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Games of Thrones Unsullied thread


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Fuck this.


There is no redeeming this. There is nothing on this show that I'm so interested in seeing down the road that can justify hanging on after that.

I'm with you. I said the same thing on the Twitter box.

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So I am laughing at the reaction of the past few posts because I have not seen the 9th episode yet so I am enjoying my blissful ignorance of whatever happened.  Everyone else I know is fairly salty as well so I guess I'll enjoy this while I still can.

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Cant fucking believe this shit. No fucking way did that need to happen. Why the fuck should I cheer for Stannis against the Boltons now?

I did like the juxtaposition of the last 2 scenes though


For me, the prior scene took a lot of the steam out the final scene. I wanted to be pumped, but I couldn't be. :(

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Does that we are supposed to be back "rooting" for Dany to win?


Sure but I felt this was out-of-character for Stannis. Maybe the show hasn't done a good job with him but while he is a ruthless "King", he always seemed to be somewhat reasonable as least in comparison to the Boltons or some of the Lannister clan. 

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He also killed his little brother through black spirits fucking instead of on the battlefield. He cheats on his wife. He lets his priestess put leeches on Gendry;s dick. He chopped off Davos's fingers. He kept his daughter in a fucking jail cell before he burnt her alive. Fuck that dude. 

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I think Stannis was just best of the remaining lot, when your choices are Joffrey/Tywin, Roose Bolton, Walder Frey and The Greyjoys.

(Not sure about mentioning someone else in the unsullied thread, so i wont)

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this show. I'm done. I'm convinced that the show runners are completely fucked up, between all the child rape, which we were once again treated to this episode, to staying on a scene for way too long where a child is burned to death, screaming in agony, calling out for her mom and dad who do nothing. 


One of the show runners on the after show thingy was talking about how the last scene in the books was the best scene of them all.


Well congratu-fucking-lations because you fucked that up too with all of the clunky as hell fighting that happened after Jorah won. That shit show fighting went perfectly with the cheap ass midi sounding score during that scene, and the sudden lack of adequate sound effects. What, to fit in all of the other special effects they had to cut back on sound production?


Whatever. Fuck it. This show is a rotten piece of shit.

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Yeah.  Looking at twitter I see they gave everyone something pretty at the end.


I now feel too much like this show is an experiment in my shortened emotional field to ever enjoy it again.  It's like, "Hey, we just spent a few years letting you really get to know this small adorable smart innocent child who stands for everything in the world that you want to protect...and now we're going to let you watch her parents burn her alive while she begs and screams...BUT LOOK HERE"S A RAINBOW!!!!  AWWW ISN'T THAT PRETTY NOW!! Yeah., You like that...sleep now..."


I fall for that way too much in real life in how I get news delivered and how I process it:









I mean, I get it.  I get into that pattern way too often.  But this t.v. show is now too much a reminder of that to ever actually sit down and want to watch it like as  fun pastime.  I guess they made a point about how wretched I am.  Score for them.  But I feel kind of weirdly sick even just thinking about being into this show in the future. 


I could watch FUNNY GAMES again every Sunday at 9:00 and get the same effect with less accompanying twitter noise.

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This show and the books it's based on were never meant to be escapist fiction, dawgs. Even the dragon riding is a set-up for mass disappointment. And, no, that's not a book spoiler. I base that on her vision you saw way back when.


And those "cheering" for people are missing the point. All of these would be kings and queens are in it for personal gain and fame, when the true issue at hand is knocking on the door (or wall in this case). Why do you care which one "wins"? Stannis has few redeeming qualities and has proven many times he's willing to turn to less than noble means if it benefits him in the end (as goodhelmet suggests). In his moment of desperation, it is not all that surprising that he willingly sacrificed his daughter in order to better the chances of sitting upon the throne.


Basically, the white walkers and Others are a brilliant metaphor for climate change. Just think of Stannis as big oil executives burning their children's futures to make profits.

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I dug the final scene. The big death this episode didn't bother me too much as I kind of always saw it coming. Its more disappointing as it really pushed/reminded me of the shittier side of Stannis which had kind of been held back a bit the last season or so. He was always something of a bastard, but you hope he wouldn't go so far.

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Which reinforces the point that nobody should be cheered because those with power also have their heads too far up their asses to see the big picture and/or have concern for the majority of the population. It's almost like there's a life lesson to be learned there.



And to be fair to Daenerys, she's learning on the job. There's a strong sense of entitlement (embodied by DRAGONZ) but at least she feigns to care about the common folk. 


And if they didn't make that Shireen scene uncomfortable and unbearable then it would make no sense to do it in the first place. One of the great things about Martin's world is that it never fetishizes violence. The show's done it a bit, unfortunately, but violence is not pretty and should not be sanitized, making it easily consumable. Big Al Siddig's character, Doran, has it right.

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Ah, dammit, Stannis. He was my dude.


I mean, yeah, he was a prick at times but at least he was our prick...but now? Ser Davos will never again cut a promo putting him over. 


Fuck it, just let Jon Snow have the Iron Throne with Pod as Hand of the King, at least they seem like swell chaps. But then, we've established already that, in the end, it won't matter who sits on that stupid chair because winter is here. YOU KILLED YOUR DAUGHTER FOR NOTHING, YOU BASTARD!


I guess Arya gutting Meryn Trant like a fish might give us some satisfaction but only if The Hound did a last minute run in to help her. They could just say Dennis Pennis came across him on the road and brought him back for reasons.


Has anyone checked on Varys? He's got to still be sitting in that brothel thinking 'Christ, imps take a long time to piss.'

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Despite me giving up on this show, one question now lingers...Would Dany now have Grayscale, or would that only pass from one person to the next if the person touched the actual grayscale portion of someone's skin.

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