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  1. Nobody cares about stuff like that. I want Mariah May to bash you over the head with a shoe for even posting this here.
    21 points
  2. Why do you fucking tag him every time? Why is THAT the thing that's important to you? Jesus fuck dude, we get it. We know you don't like her and find his fandom offensive, and we know that he will rise to your hate-tag. And as someone who missed her entire career until the show where she broke her foot, this is RSPW shit. You are doing RSPW shit.
    17 points
  3. Something I’ve been meaning to talk about is the brilliance of Caster’s rap. I’ve seen people say it was bad and he must have messed up because he just kept ending every line with “bitch”. I thought it was totally obvious that the point of the rap was to call out Okada’s use/reliance of that as his catchphrase. Like “see, I can do it too, and more creatively”
    16 points
  4. I am gaining SO MUCH respect for Will Ospreay. He put both Swerve and MJF over huge, in ways that make them look great. Guys who made a name on the indies and became well known stars in AEW. That is the SPIRIT of being a Bret guy. Certain dudes are good at Bret cosplay and talking about putting dudes over. But guys like Ospreay and Bryan and Eddie Kingston are keeping the true spirit of Bret alive by actually doing clean jobs in the ring when it serves to do so. THAT is how you enter the Best in the World conversation in my mind. Not by winning every match and refusing to return any favours. (i.e an HBK guy). The REALLY great ones can lose a match and make the other wrestler look great while never losing an ounce of credibility or the support of the fans. I am VERY pleasantly surprised to be including Will Ospreay in the conversation with all-time favourites like Bret, Bryan and Eddie (and Terry Funk...) but he has absolutely earned it!
    15 points
  5. The match ends as a no contest due to a run-in from a re-debuting, newly-renamed Jinder Halal
    14 points
    14 points
  7. This is a 100% precautionary message, but since I've seen it mentioned in... other places... If anyone decides to make a joke and refer to the current Vice President as the "Ugandan Giant", or any variation thereof, it will be your last post on this board.
    13 points
  8. "Oh, you mean Randy Savage the rapper??" Wait a minute..
    12 points
  9. Everything at Home Depot and Lowes costs a trillion dollars. But I own a house now.
    12 points
  10. Hope everyone still have all ten fingers
    12 points
  11. I'm in some store this past weekend with both of my kids. They have some Funko Pops. Daughter (13): "Look, they have Randy Savage." Son (7): "The Macho Man?" Daughter: "No, dumbass. The other Randy Savage. Yes, it's the Macho Man!" After telling her to watch her mouth, I did get a good laugh out of it. The rest of the time in the store, we were coming up with other Randy Savages. "You mean Senator Randy Savage?" "Oh, you mean Randy Savage, the famous neurosurgeon?" "Randy Savage? That guy from work?"
    11 points
  12. The blowoff for Hangman/Swerve should be the return of the exploding barbwire deathmatch, but actually have the ending look good this time.
    11 points
  13. Even more than the promos, the Hitman cutting a searing look of pure hatred at the crowd while hugging Owen after making up with him is one of the best things I've ever seen in wrestling, full stop. It's tremendous.
    11 points
  14. That was the best Adam Page performance I’ve ever seen.
    11 points
  15. This will not end well.
    11 points
  16. I don't want to make light of anything you may have been going through back then, but picturing someone in therapy being asked, "What would you consider your lowest point?" and answering with "Well, at one point I was drunk-posting about Dolph Ziggler a lot." made me laugh. Therapist immediately picks up her office phone, "Clear my appointments for the rest of the day! We need to get into this NOW!"
    10 points
  17. Toni should switch gimmicks to 70's grindhouse "killer knife fight chicks in fast cars" shit.
    10 points
  18. I yelled in my empty car while driving during Dave's criticism of Ospreay not wanting to do the Tiger Driver, saying it didn't make sense because MJF is a heel. Motherfucker that's what a good babyface is all about. He doesn't want to injure anyone. Hell yeah I underlined, bolded, and italicized that. Heel or face doesn't matter because he's a decent human being. Have decades of edgy babyfaces and cool heels induced brain rot?
