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  1. Past hour
  2. Yeah the toolbox busted Drew open hardway. Punk’s color was impressive too, but I get the feeling the idea for the match was for only Punk to be bleeding, barely get by with the victory + all that post-match medical stuff would be another layer in Punk’s overall comeback story thus far. He got mauled by Drew, and still won, but look at the damage done, etc. Punk was having trouble standing up and needed oxygen, meanwhile Drew was already standing up in the ring. Still works despite Drew’s hardway blood, but still. Seth/Punk will be fun, and that matches will bang, but as a biased Punk fan I want a final run on top. But it won’t happen with Cody & Gunther having strangleholds on the title, and in Cody’s case, with people like Roman and Rock lurking around for his not-so-distant future. I expect KO/Cody to last until the Rumble or something, being his stop-gap feud before the gear up to ‘Mania.
  3. This time of year I'd normally be preparing for a couple of mountain trips but that's all come to a halt over the past week. Hearing about disasters on the news is one thing, but when it's a place you have a deep affection for and are able to see places you've walked or driven through in ruins it hits a lot harder. I used the money I was going to spend on some new camping gear and dropped off a few loads of supplies to one of my favorite bars that's distributing aid out of their Asheville brewery. It's going to be an uphill battle in that area for a long time to come.
  4. Did Drew get the Muta gusher when Punk whacked him with that box? Punk was bleeding at the time and I wondered if Drew was going to gig himself too then all of a sudden he was leaking like crazy. The WWE tendency to book for a gimmick match rather than just let the feud evolve towards it has been an annoyance of mine for a while now but I thought they did a good job with the build in this program. I'm cosigning with everyone else saying this should have been the main instead of the never-ending Bloodline shmooze.
  5. Today
  6. Amazing comeback by Miami but, good lord, how do you not call that targeting foul late on Miami?
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pa9x9fZBtY And of course I found this live version of "Sultans of Swing" that is incredibly dope, also goofy and long as hell. But that's part of why it rules. Every musician except the bass player getting his own solo part rules. He does crowd work with the dancing about at the end though? So it's something? Maybe he just can't do lead stuff on bass; not everybody is Steve DiGiorgio.
  8. Poor poor Cal. Normally this would be the kind of game that Miami would fall in the polls despite winning, but after the bloodbath in the top ten they'll probably rise.
  9. Try as I might I don’t think I’ll ever care for the presentation, content and feel of WWE entertainment. That said, I’ll always watch Punk as he’s like the last bastion of pro-wrasslin’. Excellent blow-off match, positively old school, that had no business opening a PPV. Everything they did meant something and went somewhere. Interesting that they still obviously have issues with blood; Punk bladed the side of his head when he normally goes front and center. 16 staples says Drew clearly got a hard way in there and resulted in so much juice they were insisting he wipe his face.
  10. That looks like it would be awesome if you were high as a kite.
  11. Vince claiming the Mr. McMahon gimmick is because he hates rich people is probably not entirely true.. but it does remind me of the story of how Vince would avoid the rich people at fundraisers for his wife's campaigns and would spend time talking to food service workers instead
  12. fortunately I don't have the money to be addicted to gambling, so I don't know what the payoff is for a "Greek soccer" level of "bet home teams" conservatism in picking winners.. but it wouldn't surprise me if the betting market will eventually figure out home teams should be valued if they aren't valued enough Okay... the better comparison is "how Big 10 basketball teams win home games" for people not familiar with how home teams rarely lose (but will tie) at home in some countries because the refs would get assaulted by fans if the home team lost
  13. I dig Dementia a lot, and given my taste I grant that's a possible slam dunk, but not considering the rest. The theme will forever stick in my head though. Rumble Fish I tried to watch and got through about half an hour. It just didn't click. Outsiders was far better at that '50s high school/greaser vibe, even if was more straight-laced and less artsy. Maybe because of that, even. Neither of them capture it like Stand By Me though.
  14. This really nails it lol! This really was an alltime upset that was not as memeable, but was that big on its merit alone.
