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Dynamite - 10/18/2022

The Natural

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26 minutes ago, Craig H said:

Oh yeah, and if MJF, the devil, is champ, and we somehow don't get Miro vs MJF, then something is wrong. 

Dude, one of those shadowy, sepia-toned vignettes with him going "I now know what my God needs me to do." would be so GD killer. Great call

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51 minutes ago, John from Cincinnati said:

752k, 0.26 demo, 8th on cable. Sports ate everything. 

Was always going to be a tough night between being on Tuesday and thus splitting wrestling viewers w/ NXT, NBA home opener, and baseball playoffs. Still beat NXT tho and that's with Triple doing his damndest to win the night. 

Riho vs. Jamie Hayter is awesome booking.

All Elite Wrestling on Twitter: "Congratulations to @AEW Owner, CEO &  GM @TonyKhan on winning the @WONF4W's 2020 Best Booker + for the second year  in a row 2020 Promoter of the

While Adam Cole is living proof of no concussion is a "mild" concussion, it seemed like it was either that or a broken neck, so i guess this is the lesser of two evils. I wish him the best in his recovery and hope he is back pissing Matt off with his all strong grapple offense in no time. Adam Cole returning as a huge babyface will be the right thing for him if and when it happens.

I really appreciate the push to legitimize the women's division, even though it isn't exactly full throttle, but what does it say about the champion seemingly always being overshadowed by other people in the ring? Storm is one of their better bell-to-bell women they got and she's got the looks, but why do we care about her? She's a rock and roller? ?‍♂️ Okay. She got to the top in her first six months, so she didn't exactly struggle or grow so there's no organic connection there either.

Now, Riho. That's a champion you can set your watch to. I'd love to see a tag team of Riho and Willow. Cheery old school babyfaces. 

What's the end game with Jade? And Death Triangle splitting up (thankfully!)? I'll be happy when Fenix is just an out and out babyface on his own and Penta and/or Pac are fucking him up. Bandido & Fenix vs. Pac & Penta. Let's go. If not Best Friends, who takes the belts off DT tho?

Miro seems to be just chilling. His imdb profile is empty other than wrestling and that pilot he filmed ages ago. His twitter account is mostly Real Madrid (how can a Bulgarian be a Madrid fan with Stoichkov playing for Barca in the '90s?!) and him having fun at Halloween's premiere and eating food. So weird. He's one of the best acts you've got and you're down a handful of top tier talent. The roster feels so small right now and it's so heavily reliant on rematches lately, which is strange because they desperately avoided doing them for the first few years. Redeem us plz.

Edited by Jiji
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16 minutes ago, John from Cincinnati said:

FTR and Spears. They need more belts.

I'd bet on Kenny and the Bucks though. 

Praying for this to be true. Schiavone did triple or even quadruple clutch on dropping the Elite's name though. 

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15 hours ago, Greggulator said:

I think it makes good sense if they go one of two ways:

1) MJF tries to earn it by wrestling clean against Moxley... only he doesn't have what it takes to do so, and he has to become a true villain to make it happen. And maybe he ends up learning to do so at the feet of William Regal, one of the greatest villains of them all.

2) MJF does something dirty to beat Moxley but does it on his own -- beyond just hitting Mox with a ring. But he does something that requires Mox to go on the vacation he was supposed to take. And from there he ascends to becoming the villain Regal dared him to become. 

What I don't want to see:

1) MJF beats Mox on his own and is a new AEW babyface even though he's just been a whiny brat this whole time, albeit a talented one.

2) MJF uses The Firm to win the match, and the dissension between him and The Firm was a tease all along. 

3) The firm helps MJF win the match, only MJF doesn't like what happened, and now he will go through the likes of Ethan Page to get the justice he demands. 

Ideally I think you see a scenario where Regal offers MJF the knux to hit Moxley, not turning heel per se, but goading him into cheating and proving that he can't win on his own, before MJF can take them, Yuta takes them and knocks out Mox with them, MJF reluctantly covers.

Lot of unanswered questions - Mox thinking Regal turned on him or pissed that he put his own moral victory over his title, could MJF have beaten him cleanly, is Yuta now aligned with MJF, where do Danielson/Cesaro and the Firm sit amongst it, etc. 

