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Hey Facebook, go fuck yourself, you creepy motherfuckers. I've been on the thing for 10 years under the name I work under, and all of the sudden today it's a problem that it's not my "Authentic Name". Maybe I don't want people who Google my name to find my Facebook profile, dicks. You don't need to know that anyway.

Just make up a name that sounds real. 

Like Marcus Sinclair


To hell with 4:30 am trips to the roof to fix a leak.


*Over 2 hours in the winter after a storm in the dark or 5 minutes in autumn. Great choice.


Thanks guys. It could be worse I guess. The severance package I'm getting is pretty generous (all told I'll get 16 weeks pay + they will pay for 2 months of COBRA coverage so I'll have health care until August), and they also said they would support us when/if we file for unemployment. 


I'm not the only one losing his job. They're shutting down our whole store.


A few years ago, my parents committed suicide within a week from one another. Now the missus' mother tried to do the same. Jesus fucking Christ. And despite knowing how she must be feeling right now and having asked myself similar questions, I don't have a good answer when she asks herself, 'Am I that horrible a daughter that my mother would want to kill herself, knowing what it'd do to me?' It makes the closing of the company she works out seem trivial, which is, in a way, a good thing? I suppose?


I just had a listener show up at my house knocking on the front door. Rich and famous would be great. I could have a fucking gate. Poor and famous is starting to suck a little...



" I hate to bother you. Do you think you could give me an autograph, please? Some show tonight."

"Sure. What'd you say your name was?"

"You're dead, fucker."


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A few years ago, my parents committed suicide within a week from one another. Now the missus' mother tried to do the same. Jesus fucking Christ. And despite knowing how she must be feeling right now and having asked myself similar questions, I don't have a good answer when she asks herself, 'Am I that horrible a daughter that my mother would want to kill herself, knowing what it'd do to me?' It makes the closing of the company she works out seem trivial, which is, in a way, a good thing? I suppose?


having been in the 'serious contemplation but couldn't go thru with it' zone myself, I can say this with some experience: suicidal people aren't thinking of anyone else. They aren't thinking about how much it will hurt their family, only their own pain matters. This probably isn't news to YOU, but it might be to her. There's a level of depression where you get such incredible tunnel vision that you are emotionally incapable of considering the impact of your actions on anyone else. All you're thinking about is "how can I make this stop?" Knowing that doesn't make it any easier, obviously. But it's something you kind of have to keep telling yourself to get through it and not let the questions eat you.


You and your wife have my sympathy in this awful time.

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The dude on my porch pointed out that he lives down the road, has listened to me for years, and that we have a friend in common.


This being said, fuck all of that...


I live in a college-ish neighborhood. It's Eire Express/Shamrock Shuttle/etc. weekend(s) in Philly. I've already had to pick our garbage can off the ground twice tonight.


A few years ago, my parents committed suicide within a week from one another. Now the missus' mother tried to do the same. Jesus fucking Christ. And despite knowing how she must be feeling right now and having asked myself similar questions, I don't have a good answer when she asks herself, 'Am I that horrible a daughter that my mother would want to kill herself, knowing what it'd do to me?' It makes the closing of the company she works out seem trivial, which is, in a way, a good thing? I suppose?


My dad committed suicide in 2010.  I'll never get over it, but the ONLY thing that helps me is know that it wasn't something that he did TO me, rather something he did to himself.  I never lived a single minute of my life thinking my dad had anything other than love for me.  And because of that I know he would never have done anything to intentionally hurt me (or my mom, or my brother, who had died 19 days prior to my dad).  So it just shows me that his mental and emotional state must have been to a painful depth that I can't even comprehend. 


Yes, sometimes I get angry, but I think that's just natural.  But at the end of the day I know that the man who took his own life was not my dad, but was a shell of who he used to be, and that he was not himself.  And usually my anger ends up becoming sympathy and I hurt for him.  In an strange way, without getting into long details of finances and other things, I believe that my dad felt, in a way, that he would be helping us by doing what he did.  IF he was in a right frame of mind to be thinking about us at all. 