  15. Traveling three time zones is never going to be easy, and it's happening a lot more this year and going forward.
  16. Man, the power Alex Pereira has. He's up there with the heaviest hitters ever in MMA: Francis Ngannou, Shane Carwin, Jiří Procházka, Robbie Lawler and Anthony Johnson to name a few. Who am I missing?
  17. I don't know how Rountree lasted as long as he did in the 4th round. Second all you say.
  18. quoting myself from the offseason: https://deathvalleydriver.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10716-ncaaf-2024-offseason/page/7/#comment-1346823 take your pick if i'm referring to Miami losing on the road to Cal, or Michigan losing on the road to Washington, or the K-State/BYU game in Provo from a few weeks ago to be fair, some upsets with teams very familiar with each other too
  19. A friend of mine lost all his musical equipment and his home. He owned a record store in town and was a musician in several bands, so if you've ever been a person like that, you know the personal affects. Help if you're able. https://www.facebook.com/curt.mcgirt.7/posts/pfbid0MKAEi7AZudc62ud3PD3Dkgv2oDUQPX6vfojrWu3hEfgKjhUNkT164moER5vmrMvxl?notif_id=1728086247413745&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif I feel for you, JL. Best of luck under all this. Thankfully, considering I've got a good friend and some friends that don't even know me that I pick up tons of records from and would love to meet out in NC, they didn't get hit with the damage he, or you, did. It's insane. 20 foot walls of water in the space of about as many minutes? You can't defend against that. It's incredible, in the worst way. Also, and this is slightly shameful... I hate the Eagles as much as the Dude and I've heard it a zillion times, but I still kinda like "Hotel California". It's probably the solos. But hearing it over and over again... please, give me "Sultans of Swing" if you're gonna do that.
  20. Show #230 – 7 March 2000 “The one that would be the breaking point if I hadn't committed to watching all of these shows for this project” Finlay is all in Vampiro’s face backstage as we get the ol’ in media res opening. Vampiro, whom they are apparently trying to push, goes fifty-fifty with Finlay in a backstage brawl. Juventud Guerrera is still doing his Dollar Tree Rock nonsense, but at least he’s got his sling off! He and Psicosis are in the ring, and the latter is specifically here to face Kaz Hayashi of the Jung Dragons – that’s what Tony S. says, which is a heck of a way to debut the Jung Dragons on Nitro - in a match that should be alright, man, look at the talent in this ring. Kaz out-quicks Psicosis and eventually lands a back kick for two. Commentary keeps talking about the Jung Dragons and how Kaz is the leader, which makes me think that they debuted on WCWSN or something. This is so strange. How are we supposed to know anything about these guys the way they're presenting them unless we saw it on WCW.com or WCWSN or whatever? Anyway, this match looks like it could be great fun, but almost immediately after I let myself grow some investment into this bout, Finlay and Vampiro brawl their way through it because things are WILD and WACKY and shit, so forget this match being as good as it could be. Psicosis gets 2.8 off a Latino Frankensteiner as now TAFKAPI and Paisley walk to ringside. WCW could fuck up a wet dream, man. If they just properly debuted the Jung Dragons and then let these two have a good opener, that would be enough. TAFKAPI and Paisley jabber at Juvi outside the ring while Psicosis hits a guillotine legdrop inside the ring. He doesn’t cover, and Paisley distracts the ref while TAFKAPI hits him in the head with the belt. I’m glad that Kaz is put over strong here, what with needing to roll Psicosis up off that belt shot to win. What a dangerous guy that leader of the Jung Dragons is! Juvi and Psicosis beat down TAFKAPI after the match. Why is it so hard for Sullivan and Company to book a simple segment properly?! Tonight’s matchups: Sid and Vampiro vs. Jeff Jarrett and NO, I am not calling him Heavy D. He’s Da/oR Harris. God, WCW