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Every time I hear this Punk/Lesnar talking point, I'm wondering how many people actually WATCHED that match. Not only did Punk not go toe-to-toe with Lesnar, most of his comebacks later in the match were due to him taking advantage of the no-DQ stip. The story of that match, (which the announcers could not have failed any harder to get right,) was that the no-DQ stip, which they were looking at in terms of "Oh jeez, Brock + chair = SOOPER SCARY!" ended up favoring Punk because he was the professional wrestler and he had more experience using plunder to his advantage.

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The only time I felt a Lesnar match was bullshit was when they had CM Punk pretty much going toe to toe with him. It looked weird and as a result the match is my least favorite in Brock's recent run.



Punk didn't go to to toe with Lesnar. He tried to go toe to toe with Lesnar, but every time he started exchanging strikes with Brock, Brock beat the hell out of him. The only times Punk was successful were when he was using his speed and agility and physics by pinballing all around the ring at Lesnar with his body. Then he'd get cocky, go for some kicks, and get beat the fuck up.



After 20 minutes or so Lesnar was begging off and Heyman was breaking up pin attempts. Punk lost via distraction. Not the way I would have booked it. Lesnar also needed to be dominant during this run, beat Undertaker and then drop the title to someone like Bryan at Mania so it would mean something. Obviously WWE had no idea what to do with him this entire time.

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Brock should've squashed Punk like a bug. If it was real life, Brock would just grabbed Punk's head and tossed out of the way. My favorite Brock moment ever is still the opening minute or so into his title match with Eddie. Eddie tried to show he was equal but Brock laughed at him then Eddie said something to him and Brock fucking killed him. I will always think Eddie said 'Fuck you, you motherfucker!!' In Spanish.

I wish more smaller guys would tell a big guy to fuck off. Such a wonderful way to get a guy over as tough and that he actually wants to win.

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You mean to tell me that Bryan's booking last year was, in fact, a desperation move that was forced on them and not some brilliant 11th-dimensional chess on their part? Stop the presses!

So they thought jobbing out Orton constantly was a good way to get him over?

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The only time I felt a Lesnar match was bullshit was when they had CM Punk pretty much going toe to toe with him. It looked weird and as a result the match is my least favorite in Brock's recent run.



Punk didn't go to to toe with Lesnar. He tried to go toe to toe with Lesnar, but every time he started exchanging strikes with Brock, Brock beat the hell out of him. The only times Punk was successful were when he was using his speed and agility and physics by pinballing all around the ring at Lesnar with his body. Then he'd get cocky, go for some kicks, and get beat the fuck up.



After 20 minutes or so Lesnar was begging off and Heyman was breaking up pin attempts. Punk lost via distraction. Not the way I would have booked it. Lesnar also needed to be dominant during this run, beat Undertaker and then drop the title to someone like Bryan at Mania so it would mean something. Obviously WWE had no idea what to do with him this entire time.



I think the rumor after Wrestlemania was that last year really was supposed to be Casaro's year and Cesaro was supposed to beat Lesnar at Summerslam. Of course Cesaro forgot to grab the brass ring, so that fell flat.

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They thought Randy Orton getting undeserved wind and titles because the boss liked him would lead to the audience froathing at the mouth to see returning hero Dave Batista defeat him and put him in his place. Instead they got an audience that desperately wanted to see the Daniel Bryan title reign they felt was stolen from them and him on the or for occasions.

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If they really have nothing for Cesaro, would it be too much to ask to let him finish out his days in NXT? There was rumor that him and Kidd were going to feud with Itami and Balor, which sounds cool. I also think he'd be a great guy to feed to Owens since he has a lot of NXT cred due to the Zayn and Regal matches. It would be a good "first big guy to stand up to the mean bully" feud where the bully can go over to look more legit.


Still have no idea how they botched Cesaro to the point we're talking about how he should ride out his contract given how over he was around Mania 30, though. That's a ball-dropping on par with Nigel in TNA.

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I doubt Cesaro is going anywhere. I'm sure he's upset about his booking, but the paychecks and exposure have to be nice. It also doesn't make sense to leave and the timing is pretty bad right now. You figure, ROH has too many guys already, NJPW has too many foriengers and TNA is practically dead. Since his style is mostly just strength stuff, he probably has a lot of wrestling years in him as well, which would give him plenty of time to go wherever after his WWE run ends.

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Cesaro is probably going to have a job for years to come. Hell don't be surprised if he ends up becoming the new Tony Garea. In 2050 he'll be there with a 104 year old Tony who still is working with the company simply because no one told him he was fired or noticed he retired.

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If it was real life, 


The very best thing about wrestling is that it isn't.


Good thing, because half the wrestlers would be in jail for aggrivated assault for attacking each other outside of sanctioned matches.

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