It's something that will forever be unresolved in my head and heart.  I've been asked if it bothers me that he didn't leave a note or anything.  And it doesn't.  For one thing, a note wouldn't change the end result.  And really, I already know he was at the lowest point possible and I'm not sure knowing details of it would make me feel any better.  As it is, I have two voice mails from him saved from from shortly before that, when my brother was sick.  And the pain and hollowness in his voice is very apparent now looking back.  Reading the details of his pain would most likely be even worse. 


Long story short though, there's no one right way to grieve or feel in a situation like that.  She's lucky she's got you to stand by her through everything.  My heart aches for both of you, man. 

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It's been one year today since my would-be father-in-law passed away due to cancer.  He died three months before we got married, so it's been a pretty up and down year.  Today both of us are in a bad mood and don't want to work at all.  But going home it'll be a pretty sad night.


Can't wait for this day to be over with.


My dad died due to lung cancer last year. (Well, really, a heart attack because of all the medication he was taking for it, but you know.)


The worst thing is when cancer goes from being some vague thing you read about or something that happens to other people to something actually happening to you or someone close to you.


My dad was a suicide in September of 2011. He was a 30+ law enforcement officer with serious depression and an out of control drinking problem that only got worse after my little brother died in 2004. He killed himself by intentionally drinking himself to death. We're guessing he had it planned for at least six months. I used to blame myself for not finding a way to stop him. I now know that there was nothing I could have done to stop him. He was done living and no one could have done a thing. I still miss him and probably always will. Anger and sadness sometimes still rise to the surface but the guilt is gone. It takes time but it does subside eventually.

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I've seen people close to me go through a few of these things.

My mom died of lung cancer complications, one of my cousins had a brain tumor two years ago and is still recovering, and my sister recently wrapped up chemo for a lump on her breast.

Also, I've had more than one person in my life commit suicide...even if I only knew some of them through online conversations, it's something that's tough to deal with.


As I said earlier in the thread, I've been in the "contemplation" stage of depression(started on new meds a month or two ago) but never to the point of seriously considering the big goodbye.  It's oddly funny that my main mindset is "someone has to take care of the dogs", but there it is.


So after all that, Virgin cancelled the fakakta JFK > LAX > LAS flight I was originally taking in May.


The replacement? The nonstop flight I actually wanted to begin with. :D


Now the problem is I may have to miss the start of Cindy's half-marathon that morning. What I hope to do is get up super-early with her, see her at the start (7 am gun), then haul ass to JFK via railroad from the Atlantic Terminal. Worst case scenario, I'll go with her into Brooklyn as far as I can before making my leave. Either way, there will be makings-up down the line...


I've seen people close to me go through a few of these things.

My mom died of lung cancer complications, one of my cousins had a brain tumor two years ago and is still recovering, and my sister recently wrapped up chemo for a lump on her breast.

Also, I've had more than one person in my life commit suicide...even if I only knew some of them through online conversations, it's something that's tough to deal with.


As I said earlier in the thread, I've been in the "contemplation" stage of depression(started on new meds a month or two ago) but never to the point of seriously considering the big goodbye.  It's oddly funny that my main mindset is "someone has to take care of the dogs", but there it is.



Seriously, I am secretly convinced pets have stopped so many people from suicide.

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Eh, I figure the cats have had a good run.


I'm not saying it's happening tomorrow or next week or next month or even next year (maybe), but I'll know bottom when I hit it, and I'm gone. It'll be nothing personal toward any loved ones. It'll just be that I refuse to live a certain way, and if I hit that point, it's time to check out.


I can't mean to hurt anyone, I just don't have that in me. But I refuse to subject myself to life at rock bottom just 'cause someone would be sad if I weren't living it.


