rematch and Mox is the only guy not to go for it. "No, I don't think I'm gonna do any of that shit. I think I'm just gonna show up here and kick your ass every week until I get my rematch." And he does. Getting the title on MJF also means you can elevate guys like Starkman Jones and Jungle Boy as challengers. So there's that, too.
    2 points
  30. Fuck, one week later and I would have been able to see Akiyama in person. Who knows, maybe Coach Tony K keeps Akiyama for a week longer and gives us Eddie vs Akiyama in a singles match on the pre-Thanksgiving Dynamite. That would fucking rule getting to see one of my all time favorite Japanese wrestlers, and really one of my favorite wrestlers period, live and in person when I never thought that would be possible before.
    2 points
  31. They haven't mentioned it and I doubt they ever will, but I do love how the old Survivor Series "teams of five strive to survive" mantra fits perfectly for the Wargames format.
    2 points
  32. Fallout 4 is getting a next gen update in a few months too I’m stuck in 2011, since apparently I bought a SteamDeck just to play Skyrim constantly.
    2 points
  33. Can we reopen the What If? thread? If not... Lot of talk about whether DDP should have ended the streak. What happens instead if Goldberg and DDP essentially switch spots in 1998. DDP beats Hogan for the title and gets a meaningless run up until dropping it to Nash at Starrcade. Goldberg instead does the celebrity tag matches with Malone and Leno (which perhaps adds a bit of uncertainty to the streak if its now on the line with Jay Leno as his partner?), and then you do the title run in early 99 instead? DDP ends up doing a midcard tag team in 99 anyway, so you lose nothing there as a result of him having a heatless title reign with midcard matches. I feel like they let him cool off a bit a few times in 98 without any reason. Seemed the right time to put the title on him, and too late when they did. Goldberg made sense to get the title when he did, but once they did the title run and ended the streak, they kind of ended him. There was probably more of a chase to be done here before he got the title, rather than panic and put it on him to generate one last big ratings pop.
    2 points
  34. I don't really buy the MMA curse shit. It's MMA where some of the top fighters have double digit losses.
    2 points
  35. There are a few of us. It's lonely and enthusiasm isn't terribly high. The bandwagon isn't moving very fast, so there's still time to jump off safely.
    2 points
  36. The Gate of Agony! Big Cuzzo should be signed to the Embassy. Teddy Goodz owns a toy store with his brother! He gets mauled by Tio Liona postmatch. Tay Melo would be good at studio wrestling, where she can do more of her fun matwork. Paris Van Dale takes a beating like a champ. taking Tay's Judo Throws and kicks to the head. Okay, Smiley Fairchild is the new Ruler Of Elevation. HEY! Matt Hardy and Private Party should go for the trios belt! Have Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quin do the majority of the work and do like here, have Matt Hardy come in and hit five finishers. And I see Kayla Sparks gets the fuck beaten out of her by Athena. Athena starts on the outside and I loved both knees to the face by the steps. Sparkz gets in a few things and then Athena BEATS THE FUDGE OUT OF HER! ATHENA! ATHENA! ATHENA! Postmatch, she CRUSHES Sparkz with the O Face! ATHENA! ATHENA! ATHENA! It's the Butcher and the Blade with the Bunny! The Butcher is wrong-voiced, I am told. Hey! It's Waves and Curls! I respect the fact that Waves and Curls don't incorporate any superfluous "z"s. They don't last too long. Oh cool. A Pure Rules match. Leon Ruffin on the mat, I haven't seen. Daniel Garcia on the mat is a known quantity. I wonder if he will go all Volk Han in this. Ruffin uses niftiness to get on offense! Garcia is awesome applying the heel offense through a PRISM of Pure Rules! Ruffin is fun in the middle of his second comeback! Hey! Ruffin does Strange Style! Leon Ruffin is the Ares of the Elevation set! Leon Ruffin fighting to make the rope break just to have Daniel Garcia double apply the Sleeper was SUPER quality Pro Wrestling. That was great. Daniel Garcia is fucking awesome. Jora Johl! They should figure out something for him to do. Preston Vance is being utilized and wins very quickly. SERP! SERP! SERP! No Luther? What the fuck? It's AR Fox! Who I'm assuming is getting signed soon. Fox is making SERP look like a million bucks, which is a reversal of roles. SERP kicks out of two finishers! SERP gets a nearfall! AR Fox hits like a Short Spanish Fly before winning with a 450. That was good. It's Mei Suruga! They should sign her immediately. EMI! EMI! EMI! It's Willow Nightingale in her first match back from wrestling in Japan where she took a Giant Swing from Miu Watanabe. She and Riho are the Moist Babyface Babyfaces in the history of Babyfaces! I watched this twice because I wanted to watch without typing. Riho whipped out a crazy Lucha Libre spin around Emi's shins. I've never seen that by anyone before. Emi always tell an odd story. Here it's about Willow wearing purple. Gleefully evil Mei Suruga is somehow better than gleefully babyface Mei Suruga. Mei goes up BIG for Willow's Pounce and the crowd freaks out! Great Spinebuster by Willow! Yeah, that Swinging Around Emi To Roll Her Up was really beautiful. TRANSFORMER! So Awesome. Fun nearfalls ensue. Willow SHOWBOATS her power and then hits a Death Valley Driver on Emi and Riho gets the pin after a Meteora! That was FUN. That episode was good to great. I gotta go back and watch the Garcia and Athena matches now.
    2 points
  37. Gale Making horror twists on already unsettling stuff like the Flying Monkeys should be neat.
    2 points
  38. What I got from this review is that Cannonball Run is a deeply underappreciated film and I couldn't agree more.
    2 points
  39. Nah. This nonsense that they become more racist and fascist because everyone else forces them do it is pathetic abuser ideology. They can come into the house when they stop rolling around the backyard in their own shit.
    2 points
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