is stupid, and not in the fun way. Also, we’ll get yet another Ric Flair vs. Curt Hennig match. We cut to a backstage pull apart between Finlay and Vampiro that no one in their right mind would give a shit about. We then cut to Jeff Jarrett and the Harris Bros. crowing about what an easy target Vampiro will be in the main event. Disco and the Mamalukes cut a promo on the Harris Bros., who are getting a tag title match with them at Uncensored. This promo is fucking DIRE. What is up with this cheese sandwich gimmick that Johnny is trying to get over? Vampiro kicks stuff around backstage while in a rage. ENOUGH VAMPIRO, and I say that as a guy who thinks he should be pushed since he somehow got over in the past three or four months even with WCW creative being a void. Riki Rachtman is down the road from Chapel Hill at rival Duke University. Some kid won a trip to South Padre Island. We get a B-Roll of college kids hanging out earlier in the day at this WCW Spring Break event. You know, the usual. Vampiro stormed out of the building; TTP and Ric Flair get into the building at the same point of entry/exit. Tony S. is blown away by the synchronicity of these events. Ra/oD Harris faces Vito (w/Disco Inferno and Johnny the Bull). The Harris Bros. use “Rockhouse,” and it makes me long for the days of Horace Hogan and Crush coming to the ring to “Rockhouse,” somehow. This match isn’t good because, I mean, come on. At least it’s short. Vito hits Ra/oD with a Paisan Plunge, but the Harris Bros. do a switcheroo with a chain shot assist and get the victory…at least until Billy Silverman sees the replay on the TurnerTron and reverses the decision. I think these short matches with lots of overbooked nonsense prove one thing: Whatever it was that Vince Russo was trying to do with his style of booking a show, he is far better at it than Kevin Sullivan et al., who are doing that same style, but at a markedly worse level of quality. Oh yeah, the Harris Bros. destroyed Disco, the Mamalukes, and some Power Plant trainees masquerading as security after the match. I cannot believe that these bookers are dumb enough to push the Harrises as a dominant force. Even Russo was smart enough to book them as goofy mooks. Holy shit, Russo coming back is going to be a clear improvement over this era of Sullivan et al. That is wild. David Flair promises Gene Okerlund that he’ll be giving himself a 21st birthday gift that you can’t wrap, unless you count it that he’s fixing to wrap his golden crowbar around the head of THE WALL, BROTHER. The Harrises shoved a uniformed cop in that earlier melee, so they get arrested backstage as Jeff Jarrett whines about it. David Flair (w/Daffney, Daffney’s “DAVID’S LEGAL” shirt) is not possibly going to have as fun a sprint against THE WALL, BROTHER as Crowbar did on the previous Thunder. Bless TW, B’s heart; he tries very hard, but he’s simply not any good. TW,B stacks two tables on top of one another. They’re meant for Dopey Dave, who celebrates by standing on the ropes after a crowbar shot and gets goozled and chokeslammed through the tables in short order. Honestly, if they’re going to mega-push guys who aren’t any good, I much prefer they do it with TW,B instead of the Harrises. Daffney shrieks in terror as she kneels over Dave's broken body and then lets out a hopeless sob that touched a note in my brain and genuinely made me feel deeply sad for her. Curt Hennig, Arn Anderson, and Terry Funk come down to check on Dopey Dave and are shocked that Papa Ric doesn’t give a fuck about his kid getting slaughtered. Uh, they still have beef from early 1999 that didn’t ever get a proper resolution, remember? Why is Bam Bam Bigelow so mad about TW,B slaughtering Dopey Dave? Bammer’s done worse to opponents, especially in those hardcore bouts he was so proud to try and win. Anyway, he stands in a stairwell backstage and yells at TW,B that he didn’t teach him to go chokeslamming young dopes through tables, so TW,B shoves him off the stairs and onto a table weirdly set up in the stairwell for some reason before walking off. The Hardcore Champ(ions) Three Count are in