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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2014 in all areas

  1. Hey guys! Stacy Kiebler might come back to the WWE! Internet Wrestling Fan: How does this make money for someone else? Normal Fucking People: Sweet! More Stacy Kiebler in my life!
    13 points
  2. Also - I was going to say that I find it really odd that a whole lot of people are rejecting a gimmick/wrestler after one appearance in front of a shitty crowd but God forbid you get labelled as a "Wait and See Guy" around here.
    12 points
  3. Saw this picture on Reddit, Ryback needs to start wearing this immediately. It could catapult him to the top of WWE
    8 points
  4. He's a hair metal singer. He's a professional wrestler. They're detectives.
    6 points
  5. To be honest, I viewed the crowd's reaction to Emma as the whole dancing thing being exposed for the bush-league gimmick it is. Like when Dancin' Homer went to Capital City.
    5 points
  6. They should tell Miz they're gonna release him to make the angle look real and then never speak to him again Then set him on fire
    4 points
  7. Seemingly lost in this is that the dude had 3 young kids. I understand addiction but I still can't help but feel what a selfish asshole. Not to mention our collective loss of never seeing the Jingus screenplay come to life. I can only imagine Jingus, PSH, and Paul Thomas Anderson winning the top prize at Cannes. Jet setting to Sundance, sweeping all the awards. What could have been.
    4 points
  8. Fuck all of y'all
    4 points
  9. So he's Jeff Beck? So where's his hot inappropriately young bassist? I know someone here knows what I'm talkin' bout.
    4 points
  10. Batista Wardrobe Watch: This week's entry: The denim jacket your mom bought at Coldwater Creek so she could fit in better with those bitches at Michael's Between him and Del Rio that looked like a fight you might see go down at Hobby Lobby. Hey guys, the premise here is that there really are a lot of retail stores that cater to old ladies.
    4 points
  11. I wonder if Batista consults with his grandkids regarding fashion.
    4 points
  12. Here's that artwork from the canceled Marvel vs WCW comic that I was talking about in the last discussion thread. Spider-Man vs Sting! Bret Hart locks Captain America into a Sharpshooter!!
    3 points
  13. How the hell did I let a Randy Moss discussion get this far without this???
    3 points
  14. yes, no, maybe, no, yes, no, no, no, no, yes, no, yes, non, probably, no. That's 6 possible yes's out of 16 names. Nevermind the shitty math that put Batista in his 30s in 2014. 6 of 16 is solid Not only that, but he correctly identified 16 wrestlers who are still alive over ten years later. THAT is amazing.
    3 points
  15. OK, somebody tell me what I am missing with the Emma dancing thing. This does not look entertaining.
    3 points
  16. That bit with Miz came off so much better just because they didn't play his entrance music and have the camera cut to him coming down the ramp.
    3 points
  17. God I am fucking crying from laughter right now.
    3 points
  18. Dancing puts smiles on all of the members of the WWE Universe. And it leads to Naomi shaking her ass a lot.
    3 points
  19. He had to back down from Big Show but that's pretty much it. How soon we forget last week's Smackdown, when HHH only gave Shield the six-man tag at Elimination Chamber when Reigns got in his face. I remember girls walking up to Joe more than once in science class asking just to touch his hair... Did you guys hear this guy knows Roman Reigns?
    3 points
  20. I don't know, every time the music hits and he says "Oh you didn't know? You better call somebody" and doesn't say "your ass" a small part of my teenage self dies inside of me.
    2 points
  21. Isn't "Don't engage Hollywood Cibernetico in Divas discussion" like rule #3 in the official DVDVR Guidelines, following "Don't take Gonzalez seriously."
    2 points
  22. Not sure...but hopefully it ends up in a match between Lawler and Barrett so Barrett can heart punch Lawler out of existence.
    2 points
  23. Andre The Giant as Killer Typhoon in The Fall Guy: Finally, Andre gets his revenge on Lee Majors for ripping his arm off in The Six Million Dollar Man:
    2 points
  24. Man, thinking about the main event last night -- that match was seriously amazing and people aren't feeling it as much as I thought everyone would. That match was epic and was a fantastic story. Bryan dominates early by working Orton's leg in terrific fashion. Orton did some GREAT verbal selling with this. I loved the dropkick on the floor spot with Orton's knee against the pole. That spot looked so incredibly vicious. I loved Orton gaining control and Bryan essentially fighting one-armed. The spot on the top rope where Bryan was fighting out with headbutts was great and nasty. But the key is the ending. I wish the announcers were skilled enough to put this over. Bryan found a way to beat the machine. In the not-too-distant past, something like a Kane run-in was costing him a match. -- ala the Shawn Michaels as guest-ref match. It's just as how he found a way to finally get at Bray, by joining The Family only to turn on him the first chance he was alone. Bryan outsmarted The Authority and finally beat the undeserving champ, just as he's on the ropes politically. Too bad it was non-title. That match was seriously great. I'd like to see if it was as good or better than their No DQ match from last spring where Bryan choked Orton out with the Kendo Stick YES! Lock. The Shield six-man was a blast. The ending was great. Ambrose stealing the pin on his quasi-rival Big E.? Awesome. Then Wyatts promo was, of course, amazing. The Shield/Wyatts match is like the Cody/Dustin vs. The Shield for-their-jobs match at the PPV. The EC's going to be fun and everything but people are way more into this match than anything else.