You never know what's going through peoples' heads. As bad as you think it might be, it might actually be 20 times worse.


Thanks for the kind words and sharing of your own stories, people. Be certain it’s appreciated.

When my mother went away, I was angry with her because at the time I regarded it as a sort of ‘overreaction’. I can’t explain it differently than that. In a way, I knew that was a wrong interpretation on my part, and I’m still moving towards accepting it and harbouring no more hateful feelings towards her, which, I shamefully admit, I struggled with sooner after. In part because I had known for literally years that she was capable of doing it; and that, if she did it, my father would follow her shortly. He couldn’t live without her in his life and had told her and me as much. So after my mother went away, I knew my father would follow very shortly. And sure enough, he did. I didn’t feel any hatred towards him, or blamed him; I blamed my mother. And even that’s horrible enough.

I’ve been trying to do my best for the missus, but there’s of course only so much I can tell her. We’ll muddle through. Just as they were a source of distraction and some happiness for me, our dogs are the main reason she’s keeping a hold of herself. She’s strong as steel. Definitely stronger than I am. Her mother is doing better now, and she regrets having attempted it. We’ll see how that develops. Her search for new work is distracting her as well now, so that’s good.

As for myself, I never seriously considered suicide. I’ve hurt myself in various ways because I’d seen my mother do it as well plenty of times, and I hoped it would help me as well to get through some dark times. Of course, it didn’t. But suicide... No. I never wanted to ‘stop living’; there were too many things I still wanted to do. I just wanted things to change, and that meant enduring for a while longer.

In a very selfish and disgusting, horrible way, I am a bit glad my parents are gone. They have known little else than pain and hardships for most of their lives, and I have no idea that I don’t even know a tenth of it. But what they let slip out was harrowing. So now they’re at peace, I suppose, and it also means that I can sleep soundly and work with full concentration without having to look at my phone every five minutes to see whether some new bad situation just happened. I love them and I miss them, of course, and I have days where the void is unbearable, but with the missus and our dogs, I’m sure all of us will make it work.

God, this inane rambling is longer than I thought. My apologies, but I just felt like writing something down.

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It appears that i will be out of TV a month shy of my 20th anniversary in the industry. I was on vacation with my wife Thursday when a co-worker posted innoculously on FB about how an intern should be wary because half the people at his job got fired today. Said co-worker has two other jobs where interns could theoretically be involved, so I messaged him because I hadn't heard anything.

Turns out that Sinclair, late of Ring of Honor, has decided that instead-of being an ABC station with 6 newscasts spread out over the day, we're now going to be a fox station with ONE newscast. Everyone on my shows has been give 30 days notice, so our last show will be on April 10th. The BEST part is that I STILL haven't heard ANYTHING officially on this, despite there being newspaper articles, etc.

I apparently have a meeting Monday, but as I said everyone else on my shows has been let go, so it wouldn't make sense to keep me.

Fuck Sinclair and all its various subsidiaries.


Sorry to hear this, Mike. But, with twenty years in the biz, I've no doubt but that you will land on your feet. Good on ya!

It appears that i will be out of TV a month shy of my 20th anniversary in the industry. I was on vacation with my wife Thursday when a co-worker posted innoculously on FB about how an intern should be wary because half the people at his job got fired today. Said co-worker has two other jobs where interns could theoretically be involved, so I messaged him because I hadn't heard anything.

Turns out that Sinclair, late of Ring of Honor, has decided that instead-of being an ABC station with 6 newscasts spread out over the day, we're now going to be a fox station with ONE newscast. Everyone on my shows has been give 30 days notice, so our last show will be on April 10th. The BEST part is that I STILL haven't heard ANYTHING officially on this, despite there being newspaper articles, etc.

I apparently have a meeting Monday, but as I said everyone else on my shows has been let go, so it wouldn't make sense to keep me.

Fuck Sinclair and all its various subsidiaries.

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