cool arrow Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 This was probably the most physical WWE show I've ever seen. Top to bottom everyone worked their asses off and aside from a few things it was great. I'm 100% on the Rusev bandwagon tonight for reasons beyond being in lust with Lana. The Shetland Hosses match was really short but it was so physical and brutal I want to see them again for longer, Rusev really showed me something tonight. Also, Hornswoggle just went Hollywood on the press conference. Greatness. How could it be otherwise? 2
w. josh Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Diva-tista! Although if I were Bryan or Cena, I'd be a little worried that Big Dave was dressed like a Bella. 1
ebbie Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Man, fuck that crowd. The midget match was disappointing. It was the same length as the others, but it just felt like it took for-fucking-ever to get it over with. I thought it was smart to open with the US title match. But it was weird that a smarky crowd was more into Sheamus than Cesaro. Sheamus looked oodles and oodles better than Cesaro. Cody Rhodes is awful. The tag match with those jokers wasn't bad, but unless you were a fan of someone in it, you probably didn't care. Lol @ at them being Big E. to be the one babyface on the roster to do run ins to look like total idiots. Makes me wonder what Miz is gonna do now. I think Wade and RVD's styles match up well. But RVD is soooo slow and old, it comes across as uninspiring. I don't know if having everyone calling RVD old, but having something to prove while looking old and gassed is the best thing to do.. LMS was odd. It sounded like there was a Let's Go Cena/CM Punk dueling chant at the beginning. Someone said it was the usual dueling Cena chants. But goddamn it, whatever it was, that crowd did more to bury Wyatt than anything the booking up to that point. Wyatt got literally buried. The last guy Cena did that too.. Yeah. Divas match felt shorter than it was. Alicia, plz hire a better weavologist. The main started off hot, then became a polite 6 man tag match, then like someone playing super easy on a new wrestling video game trying out the controls and moves, then it got hot again. Boring. 1
Cristobal Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Piranesi fashion update is going to be glorious: Roidy Smurf
Raziel Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 The Kane/Bo/Kofi bit was "payback" for Kofi tweeting about Steph abusing her power with the Title Decision. And sadly, with how much of a heel that needs an ass kicking that Steph is, that slap is probably the most comeuppance she's gonna get.
Eivion Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 I really liked Evolution/Shield. It definitely went a little long, but I thought Evolution's long control built up to fantastic comebacks for all members of the Shield.
Niners Fan in CT Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Kings are going to the finals. Suck it, Punk. 3
ebbie Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 And sadly, with how much of a heel that needs an ass kicking that Steph is, that slap is probably the most comeuppance she's gonna get. I was hoping Brie would come out in ring gear ready to throw her around. But nope. *edit* The guy holding the "STOP SCREAMING" sign while Paige screamed won for the night. 1
MGFanJay Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Post-show has Hornswoggle being amazing and Cena basically saying that the feud will continue and he now respects Bray. AND AMBROSE IS PUTTING HIS HEAD ON THE TABLE FOR THE PRESS CONFERENCE!
cubbymark Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Seth Rollins might as well be New Jack at this point.
SirSmUgly Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Dean Ambrose with his head down on the table during the Shield's press conference is FANTASTIC. Reigns is staring into space like he's having 'Nam flashbacks.
SirFozzie Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Dean Ambrose is so carny, head down on the podium in the press conference interview
w. josh Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 So Adam Rose is going to be Goldy's new partner, yes? Because that's the best non-Stud Stable outcome for all parties involved. 1
offspring515 Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Big E is going to get hurt bad with that spear to the floor. Bryan/Brie/Steph segment was fantastic. Steph's dress seemed like a cheap ploy to distract Dean Ambrose. LMS was very good up until the finish. After all that they did in that match the gimmicked box, that looked like Bray fell through a layer or wrapping paper, was a terrible finish. Main event was odd, not nearly as good as last month, but interesting to see them put over The Shield so convincingly. I fully expected Reigns/Hunter as the final two. Also interested to see where Cody and Goldust go. That moonsault attempt was frightening.
mco543 Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 This was probably the most physical WWE show I've ever seen. Top to bottom everyone worked their asses off and aside from a few things it was great. I'm 100% on the Rusev bandwagon tonight for reasons beyond being in lust with Lana. The Shetland Hosses match was really short but it was so physical and brutal I want to see them again for longer, Rusev really showed me something tonight. Also, Hornswoggle just went Hollywood on the press conference. Greatness. How could it be otherwise? Cena throwing the stairs was probably the spot of the night but the table superplex and the Rusev German are up there though. These guys are going to be ridiculously sore tonight and tomorrow for Raw. Maybe there was something to that NXT bullshit where they didn't want get shown up by the minor league. I've come around on the press conferences they're great and I love them now.