    2 points
  25. Do you think they think it's Kofi Kingston?
    2 points
  26. Well yeah, he's got to have hair until the climatic battle scene when Superman rips it out of his head...in front of a bunch of children on a playground. Then the internet responds with... "The real Superman would never rip someones hair out!"
    2 points
  27. Just for the record - in scrolling through the DVDVR feed just now (to see what I missed after I fell asleep) according to PWI - the crowd was chanting for Emma before that segment started so who knows. Also this made me really laugh
    2 points
  28. Are you kidding? E! would absolutely, positively love to have her on the Divas show. That would be huge for that show, just gigantic. If Stacy Keibler came back to the WWE, she'd never wrestle a second. She could either just be a valet type who doesn't wrestle and no one would bring it up that she doesn't, or she'd be a heel type who claims she's too good to wrestle like the rest of these tramps. She could also feud with Summer over being on "Dancing with the Stars." There's a lot of reasons why Stacy Keibler would be a huge "get" for the WWE. An upgrade for a third-rate reality show on basic cable and a feud with Summer over Dancing with the Stars? You're absolutely right, this will do major blockbuster business for the WWE!!!!
    2 points
  29. Omaha can go screw I still haven't figured out this whole amnesia thing that happens for the talent in regards to NXT. It's like they all forget it exists once they are called up. Obviously they beat the JBL is NXT commissioner but doesn't know anyone thing into the ground but Summer Rae seemingly acting like she had no idea who Emma was weird. It's like Michael Cole is the only one who can see the Ultimate Warrior in the mirror. Oh and I guess they gave up on that whole "Make the IC title mean something again" thing. Poor poor Big E.
    2 points
  30. And starting a Jeff Beck discussion is all I'll remember from this thread.
    2 points
  31. Cody Rhodes is a fucking idiot.
    2 points
  32. I wasn't trying to be a prick. I saw it happen more than once, it made me chuckle, and his hair came up again. I'm sorry having a little fun bugs you so much...
    2 points
  33. "Aye, is Andre really your dad Mang?"
    2 points
  34. Found this while reading an article on something else. The link called it "the greatest video game glitch of all-time" - I would be very hard-pressed to argue. Watch the whole thing!
    2 points
  35. Carlos Boozer has finally acknowledged not getting minutes in the fourth and he's getting frustrated with it. Maybe guard someone. Fucking anyone. Finish a fucking layup. Something. Shit.
    2 points
  36. Alvarez has been on a roll of late so I'll just reiterate what he said because I agree with it. Punk has been pushed as the #2 guy in the company. He's not John Cena. Anyone who thinks he should be in John Cena's position is delusional. On top of that he's made a boatload of money with this contract. I'm not buying the "Punk has been held down!" narrative.
    2 points
  37. http://youtu.be/p9QbR4TrlG8 Shinsuke unboxing trading cards and giving commentary.
    2 points
  38. But why show sympathy for a fellow poster when being an asshole is so much easier?
    2 points
  39. With some practice, you too can learn to run really fast after snorting a barrel of cocaine.
    2 points
  40. Remember, the producer's word is absolute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY4gUcKmJho
    1 point
  41. I think it's highly overrated, and the thing I liked most about the first season is dead, but it's very watchable, so I'm sure I'll be watching next week.
    1 point
  42. First time I ever watched New Girl, solely to see Prince. Because he is Prince.
    1 point
  43. Aksana should get a monster heel push where she starts putting divas out of action with her kneedrop. Maybe even have her break out of Natty's sharpshooter to sell how powerful her legs are. Then she can give Tamina the kneedrop and she no-sells it because of her Samoan hard head and JBL goes crazy on commentary.
    1 point
  44. That's his bra hanging on the closet door isn't it.
    1 point
  45. I'm losing my patience waiting for Brave and the Bold season three to be on Netflix.
    1 point
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