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Log last won the day on September 13

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  1. I heard Lynch was good in Bottoms and he was one of the only bright spots in an abysmal third season of Westworld.
  2. I don't think you read the whole thing. Aubrey is a kicker, not an athlete.
  3. This made me legit LOL. God, "I'm sorry, I love you" is like my least favorite thing to happen in pro wrestling in the last 20 years.* *Obviously not counting all of the real-life horrific shit that's gone on in that timeframe.
  4. That is 100% Joey Ramone with the tuba. Weird. Didn't remember all of the celeb cameos in that video.
  5. Am I misremembering, or was there yet another suplex after they spilled to the outside on that Davey Richards spot?
  6. Bring back movie theme songs that have a synopsis of the movie in the lyrics!
  7. This a million times! Honestly, from a business standpoint, I'd say AEW's biggest missed opportunity has been marketing/promotion. I watch every week, and every time they've come near me, it's like I've stumbled on it accidentally after tickets were already on-sale.
  8. There are probably a few wrestlers who have come in, some directly from WWE, and decided that they were going to call the shots for themselves from now on. Part of that is because that's what AEW was presented as to them. Come over here and get away from the oppressive micromanaging you're used to! But your ideas still have to be approved to be on tv, etc. If management isn't feeling it, you may get left in the cold. If you shoot down all of managements ideas for you, you may get left in the cold. There are probably a few of them that maybe don't have the best ideas. Maybe some just have a different vision of what they should be doing than TK/AEW? Maybe a couple are jerks? Maybe Tony is being a jerk to some of them? Maybe some of them have only been presented with terrible ideas, so they're right in not going along with them? I just don't think it's cut-and-dry one way or the other. Probably a combo.
  9. Indiana ranked higher than Alabama is wild.
  10. Paradigm Pro would attempt this. Hell, they even had a shootstyle match that would turn into a deathmatch if there wasn't a winner within a certain time period. I think someone brought them up on here recently. In a vacuum, they had some great stuff. A lot like Bloodsport. The issue with both is that it's hard to watch them in the greater scheme of pro wrestling. You have matches ending on a KO from a backdrop driver in the shootstyle matches, but then guys trading them and getting right up for fighting spirit spots in other wrestling matches. It's hard to compartmentalize that.
  11. Yeah, no need to be shitty. If you want to apologize and move on with posting here without needlessly insulting people, please do. If you can't do that, please move on. Honestly, at this stage of my fandom, I'd kind of like to hear the takes of a 12 year old who has never watched wrestling before. It'd be refreshing.
  12. Cozart seems like the kind of person who’s unironically asked, “Why isn’t there a White Entertainment Television channel!!?!?”
  13. My god, there are so many things in that brief description that just scream, "Not for me!"
  14. Being from a rural area originally, I have actually witnessed some dudes pull up all piled in the back of a pickup truck, jump out and have a fight, then jump back in and speed away. Wasn't all that uncommon.
  15. I noticed that too. Dude does NOT like wearing regular clothes, apparently. And, yes, I too am getting great enjoyment out of the wrecking of fools. I’ve long maintained that what is missing from modern pro wrestling is the wreckage of foolish wrestlers. Nice to see it coming back.
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