the ring, and Shane Helms is dressed in a FUBU football jersey and Oddjob’s hat. It’s amazing. They face The Dog Al Greene (w/Fit Finlay and Brian Knobbs). I am baffled by this Al Greene push. What is happening?! Three Count get murked, but land a team-up dropkick, which is when Knobbs and Finlay jump in the ring. Finlay hits a Pit Stop, to tell you how low this guy has fallen. You’d never guess that the awesome run of 2005-2007 Finlay is ever going to be a thing from his 2000 work. This match goes on way too long and The Dog gets way too much offense in on Shane Helms. Helms eventually falls to a second-rope powerslam as Tony S. promotes a Knobbs vs. Three Count Hardcore Championship match at Uncensored in which Knobbs must pin all three men to win the title. Woof (pun intended). The Total Package, Ric Flair, and Liz cut a promo with Gene Okerlund. Package thinks that Sting is scared of him. Ric Flair thinks his dopey son is twenty-one and needs to take care of himself, and he also thinks that Hulkamania will soon be dead. They somehow killed the Nitro Girls off and made them irrelevant, and they were only ever meant to hype the crowd in the first place! Anyway, they do a dance. Sid pleads with Vampiro to hang around and tag with him in the main event. The nWo ladies have finally been named on television! Jeff Jarrett (w/Midajah, Kim, and Tylene) hits the ramp to cut a shitty promo. Jarrett, who told the ladies to come out here with him, now tells them to hit the bricks. This is by far the least effective version of his misogynist gimmick possible. Jarrett doesn’t like incompetent Southern cops or working main events without the Harris Bros. around, but he pledges to get a partner from the back anyway. That partner is, in an intertwining of massive over-pushes, THE WALL, BROTHER. Lenny and Lodi think talking about the RIZZATS is funny. It’s not. They’re dressed more like off-brand Hardy Boys this week. They come across the KISS Demon’s casket and goof around with it. Mark Madden spins a very dumb yarn about the fictional Yappapi tribe and their propensity for violence as Curt Hennig comes to the ring to face Ric Flair. Papa Ric cuts a promo before the match in which he tries desperately to get Chapel Hill to boo him. He insults UNC basketball, but they cheer him. He finally gets a few boos for saying that he’d rather be wrestling in Durham, but there are enough Duke fans in the crowd that he still gets mostly cheers. God, Flair sucks, man. His outdated bag of heel cheap heat tricks is not going to cut it. It’s over, Flair. No one wants to fucking boo you. Just be a babyface. This dude is determined to ignore what fans want or the internal logic of a wrestling match. When he’s great, he really is as great as consensus says that he is, but I find that after about 1997, Ric Flair’s inability to adjust to the progression of the times or to his stature with WCW fans makes him mostly fucking garbage. As for the match, it is what it is. 1992/1993 was a long time ago. Tony S. tries to claim that the crowd is chanting for Hogan. It’s like two people for a handful of seconds! Flair works the knee after an initial Hennig flurry. He locks on a Figure Four in the center of the ring to a pop; so much for heeling and HOGAN chants and all that. Hennig survives and turns it over. They get to their feet and fight over a backslide that Hennig wins and scores a two count with. Flair goes up top and, even though Hennig is practically missing a knee, the latter still catches him and launches him. TTP and Liz make their way to the ring, but Hennig fights them all off and snugly hooks Flair in a Perfect Plex for a quick three. TTP jumps in after the match and attacks Hennig with the bat while I appreciate that at least the booking committee isn’t even trying to pretend that Flair will have a remote chance at beating Hogan at Uncensored considering he can’t beat midcarder Curt Hennig. Arn Anderson comes down to try and interrupt TTP’s Pillmanizing of Hennig’s arm, but he’s ineffectual. Arn and Ric face off; Package circles around and sets up a bat shot on Arn, but Ric calls him