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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2024 in all areas

  1. It's been a year today. Not a day goes by where I don't miss the big guy and his presence. I don't watch a new match without wondering what his one line thought on it in a massive stream of consciousness paragraph would have been (though, I can imagine it at least because you learned to anticipate the patterns, which is its own sort of blessing). I should have my review of the Action show going up tonight on SC. I talked to my parents this morning. Took the 6 year old to swim lesson. Am reaching out to you guys now. Nothing is assured in this life. Go say hi to your loved ones today.
    10 points
  2. With wrestling, you can hire 100 people from anywhere and 99 of them probably aren't going to work out for whatever reason. With WWE's system, they hire 100 college athletes, cut 99 of them, and the one they have left over is Bianca Belair. That's going to be their case for their system working, and it's hard to argue that it doesn't.
    6 points
  3. Been thinking about DEAN on his one year anniversary today. Scary it's a year. I don't have the way with words. Just wanted to say I love and miss you, fella from Paul xxx.
    6 points
  4. “Baseball but for women because our country is stupid and sexist, average dudes who drink a lot of beer, and also Sid” doesn’t really strike my fancy either.
    6 points
  5. Skye Blue is so much better as a heel. She wrestles with more confidence and doesn’t look like she’s always trying to figure what her next move is. And the character work is better. She had such little charisma as a face, but she’s turned that blank slate into a strength by just being a cold, heartless heel.
    6 points
  6. She should steal Julia's hat, now that would be a power struggle.
    6 points
  7. Wrestling is full of people who couldn't make it as pros or olympians. Love of the business doesn't always equal success or talent either.
    5 points
  8. @Zakk_Sabbath out here humblebragging his death by snu snu tendencies
    4 points
  9. My parents, in their wisdom, sent their Dyslexic ADD riddled son to a bilingual school in NYC in the 70s. I'm convinced every teacher there were ex-Vichy regime members. My moment of triumph came in grade 2. Still in remedial French, the assignment was to construct and recite a sentence in French, in class for the end of the week. I, being the smart Aleck 7 year old recited "Je déteste Mon professeur de Français" I was sent to the principals office and sat awaiting my father, who had been called in from his job in the financial district because my mom was visiting relatives in Florida. Dad arrives. Shoots me an unamused look and asks what I did. The Principal and teacher explain and say my behavior is unacceptable. My Dad sits there for a moment and then looked Madame Whatahername (oh all teachers were referred to as Madame or Monsieur) in the eye and asks "Did he complete the assignment?" The teacher and principal were confused and insisted that wasn't the point. So again my father asked "but did he complete the assignment?". The teacher grumpily said yes so, my father followed up with the question of "So why am I here?" The Pass/Fail exercise was changed to Pass, despite my teacher's angry protest. To cap it off, my Dad turned to the principal and stated "For the record? I hate his French teacher too. Next time, consider if it's worth your time and mine to make me leave work before calling me". I miss my Dad. Now back to movie discussion! James
    4 points
  10. I'm not sure why they wouldn't do more with Skye and HOB. It sucks that Julia got hurt, but the story writes itself. They probably should've had Skye take Julia's powers to write her off, but Malakai teaching her the way leading to a power struggle when Julia returns is right there. For added flair, you could have Buddy being Skye's protector which creates friction with Brody who has the same role with Julia. It would be a huge mistake to sideline your <25, conventionally attractive home-grown star who has greatly improved in the ring and loves to work death matches. Skye's a future cornerstone and offers something for pretty much anyone who tunes into AEW for any reason.
    4 points
  11. (Hans Moleman voice) ... I was here for the thiccness... I actually didn't watch but what was posted on YouTube and the stuff about having to cut Skye out of the wire. All I could wonder was where exactly she goes now with Julia Hart out. I don't see her fitting with HoB but do think she should stay heel in some form.
    4 points
  12. Vince recruiting for a new wrestling company will be like Mr Burns telling Smithers who to recruit for his softball team
    4 points
  13. Tiger Mask vs Dynamite Kid at MSG in 1982.
    3 points
  14. HHH whiffing on Okada and Ospreay and instead bringing in all the worst Bullet Club guys is a great fucking bit. Let’s keep it going with Chase Owens next.
