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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2015 in all areas

  1. " 'Lil Naitch and the Horsemen Gang" is a comic strip/web series that needs to be made. "Legal guardian JJ Dillon does his best to keep his four rambunctious boys out of trouble but they always end up finding mischief and adventure wherever they go. Every episode features girl crazy Naitch, tough kid Arn, Big Barry who gets his head stuck in things all the time, and Tully who's always letting his temper get the best of him. What trouble will those boys get into this week? You can never tell with 'Lil Naitch and Horsemen Gang! Coming this fall to the CBS Saturday morning Kid's Funhouse!"
    8 points
  2. Good to see him get some exposure.
    7 points
  3. I wonder if Vince will make him appear as Stewart Johns.
    7 points
  4. Good to see him get some exposure. I like your style. You don't dick around.
    6 points
    6 points
  6. Joe vs. Necro Butcher ... How old is your son again?
    4 points
  7. No joke. Arn Anderson always looked like that one kid's dad that you only messed with if you needed the discipline. On the PPV where Arn turned on Dustin Rhodes and joined the Stud Stable, he does a post-match victory promo, and he's wearing GODDAMN bifocals and still looks/sounds like the toughest son-of-a-bitch going.
    4 points
  8. Something about rose tinted glasses, something about them being exceedingly thick/potent, something about Roman Reigns. Y'all can finish the joke from here.
    4 points
  9. So they're putting the guy some people think shouldn't be in the main event because of his neck issues in a ladder match?
    3 points
  10. I keep hoping a WWE crowd will start chanting "This is sports entertainment! Clap Clap Clapclapclap!"
    3 points
  11. What. In. The. Entire. FUCK. We're actually debating what form of abuse is worse? What, are we rating that sort of thing now? Oh, just FUCK that mentality. My migraine just got worse reading some of this mess.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. It doesn't seem quite as bad as it sounds:
    3 points
  14. They should have a giant do-rag on top of MSG
    2 points
  15. HAHAHAHA!!! I had no idea about the Black Falcon. It's a cool nickname if given to you. But why would you make that your own nickname? It's sort of crazy person talk. But Carmelo Anthony is way, way, way lamer. I'm not one to agree with Simmons but his mockery of Melo in his last piece was spot on. My friend described Melo perfectly. He's a total poser. He wants to be this "brand" -- he now signs autographs with "This Is Melo" -- and absolutely no one gives one crap. Except seemingly for me, since I find this oddly hilarious.
    2 points
  16. I think the problem with Roman Reigns is that he's never had any adversity whatsoever. I mean, wasn't it just this month that he had his first singles loss? I think he got beat down once by Orton on Raw before SummerSlam, but he never had any serious trouble with anything, dating back to even when he was in the Shield. Even post Shield break-up, instead of dwelling on the Seth Rollins betrayal, he gets gifted a title shot at Battleground despite, I don't know, hardly any singles matches at all. Then he's easily dispatching superpowered Demon Form Kane (who gave Daniel Bryan all sorts of beat downs) on throwaway Raws, when he finally faces Rollins, he's easily beating him even though poor Dean Amrbose, who actually cared about the betrayal, could never beat him. He's never had any adversity. How can he grow as a character if, (I can't believe I'm saying this) he's never had to overcome the odds? I think all this time Roman's been booked like a heel, and Vince has never realized it.
    2 points
  17. Yeah - age told me to stay the fuck away from bees
    2 points
  18. I'd like to believe Arn was teased once and then came back DDT'd the poor kid and then a young Tully, Ole, and Ric showed up and this was the test run for the beating they would later give to Dusty
    2 points
  19. I don't miss the big guys, but I do miss the Real Men who look like they could beat up your dad. Grizzled older guys who you just knew were tough as shit. As a kid, those were the dudes that looked the most badass to me. An Arn or Harley looked like they'd kick some nine foot tall pretty boy juice monkey's ass every time. HBK and Y2J were talking about the height thing on Jericho's podcast. Michaels was talking about how Nash would joke to smaller guys who said, "But HBK broke through!" with "Yeah, but he was four inches taller than you and could do everything that you can do."
