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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2014 in all areas

  1. Now that it's all done, I think it's time to take stock of Big Dave Batista. A few nights ago he tweeted his frustration about you goddamn genius smarks and it really made me think about how much he's given us all the last few months. Personally, he's given me about 200 likes just from Batista Fashion Watch alone. But dammit, there was more to him than just that. So I thought it might be nice to revisit some highlights, mostly clothes based yes, but also potato/stuffing stuff to see just when and why you assholes stopped appreciating all his hard work. So I give you a few early glimpses into the Return of BATISTA: Fashion Highlights as well as a few representative posts from the major turning points in what can only be called the most awaited and successful part-time return in the history of sports entertainment. You will notice that as these go on, the posts will get fewer and the outfits will get lazier as first you asshole internet jerks, and eventually Big Dave himself...just stop caring. Words and lyrics for the background by Sophie Zelmani Hit Play and follow along with the lyrics. Trust me...goosebumps... Raw 1/21: The Return It's daybreak And you are asleep I can hear you breathe now Your breath is deep But before I go I look at you one last time I can hear a heartbeat Is it yours or is it mine? I look at your lips I know how soft they can be Did they know what they wanted The times they kissed me? And your hands I held in mine Now they're reposing on the pillow Will they ever miss me sometime? I'll remember you You will be there in my heart I'll remember you That is all that I can do And I'll remember Royal Rumble: Your eyes That always make me shiver Now they are closed They just sometimes twitch a little And your body I could hold for an hour It sent me to heaven With it's heat and power 'll remember you You will be there in my heart I'll remember you That is all that I can do And I'll remember
    10 points
  2. Hunter looks like a high-brow male stripper in this shot.Ladies, are you ready? I said, are you readdddy? Coming up next on the main stage is Jean Paul Levesque. This French blueblood will get your blood pumping with his own Eiffel Tower. Then, we've got a special treat for you ladies later in the evening. A rare appearance by Perry Saturn. Get ready ladies, as Saturn will blast off and orbit Uranus. And now, a special announcement from our owner here at American Dreamz. Remember, you can beat our prices, but you can't beat our meat. And there is always a woman in the men's room!!!
    9 points
  3. Oh, yeah, I'll legit go 2-3 days of speaking only like Randy Savage. Not a joke.
    6 points
  4. Less. Kosar seems like a complete mess these days. Besides, accidentally suing the league for concussions is probably a pretty good God damn sign that you actually should.
    6 points
  5. Got a promotion, a 20% raise and an assistant so I won't have to work every single weekend ever anymore. It's been a good day.
    5 points
  6. Batista Retrospective Part 2: The Turning Note: As much as people make fun of his threads, this little history lesson would be impossible without MGFanJay's ridiculous posts. Words and Lyrics by Elton John Raw 1/27 Post-Rumble Goodbye Norma Jean Though I never knew you at all You had the grace to hold yourself While those around you crawled They crawled out of the woodwork And they whispered into your brain They set you on the treadmill And they made you change your name And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in Raw 2/3 And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did Loneliness was tough The toughest role you ever played Hollywood created a superstar And pain was the price you paid Even when you died Oh the press still hounded you All the papers had to say Was that Marilyn was found in the nude Goodbye Norma Jean From the young man in the 22nd row Who sees you as something as more than sexual More than just our Marilyn Monroe
    5 points
  7. So this happened this morning: He was a super nice guy. Very soft spoken, but really kind. I also listened in on one side of a phone conversation that Assistant General Manager/Director of Hockey Operations (I had to figure out who he was when I got back to my office) Mike Vellucci was having in the hallway. I heard him talking about different coaches, nobody by name except for (I think) Adam Oates. Well, it was someone named Adam at least. He said "he should be fuckin' humble after what happened there". I felt weird eavesdropping, so I stopped. But it was still super cool meeting Ron Francis.
    4 points
  8. I don't do the Shield entrance or the Razor strut, but last year when I had to renew my license, I installed a trap door and some flame rigging so that I could enter like Gangrel. The DMV ladies were unimpressed as per usual. Sigh.
    4 points
  9. Since they just did the favourite players bit again, let's all pause to remember this great moment in hockey history:
    3 points
  10. I gotta be the guy to say if you spit your fucking gum out instead of throwing it away where people cant step on it, you are a piece of shit
    3 points
  11. Devitt can just dress up like Seth when he shows up in July. He can paint on the beard and body armor.
    3 points
  12. He should have been worth remembering for just this one masterful look: It says: "Hey, Cat. We go way back don't we? Yeah...memories, huh? Also, you're fucked." all at once. It's also a masterful dad 'settle the eff down, I've had enough' look. Or the perfect, I know it was you who farted look.
