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Everything posted by Log

  1. This pic would've made George Steinbrenner's head explode.
  2. Ah, but as a pro-pickle person, the best friends to have are anti-pickle people because they will give you their pickles! My wife is an anti-pickle person, and it's one of the foundations of our marriage.
  3. Didn't they officially announce MJF vs. Osprey last night?
  4. Forcing an actual, practicing kosher wrestler to eat pork on live tv sounds like something in the Vince McMahon playbook.
  5. So would the loser have to eat pork or would the whole idea of "kosher" leave the WWE?
  6. I used to work with a news anchor who'd been in the business forever. His favorite comeback when someone would say, "We've already done that story" was, "There hasn't been a new story since the moon landing."
  7. "It's too early for harmonica." - my wife on an early drive once when some Dylan came on.
  8. I don't want to make light of anything you may have been going through back then, but picturing someone in therapy being asked, "What would you consider your lowest point?" and answering with "Well, at one point I was drunk-posting about Dolph Ziggler a lot." made me laugh. Therapist immediately picks up her office phone, "Clear my appointments for the rest of the day! We need to get into this NOW!"
  9. I'm in some store this past weekend with both of my kids. They have some Funko Pops. Daughter (13): "Look, they have Randy Savage." Son (7): "The Macho Man?" Daughter: "No, dumbass. The other Randy Savage. Yes, it's the Macho Man!" After telling her to watch her mouth, I did get a good laugh out of it. The rest of the time in the store, we were coming up with other Randy Savages. "You mean Senator Randy Savage?" "Oh, you mean Randy Savage, the famous neurosurgeon?" "Randy Savage? That guy from work?"
  10. EXTRA PICKLES, BABY~! We have an excellent burger place here in Louisville (WW Cousins) that has a toppings bar. I love it because I can load my burgers with some delicious bread and butter pickles. Damn. Going to have to make a trip there this weekend.
  11. The McDonald's app is pretty great. Top-tier fast food app. That's a low bar, but you actually get some good rewards from McD's.
  12. I think that chair that Jack took the shot with was gimmicked. When he came out with it, the seat of it looked different. I'm not 100% sure, but it did catch my eye, and then when it was used for that nasty shot, I was hoping they had done something so it wasn't a full-on head shot.
  13. While they are physically-imposing, huge dudes, I don't think Bear Country fits that role. They both just seem like nice guys. Now, they could be some big, "aw, shucks!" dudes who can turn it on a wreck fools when provoked, but I don't see them destroying jobbers like the Skyscrapers or SST.
  14. I'm skeptical of this Dylan biopic. I think I'm Not There is already the perfect Dylan movie. It captures him better than a straight-up retelling will ever do. But that said, this does look good. I'll check it out for sure.
  15. I was just thinking how the "Andre has never been bodyslammed" angle in WWF could never happen now. Hell, even then, you still had some magazine pics of him being slammed that some people had. But now, there'd be full compilation videos on Youtube of all the times he'd been slammed before.
  16. In another thread, I pined a bit for the days of the jobber squash, but really I love how much amazing free wrestling we get these days. I was just trying to explain to my son how, when I was his age, I never got to see the top stars face off on tv. Maybe occasionally on SNME or a Clash, but that was it. It can be overwhelming to keep up with, but it's a great problem to have.
  17. I think there's still value in having them. "Jobber" matches let us have a look at what a new wrestler to the area could do. They gave you a sense of their moveset and their finisher. Seeing guys win with a certain move week after week made it more impressive when someone blocked it or kicked out of it. I'm afraid that the proverbial toothpaste is out of the tube in regards to that, though. It would take a lot of time to recondition audiences to seeing a ton of enhancement matches on tv every week. Honestly, as fondly as I look back on them, I don't think I'd even want that.
  18. Log


    Burrow and Cody are two of my son's favorite people. He has a haircut scheduled this week. Totally expecting him to ask to dye it blonde.
  19. For the record, I'd really, personally, prefer they not be brought in at all. As we all know, AEW's pretty crowded as it is. I just don't see anything particularly compelling that Lashley would add to AEW.
  20. Ditch the Premier Athletes stable, throw Woods in with Lashley and Benjamin for a little run.
  21. Weirdly, that's what me and my friends called them growing up. I was shocked the first time I saw him calling them that. I thought it was just something we said.
  22. I was just coming here to share this. Great stuff! I got to see one of the Sting/Funk house show matches mentioned in the article in Carbondale, IL. I had made a Sting sign and held it up to Terry when he was on his way down to the ring. He reared back like he was going to punch me, and I ran. One of my favorite live wrestling moments of my life.
  23. In my ongoing quest for AEW to have a Road Warriors/Skyscrapers type team who wrecks fools, I think a Lashley/Hobbs combo could fill that role nicely.
  24. Both Gunns are better than their dad in-ring and Austin is way more charismatic.
  25. Everyone knows that “wimpy” is the preferred nomenclature.
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