    3 points
  15. I think Drake and, a large part of his fanbase, did not understand what the beef was about until it was too late. Drake spent most of the battle talking about his success, his money, and his fame. Kendrick was flat out telling him that he was a failure as a man and how he is totally unworthy of respect. He told that man "You thought that money, power, and fame could save you from being you," and he should have just hung up his mic and went home. Drake thought that this was about rap, but this is about Kendrick having utter disdain for Drake's very existence. He told Drake that he's a failure as a father because he doesn't know anything about honor, discipline, integrity and morals. Drake then said, well that's why I heard you beat your wife. Kendrick less than an hour later wrote multiple letters to everyone in Drake's family calling him a pedophile, a pervert, and a predator and telling them he feels sorry for them for having to put up with his bitch ass. Kendrick is Ned Flanders. Drake is Homer. https://youtu.be/_1vTGN52MCc?si=8TV_5eWWZsKFtXjm&t=97
    3 points
  16. i dunno who's paying attention to it, but this Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar diss battle is fucking crazy.
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. Vince demanding Johnny “go hire that one asshole who got canceled!” is going to be the 2025 version of “go hire that one legged wrestler!”
    3 points
  19. “The thickness” sounds like Mike Tyson covering Disturbed.
    3 points
  20. Apparemment, sa majesté royale Charlotte Flair et l'homme invisible John Cena seront de la partie. De plus, cette idée stupide de ma part fait désormais apparaître mes publicités en français.
    3 points
  21. Oh absolutely! My Dad was very much about voicing his displeasure to your face James
    2 points
  22. Rey Jr & Psicosis or Tajiri & Super Crazy in ECW maybe?
    2 points
  23. Also funny that WM will be on Easter weekend. Kids trying to convince mom and dad that Jesus would want us to see Cody or Rock vs Reigns Puts a whole new feeling to "acknowledge your tribal chief"
    2 points
  24. "GUERILLA WARFARE HAS ARRIVED" "DESTINY HAS BROUGHT HIM HERE" That was... ridiculously cute. Totally hyped for what I'm hoping is the inevitable Usos vs. GoD match. That street fight was loads of fun too. The crowd singing Orton's theme, can't believe they kept that energy all night too. Stratton vs. Bayley vs. Naomi was great too. I've hated the Alabama Slam for reasons that are petty and old but I really dig Tiffy's cartwheel into it. Cody/AJ totally delivered too, all around great great great show
    2 points
  25. Great photo from last night's GCW.
    2 points
  26. Re: sexism - in 2002 I went out with a girl who played catcher at her HS and I'd deadass trust her throwing an out to 2nd over half the guys currently in the league
    2 points
  27. A year today we lost DEAN on this date. Love and miss you, mate. Paul xxx.
    2 points
  28. Oh wow it’s almost as if hiring a) college athletes who b) can’t make it as pros or olympians in their given sport but c) are good looking and d) have a big social media presence but e) have no real love for pro wrestling doesn’t really work.
    2 points
  29. We differ on the quality of Page's ROH promos, but he was definitely putting the time in for his physique. Apparently, the Fletcher bout was delayed and cut due to visa issues. The word going around a year or so ago was WWE was interested in him (Fightful? WO?). As a regular enough viewer I'm not quite seeing a show better than Dark these days. The titles and purpose is a good call concerning the Women's Division, but questionable on the Men's side. Title holders seem to make rare appearances, and in the case of the Tag and TV champions - used as enhancement talent on AEW TV. Wheeler Yuta's been the Pure Champion without a defense, or word of his existence, since 5 months ago. The booking feels, to be kind, listless. I look at this show regularly and wonder how much time Garrison, Karter, Lee Johnson, the Infantry, etc. need before recongnizing they might not be worth sinking time and money into developing. I could and hope to be wrong on any one of them. I love ROH providing reps, both in ring and on the mic, but very much welcome a roster refresh (on the Men's side). I get what you're saying on the 'buying mistake' comment, and probably share many similar opinions, but thus far there's been plenty of good reasons to question the choice of buying ROH and running it in this bland manner. At this point too few care to even watch the product let alone question these choices of it's existence.
