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What the hell... Roland Emmerich... the guy who did Independence Day and the horrible 1998 Godzilla  is directing a movie about the Stonewall Riots?  


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Here are the dates of all the movies that Sony just announced



“Money Monster” – 4/8/16

“The Shallows” – 6/24/16
“Ghostbusters” – 7/15/16*
“Patient Zero” – 9/2/16
“The Magnificent Seven” – 9/23/16*
“Underworld 5″ – 10/21/16
“Passengers” – 12/21/16
“Jumanji” – 12/25/16
“The Dark Tower” – 1/13/17
“Resident Evil 6″ – 1/27/17
“Bad Boys 3″ – 2/17/17
“Baby Driver” – 3/17/17
“Barbie” – 6/2/17
“Uncharted” – 6/30/17*
“The Lamb” – 12/8/17
“Bad Boys 4″ – 7/3/19
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Trailer is NSFW (though it isn't coded Red Band - I guess due to it being the "global" trailer)


If you have watched all the trailers you have seen the entire movie but I don't think anyone is really going to care in this case

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As sad as it is, it's kind of fitting that The Magnificent Seven is getting a remake (a second one if you count the TV series).


I feel like my two favorite directors will be rolling in their graves over that one.

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I knew this was coming.  The Trans community - at least in my experience and opinion - is in the angry teenager phase of acceptance.  Nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever good enough, and it's leading to a lot of cutting off one's nose to spite their face.  A *lot* of movies whitewash facts, combine people, omit people, and change facts.  


If you want a history, go watch a documentary.   


If you want to know what a story about what it's going to take to continue the fight to gain acceptance by all people, then you go to Hollywood.  

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I knew this was coming.  The Trans community - at least in my experience and opinion - is in the angry teenager phase of acceptance.  Nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever good enough, and it's leading to a lot of cutting off one's nose to spite their face.  A *lot* of movies whitewash facts, combine people, omit people, and change facts.


If you want a history, go watch a documentary.   


If you want to know what a story about what it's going to take to continue the fight to gain acceptance by all people, then you go to Hollywood.  


Maybe this is a problem that we should be addressing? It's not just the Trans community that has been highly critical of Hollywood whitewashing. After all, just because people know that they're not watching a documentary doesn't mean that they don't think that they're watching a dramatization of true events.

I mean, people got up in arms about a black actor playing Johnny Storm in Fant4stic because "that's now how he is".

I have no dog in this hunt, but it seems like a legitimate claim and is clearly a problem that Hollywood (and other pop culture arenas) have helped to create and perpetuate.

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Karl Urban or Michael Shannon should totally play Roland in the Dark Tower movie but people will fantasy book Viggo Mortensen or Liam Neeson.


I'd take Timothy Olyphant. He's got the tall, rangy look that Roland is supposed to have. He might be a little old for the part but seeing Paul Rudd in Ant Man makes me think he'd make a good Eddie. Maybe if they aged the character from being in his early 20's to mid-30's.

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BTW - there is a movement to boycott Stonewall

I knew this was coming. The Trans community - at least in my experience and opinion - is in the angry teenager phase of acceptance. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever good enough, and it's leading to a lot of cutting off one's nose to spite their face. A *lot* of movies whitewash facts, combine people, omit people, and change facts.

If you want a history, go watch a documentary.

If you want to know what a story about what it's going to take to continue the fight to gain acceptance by all people, then you go to Hollywood.

Maybe this is a problem that we should be addressing? It's not just the Trans community that has been highly critical of Hollywood whitewashing. After all, just because people know that they're not watching a documentary doesn't mean that they don't think that they're watching a dramatization of true events.

I mean, people got up in arms about a black actor playing Johnny Storm in Fant4stic because "that's now how he is".

I have no dog in this hunt, but it seems like a legitimate claim and is clearly a problem that Hollywood (and other pop culture arenas) have helped to create and perpetuate.

There now seems to be a vocal contingent in the comics community now that only want women to write women characters, minority writers to write minority characters, etc. and also the thing about Hercules going from being hinted at being bi-sexual to just being straight.
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Karl Urban or Michael Shannon should totally play Roland in the Dark Tower movie but people will fantasy book Viggo Mortensen or Liam Neeson.


