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Now there's a man with a plan!


I'm seeking to avoid OSJ's fate by engaging in as little physical activity as possible.

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I am out of pills right fucking now and am not enjoying it one bit. Thankfully I know people who can get things and I will have some morphine tomorrow. Right now my back hurts so much that it's hard to type. Yesterday we had to put our oldest (17) cat down. Medea had a great life, but I'm going to miss her. She went way downhill in a matter of days and was in obvious pain, so it was time.

Going to be out of pills soon and the demons will be in full control til July, 


Im sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon. 

I have not had a pet since 09 when my long time dog died. Have not tried replacing her, I just can't deal with anymore death. 

Edit: My doctor give me 45 half a milligram Ativan and expects it to last me 90 days. Without shedding more light on my daily life, that is not reasonable. I don't know what to do. I have taken to other means to get by, but that is not fanancially feasible for me long term.

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My friend, I'm no MD, but I do know a thing or two about anti-anxiety meds, depression and all that shit having lived with being bi-polar as fuck for most of my life... My concern would be this, Ativan is supposed to be used short term, anything over ninety days is questionable. I don't have any idea what you're being treated for but I would certainly consult another MD as to what your long-term alternatives are. Taking Ativan for an extended period is problematic, your doc is also giving you a very low dose, which leads me to think he has no fucking clue what to do for you.







I am out of pills right fucking now and am not enjoying it one bit. Thankfully I know people who can get things and I will have some morphine tomorrow. Right now my back hurts so much that it's hard to type. Yesterday we had to put our oldest (17) cat down. Medea had a great life, but I'm going to miss her. She went way downhill in a matter of days and was in obvious pain, so it was time.

Going to be out of pills soon and the demons will be in full control til July, 


Im sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon. 

I have not had a pet since 09 when my long time dog died. Have not tried replacing her, I just can't deal with anymore death. 

Edit: My doctor give me 45 half a milligram Ativan and expects it to last me 90 days. Without shedding more light on my daily life, that is not reasonable. I don't know what to do. I have taken to other means to get by, but that is not fanancially feasible for me long term.


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Oh, and so sorry about your dog. We've had to deal with several cats leaving us over the years, the one that hit me hardest was when we lost Fantom last year, he was less than a year old. A stray dog grabbed him and shook him hard enough to sever his spinal column, so there was nothing we could do but let him go. The poor little guy was raised as a kitten around dogs and horses so it probably didn't even occur to him to beware of the dog. I thought that we'd never get another cat after that but my wife dragged me to the Humane Society and Twister reached out of his cage to pull at me. We couldn't do anything for Fantom, but we could make sure this other little guy had a nice home to go to. Since then we adopted Jackpot and Seven and then Newt and Sersei. Can't save 'em  all, but you do what you can... I'm up typing this at this hour because the little rascals took over my side of the bed when I got up to get some water... ;-)

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your doc is also giving you a very low dose, which leads me to think he has no fucking clue what to do for you.


Both the current doctor and his predecessor (who got a new job) both basically said that.

He/they said that I have clinical depression (which is chemical), on top of that circumstantial depression (which is stuff that would make anyone depressed) and to wrap it up, I have a rare form of bi polar I cannot remember the name of, basically it cycles me all the way down to depression and only goes up to normal, which my mind mistakes for high. 

He very nicely said I was screwed. So I get the fifteen Ativan a month and he experiments with Lexapro. Which actually worked great at first and has slowly lost effect. 

I don't know what to do really. As I grow older my mind feels like garbage, the Ativan gives me a measure of peace. I have resorted to getting other nerve pills when I can find them. Which is far from ideal but I am desperate. 


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I don't usually post in this thread, well ever, as my "problems" are usually in my head and don't compare to you guys. But my life, such as it is, is falling apart, and its here or facebook. LONG story short, I am a 36 year old virgin(never had any girlfriend or really close to it; suffice it to say I am fairly antisocial with no romantic instinct) who still(and has always) lived at home. I graduated from Idaho State 13(!) years ago with a history degree and have not found any particular use for it, and have gone from substitute teaching to retail and back. 