    10 points
  19. You'd think, being in "Little Rock" you'd want to build the show around Ricky Starks.
    10 points
  20. The Outrunners accompanying Dalton Castle to the ring and mixing their own shtick in with the The Boys routine put a big old smile on my face. Makes me happy in the same (a similar?) way that Luther finding his niche with Timeless Toni did. Nice to know that there is still space for the entertainingly weird and indie on AEW TV ❤
    10 points
  21. TK announced on Twitter that Ishii will be staying with AEW for the rest of summer, so Gordi will have at least some stuff to look forward to each week
    10 points
  22. She could steal Cody's entrance gimmick. "Wrestling has more than one... Stephanie"
    10 points
  23. I'm going to pivot away from where this is heading and say that AEW is slowly and consistently getting away from an underbooked woman's division. Would I still enjoy more matches, absolutely, but they built a great storyline with Toni/May/Mina while including the Saraya/Harley, Willow/Stat still has more legs to it and I'd argue that Banks/Baker last night felt like one of the biggest segments AEW has had for womens wrestling in a long time. You get Hayter back and build on what is going on, i really could see it growing by leaps and bounds even more post All In. May/Toni(if that's where they're heading) and Baker/Mone are two legit, high profiles matches with stories woven in that aren't just hamfisted slapped together. I really think AEW is finding their stride again.
    10 points
  24. I'd be pissed off being behind that guy. He doesn't sit the fuck down.
    10 points
  25. In kayfabe, these guys are awesome athletes who dig deep and find another gear when fighting for the world title. Like maybe when you're in a prelim match or maybe just going for the TNT title, you're like "fuck it, my head hurts and I'm tired of fighting." But when the biggest championship in your company is on the line, you fight a bit harder. You find the will to kick out of a finisher. Maybe a few times, even. That's the beauty of fake fighting, you can come up with logic for this goofiness.
    10 points
  26. Here's a passage from the Sheik book that I have to share. He had just shown for a tag with Pat Tanaka against Kevin Sullivan and Taz(maniac) for the only time he ever wrestled in the ECW Arena. Couldn't even get in the ring because there was no steps, but brawled on the outside with Sullivan and threw fire twice. Crazy old bastard!
    10 points
  27. Blood and Guts ruled. It had everything I could want in some chaotic garbage ghoul match — blood, reckless neck bumps, falls from the cage to ladders, unprotected head shots (that really hushed the crowd), the torture of a man with staple guns and it ends with threatened arson resulting in a future shot at the promotions third highest ranking title. Wrestling is the greatest. One million billion stars. AEW rules the motherfucking world.
    9 points
  28. I said in the discord I'm an unapologetic Hangman guy, but man, there is something intangible there whenever him and Swerve fight. The crowd is super into it and it is one of the few feuds going that "feels" real and hateful.
    9 points
  29. Counerpoint: " Perfect Strangers" is one of best entrance songs of all time, and the Triple Threat of Douglas, Bigelow, and Candido w/ Francine were fucking awesome.
    9 points
  30. Hey, ya know... When you put Suzuki, Ishii, and The Outrunners all on the same one-hour professional wrestling television programme, and toss in a Statlander semi-squash for good measure, it's likely you will end up making ole Gordlow pretty happy. Which is what happened. Plus you toss in Ishii vs Roddy Strong tomorrow (and if I recall Natch's post correctly, f'n DARBY vs BLACK TAURUS as well) then it looks like I won't be able to skip Collision this week either. Don't know how I am supposed to save up any mark-out energy for the G1 or the upcoming PPV or even Blood and Guts plus MiSu vs Jericho... But, what the hell? I am having fun.
    9 points
  31. If we're not going to get the MCMG challenging the Young Bucks after the Bucks proclaim there is no competition left, give me the Kings of Wrestling re-uniting to take the tag belts off the Bucks.
    9 points
  32. It's awesome how some people were speculating a Jarrett screwjob (either fucking over Hangman or swerving Danielson) and some kind of screwjob in the women's final, and the finishes were for the most part clean. And now people are wondering how they're going to "get out of" MJF/Okada. Almost three decades of WWE booking has really ruined the way some folks think about wrestling.
