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Technico Support

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Technico Support last won the day on July 23

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    The Land of Pleasant Living

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  1. Does anybody remember them having a different manager for like a week, maybe on Dark? They changed their name to Iron Savages but were still in the Bear Country getups. Edit: it was J.T. Davidson
  2. Aside from the aforementioned Gates of Agony, that’s what Bear Country should have been but now they’re…powerlifting analingus enthusiasts, I guess?
  3. Oh no man, it’s cool. I didn’t mean to slight anyone in particular, I’m just tired of “new Nation of Domination” being the tired-ass beginning and end of creative for black wrestlers.
  4. We’re still fixing this shit for end users and it’s Tuesday now.
  5. So that’s why all the ideas for adding people to the stable are about Fox, Ricochet, Moriarty…
  6. $5 to the first person to tweet back at Dustin agreeing to stop using jobber and instead switch to the kinder, gentler “bitch ass motherfucking scrub.”
  7. I think the idea of “let’s team all these guys up because they’re all black” needs to be left in the past.
  8. We called them “preliminary wrestlers.” Not sure if we got that from the Apter mags or what, kind of a highfalutin’ term for kids to be throwing around.
  9. Dustin needs to get down off that high horse. People inside his industry created that term and I think it’s fair to use. “Enhancement talent” sounds like a McMahon word salad $10 term, like local medical facility.
  10. Post heel turn late 90s Bret promos murders anything Douglas ever did on the mic.
  11. So you’re saying he’s better than the Young Bucks.
  12. That’s exactly it. Douglas didn’t fit in either camp in ECW. He didn’t excel at hardcore or technical wrestling. He was neither New Jack nor Benoit. He was boring and beat dudes with a belly to belly. Bleh.
  13. Two injuries to women in the span of what, 3 weeks, and both on dives that came up short. That’s a wild coincidence. Shida should take that middle strand dive out of her arsenal. Jumping from a standing position in the center of a rope gives you no solid base to push off on. She fell from there like a rock. I vacillated between thinking that arena looked cool and thinking it looked like bad soundstage wrestling, like the XWF. I legit lol’d at “and you can’t be a shithead!” I’ll do my man @JLowe better re drunk watching: I forgot this was even on and got hung up watching History of Horror on AMC+. I am lame as fuck.
  14. I VPN’d to France yesterday to check and didn’t see this.
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