off, and the heels leave the ring. Well, the match was inoffensive, but why not give Vampiro the clean win and Hennig the reversed victory since Vampiro is actually (theoretically) a part of WCW’s future, and Curt Hennig is a midcard guy going forward? The KISS Demon comes upon To Excess trying to blowtorch their way into his casket; he attacks them, but they beat him up and take off. Pre-tape: Riki Rachtman promotes Friday Nitro Parties, featuring Three Count and the Nitro Girls. Curt Hennig’s wrist is broken according to the medics who help him out backstage. Team Package laugh about breaking Hennig’s wrist backstage. To Excess is still acting like Too Much, but they’re dressed like the Hardy Boys. Their whole stupid-ass gimmick is incoherent. They don’t even understand which (far more over than them) WWF tag team they’re parodying. Lenny’s going to wrestle Norman Smiley, who I guess is brave now? He didn’t work a scaredy-cat gimmick for very long, only about three months. I thought that gimmick lasted longer. Lodi joins commentary, and it sucks. The in-ring competitors do some awkward spots and Norm completely fails to catch Lenny on a dive. This is the worst that I’ve seen Norm look. Tony S. tries to steer Mark Madden away from talking about the “loose moral character” of the RIZZATS. The ref is some red-haired dude whom I don’t recognize. Ms. Hancock walks to ringside while Norm and Lenny work mediocre comedy spots. The crowd is excited for two things: 1) Norm hitting a Big Wiggle, and 2) Ms. Hancock teasing a table dance. Norm wins with a Norman Conquest and is attacked by Lenny and Lodi after the match. The KISS Demon hits the ring to help Norm make a comeback. Sid tries very hard to get this feud with Jeff Jarrett over in a backstage interview, but as fun as he is, he’s not a miracle worker. Tank Abbott yells at people backstage even though HE’S NOT S’POSETA BE HERE, according to a desperately selling Tony S. After a commercial break, we get Abbott cutting a shitty worked shoot promo in which he calls Sid a “big, white…headed oaf” and says he only tapped because WCW was threatening to take him off television, which they probably legit did after he held a knife to a dude’s throat on PPV. He’s refusing to leave the ring in a move that has, at this point, diminishing returns from when Randy Savage first did it on Nitro over three years ago (Show #72). La Parka comes to the ring with a chair and gets beaten up. Meng comes out next (to a small pop!). He wants to fight Tank, but J.J. Dillon threatens him with a suspension for two months, no pay. Heh, here’s Hogan with the classic NUMBER ONE promo that Botchamania has used to wonderful effect. He’ll get a “so bad, it’s good” nod for this one. OK, let me just fucking write this whole promo out word-for-word: FIRST THINGS FIRST, I WANNA LET DR. PROPER KNOW, I WANNA LET DR. UNGER KNOW, AND DR. HUGHES KNOW THAT THE RELEASE FORMS HAVE BEEN SIGNED. YOU GUYS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LAST COUPLE FRACTURES IN THE FOREARM, BROTHER. THE MAIN PRIORITY IN THE YAPPAPI INDIAN STRAP MATCH IS TO HAVE FLEXIBILITY OF THE WRIST THAT YOU’RE STRAPPED TO YOUR OPPONENT WITH, BROTHER. BECAUSE IN THE YAPPAPI INDIAN STRAP MATCH, WHEN YOU’RE IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE BATTLE ZONE, THE MAIN PRIORITY IS, IS TO GET THE BODY IN THE PROPER POSITION FOR THE STRAPATION, DUDES. WHEN I GET RIC FLAIR RIGHT WHERE I WANT HIM, WHEN I GET HIM OUTTA WIND, SUCKIN’ AIR, SWEATIN’ FROM HEAD TO TOE, I WILL CALL TO THE STRAPMASTER JIMMY HART ON RINGSIDE, AND I WILL SAY TO JIMMY HART AT RINGSIDE, “GIMME YAPPAPI INDIAN PUNISHMENT STRAP NUMBA ONE” *swings weight belt*. AND AS I STRAP YOUR BODY, RIC FLAIR, AS YOU SCREAM TO THE HEAVENS FOR MERCY, AND AS I SEE YOUR SKIN START TO BUBBLE OFF YOUR BODY, YOU WILL DROP TO YOUR KNEES, AND YOU WILL SAY, “PLEASE MR. HOGAN, PLEASE, I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE, PLEASE, I’M SORRY I CROSSED THE LINE.” AND AS I HEAR YOU BEG FOR MERCY, RIC FLAIR, THAT’S WHEN I’LL CALL TO THE STRAPMASTER JIMMY HART FOR YAPPAPI INDIAN STRAPPAGE NUMBA TWO. *swings