Now that the basic preface is out of the way, here is what is happening; My mom, a great teacher, has been forced out of her job due to a principal that hates her. The canard about not firing teachers is bullshit, at least here in Idaho. all it takes is a principal not liking you, and BOOM, your gone. She was in the Blackfoot school district, and is trying to get down here to Pocatello. She had an interview the other day, and we are hopeful, but it still hurts really bad. She is a TItle-one trained teacher, and has always raised her kids scores, and they love her, but what can you do. In fact, in a few minutes I'll be writes her "resignation" letter for her. 


My dad, a life long alcoholic(except for 9 years growing up, roughly 7-16 for me) is slowly drinking himself to death in our basement. We would have had the house paid off, but for him fucking up the taxes fifteen years ago, and other assorted fiscal ailments along those lines. And a few weeks ago, he totaled our mailbox with my mom's van(which we got back in October, its used, but in nice condition). He has a nice big bruise on his side from that one, though exactly how the hell it happened we don't know. If that wasn't bad enough he appears to be suffering from some sort of early liver failure, though he has no insurance, having taken early retirement, when his work laid him off last summer.


Those are the "major" problems, but there are another couple of issues going on at the same time. One of my younger brothers, is moving to San Diego, and while that's good for him, its still been stressful, as we have always been in the same city an pretty close as a family. My other younger brother has two kids, and is having problems with his 3 year old. Nothing major, but Wyatt(my nephew), still ending up upset alot, and its hurts my mom to see it. Just usual kid stuff,  nothing that would be considered out of turn, or abusive, but just enough to add stress.


And to top it off I still don't know what to do with my life. I know I am a loser, and I whining one at that, but still this shit hurts. . . . 

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Sorry I did not reply to you sooner Kuetsar. You are having some serious problems.

I wish I could offer you some good advice, but I do wish you luck. Do not let your father's alcoholism drag you down. I know that is easier to say than do. Please stay strong, 

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I also don't usually post in this thread but I gotta vent somewhere and facebook sucks. About 3 weeks ago, my mother was admitted to the hospital suffering from a infection. I found out she had sepsis and almost lost her twice. Her blood pressure is all over the place and her kidneys shut down. That caused her liver to shut down too.  She will have to be in dialysis for the rest of her life it seems.  Today, the doctor started talking about hospice or she could have a tube put in her throat to help with breathing along with the dialysis. I should mention that I'm an only child and she doesn't have a significant other so I"m pretty much alone in making the decision. She also had no living will so I have to guess what she would wanted.  Moral of the story is make sure your parents have a plan for when they go and don't wait till the last minute. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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So because my first 'real' breakup was pretty public here a few months ago, an update. (that isn't "SON OF A!" material, but is an update of something that was.)


Short version: I dumped her. We got back together. It was a disaster. I dumped her again under shit circumstances (sending her an e-mail when I knew she couldn't respond because she was travelling for work), but it seemed like the only option since every conversation we had turned into a discussion of how my female friends were out to get her.


Breaking up with her was definitely the right decision, as evidenced by the fact that I have 3 witnesses (mutual friends, or at least friends of her friends if not friends of hers) who have told me that the mere mention of any of my female friends is enough to make her throw a shrieking fit about how they stole her boyfriend and ruined her life.


Not gonna lie, wish I were dating more. But that was all the assurance I needed that I'd made the right decision, and that I would be happier single than partnered with her.


Thanks again to JRGoldman, Zeidler, OSJ, Victator, Matt D and anyone else I'm forgetting who gave me advice in Feb.

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My girl told me when we first got together that she was a commitment-phobe. Yesterday, I asked her if she wanted to meet my brother's family. Not my parents, my brother. And after I asked her, she hasn't talked to me since. It's been a full day now, and we usually talk everyday. What the fuck???

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So because my first 'real' breakup was pretty public here a few months ago, an update. (that isn't "SON OF A!" material, but is an update of something that was.)


Short version: I dumped her. We got back together. It was a disaster. I dumped her again under shit circumstances (sending her an e-mail when I knew she couldn't respond because she was travelling for work), but it seemed like the only option since every conversation we had turned into a discussion of how my female friends were out to get her.


Breaking up with her was definitely the right decision, as evidenced by the fact that I have 3 witnesses (mutual friends, or at least friends of her friends if not friends of hers) who have told me that the mere mention of any of my female friends is enough to make her throw a shrieking fit about how they stole her boyfriend and ruined her life.


