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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2013 in all areas

  1. I have become a dad for the second time this morning. I have produced a male heir!
    5 points
  2. I'm almost certain Flair couldn't make contact with a Bible without instantly bursting into flame.
    4 points
  3. You guys are nuts. Those boots are boss.
    4 points
  4. What, pray tell, is wrong with a title changing hands? I get the other ones, even though I think they're pretty stupid, but this one completely eludes me. "The Championship Opportunity has been successfully completed!"
    4 points
  5. OK seriously...Andre's boots need a coat of polish 3 years ago here, Ric looks like he went into a time machine and stole a pair of New Foundation boots, while apparently holding the Holy Bible. He's a big fan of the Wooo! Testament.
    3 points
  6. Should have left it at that, buddy.
    3 points
  7. What, pray tell, is wrong with a title changing hands? I get the other ones, even though I think they're pretty stupid, but this one completely eludes me. "The Championship Opportunity has been successfully completed!" The amorous congress that just took place between those two warriors will not soon be forgotten by my eyes!
    3 points
  8. So I was in Potbelly's (sandwich shop) and I sat down next to a WWE the Magazine. I was browsing it a little and then the owner came over and grabbed his stuff from the area I was sitting. I guess he had already sat his stuff down. So he walks away and sits down somewhere else and starts eating. I finish my foot and I go ask him, "Wrestling fan huh." He says yea. Then we started talking. He was around 60 years old, black dude. Kinda country. dialect. He started out saying how he was a fan of Snuka, Superstar Billy Graham, Ken Patera, Bruno and a bunch of the other stars of WWF from that era. He also started talking about steriods and how people foolishly believe they weren't used heavily back in the day. He said he didn't really care for Hulk Hogan but it was a big moment when he beat Andre because nobody had really seen him dominated before that point in time. He didn't care for Andre either. He RAVED about Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. He talked about how far they came. He even referenced them coming from ROH without me having to assist him. He said he would have never imagined those dudes coming from where they came from becoming the stars that they are now. He didn't really talk much about Cena but he doesn't care much about him. He really talked a lot about Superstar Jimmy Graham and how he influenced so many wrestlers. We spent a little time talking about Benoit and how roid-rage was probably the cause of what happened with him. He brought up Vicki Guerrero getting a sweet deal after Eddie died. He also talked about how unbelievable of a World Champion Eddie and Rey were. He says that they had no business winning a World title. He talked about the Rock painting himself in Green last year and posing as the Incredible Hawk. He raved about HBK. He called HBK the Iron Man. He specifically called him a "Marathon Wrestler." He says Bret and Shawn remind him of Daniel and Punk. Little dudes that look legit. He talked about all of the talent that came out of the state of Minnesota. The Hennigs, Rude. He also talked about how much he liked Piper and he was amazed that I knew about the Snuka/Piper Coconut spot. He was like, "Damn you remember that. You probably weren't even born." He spent like 5 mins talking about how he hates the state of women's wrestling. He says all of the girls look the same now and Vince McMahon should be embarrassed of himself to put those girls in the ring as bad as they are. He brought up Fabolous Moolah and SHeri Martel and talked about how they were actual WRESTLERS. He talked about how cool of a white boy Dusty Rhodes was. He spent like 5 mins talking about the Von Erich family and how they were all messed up. How tragic of a family story that was. He knew who Liger was! Of course I brought it up. He liked Liger, Tiger Mask, Strong Kobayashi, and Kawada. He brought up those names! He talked about the Snuka/Backlund match and how Snuka had him beat but he went back up to the top of the cage. We talked about Snuka supposedly killing that girl. He said Bob Backlund was the man back in the day. A Legit dude. He talked about how good Kurt Angle was but how he was on that stuff. So I was essentially just throwing names out there just to get an opinion. We were browsing the magazine together and there is a picture of The Shield and he says, "Those are some bad dudes. I have never seen somebody come in like that. They didn't come in scared, they put their foot down." He then went on to talk about how they could have made it in any era. There was probably more but I can't remember anything else right now. We talked for like 1.5 hours. Really enjoyed that talk.
    2 points
  9. That's what he said, word for word.
    2 points
  10. There was an episode where the guy made the kid comb his chest hair with his fingers, I was in tears at that. So awesome.