Edited by GuerrillaMonsoon
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20 hours ago, Shartnado said:

He has burned everyone who has made the mistake of believing him so far. Unless it was taking 10 powerbombs from Wardlow, nothing really has happened that should have brought any sort of fundamental change in his behaviour or character. If this turns out to be another one of his ruses, people will believe his bullshit about as much as they buy Kreml's bullshit at this point! ...So, about 50/50 (shit, that was not the point I was going for here).

Point of order: which of MJF's stories did he actually lie about? Sure, he's used them to sucker people in like Punk, but have they ever been disproven? Regal had all the time in the world to call him out on any perceived falsehoods, yet all but admitted he was telling the truth.

Regarding the behaviour... it's a work in progress. He's getting older, starting to mature, gotten legit engaged... his worldview is evolving and it'd be silly for him not to experience at least one crisis in conscience along the way. He beat Yuta clean as a sheet whereas he would've cheated his ass off in a previous lifetime and he's having second thoughts about the Firm/Stokely alliance - his character is more and more compelling by the week.

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30 minutes ago, Pete said:

Point of order: which of MJF's stories did he actually lie about? Sure, he's used them to sucker people in like Punk, but have they ever been disproven? Regal had all the time in the world to call him out on any perceived falsehoods, yet all but admitted he was telling the truth.

Regarding the behaviour... it's a work in progress. He's getting older, starting to mature, gotten legit engaged... his worldview is evolving and it'd be silly for him not to experience at least one crisis in conscience along the way. He beat Yuta clean as a sheet whereas he would've cheated his ass off in a previous lifetime and he's having second thoughts about the Firm/Stokely alliance - his character is more and more compelling by the week.

Previously he had no scruples about using real tragic moments of his past to goad people into feeling sorry for him enough to let their guard down just so he can attack them or get an advantage otherwise. If this is one of those times, people in question should have known better from past experiences than to trust him. He's finding different ways of crying wolf and people keep falling for it and then it turns out he was the wolf, each time. This is super intriquing, but the consequences have to be pretty dire, if this time, it's the same endgame. Next time he tries to tug on someone's heartstrings, the ONLY course of action is to immediately kick him in the balls, attack him with no prejudice and leave him laying in a pool of his own blood, before he can do onto others.

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10 minutes ago, Shartnado said:

Previously he had no scruples about using real tragic moments of his past to goad people into feeling sorry for him enough to let their guard down just so he can attack them or get an advantage otherwise. If this is one of those times, people in question should have known better from past experiences than to trust him. He's finding different ways of crying wolf and people keep falling for it and then it turns out he was the wolf, each time. This is super intriquing, but the consequences have to be pretty dire, if this time, it's the same endgame. Next time he tries to tug on someone's heartstrings, the ONLY course of action is to immediately kick him in the balls, attack him with no prejudice and leave him laying in a pool of his own blood, before he can do onto others.

Wheeler Yuta seems to have a nose to sniff these things out based on recent TV, so that could be something for the future 

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8 minutes ago, For Great Justice said:

Wheeler Yuta seems to have a nose to sniff these things out based on recent TV, so that could be something for the future 

Wow, I didn't even put two and two together on that one, but you're right; if that's where we're going, they did a really nice job of setting it up during the Renee sit-down 

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29 minutes ago, For Great Justice said:

Wheeler Yuta seems to have a nose to sniff these things out based on recent TV, so that could be something for the future 


19 minutes ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:

Wow, I didn't even put two and two together on that one, but you're right; if that's where we're going, they did a really nice job of setting it up during the Renee sit-down 

Coming Soon: "Wheeler Yuta, The Only One Who Makes Any Sense Around Here"

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5 minutes ago, Shartnado said:


Coming Soon: "Wheeler Yuta, The Only One Who Makes Any Sense Around Here"

We need a segment where someone brings out a cake, and Yuta's like, "I'm out. I know where this is heading!"

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17 minutes ago, Log said:

We need a segment where someone brings out a cake, and Yuta's like, "I'm out. I know where this is heading!"

I could seriously get into Wheeler Yuta - Destroyer of AEW Cliches:

  • he refuses to do backstage interviews because that's where everyone gets attacked
  • when doing an in-ring or ramp/entrance interview, he waits a full 30 seconds after the first question while looking back at the entrance before answering, because that's when everyone gets interrupted
  • he immediately brings out weapons during a match, forcing the refs to remove the weapon or DQ him
  • he leaves the ring and compels the ref to count, and urges them to hurry up
Edited by Hamhock
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