    3 points
  13. Trials of Big Dave Episode IV: A new hope? look? The end of February into March he really began to turn it up in terms of outfits. It was, it seems, all he had left. As The WHITE HOT INTEREST in Dave Batista's epic run began to settle into a loving domestic familiarity, the frequency of DVDVR mentions of him began to wane. Some of us kept the faith, however, and were rewarded with some of the boldest ensembles and best rope-leaning in the HISTORY OF THE BUSINESS Nothing in this picture is quite what it used to be Music and lyrics by Michelle Branch BUFFY VERSION! Raw 2/24 Sadly tights only but here's a special shout out to Fallacy! who doesn't get how this works: Of all the things I've believed in I just want to get it over with Tears form behind my eyes But I do not cry Counting the days that pass me by Smackdown 2/28 I've been searching deep down in my soul Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old It feels like I'm starting all over again The last three years were just pretend And I said, Goodbye to you Goodbye to everything I thought I knew You were the one I loved The one thing that I tried to hold on to I still get lost in your eyes And it seems that I can't live a day without you Closing my eyes and you chase my thoughts away To a place where I am blinded by the light But it's not right And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time I want what's yours and I want what's mine I want you But I'm not giving in this time And when the stars fall I will lie awake You're my shooting star
    3 points
  14. I often find myself doing that. I also like to say "Thinkin' thinkin' yeah" in the Randy voice.
    3 points
  15. Sometimes I get really close to trying to do Mr. Perfect's gum swat. I'll think about it really hard. My hand will twitch. I'll get ready to try it. But then I just get too scared.
    3 points
  16. Cena was enslaved by a group of no-name rookies. He's willing to go to whatever lengths to put people over. But it's smart that he wins more than loses. That way, beating him means something. CM Punk doesn't reach his level without beating Cena in Chicago. Bryan doesn't reach his level without beating Cena at SummerSlam. Beating him means a lot. Losing to him in competitive matches does, too.
    3 points
  17. The mayor asks "is you is or is you ain't my Constituency" and all the people of Los Santos scream in unison "YES" but wait what's that one lone guy cowering in the corner near the pay and spray whispers as low as he can "no". THAT'S RIGHT THE MAYOR FINNNAAALLLYYYY HAS A DISGRUNTLED CITIZEN. Ah hell can't make em all happy and what's one vote. But in all honesty though I sound excited and unhurt I think I'll try to buy the guy off with beer and pork rinds to try to get his vote back.
    3 points
  18. Confession: Whenever I walk down stairs, I play the Shield theme in my head. I need to grow up
    3 points
  19. Oh man, finding stock WCW music in the wild is one of the most satisfying things ever for a late '90s fan. This Kids in the Hall clip is probably one of my favorite instances: They play the Lex Luger theme from a few pages back quite frequently during highlight packages on ESPN, too, which is always a real treat. I was an NWO kid, but I always loved that entrance. I remember when he beat Hogan for the belt on Nitro, I was so fucking pissed off, but part of me still enjoyed hearing that song and watching The Giant clean the spray paint off the big gold belt. Not as much as I enjoyed watching Hulk flip a table and hearing Macho scream "IT WAS A FLUKE, BROTHER!!" however. I can't find it right now, but has anyone ever heard the version of the 1st Chris Jericho theme that has lyrics? We used it in some of my TV production classes in college. I can't remember any of the lyrics except for "THESE ARE THE DAYYYYS OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE" I can't remember which stock music library it's from but I'd love to hear it. That theme always reminds me of staying up to watch Worldwide at like 2 AM on local TV. I remember raging the fuck out when it was pre-empted for coverage of the Princess Diana car accident/death. EDIT: Holy shit balls, I found it.
    2 points
  20. I've never managed to get the misty effect of the HHH water spit.
    2 points
  21. No way. Man, this thread is nothing but likes and love. Seriously, I think I enjoy potential-Batista 110x more after this run than I did before. I wasn't excited at all for his return and thought of him as just a big bland guy. But I am stoked for his next one. I mean, not right away. But when it happens people are going to mark out way more than this time. Especially if they fully embrace the diva side this time and dump the tough guy act. That mic flip on Monday and the beauty queen wave. That's the Batista that works. He can get tough if he has to, but he should lead with that stuff. HOW AMAZING WOULD IT BE IF MANKIND ACCIDENTALLY WRECKED HIS LUNCHBOX COLLECTION!!!!! That's the stuff, man! I just don't know if he gets that. Sometimes it seems yes and other times not.
    2 points
  22. Stop shooting Tara you bastard.
    2 points
  23. And true to form, Tito is probably losing.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. This is scared old Meltzer thinking. Breathe bigger. HONESTLY.. I WANNA SEE YOU BE BRAVE!
    2 points
  26. Now I want to convince a co-worker to do the HBK/Diesel pose whenever we clock in together.
    2 points
  27. Oilers captain Andrew Ference will march this this weekend's Gay Pride parade in Edmonton. Pretty cool.
    2 points
  28. I guess this has been around a while, but I only just saw it:
    2 points
  29. I'll say the Stone Cold theme comes pretty damn close.
    2 points
  30. 2007 Stephen A. Smith: "Is there ANYTHING the Los Angeles Lakers can do to get you to remain with the organization?" Kobe Bryant: "No, bro."
    2 points
  31. He must be getting his WWE training from Matt Striker with comments like that. Tannehill isn't probably a top 60 player in his own division
    2 points
  32. Yeah, I think this about sums up all of the ridiculous pro-Shield arguments being made in this thread. "DX? NWO? Who? It's obviously Generation Next."
    2 points
  33. I hate this revision history that NAO weren't one of the best things about the Attitude era. I know it doesn't fit the "smark" carbon footprint, but they were consistently good/very good during one of the best tag team eras in history. They also serve as the poster child for "let them go out there and see what happens."
    2 points
  34. When the Shield broke up, people are arguing over whether it was done well. When DX broke up, people barely cared. When the nWo broke up, people had stopped watching.
    2 points
  35. The 20th anniversary today. http://www.f4wonline.com/more/more-top-stories/118-daily-updates/37308-the-20th-anniversary-of-one-of-the-greateset-pro-wrestling-matches-ever
    2 points
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