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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2021 in all areas
You admitted like a week ago you're Aaron Rodgers' age and you're out here calling people simp like you're 11 while carrying on your hate mastubation gimmick account so I think I'll take the hardest of passes.20 points
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Thanks to whoever first introduced the world to the analogy of Penta as your friend in No Mercy who spams taunt to build his finisher meter, because that’s how I’ve gotten through the psychology of every Penta match for years now8 points
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And if in doing so you happen to come across 'big girl wrestling section loaded with exciting photos', well, I guess it would be okay if you shared that too. I mean, for educational purposes.6 points
I'll take the bait. Most stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Not just a beginning & middle. Act 1 - Heel group wins in dominant fashion (Blood & Guts) Act 2 -Baby face team gets revenge (Stadium Stampede) Act 3 -(we'll find out soon enough) (???) It's fine to not like what you're seeing. It's also fine to express that. But at this point you come in AEW threads just to say this show was "a steaming pile". Intelligent & apt breakdown there professor. ?6 points
5 points
Thankfully, Bret learned his lesson from that experience and Vince was never able to double-cross him again.5 points
Holy shit, I would. Can you imagine how much he'd cut loose if he thought nobody was watching? On a show with more green and preliminary talent? It would be goddamn legendary.4 points
I always loved Bret's lame dad insults during his "I hate America" run. "You know why they call you Stone Cold? Because your stones are so cold you won't come out here!" "Do you have the jam to come out and face me?!" They sounded like stuff your 55 year old next door neighbor would say to an asshole neighbor but even though they were lame, you believed them because the guy used to be in the Marines or something and still sorta keeps in shape and is just too polite to curse. "Oh geez, Ol' Man Wiskowki just said 'jam' and called the other guy a 'nogoodnik', it's on now!"4 points
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Yeah, Miro's was so bad it makes Andrade last night look like Kane ripping the cage door off in '97. Not worried at all. Was just happy to see the guy wearing the hell out of a suit and looking like somebody.4 points
Anthony Bowens Pride shirt. His name and the AEW logo are tiny on it though. And here is Nyla's:4 points
Not sure what’s up with you tonight, but I think you need to sleep it off, brother.4 points
LOL at people booing Vickie SO HARD they missed the announcement. That's heat, baby.4 points
Initial thoughts - I wish Comoroto had won. Also, Andrade is big for AEW. I liked him being with Vickie.4 points
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Baker and Nyla had a ridiculously good match during the women's Title Eliminator, so maybe they're seeing that pairing as a sure way to get Baker's reign going off the right foot.3 points
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During Penta's World title run in Impact, when he was feuding with Austin Aries and Sami Callihan, he seemed more serious.3 points
Lucha Underground Pentagon was one of the coolest wrestlers of the past 15 years or so. Why is it so hard to book this guy like that?3 points
this right here. I miss having guys who were pro wrestling veterans call the action. It gave it a sense of credibility with guys who could give a plausible explanation for what you were seeing at all times. This team is the gold standard for my wrestling commentary booth.3 points
I don't know, man. AEW only has around 7 hours a week to showcase all these guys. How long do you think Ryan Nemeth has left, with Andrade there? Maybe he should have grabbed some of those Big Macs!3 points
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That was incredible to see back then. Still the only worked shoot worth a damn. Damn. Never heard that before. Johnny Ace is back, baby!3 points
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Damn, that’s one way to leverage their IP in a different space. And we all thought WWE trying to branch out meant making movies. I’ve seen wrestling go from Ron Garvin to Fred Garvin in my lifetime.2 points
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Lita Tribute Dive aside, good stuff from Bunny and Red Velvet. I've always liked Bunny/Allie and Velvet is due to breakout soon. I can also get behind the team of Velvet, Swole, and KiLynn. Nice to see more direction in the division. I'm here for a pissed Nyla taking on Britt.2 points
I'm thinking more of the Luther Reigns, Chris Masters, Nathan Jones, etc big dudes who they only wanted to look big, not good. When I hear Laurinaitis is back in charge and them moving away from NXT/indy darlings I think of those dull years.2 points
Penta went from smart to stupid in a matter of seconds in that opener. Really liked the mask under his mask but he looked like a fool after that. Just take care of the other guy not interrupting the pin and you’re winning the match but Penta just stood there and looked how their win got taken away. I kinda like how Andrade just debuted lowkey without much fanfare but it also felt weird. People wanna boo Vickie but don’t wanna boo Andrade debuting and the audience obviously didn’t really got the announcement of Vickie at first because they were so invested in hating her. Ogogo and QT vs. Cody and Johnson… Scott Keith may say that it's 'Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling', but not for me, buddy. Got to work harder to impress me. Jungle Christian vs. Hardy Party after that was perfectly fine then but nothing out of the ordinary either. Inner Circle face promos are boring and I’m really not that interested to see more of them against the Pinnacle. Kenny and Callis are insufferable (in a good way!). Hook looks just so punchable and I love Ricky, Cage and Hook acting passive aggressive to one another. Velvet against Bunny was, I guess. Britts title celebration was underwhelming. Miro thanking god for his power and hot wife is exactly the way god should be referenced on a wrestling show. Miro is all around greatness. Main Event could’t really hold my interest. Show was somewhat bland. QT and the gang vs. Cody and the gang, Inner Circle vs. Pinnacle and Ego Sky vs. Darby Sting all seem to continue and I’m really not interested in any of these programs right now. But I’m all for Orange vs. Kenny continuing. And please more of Miro killing loveable dorks of Dark Order until someday in the far future John Silver gets the TNT title back to Dark Order.2 points
I also am on board with the JR being unbearable. He really sounds like he does when him and Conrad do Grilling JR. I'm gonna post a twitter clip of Jim calling Bill Watts being attacked thanks to Eddie Gilbert. Listen to the passion in Jims voice in the call. He won't say that he's "phoning it in" and maybe not on purpose, but boy he just doesn't seem to show any emotion in AEW and in my opinion it really really hurts the product. "Andrade El Igloo"... like what dude?2 points
I was one of the few to snag a ticket. Guess I just miss live wrestling. The price was steep but my buddy is a referee for Impact so I'll at least get to visit him. Any other board members happen to be going?2 points
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I don't care about any of the complaints in this thread about the interview segments or the women's match - all that matters is, like Joe Biden before them, McDonalds has come in clutch for Britt Baker.2 points
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Probably a combination of this, plus to actually go to the authorities you'd need more evidence than locker room gossip and seeing girls of a questionable age in Smith's company. Getting one of the girls he was grooming to testify would have been difficult if not impossible and as evidenced by Huston getting away with all his drinking offenses Smith was clearly in the good graces of local law enforcement. This was the first I've heard the story of Robert's other sister being kidnapped and murdered. Is the consensus that Smith killer her or was involved in it because she was going to go public with his history of abuse? The ending with the kids all saying they'd be willing to mend fences with one another and Jake discussing his sobriety added a small uplifting slant to the whole saga.2 points
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Belts with pictures of the champion on them weird me out. They look like: A memorial That belt Hogan had for like a week The cover of Dr. Dre's "The Chronic"2 points
I think I watched 45 minutes this week! I fast forwarded through the filler of the Iron Man match. Man, I hated the finish of the original hour match. Give TJP a fall earlier and have him not tapping be the finish to set-up the OT. Yeesh. I'm thinking Tasha Steelz is the best Knockout. Fuck, I want Eddie Edwards versus Satoshi Kojima. Fuck this befriending bullshit. Moose is a total physical freak.2 points
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