I'd take Timothy Olyphant. He's got the tall, rangy look that Roland is supposed to have. He might be a little old for the part but seeing Paul Rudd in Ant Man makes me think he'd make a good Eddie. Maybe if they aged the character from being in his early 20's to mid-30's.



I'd take Josh Brolin or Olyphant. I don't think Viggo has the legs to do another LOTR type epic series. Wishful thinking has me wanting Daniel Day Lewis as Roland. Actually after watching the shit out of Mr. Robot, I really wanna see Rami Malek play Eddie Dean, and I'd take Zoe Saldana as Susannah.

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I liked the idea of the TV series bridging the movies. Always thought that would be the best way to tell the back story and minutiae, while giving the epic shit the attention and scope it deserved. 

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BTW - there is a movement to boycott Stonewall


I knew this was coming. The Trans community - at least in my experience and opinion - is in the angry teenager phase of acceptance. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever good enough, and it's leading to a lot of cutting off one's nose to spite their face. A *lot* of movies whitewash facts, combine people, omit people, and change facts.

If you want a history, go watch a documentary.

If you want to know what a story about what it's going to take to continue the fight to gain acceptance by all people, then you go to Hollywood.

Maybe this is a problem that we should be addressing? It's not just the Trans community that has been highly critical of Hollywood whitewashing. After all, just because people know that they're not watching a documentary doesn't mean that they don't think that they're watching a dramatization of true events.

I mean, people got up in arms about a black actor playing Johnny Storm in Fant4stic because "that's now how he is".

I have no dog in this hunt, but it seems like a legitimate claim and is clearly a problem that Hollywood (and other pop culture arenas) have helped to create and perpetuate.

There now seems to be a vocal contingent in the comics community now that only want women to write women characters, minority writers to write minority characters, etc. and also the thing about Hercules going from being hinted at being bi-sexual to just being straight.


That Herc one actually is sort of dumb considering the mythological figure was bi.

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BTW - there is a movement to boycott Stonewall

I knew this was coming. The Trans community - at least in my experience and opinion - is in the angry teenager phase of acceptance. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever good enough, and it's leading to a lot of cutting off one's nose to spite their face. A *lot* of movies whitewash facts, combine people, omit people, and change facts.

If you want a history, go watch a documentary.

If you want to know what a story about what it's going to take to continue the fight to gain acceptance by all people, then you go to Hollywood.

Maybe this is a problem that we should be addressing? It's not just the Trans community that has been highly critical of Hollywood whitewashing. After all, just because people know that they're not watching a documentary doesn't mean that they don't think that they're watching a dramatization of true events.

I mean, people got up in arms about a black actor playing Johnny Storm in Fant4stic because "that's now how he is".

I have no dog in this hunt, but it seems like a legitimate claim and is clearly a problem that Hollywood (and other pop culture arenas) have helped to create and perpetuate.

There now seems to be a vocal contingent in the comics community now that only want women to write women characters, minority writers to write minority characters, etc. and also the thing about Hercules going from being hinted at being bi-sexual to just being straight.

That Herc one actually is sort of dumb considering the mythological figure was bi.

I keep seeing people bringing this up. Should they also be upset Thor doesnt have red hair, as he does in the myths?

This maybe should go in the comics section, bhut since we are talking about here.

Some friends and i were talking about this tonight, regarding women and/or minorities writing comics:

Could a woman writer writing under a gender neutral pen name be able to keep their identity a secret in 2015?

I said no, because of all the internet snoops and privacy invaders, who would ferret out the info.

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All I care about is Wizard & Glass being done right on the big screen.


As much as I am excited about a movie, I don't really want a movie.  I want the entire series of novels on HBO with Game of Thrones production values.


They need to take their time telling this story.  The GoT experiment worked and I think that cable has finally proved that the cinema isn't the only place to experience epic storytelling and movies are further limited by the two and a half hour window of Okay I'd Like To Go Home Now.

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