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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2020 in all areas

  1. I was a fan of his up until the Evolution stuff basically killed my interest in WWE. My one pet peeve: I never paid much mind to his advantages after marrying into the family, but the idea that he never pissed hot is just absurd. He had a lot of nerve making fun of Masters that time he got popped and came back leaner; every time Hunter cycled off to have a baby with Steph he turned into Greg Valentine overnight.
    7 points
  2. I have always felt HHH's biggest flaw isn't not understanding his own limitations, it's not understanding the limitations of his opponent (Scott Steiner and Goldberg instantly spring to mind).
    4 points
  3. Skipping all the dick pic talk, not because I can't contribute but I'm choosing not to, my favorite HHH WM entrance is from 2016 when Stephanie does his intro. With her hair teased, she reminded me of a taller Ronnie James Dio. I was waiting for her to break into "Holy Diver" or "Rainbow in the Dark".
    4 points
  4. NATURAL BORN KILLER Maim a teenage boy, Throw a man off a scaffold? Denzel has weird friends.
    4 points
  5. Sheik's "DOOOOOOO HOO HOO!" reaction > everything.
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. make sports GIFs like this at MakeaGif Couple of clips from the Sheik vs Tommy Seigler match I put in the "Internet not from the now" thread. Flippy bumpy Sheik is something else.
    4 points
  8. Eh, people should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want with their bodies and their privacy. Some people like to take/send pics for their S.O., some like to do it for strangers (generally on an approved forum), some just do it because they like how it feels. Not saying anybody here is doing so, but overall nude-shaming is like slut-shaming, wack as hell. Yes, garbage-ass people are gonna try to hack/steal/whatever, but they're literally committing a crime.
    4 points
  9. So, if someone thinks their dick looks monstrously spectacular, takes pictures of it and puts it on the internet, and their punishment is that loads of people look at pictures of their spectacular dick, you're in favour?
    4 points
  10. just tried to dive through plate glass window to escape act of cowardice
    4 points
  11. Even taking this at face value: why do celebrities still take dick/nude pics on their phones at all knowing that there are people who make it their life's work to hack into devices and find them? It just seems like such a bad idea.
    4 points
  12. It was a talking point that AEW definitely started themselves. Before the first TV show, they talked a lot about how it would have more of a sports feel and presentation, particularly focusing on how "wins and losses would count" in AEW. It's obviously turned out to be much more about a bunch of likable performers having fun at work. I, personally, am quite happy with that outcome. I don't think that the current roster would be well suited to present any kind of Americanized UWFi, or whatever it a that some people seem to be hoping for. The people who are hoping for a more realistic show are absolutely basing their hopes on how Dynamite was originally talked up, however.
    3 points
  13. That whole time when Rock was half in half out of WWE, he'd come back and do business with somebody, go 50-50 as much as he could and try to get them over. Whether it was Goldberg or Jericho or Christian or Hurricane or whoever. Then as soon as he wasn't there, whoever it was Rock had put over would get fed to HHH immediately and decisively.
    3 points
  14. i'm just here to lament that we never got to see Owen Hart vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage. they faced off once in a tag team match (Savage/Bret Hart vs Owen/Adam Bomb) in Japan, and possibly crossed paths in some battle royals, but that's it. damn shame.
    3 points
  15. Hogan says "best friend" Lex is sick to his stomach Both are full of shit
    3 points
  16. It's like a lot of you saying you don't understand who would sign up for a cult where the leader is abusive and tough have never once seen a high school, college, or pro football coach in action, and yet players trip over themselves to go to the right should to play for certain coaches and so on.
    3 points
  17. Quarantined at home watching WWE network smoking the reefer
    3 points
  18. Sheiky Baby with the coolest look of his career as Muhammad "Iron Sheik" Farouk in Texas.
    3 points
  19. We finished S6 of Clone Wars this morning. All of the Yoda stuff was top notch even if you could see Lucas’ hands all over it. Im sticking to my plan. We stop now. Episode III. Solo. Rebels Season 1. Back to Clone Wars S7. Then Rebels Season 2. It’s a Catch-22, as it sounds like S7 sets up and ties in really well to Episode III but it’s obviously made for older people who have already seen Episode III and Rebels. I’m navigating this with a kid.
    3 points
  20. I just dare you to start a dick pic thread, if only to give Rippa something to do while he's stuck at home. This sort of thing is always good for culling the herd.
    3 points
  21. Hansen & Gordy vs Tenryu & Baby Kawada is right up there with Tsurutu & Tenryu vs Choshu & Yatsu as Greatest 80s AJPW tag match that is also in the GMOAT discussion. Such lovely psychology and story telling mixed in with all the violence, and a good candidate for Best Hansen Lariat Ever, as well. My favourite moment from those two videos, though, is DiBiase setting up for a dropkick and then apparently thinking "nah, that's too fancy for this match" and going right back to clubbering. Also: How much easier must it have been to be a booker when * being from New Zealand * was enough to make you a heel, and waving the Kiwi flag could drive the crowd into a frenzy. Also also: it was nice of Strike Force to lend Williams & DiBiase their gear. I believe this is the famous "I broke Wahoo's Leg" match. It's only about 50% clubbering, but the strikes are every bit as stiff as you'd imagine. Valentine does his father proud here:
    3 points
  22. Sheamus is going to turn himself babyface if he keeps bullying Cole.
    3 points
  23. I think I just saw the most nonsensical spot I've ever seen: On the show IWTV just streamed Christina Von Eerie delivered a top rope lung blower on Su Yung through a table. Those of you who know what a lung blower can probably figure out why that made no sense: Von Eerie was the one who 100% took the bump through the table delivering the move, and even worse is that it was the finish. I have no idea how nobody realized that when laying out the match.