    2 points
  30. How is keeping that fuck from making the Olympics a dick move?
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Birmingham’s owners said they hired Wayne Rooney to get them out of the Championship. Job. Done.
    2 points
  33. Damn, now I want someone on the show say (with a very thick French accent) 'unter 'earst 'elmsley, Triple 'ash. Also: are we going to do the Bash in Berlin thread in German?
    2 points
  34. Came across this story about the ESPN stand-alone service to be debuted in 2025 (not to be confused with the Fox-WBD-ESPN service that's also coming) I don't want to be the negative nelly on this one, but in my opinion, this could have the same disaster potential that ESPN: The Phone had. https://www.thewrap.com/espn-streaming-service-to-launch-by-fall-2025/ They threw away over $150 million in the Phone debacle, and they could lose a hell of a lot more. mean, ESPN does what they do best.. deliver live sports. All this stuff they put on there is like.. "Fine. Who was asking for it?" Give me people talking (smart) about sports. THAT'S WHAT I WANT. I don't want talking heads yelling to yell. I don't want "e-commerce integration". I don't want betting integration. GIVE. ME. SPORTS. Probably getting into "old man yells at clouds there, but...
    2 points
  35. Prob something on Stern and the WIOR show would fit that too.
    2 points
  36. I think Drake might prefer a Stink face to the Kendrick doubling down on the "You make music to pacify them" line
    2 points
  37. I want Chucky to return as his Twitter name, Sexy Chucky T, wearing Zubaz and a Budweiser shirt like he’s Sandman or something and acting like a playboy. And then I want Trent to get amnesia, start wearing a wig, and be a babyface again. His hair was the source of his babyfaceness.
    2 points
  38. I’m guessing you mean May 8. They actually announced some stuff today. Orange/Trent and Cope/Brody King. Looking forward to both of those.
    2 points
  39. I have no idea how anyone could hear his attempted explanation and think she was the one who was lying.
    2 points
  40. Yeah, it was really more of a “what did Gabe do” situation. In truth, we can’t really know what kind of sway Gabe has on hiring, but you can bet someone as petty and vindictive as him would try to keep Page out, if he could.
    2 points
  41. I was very comfortable with Sinclair-era ROH (even if Sinclair themselves suck). Syndicated wrestling rules. Do it, Tony.
    2 points
  42. For a second I was like, Damn, Drake pissed Rikishi off, too?!
    2 points
  43. Deeb needs to tighten up that Paradise Lock, both times she's used it recently her opponent looked as though they could just get up. I'm sure Toni will attempt to break the internet by her reaction to being in it at DoN though.
    2 points
  44. So Johnny Ace was describing himself as a victim of Vince but now he thinks that the wind's changing so he's denying McMahon did anything wrong? How is this supposed to have any credibility at all?
    2 points
  45. お前ら、賢いと思ってるのか?
    2 points
  46. I guess the question for the wwe is what does their success rate need to be to justify the strategy/expenditure?
    1 point
  47. If Sabu had stuck around for awhile longer we would have gotten Macho Man vs Sabu because Mach worked for the Sheik as one of his first breaks. Washed up mid life crisis Mach would have been treated like a God if he showed up in late ECW to drop shoot elbows on Tony Mamaluke and Jeff Jones.
    1 point
  48. I haven't tried to check on Sat since the Heritage Classic league tourney last summer, but at that point it was Sunday morning. The whole setup with it being "live" on Peacock, then replays for a month on Hulu, then month-old eps going back to Peacock for the archive, is infuriating.
    1 point
  49. Ethan was always a not-so-guilty pleasure of mine. AND I loved Karate Man, even if he hated it. He's been to TNA already, don't think they really need him, Aytch should give him a shot and see what percolates.
    1 point
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