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I don't think there's anything such as "Top Posters" though so don't feel that way.  There are people here whose posts I have read for a very long time and whose opinions I respect but someone could have 20 posts to their name and still make a damn good point about whatever topic. It doesn't really matter all that much. 


I have over 5.000 posts because I can't stop talking. A lot of them are me yelling "FUCK!" in the weekly NFL threads.

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I kinda know how it feels.  Most of the time, I don't bother to post since I accept that my viewpoint seems to be in the minority.


On another note, I'm officially starting antidepressant medication again.  I had been on Zoloft previously, but now I'm going to be taking Lexapro.  Hopefully it'll work a bit better than the previous happy pills did.

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The last time that happened to me I discovered it when I went to pay for gas and my card didn't work.



Nearing a week ago I awoke to en email from my boss apologizing for not warning me about the company meeting that had taken place earlier that day.  During said meeting our "corporate golden boy" General Manager was fired and we were told that because our sales staff didn't meet their goals in ANY of the last 4 quarters that our sister station would be taking over newscast production from us for our current channel. OUR production facilities are being shunted over to the Fox station that we bought last year in an attempt to staunch the losses.  We should be happy though because "It was either this or we shut you down completely."


So anyway, I think I'm going to become a bus driver

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It would be awesome if this cough would stop.  I really don't mind the actual being sick part of a cold, but the never ending cough after I otherwise feel completely better can go to hell.

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The moment you get home to discover that the dog has smashed an entire bottle of red wine on the carpet

Beats finding the dog smashed on an entire bottle of red wine.



At least you'd probably get some laughs off of that. Til it puked red wine vom all over the carpet. Nevermind.

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Feeling...relatively better in my second day since starting on the Lexapro.  Hard to say since it's still early.  Pills won't fix thought patterns that have been in place for years on end, so that'll take more time to work out.

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Hang in there, Patrick. 


I'd like to send a hearty F you to Gawker media. If you haven't heard, Gawker, ostensibly a news organization, set up a twitter bot that sent out Mein Kampf, line by line, and tagged Coca Cola in them, with the express purpose of getting coke to retweet them as part of the new ad campaign designed around turning hate speech on the internet in to positivity. Today, this story got big and embarrassing enough that Coke decided to stop the ad campaign all together. 


Now, I don't care about giving a hard time to an international corporation. I don't care if Gawker thought the ad was stupid and deserved scorn and derision. I do care that Gawker thought it was a good idea to set up a twitter bot that mindless spewed out hate speech, and then wrote articles bragging about it. So backwards. I feel like if someone else had done this, Jezebel or one of the other sister sites would have taken them to task, but since the cool kids are responsible, no one is saying a word. 


It's a completely shortsighted and shitty thing for them to do, and it seems clear they don't understand why, because they are basically saying "it was for teh lawls". 

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It would be awesome if this cough would stop.  I really don't mind the actual being sick part of a cold, but the never ending cough after I otherwise feel completely better can go to hell.

Amen to that. Everybody I know that's had the fucking cough I'm dealing with right now had it for a month or more. Coughs fucking suck. And every time you go to the doctor about it they shrug their shoulders and tell you to let it "run its course"

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Today can blow me.


I had taken my Jeep (a 2001 Wrangler) for some minor repairs, and was greeted with the news that the frame is rusted beyond repair.  The guy said it was actually dangerous.  I trust the guy......it's a shop that does all the repairs for our fleet of trucks at work.  Now vehicles come and go, I get it.  But this sucks for sentimental reasons.  The Jeep belonged to my dad, who committed suicide in 2010.  My mom didn't want it (she's pretty short and slightly disabled; it sits kind of high and isn't easy to get in and out of for her)  so it became mine.  I've driven that thing all over, man.  A lot of great memories from it, along with the sentimental attachment of it being dad's It's just kind tearing me up to think of junking it or selling it for parts. 


This was prior to my dentist appointment today.  I have no dental insurance and hadn't been to the dentist in awhile.  I'd had some pain in my upper gum area for a couple days, but had also had a head cold and hoped it had been sinus pressure.  However this morning it became centralized to a specific tooth, and got EXTREMELY painful....a constant throb....so I knew I needed to get it checked out.  Long story short, I need a root canal.  Best pricing I found with an endodontist was $795.  And the follow up crown will be about $1200.  Awesome. 


At least my dentist prescribed me an antibiotic for the abscess, and something for pain.  After two doses of the antibiotic, I already notice a huge difference so that's good. 


And if there is a silver lining to that part, I've always had a major crush on my dentist.  She's a really pretty and charming Indian woman.  I've lost about 50 pounds in the last year and she told me how great I look. So that was something, I guess. 

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Driving to work yesterday, I nearly got hit by a car that jumped the highway median.  Fortunately his front tires blew out and that slowed him down to the point where I could avoid him.


Today there was a fucking kitchen stove sitting in the middle of the left lane of the same highway.  Managed to avoid it since there was nobody in the lane next to me.


Think I should consider working from home tomorrow.

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Ten years ago I was wrestling with a friend when my knee loudly popped and I couldn't put weight on it for a few days. I have had chronic pain in my leg since. I suspect it's a ligament injury of some form, but I can only say "I suspect" because doctors refused to get me an MRI, and instead just said "ehh, you're obese, so lose weight and it'll go away." The pain has gotten worse, but I refused to see other doctors about it because I don't want to go through that shit again. It's humiliating.


Monday, while suiting up, I stood up oddly and pinched something inside my knee really hard. Like, the inner part of the leg, between the tibia and femur. Whole new world of pain for me. Just screamed. Had to tough it out through school anyways. Tuesday off my feet, wednesday was pretty awful.


Today, news of this event started getting around to my friends, and they're nearly begging me to go get it checked out.


I'm not thrilled.

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Wife's 18 year old brother, mute, autistic to the point of cant take care of himself has had a grand mal seizure...basically an epi fit. Convulsions, frothing at the mouth - the whole 9. wonderful way to start the morning.


Motherfuck this - the kid's got no quality of life - he's being cared for hand and foot by his 4'0" mother...


and her mums relations (all 6 brothers and sisters, plus 30 odd children between those 6) wont raise a finger to help because of Joe's condition. Family and religious superstitions, man.


so, probably going up to mannie in a few days...

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Prefacing this to say my plight is awfully trivial compared to Red's.


Booking flights for my company's annual Vegas show. I was looking at a Virgin America flight, going from JFK straight to Vegas and then returning non-stop as well (red-eye) for $622.


Oh, this year there's a $600 cap on airfare. And since I'm posting here, you can probably guess that I'll actually leave JFK at 7:30 am with a stopover in San Francisco. Yes, our director of operations added an extra leg and FOUR HOURS to my itinerary rather than, you know, pay an extra $20.



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