weight belt twice* THAT’S WHEN THE HEAVIER BELTS COME OUT. THAT’S WHEN I WILL STRAP YOUR SKIN, AND THE FLESH WILL BUBBLE. THAT’S WHEN THE FLESH WILL START TO PEEL FROM YOUR HIDE. AND AS I SEE THE RAW. PINK. MEAT. ON YOUR BACK, BROTHER, I’M GONNA TAKE IT TO ANOTHER LEVEL. I WILL TRANSFORM FROM HULK TO HOLLYWOOD. I WILL DOUBLE-STRAP YOU WITH BOTH FISTS, AND YOU WILL SCREAM TO THE HEAVENS, “PLEASE HOLLYWOOD, DON’T HURT ME ANYMORE,” AND I WILL NEVER. STOP. *snarls* This promo was entirely out of the context of the time and possibly a bit cheesy even if he had cut it in 1986, but unlike his promo about going to the hood and being called ‘Wood, this was, in fact, so terrible that I came back around and enjoyed it. But not in the way that would be a compliment! I enjoyed it because I enjoyed laughing at Hogan being a complete failure of a wrestler in 2000 and going back to his bread-and-butter of cutting mid-‘80s promos, but slightly worse, as a way to compensate for being old and out of touch. This promo was the wrestling equivalent of Grampa Simpson talking about tying an onion to his belt because it was the style at the time. It helps that Maffew has gotten so much traction out of it for years and years of videos about lower-quality wrestling. I loved it because I hated it, if that makes sense. After that, we go back to the arena and the future sworn enemy of Hulk Hogan; Billy Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson) makes his way down the ramp. Mark Madden implies that Hulk Hogan jacks off a lot, and therefore will have lots of flexibility of the wrist when he sets up for the STRAPATION, DUDES in that strap match. Tony S. pauses, says nothing, and moves on after a few seconds. Stevie Ray (w/J. Biggs, Big T., and Cassius) is his opponent. Kidman grabs a mic and says that he got some back up, but Big T. and Stevie jump him and stomp him out before he can introduce said partner, Booker T. Somehow, Booker gets a pop upon entering even though he’s been booked into the dirt over the past few months. This was supposed to be Stevie vs. Kidman, but it’s now Stevie and Big T. vs. Kidman and Booker. Booker disposes of Stevie and hits Big T. with a Book End that poor Tony Norris barely gets up for because he is cooked, washed, done, finito. Kidman follows with an SSP, but Cassius pulls the ref out of the ring and Stevie attacks Kidman. Big T. rolls over and covers for three. Here’s the Latest Twist in Booker T.’s Criminally Bad Booking: Booker and Kidman get destroyed after the match. Jarrett yaps at THE WALL, BROTHER to try and fire him up for the Nitro main event. In another Nitro Party pre-tape, Riki Rachtman talks to Three Count about how much the ladies love them, which is actually sort of true because on Thunder, there was a high-pitched cheer for them at one point during their segment. Then, some young folks do awful dancing to close this segment out. Here’s Dustin Rhodes with another promo where he piles on a bunch of insults and cusses to try and get his heel character over. He loses his place while searching for an insulting adjective to pair with “ungrateful.” He hates the internet marks in the crowd here in, uh, Chapel Hill, and he threatens to use the spool of rubber-tipped barbed wire he’s brought to the ring with him to attack Terry Funk with. Terry Funk (w/Hefty garbage bag) limps down the ramp to respond. It’s depressing how shitty Dustin Rhodes and Terry Funk are, man. I don’t want to see these guys suck at pro wrestling. Terry Funk calls his opps a "chicken" like fifty times. Funk claims that he has Dustin’s bastard of an illegitimate baby brother in the bag, and it’s Cody a raw whole chicken in a diaper. They brawl. Funk takes a beating, but comes back, and Dustin ends up running away while wrapped in the barbed wire. Jeff Jarrett (w/Midajah, Kim, and Tylene) teams up with THE WALL, BROTHER to wrestle Syko Sid and Vampiro. I’d complain about the U.S. Championship being stuck on Jarrett and mostly sidelined, but what would they do with it if not put it on him? Use it as a tool with which to push Booker or Kidman or something crazy like