Patrick B. Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 - LMS was entertaining, but seriously, why the fuck couldn't Cena lose this feud? he had NOTHING to lose this time, no title or anything, and they could have made Bray a huge threat/star. Wasted opportunity. Dude. HIS LEGACY. 1
JRGoldman Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Seth Rollins might as well be New Jack at this point. How great would a New Jack/Seth Rollins tag team be, with New Jack struggling mightily to stay PG?
TheVileOne Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Seth Rollins is going to break his neck doing that suicide dive one of these days. Main event was really good, but the extended Evolution beatdown in the middle really dragged. I'm assuming Batista gets kicked out of Evolution or something tomorrow to send him off for Guardians of the Galaxy. Last Man Standing match turned out pretty good. The steel step spot was awesome. I'm glad Daniel Bryan is still champion and all, but how much longer can they drag that angle out? LOL, why is Bo Dallas getting a press conference?
Spontaneous Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 What was with the accidental pyro in Wyatt-Cena? Did they cause that or what? Seemed odd. Xavier Woods, defeated. R-Truth, Defeated. Big E, defeated. So does Darren Young or Titus O'Neil finally topple the evil Russian?
ebbie Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 LOL, why is Bo Dallas getting a press conference? Because he is the one NXT call up that is making his gimmick work in front of a WWE crowd.
Greggulator Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 The whole show rocked.Sheamus/Cesaro was great, stiff-as-hell and a lot of fun. Exactly what I thought a PPV match between those two would look like. Rhodes Brothers vs. Rybaxel was very good. I like the Cody self-confidence stuff a lot. It gives him some meaning again. Fun match.Rusev/Big E was a really good sprint. The Big E apron dive thing is an awesome signature spot. These dude beat the hell out of each other and that is always a good thing. Props to Big E for no doubt needing back surgery to repair slipped discs in his back in a few years by bending that much in The Accolade. Also, Lana wore her most workplace inappropriate outfit yet.Kofi/Kane/Bo Dallas was a pretty great segment. It reminds the audience that Kane is still The Authority's tool (since he came out to get revenge for Kofi's Tweets that were discussed in the pre-game show) and Bo looked like a total cowardly toolbag by fleeing and then doing his post-match thing. Awesome way to show what his character's all about.I thought BNB vs. RVD was actually decent. It was the best RVD showing since his return. That's not saying anything at all, I know. The agents/Wade/whoever did a good job putting a match together around RVD's stuff.The Steph/Bryan/Brie angle was exactly how the angle should have unfolded. Steph got her comeuppance and the crowd ate it up. Steph's been absolutely amazing since The Authority angle began. Any comeuppance she gets will get over because it means something. Her CM Punk diss was great, too. This was a pretty great professional wrestling segment.Bray/Cena was awesome. That match felt so completely violent and brutal and nuts. It was just an out-of-control mess in the best way possible. I really wish we got to see Bray in ECW or FMW or CZW or some 80s regional because the amount of blood and insane garbage match stuff that dude could pay off would be amazing. Give Bray another on the Best Of The Year list.Paige/Alicia was fine. They do their best to try and get something from the crowd. That's all you can really ask them to do.I missed the end of Shield/Evolution because my feed crapped out. The match had such a weird pace to it in the beginning. It really picked up a ton, too. I loved Roman telling the camera dude to get out of his way so he could do his apron dropkick thing. Rollins doing his insane dive was great. Kendo sticks on Roman were nice and nasty and a great introduction to what to expect as the BMOC. Another fun garbage match.Really fun show. 1
TheVileOne Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Ambrose's best line, "That's good. Too bad there's t-shirt that says that already." Then Roman Reigns gives him a death glare like, "Shut the fuck up, I'll kill you for talking you dumb fuck."
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