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odessasteps last won the day on September 28

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23,486 Excellent


About odessasteps

  • Birthday 05/03/1970

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  • Location
    The Winter Palace


  • Member Title
    Smart Mark

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  1. Raises hand. Still working on my ballot. Should have at least one pod with a guest discussing some of the bigger candidates.
  2. While I can appreciate the sentiment, I would say Mike Jackson would be my carpenter of choice to go in the HOF.
  3. Karma for Max jokingly saying how Luton fans would embrace going winless and such the last few years.
  4. They gotta like all four series being 1-1.
  5. RIP Cissy Houston, mother of Whitney, age 91.
  6. It was a big deal Hawkeye said “son of a bitch” on TV in 1983.
  7. The amazing thing about that Lucha match is that of the 8 people involved, including Tirantes and Pepe Casas, Louie Spicoli is the only person who has passed away. And they make a point of saying Fuerza is the old man in the match at age 40.
  8. From what I heard recently, the last thing a former Jags player would want is to keep working for the Khans,
  9. One of the best themes many Americans likely do not know.
  10. Love Everett Sloan in Lady From Shanghai.
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