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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2013 in Posts

  1. The idea of Barrett basically having a Debbie Downer gimmick is awesome. Brie shows off her new engagement ring to the other divas and Barrett saunters by and proceeds to talk about the plights of African child labor miners.
    6 points
  2. The correct answer is Giant Panther.
    3 points
  3. 1. Mr. Cabana does a lackluster job and is fired by the second game, construct a table displaying how long he will continue to complain about how the team misused him. 2. Formula: F(x) = _______?
    3 points
  4. David Otunga is RIGHT THERE. Oh god, Otunga and his coffee mug coming back as Trip's lawyer and chief crony would make this 10000x better.
    2 points
  5. I made this for Mike Jackson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iejOK2_uZyo&lc=B6XsyHBVtURd4bCJGXaikz6usLrNW2Gx00cisD3C7W4&lch=email&feature=em-comment_receivedI mI
    2 points
  6. I'm pretty sure this belongs here. In these October threads, we've been over the big series so many times, that it's hard to come up with a new angle. But I still want to watch them and post about them...So, i'm turning to the music. There's something special about the 80s wave of pop-horror and I think a lot of it has to do with how fundamentally moody and creepy the synth./guitar heavy 80s sound was. Those screeching guitar solos in FRIGHT NIGHT are sort of the standard by which I judge modernized horror...just enough of the old gothic sound, mixed with a sleezy kind of 80s Brett Easton Ellis smarm. Reading all the stuff on Gawker about Sinead O'Connor this week, I was weirdly surprised to find myself watching the last few minutes of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4: THE DREAM MASTER and as the credits started rolling, First I was like, "YES...this is that sound!" and then I was like..."wait a second...that's not..." So I did some digging and while I know everyone remembers Dokken from Part 3...I just want to pay tribute to the bizarre sequence of musicians who show up in this fantastically "Holy Shit, it's still the 80s, but 1990 is just about to hit, isn't it?" soundtrack for Part 4..and some of the weird places this led me: To start with, the song playing over the opening credits is written and performed by the girl who plays Kristen in the movie. Her name is Tuesday Knight...Yeah...How fucking awesome is that. If you wrote a movie about a character named Tuesday Knight, people would be like "You know what, dummy? I'm not buyin' it! It's ridiculous. No one in real life has a name that cool. Change it." Well, you know what? You were wrong about that, assholes. Becuase Tuesday Knight is out there. Seriously..fantastic, and this song has all that sleezy, synthesizery, overdone drums sound that always makes me think of Patrick Bateman and/or Charlie Brewster...Fuck yeah, 80s! Before being killed by Freddie, she sang backup vocals for Quiet Riot. Yeah. Kevin Dubrow probably hit on her while trying to cover up his hair plugs. She also sang a cover of "every breathe you take" in one of the first episodes of PROFILER Boom. Just that would be enough for a human life. But she is currently keyboardist in a David Bowie tribute band. The closing credits? The aforementioned Sinead O'Connor with MC Lyte. Does anyone remember MC Lyte? Of course not. But she is here, quoting "In the Mood for Love" and sounding every bit like every other forgettable crossover rap artist of that horrible, horrible year of 1990 that was about to descend upon us with all of its Neneh Cherry-y and Gerardo-y and EMF-y hellscape. What a bizarre pairing. Next! The Vinnie Vincent Mother Fucking Invasion... Yeah. The guy who replaced Ace Frehley in the shitty unmasked version of KISS. When he was kicked out of that?...he started this. This song...is amazing. It is the kind of generic metal ballad that will somehow give you flashbacks even if you've never heard it before. So Vinnie Vincent...poor man's Ace Frehley and now poor man's Don Dokken. I'm not sure what that gesture is that he's doing in that picture. It's like he's pointing at me. But his hand is tilted the wrong direction. His hand is prepared to tell me to come toward him. So, it's like 1/3 pointing at me, 1/3 telling me to "come here" and maybe 1/3 flipping me off? You know what? I don't have time for your special gestural language Vinnie Vincent. No one understands what we are supposed to do with that, which is probably why your invasion failed. If you're not hooked already, then just try to resist this: From Billy Idol's disastrous follow-up album to Rebel Yell. It's not like it's not great...It's great. The world just kept moving and he kind of stayed the same. Now the gesture in this picture, I get. That's the Heisman trophy pose, if the Heisman trophy was won by a sassy cat. Guys, this is just the start. and I'm already out of Youtube links for one post...and I haven't even touched on the Fat Boys yet...so standby...
