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So either it is Fozzy tour time or Jericho is doing his usual working of folks surrounding when he is or isn't with the company.

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I think the Mania win might have just been a thanks for you're hard work over the years.

While I'm not super sad that he might be gone (for a while) I thought he was doing really good work this past month and he was really good last night, especially with making Dean's offense look less bad especially by always being turned away from him while he was doing his rebound shit (which dean did way too much last night) and turning into the offense, good blind feeds to make his opponent look good while also not looking stupid for watching Ambrose and waiting for him to come back at him.

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More and more Wrestlemania seems like one of the worst booked Wrestlemanias. Last week the LoN broke up making the ending between them and New Day even dumber (and I don't give a shit what the plan was with the legends). Then it becomes clear Jericho is going to be taking another sabbatical making you wonder why he even went over AJ.

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13 hours ago, The Comedian said:

In the old days, if Enzo was crippled or killed they'da still done an angle where Cass chased the Vaudevillains to avenge his partner...


13 hours ago, Wyld Samurai said:

That would be an incredibly hot angle to have Cass come out tomorrow night and run them down. 

Cass did feud with Aiden last time Enzo was out with an injury.  Time to dust off the ol' singing contest angle?

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Knowing that Enzo is OK and that he was just knocked out when his head hit the mat and it's nothing all too serious, last night's injury could serve to ultimately be a great thing for Enzo and Cass. They now have that sympathy to play off of. Enzo will be forced to take the weeks up to Extreme Rules off in the ring, so he'll be able to come out and run his mouth about what happened, and this will build even more heat. By the time they do the rematch with The Vaudvillians, the Villians will have more heel heat and Enzo will be hugely over as a face. When Enzo/Cass win, it will get a huge reaction. Then when they go against New Day, it will be even bigger than if they just beat the Villians in a single match at the PPV last night.

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16 hours ago, L_W_P said:

Ryback wearing a belt that says "The Pre Show Stopper" and then mocking CM Punk's entance is fucking amazing!

For those who haven't seen it:


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2 hours ago, Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 said:

I hope Enzo isn't out too long.  Honestly, Big Cass is going to be a huge star soon, and Enzo should just be his mouthpiece.    

I think you're selling Enzo a little short.  He's turning into a pretty decent worker.  I think he's got more potential than just Cass's hype man.

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4 minutes ago, MonteCarl said:

Knowing that Enzo is OK and that he was just knocked out when his head hit the mat and it's nothing all too serious, last night's injury could serve to ultimately be a great thing for Enzo and Cass. They now have that sympathy to play off of. Enzo will be forced to take the weeks up to Extreme Rules off in the ring, so he'll be able to come out and run his mouth about what happened, and this will build even more heat. By the time they do the rematch with The Vaudvillians, the Villians will have more heel heat and Enzo will be hugely over as a face. When Enzo/Cass win, it will get a huge reaction. Then when they go against New Day, it will be even bigger than if they just beat the Villians in a single match at the PPV last night.

Just clarify - it could still be very serious.

No one knows how long he will need to recover.

As Meltzer pointed out last night - a severe concussion was the reason Christian was retired. (He cited a UFC fighter who has been out over a year but I am blanking on who). He could be back next week too.

But we should probably be careful about saying "nothing too serious"

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Also weird coincidence

As noted on Twitter - probably the last time the WWE had to stop a match for injury like that was Vaudevillians vs. Jason Jordan &. "Mr. Sasha Banks" Mikaze

Mikaze got knocked out and they stopped the match (though it never aired on TV)

And now that I think about it - I think Mikaze was forced to retire and that is now why he works behind the scenes

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In addition to the Ray Rice line, Lawler said right after that "I'd rather drink a gallon of Flint, Michigan Water". I was like WTF is he talking about. They're afraid of letting Ric Flair be Ric Flair and yet Jerry Lawler being Jerry Lawler is perfectly fine?

But man, Thank God Enzo is all right. The way he was motionless on the floor was just scary. I can just see him being all "I'M FROM STATEN ISLAND. IT TAKES A LIL MORE DEN DAT TO PUT A GEE LIKE ME DOWN...HOW YOU DOIN"

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I honestly thought Enzo had broken his neck and we were about to witness his death in real time.  I'm pretty sure his eyes rolled all the way back at first.  Everyone in the arena was either crying or tucked into the fetal position, praying to whatever diety they believe in for Enzo to be okay.  That was terrifying, and I hope he fully recovers.

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4 hours ago, Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 said:

I hope Enzo isn't out too long.  Honestly, Big Cass is going to be a huge star soon, and Enzo should just be his mouthpiece.    

You know that Vince is dreaming every night about pushing Big Cass straight to the Main Event.  Then he wakes up all mad that they are so over you cannot break them up.  Yet.

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Wouldn't the answer about what to do tonight be something simple like the Vaudevillians complain that the match ended in a no-contest and not a victory for the Vaudevillians by forfeit when Enzo got hurt. New Day comes out and says that how the match ended was just booty, and they can't have a tournament sponsored by Booty-O's end with something so booty. So tonight, Enzo/Cass vs. Vaudevillians will happen. Vaudevillians protest, Enzo and Big Cass come out (Enzo still wearing his hospital gown because why not) Enzo tries to start the match but Cass doesn't let him. Then Cass basically wrestles a handicap match and wins.

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1 minute ago, evilwaldo said:

You know that Vince is dreaming every night about pushing Big Cass straight to the Main Event.  Then he wakes up all mad that they are so over you cannot break them up.  Yet.

Vince is probably okay with Cass in a popular tag team right now. Less bumps Cass has to take while still getting major over on TV every week. Then he can keep Cass fresh while The Shield/Bullet Club (possibly w/ Finn Balor) spend the next year feuding over the WWE WHC

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3 minutes ago, Brysynner said:

Wouldn't the answer about what to do tonight be something simple like the Vaudevillians complain that the match ended in a no-contest and not a victory for the Vaudevillians by forfeit when Enzo got hurt. New Day comes out and says that how the match ended was just booty, and they can't have a tournament sponsored by Booty-O's end with something so booty. So tonight, Enzo/Cass vs. Vaudevillians will happen. Vaudevillians protest, Enzo and Big Cass come out (Enzo still wearing his hospital gown because why not) Enzo tries to start the match but Cass doesn't let him. Then Cass basically wrestles a handicap match and wins.

That doesn't solve the fact that they don't know how long Enzo will be out, especially with the PPV in 3 weeks.

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