    9 points
  33. Toni is a woman of the world, and Wembley is part of the world.
    9 points
  34. Well that was a hell of an ending to Dynamite.
    9 points
  35. taking my friend who has never seen pro wrestling to her first indy show later this week
    9 points
  36. WWE mingling with TNA & Bloodsport makes more sense when you view it from the TKO perspective. They just paid out MLW 20 million in a settlement they didn't want to go to trial. They just settle a UFC anti-trust lawsuit. They don't want scrutiny on that independent contractor status / antitrust lawsuits. This is their way of mitigating all that. Having something to point to and say hey we aren't trying to monopolize. There's a clear #2 and we're working with the #3s & #4s to help them out. Some of it can be a shift in philosophy because Triple H & Shawn don't see the business in those same black and white 'I need it all' terms that Vince did. But TKO wanting to keep their nose clean is the driving force I'd say.
    9 points
  37. Dollar Store Wyatt Family Wyatt 6 run in, murders Gable again, Mox walks off from embarrassment.
    9 points
  38. Their are probably some negatives that could be found in all this inter promotional stuff but wrestling has been so closed off and up its own ass for so long I just hope people will appreciate this stuff now because it won’t last forever.
    9 points
  39. Watching AEW and then complaining about spotfests is like watching German porn and complaining about too much poop.
    9 points
  40. I picked up my daughter from the airport, where she was visiting family out-of-state the last month, and we got home in time to watch the Forbidden Door preshow. Without giving away results, my daughter (who doesn't watch wrestling) made her opinions known to me ... -- Thought Gabe Kidd and Kyle Fletcher were "dorks" because they "used their real names" and should be a team called "The Big Dorks." Also said Fletcher reminded her of "the worst TikTok creator ever." -- Enjoyed Malakai and Brody from a distance, as they had "too many tattoos." Private Party reminded her of "those kids from junior high who thought they were cool but no one else did." Ishii looked like a "henchman from an anime." -- Said Willow was "fun" and would be a "cool friend if they were in middle school together." Asked me why Statlander and Watanabe were managed by "the guy from 'Sesame Street'." I said that wasn't Gordon. -- Told me Stephanie Vaquer reminded her of Anya from "Spy x Family" and asked if she's accompanied to the ring by a bow tie-wearing dog. I said that was a great idea, but no. She also said Vaquer would be a "cool middle school friend" as well. -- Loved all the masked wrestlers because "the masks were cool."
    9 points
  41. So would the loser have to eat pork or would the whole idea of "kosher" leave the WWE?
    8 points
  42. As much as I want to comment on the simple awesomeness of Jericho/Suzuki I'm two tall beers in so I'll just say Blood and Guts was fucking awesome. Oh, fuck it why not. Jericho/Suzuki barely bumped if at all, did chops for 60% of the match and the crowd ate it all up. Two veterans from different career paths put on a master class and I loved everything about it. And furthermore Max somehow got people in Nashville to boo the American title and cheer for a title match in England. I never thought I'd see that but here we are. And even furthermore somehow Darby didn't bleed yet B&G had some wonderful violence and drove the main story beats really well. I'm fucking psyched for All In in, y'all..
    8 points
  43. I think the idea of “let’s team all these guys up because they’re all black” needs to be left in the past.
    8 points
  44. Now, more than ever, I'm disappointed in Mr. Hogan, to the point that I want him to fornicate with himself and then expire.
    8 points
  45. ROH being "AEW Dark but you now have to pay for it" definitely turned me off. As others have said, I'd watch if it was part of my existing AEW+ sub, because who doesn't want more stuff for the same price? But aside from that, nah.
    8 points
  46. In a world with wrestling barbers, undead morticians, and folks cosplaying as other ethnicities, I think we can have a young lady wear olde-timey tights and talk in 1940s slang without it being that big of a deal.
    8 points
  47. 8 points
  48. Somewhat of a tangent, but that is kind of my philosophy on how the main singles title for a company should be booked. The two workers in that match should be leaving everything in the ring when the biggest prize available is on the line. You can do shenanigans and such in other spots on the card.
    8 points
  49. Can this please be the subheader on the AEW forum here?
    8 points
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