Not gonna lie, wish I were dating more. But that was all the assurance I needed that I'd made the right decision, and that I would be happier single than partnered with her.


Thanks again to JRGoldman, Zeidler, OSJ, Victator, Matt D and anyone else I'm forgetting who gave me advice in Feb.


I've been with the same lady for 12 years now, so it has been a while since I dated. But one thing I learned with relationship of all types (dating, friends, workplaces) is that life's too short to deal with people/situations that make you miserable. There are some exceptions -- kids within the context of an incompatible relationship, relatives, hard to find a different job, etc. But my general rule of thumb since my early 20s has been to get people who make me miserable and/or crazy out of my life as quickly as possible.

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Well, the girl started talking to me again. And yeah, confirmed that asking her to meet my brother did freak her out. So I said don't worry about it. So everything's fine now, but this relationship probably has a shelf life on it, so that blows.

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Hey, remember my Easter bout with bleeding out my penis?  Guess what the last day of May brought?!?!?


"We'll need a urine sample"


*pitifully barely fills cup halfway, then stands around wondering whether to press the "HELP" button while a pint of blood dribbles out, turning the ER bathroom floor into a crime scene*


Turns out my primary care physician doesn't really care, but now I'm on super-antibiotics to clear up this infection I've had for the past 2 months, at least.


Oh, and a hearty fuck you to 2015 because also

I have a tumor on my kidney!

They want to wait until the infection is cleared up to biopsy it

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Stay strong. As far as the kidney thing goes, I don't know if your doc has told you the one thing that eliminates a lot of worry and sleepless nights... Even if it is a worst case scenario, "we" (I mean all us human types) only need one kidney and our system actually runs more efficiently with just one. The fact that they want to wait until the infection clears up until they run the tests (including biopsy) indicates that you've got a good care provider, it's real easy to spread an infection around the body by poking and prying around (like doing a biopsy), there are a whole lot of providers who would have ordered it done now just as a reason to get your file closed and the bill to your insurance company expedited. That they didn't do this indicates that you've got some good people working on you. Just do as the Dude would and abide.

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As far as I'm concerned, I hope Caitlyn Jenner is happy.

And as far as I'm concerned, Caitlyn Jenner probably doesn't care about helping transgendered peoples cause. This is a person who likely only cares about a brand and making money.

And as a person who is both a member of and has many friends in the queer community, this bothers me.

Caitlyn Jenner. You are a no good dogshit jabroni forever. As a representative of the queer community, I hearby strip you of your queer privileges.

We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

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Hey, remember my Easter bout with bleeding out my penis?  Guess what the last day of May brought?!?!?


"We'll need a urine sample"


*pitifully barely fills cup halfway, then stands around wondering whether to press the "HELP" button while a pint of blood dribbles out, turning the ER bathroom floor into a crime scene*


Turns out my primary care physician doesn't really care, but now I'm on super-antibiotics to clear up this infection I've had for the past 2 months, at least.


Oh, and a hearty fuck you to 2015 because also

I have a tumor on my kidney!

They want to wait until the infection is cleared up to biopsy it

I hope it turns out not to be serious and you're okay.

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My uncle passed away the day before yesterday.  I am okay but my father is taking it pretty hard.  That was his younger brother and you don't expect to outlive your younger siblings or your kids.


He is maintaining a stern front face as all old school guys do, but he broke down a bit while talking to my daughter on the phone.   The homegoing ceremony will be key to helping him deal with his feelings.  He needs to allow himself to be mourn and process what he's going through.

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As far as I'm concerned, I hope Caitlyn Jenner is happy.

And as far as I'm concerned, Caitlyn Jenner probably doesn't care about helping transgendered peoples cause. This is a person who likely only cares about a brand and making money.

And as a person who is both a member of and has many friends in the queer community, this bothers me.

Caitlyn Jenner. You are a no good dogshit jabroni forever. As a representative of the queer community, I hearby strip you of your queer privileges.

We wish you the best in your future endeavors.


As someone who's only tangentially related to the queer community, I'm cautiously optimistic. At the very least, it's a bit more exposure for the trans community.



Re: Vic's meds: What worked for me in regards to depression/anxiety was being given Viibryd. My shrink had a free month starter kick (starts with 10mg, then goes to 20mg, before settling at 40). I dunno if it's applicable to BP, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

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