    3 points
  24. Currently sitting here getting a hoot out of Invasion USA. You can get a hoot out of watching this.
    3 points
  25. See? You guys totally put it together. Kudos. And Re: what Sabremike said, if you are dumb enough to take nudes in this day and age then they better be on a Polaroid put in a lockbox, or else you deserve whatever's coming to you.
    3 points
  26. Next week, Dream will show up in the empty NXT arena and Chris Hansen will walk out to confront him.
    3 points
  27. So was that Ahsoka/Maul faceoff a top 5 fight in the Star Wars franchise? That was just amazing stuff. The current episodes just have me shook, given their concurrence with RotS.
    3 points
  28. I heard some podcast hosts refer to Wardlow as "Hot Rhyno" and I'm fucking dying.
    2 points
  29. Letting the wrestlers find their own way seems to be working out better than I might have expected. I can remember late last year being impressed with how they were getting Private Party, Sammy, and Darby over but at the same time complaining that Hangman Cowboy, Doctor Baker the Dentist, and the Brandi & Awesome Dark Whatever were not working for me at all. I was far from alone in those feelings. Now: Baker and Page are two of the hottest acts in the company, and they moved on from the Brandi missteps. They are certainly not batting 1000 but they really seem to be hitting more often than they miss.
    2 points
  30. IIRC, the sports based thing was something one of them said prior to the shows starting. Maybe Tony. Or maybe it was in a press release. Not sure why people continue to harp on it after months of seeing what the show actually looks like, but here we are.
    2 points
  31. You probably have a point. Maybe the videos should be more like a fake resort promotional tape, with Lee hanging out in Hawaiian shirts talking about their beautiful facility in the Smokey Mountains.
    2 points
  32. We did Episode III. Very jarring to go back to Christiansen after so long with Lanter. Much more whining and much less effectively annoying swagger. I don't think it really syncs up all that well. They do a good job seeding things with Clone Wars and it's almost too good considering how the payoff in Ep. III works out (being mainly about 1.) them not making him a Jedi Master and 2.) the fear of Padme's death and assurance that only Palpatine could help him prevent it). You see a lot of severe jealousy about Padme in Clone Wars but they had Anakin advance almost too much in that show that it feels like a weird regression. Likewise Padme being a wilting flower in Episode III that spends most of her time being scared or crying or what not. And then all the animosity between Obi Wan/Anakin/Dooku/Grevious is just shot, especially with Grevious. The 7 year old spent the whole back half of the movie wanting to know how Anakin got hurt. She also insisted we call him Vader and not Anakin from the Windu moment on (they made you attached to the Younglings in Clone Wars so that was what I was most worried about). At certain points she seemed mortified for Anakin and his bad decisions and had to look away, more out of embarrassment than anything else. She followed mostly everything though and went nuts for Order 66 and the tumor. I think she was most shocked by the Plo Kloon death. She was shocked Yoda just ran away too. She cracked up when Anakin and Obi Wan forced pushed each other across the room for some reason and loved it when Yoda force pushed the Emperor. The 18 year old was watching some of it too and he had to leave the room laughing for the "Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" moment due to the meme. The wife, as always, hates the prequels except for Obi Wan.
    2 points
  33. Putting aside whether or not this is a good idea - I don't know how you can do it where some teams can practice but others can't Like as ass backwards as the NFL is - if one team can't open, none of the teams can open
    2 points
  34. Thank god SOMEONE said it. Jesus.
    2 points
  35. I'm ready for every contingency. Now, if you need me, I'll be passed out on the floor.
    2 points
  36. I've seen people say they can pin exactly where in Revenge of the Sith this fight takes place, because apparently you hear a Sidious scream right at the beginning of the fight. So by the end of the episode, we are like 5 minutes from Order 66.
    2 points
  37. Let's see, I've made it to sixty years of age without ever having succumbed to the desire to take a picture of my dick. I know what it looks like as does my wife and we're both quite pleased with it overall. I have never felt the need to share a picture with anyone else and think that anyone that finds this sort of practice to be a good idea is either concerned about something and seeking approval or bragging. In either case, fuck 'em, they deserve what they get.
    2 points
  38. I keep going back to this promo as it makes you smile/laugh, need that in the current climate. I miss Cathy Kelley and the Iiconics.
    2 points
  39. You're in North Kakalackee, half the State is drunk by noon on most days anyway. Mix drinks while teleconferencing, it's probably more productive than anything being discussed on the call.
    2 points
  40. There are many things that I use the Intrawebs for, looking for pictures of wrestlers' dicks is not one of those things.
    2 points
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