    2 points
  11. Followed by his reaction just over a month from now:
    2 points
  12. 95) THE FIFTH ELEMENT 1997- 379 Points - 10 Votes (Highest Vote: #9 Hobo Joe) DIRECTOR: Luc Besson STARRING: Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, Gary Oldman Placement On Original List: #255 (5 Votes) IMDB ROTTEN TOMATOES (71%) WIKI NOTE FROM RIPPA - Our first movie with a double digit vote total
    2 points
  13. Yup... probably still my favorite move in wrestling. Clearly I care not about concussions.
    2 points
  14. So I've been grinding hard and I finally was able to buy a Pegassi Vacca. Couldn't afford to mod it up, all I could get was the paint job for the moment. Anyway as soon as I got it I asked my mate if he wanted to come along for a ride while I take it for a spin. Now, bearing in mind he's pretty much playing the part of a creepy stalker with a hair trigger temper, he probably wasn't the wisest choice of companion with my brand new $240,000 super car. He says he needs to get some ammo so we stop off. I wait in the parking lot playing with the radio. He says to me "we should go...", I look over and he's knifed some poor woman in the neck and we now have a wanted level. I get onto the freeway and this jag off cop steams into me nearly sending me over the barrier. Needless to say my buddy pulled out his SMG and sprays the cop with bullets from the passenger seat. This incurs a 3 star wanted level and a chopper on our asses. So I'm saying "just keep cool, I'll get away" knowing that my new supercar will outrun them. He being a goddamn psychopath doesn't see it that way. So he shoots down the helicopter and we've got ourselves a 4-star wanted level. We've got more choppers, police cruisers and riot vans all over us. They've got road blocks and dudes making my shiny Vacca look like Swiss cheese. Eventually I get near some train tracks and by this time the car is a piece of junk with bits hanging off it and the steering so messed up it doesn't turn right. I hide in a tunnel and lose the cops. We breathe a sigh of relief as BAM we're hit by a train. He's laughing his arse off while I'm thinking of the $10k insurance premium I won't be able to afford. Anyway, she made it back alive and will fight another day. Next time we take the Sandking.
    2 points
  15. I felt that way a lot about wrestlers as a kid. Then I grew up and the world jaded me and now I have a great respect for the guys who are just in it for the money. There is literally no other sensible reason to put your body through that bullshit.
    2 points
  16. Goldberg was and will always be awesome: Goldberg: WCW World Heavyweight Champion *Click Here to Enlarge* Speaking of Goldberg, I got him and Stone Cold Steve Austin to start talking shit to each other today by tweeting out an old cover of Cracked magazine: "WWF vs WCW" - Cracked Magazine #334 [May 1999] *Click Here to Enlarge* Their response? If you told teenage me that I could use the computer fifteen years down the line to talk to my favorite wrestlers, I'd think you were nuts.
    2 points
  17. I don't know who either of those dudes are, but that's fucking stupid.
    1 point
  18. Brad Maddox <3 <3 <3 {{EDIT}} OR....
    1 point
  19. i just want to thank you guys for continuing to move this project forward. The AWA was so much more fun than I thought it would be and I hope I have the chance to participate in every one of these sets from now on.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 97) BRAVEHEART 1995 - 377 Points - 7 Votes (Highest Vote: #4 Death From Above) DIRECTOR: Mel Gibson STARRING: Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan Placement On Original List: #51 (9 Votes) IMDB ROTTEN TOMATOES (81%) WIKI
    1 point
  22. 98) APOLLO 13 1995 - 373 Points - 8 Votes (Highest Vote: #21 CSC) DIRECTOR: Ron Howard STARRING: Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon Placement On Original List: #89 (6 Votes) IMDB ROTTEN TOMATOES (95%) WIKI
    1 point
  23. Final issue is such a perfect punch in the balls. It makes perfect sense for every character, but still hurts in a way that could only be accomplished with the pending reboot.
    1 point
  24. I'm struggling. I don't know if my joke should be "Not the rug. That really tied the room together" or "No! Not the moss-covered three handled family gredunza!"
    1 point
  25. Can never go wrong seeing NIN live. Wanted to see them here in Denver but the show sold out instantly.
    1 point
  26. [youtube*]entire URL[/youtube*] Don't use the *s
    1 point
  27. I liked that little time period where Arn Anderson got wins over Flair and Hogan. It was about 10 years too late, but still.
    1 point
  28. I'm hoping that Mike Rotundo is the higher power behind the Wyatts, myself...and "Sister Abigail" is a euphenism for taxes.
    1 point
  29. Well I don't know. I mean where do people think Dean Malenko is rated when people say over or under rated? The list of juniors that were better is shorter than the list of wrestlers who were worse. Eddie, Rey, Liger. Benoit. You could argue Ultimo and Sasuke if you were so inclined. Jericho wasn't as good as Malenko during the feud but his overall body of work is better at this point. You could probably add some other lucha and puro guys that he didn't compete with or who peaked later. So I'd say Malenko is probably a Top 15-20 Junior. Which if you think about it is pretty damn awesome.
    1 point
  30. Not that I want this to take a violent turn, but this is a once in a lifetime shot for some nature photographer:
    1 point
  31. I'd say Linda was weak link of the McMahons, not Shane. I like to think if Vince had given Shane $100 million dollars and said "Go get elected to the senate" he probably could have pulled it off.
    1 point
  32. I forgot David Flair was banging George Clooney's ex. I take him off my initial post. Smith Hart you loser, if you banged a mega fox, you could work your way off my list too.
