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10 minutes ago, Cristobal said:

What response is it you feel you're owed that you're raging at people who aren't providing it?

How am I raging? Instead of replying to myself (or I guess Roman's anti-Muslim tirade above my follow up response to Ryan), Zeidler posted a GIF. If it was intended for Roman, then that's between Zeidler and Roman. If he is trying tie my response in with whatever response Roman had or just me directly, then that GIF is certainly unwarranted. For the obvious reasons and the fact that's a huge copout when you have any opportunity to openly discuss what you're feeling. So many times, I hear white people use the stereotypical, "well, we don't have any open forum" or this, that, and the other. Then, they clam up and get the vapors when they actually get one. If you can't do that on an internet forum with this level of anonymity, how in the blue fuck do you approach black people in real life? Or do you try to avoid black people like the bubonic plague? Because there are plenty of those people.

I don't take humor in the exploitation of the deaths of my people. I am going to hopefully and safely assume this applies to J.T., supremebve, and all the other black people on this board. Even though we've had our differences, we can at least agree on that.

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2 minutes ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

So many times, I hear white people use the stereotypical, "well, we don't have any open forum" or this, that, and the other. Then, they clam up and get the vapors when they actually get one. If you can't do that on an internet forum with this level of anonymity, how in the blue fuck do you approach black people in real life? Or do you try to avoid black people like the bubonic plague? Because there are plenty of those people.

Am I answering for myself or "white people" here? Because I personally never said or thought that. I can make some guesses at why some white people might say that, but I don't really agree with them, so I don't feel like taking up that particular cause.

I didn't engage with you because what you were discussing a topic (Obama and his town hall) I didn't have any comment about. I didn't see the town hall, and I don't have an opinion on whether Obama as President has properly represented black America.

I don't know why Zeidler posted his gif, but your response to it was so strong that I was curious what your response would be to the Hayes moonwalk. It had no meaning beyond "Shit, what'll he think I'm saying if I post this?"

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20 minutes ago, Cristobal said:

Am I answering for myself or "white people" here?

Who do you think you're answering for? Because all I see if like 2 or 3 paragraphs of texts saying, "Yeah, I'm going to say I'm not going answer or address anything and basically admit I posted a GIF for basically spam purposes and an admin would be well within their rights to delete it." 

Dude, I know when people are trying to be snide and cheeky (you and EVA). My response to Zeidler was strong because it was valid. Black people can see through that shit. Even if Zeidler wasn't trying to be that (or it was in response to Roman), he basically decided to not discuss it because posting a GIF is easier than discussing anything that even remotely tackles a really important issue. On the internet, that's another white person get-out-of-it like "I don't see race". 

You're in a thread where people are discussing something and you offered nothing. Well, except being snide and cheeky when that's the exact opposite of what's needed. Therefore, I can't feel anything other than "Yup, people want a forum and then decide to they don't want it because the fear of being able to discuss problems". So many people have died because people wanted to play the middle or play no position at all. And if it is the fear of being called a racist, then think about this. White people have caused the deaths of millions of innocent people, caused destruction worldwide, destroyed countless cultures and languages, and caused whole nations to crumble. The very least of your worries should be being called a racist. THE VERY LEAST.

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4 minutes ago, Mike Zeidler said:

I posted the thread to derail the political talk, because I didn't want to see the thread closed.  Fuck it, though, close it down

My take is not fucking political. I am talking sincerely about the destruction caused to my people. No one is going to close it because you dislike something. That would be absolutely asinine. You don't like it? Go create another thread. Or you know, don't go into this one. There are thousands of other threads. Go into those.

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I just needed to vent to someone else than the missus (because we often do that to each other as it is). Feel free to delete my post if you (or the board population in general) feel more at ease that way. I apologise if I made anyone feel uncomfortable with what I said, and I'll be sure to keep such a sensitive topic off the board if desired. (And just to be clear: I am not being sarcastic.) Sometimes people need a place to vent, and I'd hate to be the cause that such an opportunity is shut down.

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Just now, Mike Zeidler said:

You sir, are and always have been, an asshole.  I skim your posts because you add nothing to threads but heat and sexism.

You're trying to troll and bait. Dude, you just admitted to spamming a thread to get it closed when you can go to several other threads freely. Ryan and myself were discussing something, and you came in out of nowhere to post a meaningless GIF. If Rippa or someone banned you, I wouldn't be that mad because you gave yourself up.

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So, leaving aside the ranting, you are absolutely owed a response, my posting in the thread allows you to dictate the terms of what form that response will take, and if I decline to do so, it's because I'm afraid of being called a racist.

When you think you're conversing with people, do you actually recognize that people are saying things or are their lips just moving to a dubbed track generated by your own mind?

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1 minute ago, Cristobal said:

So, leaving aside the ranting, you are absolutely owed a response, my posting in the thread allows you to dictate the terms of what form that response will take, and if I decline to do so, it's because I'm afraid of being called a racist.

No, I didn't ask for a response from you. My response was aimed at Zeidler. I didn't respond to you or EVA. However, your response (or non-response) basically admitted "I have nothing but I did spam the thread to bait someone".

4 minutes ago, Roman said:

I just needed to vent to someone else than the missus (because we often do that to each other as it is). Feel free to delete my post if you (or the board population in general) feel more at ease that way. I apologise if I made anyone feel uncomfortable with what I said, and I'll be sure to keep such a sensitive topic off the board if desired. (And just to be clear: I am not being sarcastic.) Sometimes people need a place to vent, and I'd hate to be the cause that such an opportunity is shut down.

I didn't agree with several of the things you said, but based the fact that people want to run away from stuff, I can't really condemn you. You at least owned up to something.

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