    2 points
  20. Well, now we know Matt's pen name.
    2 points
  21. Hell JT, you're probably as prepared to to racing as any of us, except maybe Stout. I haven't done a race since Tuesday NIght Titans. I got on last night for a little bit. Told myself I would go do missions with randoms for a bit to raise money and maybe get myself some brownie points with the game. Of course what actually happened was that I spawned into a room of terrible players and spent 2 hours wrecking em. Blew up more personal vehicles than I should've, and spent a shitload of money on explosives. I think I'm just gonna have to accept that I've become a freemode degenerate. I did at least get one good kill out of it - I turned another player into an unwitting suicide bomber. I was chasing down a guy trying to sticky bomb him while we were both in Oracles. I managed to get one on his rear bumper, then hit the brakes. I was about to trigger it when I noticed he was chasing down another dot. I waited till he caught up to the other one, triggered it, and got both of em. Towards the end I wound up just north of the mall with dots hunting me from 3 directions. I managed to snipe one off the roof of the mall, and hunkered down to face the rest. One guy would just not learn his lessons. I got him with RPGs in exactly the same spot 3 times in a row. Then he came around another way and ran into the proximity mine I'd left there. Those 3 never did get me. A fourth guy eventually showed up without me realizing it and sniped me from a roof.
    2 points
  22. It's something I've thought about for a while. It's mostly what Mike said. Back in the day, most of the major stars weren't really fans when they were younger. They got into the business when their first choice(football usually) fell through. The current crop are all, for lack of a better word, geeks who grew up loving wrestling. Most of them were never into other sports, either. There are exceptions, but these guys' goal from day one was pro wrestling. The crazy thing is, none of the "love the business above all else" guys draw any money, but the guys who looked at it as work, did. Much of that can be placed on where the business is now, and how it's run, but I always found that interesting. I think a big reason things are the way they are, is because the only big game in town knows that many of these guys are just happy to be there.
    2 points
  23. Muta was huge though. Or do you mean in the States? He was still pretty hot here for a time though. Elsewhere, I've just read the full Daniel Bryan piece Dave wrote. Fucking hell, that was a depressing read and it's all pretty spot on. WWE have successfully depressed it's own audience.
    2 points
  24. We'd have to boot you, we surely can't demote you, Private Pyle.
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. Yeah. We're talking about a group of people deciding to not turn off the magic machine that pumps money into their veins. It doesn't matter if it's 40 pages or 4. For, I don't know, a BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS, they'll figure something out. Disney has managed to put out 14 movies based on the AIR BUD premise. And the market for those is desperate in-laws stopping at a giant bin in Big Lots for $4.99 on the way to some toddler's birthday party.
    2 points
  27. We just watched Big Hero 6 here and, wow, what a wonderful and fun movie. We all just loved it. I can't wait to see it again. Hell, we just decided that this Halloween me and my nephew are going as Baymax and Hiro, and his folks are deciding what characters they want to be.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Did he? Good for him! Too bad he can't wear his mask in Mexico though. Wait, can he even still wrestle? They changed the rules slightly when Silver King decided to mask himself again. A luchador can re-mask after 5 years. Ah, good. His aging boy face always weirded me out. Like those kids in Akira.
    2 points
  30. Can we just agree Ben said a horrible thing without dragging Bunkhouse Buck into it?
    2 points
  31. Taker's best lift is the deadlift.
    2 points
  32. While walking through the grocery store today, I passed the magazine section and saw that WWE put out a "Legends of Wrestlemania" issue. On the cover? Hogan, Austin, Savage, Hart, Michaels, Helmsley, Taker, Cena, Rock, and Bryan. Maybe it's nothing but I think that's a pretty big indicator of what the company thinks of Bryan.
    1 point
  33. I watched the Owens segment again. The dude is the best kind of wrestling sociopath. He is totally using the "guy trying to feed his family" thing as cover to act like a total heartless person. He believes absolutely zero words of it and anyone who dares challenge him on that point must pay some severe consequences. Truly magical work right now.
    1 point
  34. Wow. Who knew Jackie Fargo's last match was on a CZW show?
    1 point
  35. He shouldn't but he will. I'm just glad that he can be exploited and run into the ground by Konnan now instead of Vince McMahon.
    1 point
  36. Congrats to Fiorentina and Inter Milan.
    1 point
  37. Jew jokes. Up-front Defensiveness over ROH's style. Outright plugging of the Insane Clown Posse's Gathering of the Juggalos?? Yup. That's him.
    1 point
  38. Episode 5: Road Warrior Animal and the creation of Zubaz.
    1 point
  39. RIP Choo Choo. He burned brightly, if only for a short while. "Wonderful things happen when you sow seeds of mistrust in a garden of assholes."
    1 point
  40. And now for something completely different; wrestling in anime circa 1983. See how many wrestlers you can identify! (spoilered for size)
    1 point
  41. I kind of like the contradictory idea of a heel who uses his popularity as a weapon. Bryan being all "Have fun dealing with my chants" and standing up on the table to use his own fans as a distraction is interesting. Has anyone done that before? Used "being over with the crowd" as a tool for being a tool. I wonder how long it would last before they start to turn on him.
    1 point
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