    1 point
  33. Grado is pro wrestling. Goldberg, not so much.
    1 point
  34. David Flair, Crowbar and Daffney was probably my favourite gimmick/stable of late-WCW.
    1 point
  35. Feel bad saying David Flair since I'm pretty sure he's the only one of his family who hasn't OD'd, been a drunken lech or gotten arrested for attacking a cop. Also, he banged Stacy Keibler. Arguably he's turned out the best of the bunch. David Flair: terrible wrestler, winner at life.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. I thought they needed a tag because you still need a legal man to make a pinfall. You won't get DQ'd for doing crazy stuff, but someone still have to make the pin. That's not a DQ rule, either.Aside from that -- the reason why I think this is my MOTY is because it fits a puzzle piece better than any match has in decades. This was a match that was built up after a few months of storytelling and angles. HHH wanted to take the belt off of Daniel Bryan right after SummerSlam. That has now led to The Big Show punching Roman Reigns in the face so The Rhodes Boys beats The Shield in a ridiculously great match, the sequel to their other amazing match. And the celebration involved Daniel Bryan's chant.I'm sure there's some nitpicks to be found, like there are in any match, but this match was the result of some really great planning and storytelling. It was so ridiculously cathartic. Almost every great match exists in a vacuum of sorts -- feuds involve two parties and almost never have anything to do with the rest of the league. Everything exists in essentially its own universe. Bryan/Cena was that. Punk/Lesnar was that. Those were great, fantastic matches. But this was an amazing match set up by a few other fantastic matches. The greater context and how they set that all up so marvelously gives this a bump in my eyes. And the work itself was great, too.I was the biggest ECW mark imaginable. The one single match I remember more than anything else was Raven/Richards vs. The Pitbulls. There were so many talented guys in ECW. I would venture to guess that, in the history of ECW, both Pitbulls would certainly rank in the bottom half of the talent in the roster. But you have a crazy brawl, great character work from Stevie, and the lapping stories of Dreamer Hates Raven, Bill Alfonso Heel Ref, The Chokeslam Has Been Lifted makes it so much better. This match was the 2013 version of that. A++++.
    1 point
  38. I'm absolutely shocked that a white southern crowd chanted "MONKEY BOY" at a half black pro wrestler.
    1 point
  39. Harlem Heat theme wasn't even a WCW creation, it was part of one of those licensed music packages that TV stations buy. It was always really distracting hearing it pop up in random places, like hotel menu screens or a Kids in the Hall sketch.
    1 point
  40. Put John Cena in Sting's position and Sting in John Cena's position, and you'd have very similar careers/fan reactions. A 2009 Cena/1992 Vader strap match would be awesome. prime Sting vs Umaga would also have ruled things.
    1 point
  41. They're both better at laying out matches than the majority of the roster. Del Rio is probably the best heel wrestler in the company because his offense looks credible but he shows enough ass to keep people from cheering him. He knows how to let wrestlers beneath him on the totem pole get in a little offense without making himself too weak. He also makes things really easy for faces to garner sympathy with the way he works them over. The Ziggler and Christian matches are good examples. He's also one of the few gameplan wrestlers on the roster, and by executing his matches with what appears to be a legit agenda, Del Rio creates a more detailed continuity to his matches.Christian is a great underdog wrestler who really excels in cat-n-mouse matches, where he attempts to outwit stronger wrestlers. He's also believable as "survivor" who could possibly pull out an upset win through some veteran tactics. It's difficult to be an underdog, while still looking credible with your successes, and he can pull that off. He's also really good at selling body parts to give himself an out for his losses. More faces that are in jobber mode could learn from that.So what's the point when no gives a shit about you? People for a few years now have been proclaiming that ADR is 'great worker' but I don't see how when he can't sustain any interest.. And he is one of the few guys on the roster who didn't waste time jobbing to much, much less nteresting people. Then again, my biggest gripe with WWE tv is how they don't seem to give a shit that more than 80% of their roster can't move a crowd even if they started shooting rounds off before their matches.He sustains my interest. I'm somebody. Character/story wise, I think he cuts a good promo, but he's often in a position where he has nothing to do outside of cutting variations of the same promo. He's a better wrestler than most of the roster but he's rarely spoken about with reverance by people higher up the food chain. Triple H doesn't care about having Del Rio on his side. CM Punk doesn't care about beating him for the title. The belt he holds has no real perceived value, so no one really has a reason to go after him, unless the writers give him a good story. And he doean't have one. That's why he's getting Khali - because who cares?I watch WWE differently. I don't watch whole episodes and get filled in on stories from here or vid packages on PPVS. So my stake in a match is different than people who actually go through the arduous task of watching 8 hours of WWE a week. I'm not overexposed to certain guys, or trained to not give a shit about people yet, because I only watch a handful of matches a month. But Del Rio is fucking good in the ring, because of what I outlined and that's all that matters to me. Whether or not the crowd'a care is irrelevant.
    1 point
  42. Robbie E won a match? TNA must be in worse shape than we thought.
    1 point
  43. Because it's not fair to Flair.
    1 point
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