    2 points
  7. Not quite the same thing but there was a thing that popped up that said "Simeon is looking for a special Coquette" and a green car icon popped up not far away. I was busy trying to break into Fort Zancudo at the time, so didn't do anything with it at the time, but later, running from cops, I saw the Coquette with a player in it, and he pulled into an alleyway to hide from cops.Just to be a dick, I led the cops right to him, and he drove off to the nearest LS Customs, in Paleto Bay. I followed He tried to go in but it wouldn't work because cops were after him. So I shot him, drove off and evaded the cops, went back and resprayed it, evaded a couple people trying to jack the ride on the drive across the map from Paleto Bay to the LS docks, and made $11,835 on the deal.
    2 points
  8. Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV?
    2 points
  9. I enjoyed the CWF IPPV even though the feed screwed up during the title match and the Rumble. The Tag title match was real good. Stuttsy sure loves his JR calls. I would have been drunk if I played a drinking game every time he said "Oh my god".
    1 point
  10. Feel sick for so many reasons. Absolute must see in 3D.
    1 point
  11. Jesus fuck, Paul Jones was awful.
    1 point
  12. You might want to download my 285-page PDF on the subject.
    1 point
  13. Times really have changed. Austin Idol actually let them know ahead of time he wasn't going to be there!
    1 point
  14. I realize it was a previous month's theme but this pretty much looks like every parent's worst nightmare for their daughter. ...or son.
    1 point
  15. Except, of course, it's Gatchaman in name only... Watched the first episode of Kill La Kill. DEFINITELY at least the must see show of the fall season.
    1 point
  16. I've long thought WWE should have a comedy division (not name it, obviously) but have a match every week that is full of silly spots and playing to the crowd and all, especially with how good Santino is at it, and you could Fandango there, rotate random divas in, rotate random legends in, and just make it a nice, short silly skit of a match. Anyways, I was reminded of this watching Santino/Emma-Fandango/Rae which was just perfect. I could watch and rewatch the intro to the match over and over again, with Emma and Santino being awkward on the dance/hug, then messing up their entrance, then Emma showing Santino her entrance, then Santino almost falling off the ropes. It was just amazing. I feel like Ohno-Harper was almost done to show Ohno how far he has to go. Harper just looked like he was in a completely different league than Ohno here (He is...literally and figuratively). For a guy who's gimmick is a strike (KO, I get it!), Ohno had some really shitty-looking strikes in here. I did like this kick through the ropes that landed him on his feet, but everything else besides his leaning into Harper's stuff was average at best. I know he was a big-time indie guy (I'll be honest, I've never seen a Chris Hero match, but have seen a few Ohno matches) but right now he looks like he's a long ways away from the main roster. Harper just looked like a star. Amore/Cass are just spot-on. I like that Cass is starting to develop a character of being Amore's big buddy/protector who can get just as annoyed with him as everyone else. Ascension-Neville/Banks was pretty blah except for Neville's spots which the crowd really gets into. I liked the part where Victor tried to make the tag and O'Brian pushed him out of the way because he wasn't the legal man. Bo Invitational was amazing. Kruger's got something...I just can't put my finger on it. I think he could be a lot of fun on the main roster in a sort-of Jack Swagger role, who could totally break out with just the right way/right angle/right promo, sorta like a poor man's Mick Foley.
    1 point
  17. I hope the bank is called H, H, and H. And it's represented legally by Park, Park, and Park.
    1 point
  18. "worst Raw main event of all time"? that's some superb hyperbole there. It wasn't a great match or anything, but it was perfectly serviceable. after a quick rewatch, face Booker T gets pretty much no reaction at all, no matter what he does. heel Bagwell at least gets some boos when he does heelish stuff. i think the biggest problem is that WWF had put so much time in saying WCW was inferior, then they give the main event spot to a face who had recently attacked Steve Austin and a debuting Buff Bagwell. there was no audience connection.
    1 point
    1 point
  20. Bad News Barrett should just be Wade Barrett walking around delivering actual bad news to people. For example, they can have R-Truth challenge someone to a match for a future date in Canada, and then Bad News Barrett can appear out of nowhere, and deliver the bad news that R-Truth isn't allowed in Canada due to his criminal record.