that? Jarrett tells the ladies to stick around and put on a show for the crowd, but psych! He’s kidding. He sends the ladies to the back. What a daring heel move that was. So, Tony S. reveals that the stip for Sting/Package at Uncensored is a Lumberjack Cast Match in which every guy who has had his arm broken by Package and is now in a cast will be the lumberjacks. It’s almost like Russo never left, but worse somehow. Wild. This match is weak beer even though Madden drops an OH SHIT on commentary while the workers have a boilerplate brawl to open things. It’s also another tag match where the shine is abbreviated and so is the FIP segment because the match is four minutes long or whatever. Sid hits Jarrett with a chokeslam, but TW,B breaks up the pinfall. TW,B knocks Vampiro into the guardrail as Sid dispatches of Jarrett. Sid and TW,B hit a double goozle, and the ref takes a bump off the most obvious, fakest-ass spot where Sid swings his elbow back for no reason and hits Nick Patrick in a spot that Patrick wouldn’t logically stand in kayfabe. Jarrett KABONGs Sid and TW,B completes his chokeslam; Jarrett covers for three. In brief, and in spite of Hogan’s shameful failures as a wrestler actually amusing me for once, this was the worst WCW show I’ve ever seen and is on the short list for worst wrestling shows I’ve ever seen, full stop. If I had committed to watching every Nitro, Thunder, and PPV until I really, honestly, truly couldn’t take any more, this is where I finally would have tapped out. Alas, I’m planning on writing about Thunder tomorrow. 100,000,000,000 out of 5 Stinger Splashes.
  21. COLLISION - Johnny Morrison had probably a career-topping match tonight. The chain wrestling at the start was off the charts, the heel work (thumb to the eyes!) was pristine, the spots were great (the spinning Razor's Edge was to die for). It was just fantastic for what he had to do to help get Darby be where he had to. Congrats. Brody, of course, is the best choice of opponent too, because... well, you've seen them face each other. - The Outrunners video -- especially the "dyeing the mustache" moment where it looked like they were shovelling coke into Dax's nose -- cracked me up, and I finally paid attention to a match of theirs. If FTR is a Midnights cosplay then Outrunners are a Rock'n'Rolls cosplay, and it looks great. It'll look even better if they finally pull the trigger on FTR going heel and face them against each other. BTW, Nigel's one-liners rarely hit, but you could tell Tony was hitting the mute button after the condom remark. - Trish Adora supposedly being "the Afro-Punk" while also being ex-military and especially former police... yeah, no. Speaking of which, the T**** Billy Bass and Chik-Fil-A commercials saying "no customer paid for this testimonial" ("testimonial"? For an opinion about a fucking chicken sandwich?! If I was seemingly pious like that I'd call sacrilege) are just nuts. But we should leave that to the Discord. My sociopolitical opinions have no bearing on Trish's talent as a wrestler anyway, and anyone who's gonna eat the Dangerous Queen Bomb like that is in my cool book. - The Tony Nese Team and the Orange Cassidy Team match was just plain 'ol fun. Sometimes something doesn't require analysis. Meantime, I really hope Archer replaces Takeshita. And that Takeshita stabs Callis in the head again with his screwdriver, heh heh. - ...and the four-way highspot fest was about the same. I don't know how Hologram or Komander do what they do. I'm passing on the main, so there you go.
  22. That 4th round was insanely violent. Roundtree put up a great fight. It feels like such a spectacle to watch Alex fight. A rare feeling in current MMA.
  23. Great heart and giving Alex Pereira a fight by Khalil Rountree Jr. I had Khalil 2-1 up going into the 4th.
  24. Man, Alex Pereira busted up Khalil Rountree Jr in the fourth. Pereira retains the UFC Light Heavyweight Championship. 10 out of 12 wins by KO/TKO. Scary power.
  25. Yeah I think we both have more relevant top ten losses plaguing us tonight.
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