    1 point
  21. Just back from it. Amazing film, and definitely needs to be seen in IMAX 3D. Just stunning. Incredibly tense. Usually, I'm shifting in my seat, crossing my left leg over my right, crossing my right over my left and so on. For this? Feet planted firmly on the ground, and did not move at all for the entire film. Didn't eat a thing, didn't take a sip of water. Left with a bit of a headache from a combination of the 3D glasses and a subconsciously clenched jaw. But man was it worth it. Bullock definitely deserves to win an Oscar for this.
    1 point
  22. The best part was how JBL only changed his mind on MVP after he took him out for a fancy dinner.
    1 point
  23. I'm more surprised that the masked guy on Jimmy's right was apparently Neil Patrick Harris.
    1 point
  24. Does that mean Vera gets to avoid being cut for the second time based on a failed test suspension? Man I hate Brandon Vera so much.
    1 point
  25. Those Barrett videos rule. Wade Barrett: Is it true that no one knows who Johnny Curtis is? Johnny Curtis: I won NXT Season 4... Wade Barrett: No you didn't, Johnny Curtis won NXT Season 4! Johnny Curtis: I am Johnny Curtis... Wade Barrett: Huh, I guess it is true then. His new gimmick should be HHH's corporate interviewer/tv shill. Wade Barrett, investigative journalist!
    1 point
  26. Pepsi Throwback is so much better than actual Pepsi it's astonishing they are the same product.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I'm a little late on this because I've been back for a couple weeks now but I'd like to give a big Fuck You shout out to the city of Philadelphia. I've been all over the U.S. from coast to coast and Philly is overall the shittiest place I've been to outside of Arkansas. To be fair, I haven't actually been to Detroit outside of the airport. But Philly is pathetic. I go there multiple times a year and people live in absolute filth. It doesn't have anything to do with money either. You don't have to have money to not throw trash on the ground. For real, everywhere you look is garbage. I'm driving by a bustop, dude opens a package like a DVD or CD and just chucks the plastic garbage wrapper on the ground. Two minutes later the person in front of me chucks a McDonalds bag out their window onto the street. Stop at a light and look right and left and trash everywhere.
    1 point
  29. That's not a huge insult since Coulson was so fucking awesome in Thor.
    1 point
  30. Why is FSW acting like my own personal idea of heaven would somehow not work out?
    1 point
  31. HYPNOTOAD! All glory to the Hypnotoad.
    1 point
  32. I hate how non-developed the character of Alberto Del Rio is. How about a bunch of vignettes for Alberto Del Rio, "The Most Interesting Man in ... Sports Entertainment!" "He once fought an MMA match in Japan ... while wearing a mask!" "He has two faces... literally." "He once started a fight in a bar ... the night before a title defense at Summerslam!"
    1 point
  33. Bad News Barrett as a perpetually drunk coach of a midget tag team.
    1 point
  34. From WWE.com, this made me wish they ran that as a six man tag on the go home show
    1 point
  35. I am so happy to see this match, in large part due to this show being Glacier's debut and that also being the same day I got my cat Gracie. Despite being super-old now, she's still kicking.
    1 point
  36. Man, I want Bob Armstrong to drag Scott into the ring by his ear and make him tell the WWE Universe the truth about the fast count. Then I want him to punch Brad Maddox in the head and put on a clip-on tie and an airbrushed baseball cap that says "General Manager" on it.
    1 point
  37. She's not girlfriend material dude. Maybe if she'd have gotten you a PS4.
    1 point
  38. Until someone mentioned Wade Barrett, I honestly had not even noticed he wasn't on TV. Is there another current wrestler who so consistently fails to meet the sum of his parts? The guys is a good promo, has good presence, and works a believable style that fits his look and shows his personality/character well. Despite all of those things, he has almost never been interesting.
    1 point
  39. On paper this show sounds super boring.
    1 point
  40. He could always hook up with a smart guy and a swordsman and go into the kidnapping and war starting business.
    1 point
  41. More and more I'm starting to think that Sons of Anarchy should have ended a season or two ago and now they're just dragging shit out.
    1 point
  42. Wyatt Family and 2 Gators as a traditional Survivor Series team? Sign me up!
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I haven't watched any new puro in a long ass minute, thanks. Quality schmality. Seems like yesterday I was watching best of Benoit in Japan on a 7th or 8th generation VHS and really getting into that classic match, "sort of Owen-like white blob vs. sort of Benoit-like blobby shape".
    1 point
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