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Royal Rumble 2015

Matt D

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And this whole "We would have been cool with Ziggler winning?"  Stop it.  More than half of you have pissed on the guy for being too much of a selling machine, but now you love him?  Sorry, I don't buy it.  I like Ziggler fine, but then again, I never had any major issues with him in the first place.


Hey Burgundy, thanks for telling me what I would or wouldn't have been cool with.

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And this whole "We would have been cool with Ziggler winning?"  Stop it.  More than half of you have pissed on the guy for being too much of a selling machine, but now you love him?  Sorry, I don't buy it.  I like Ziggler fine, but then again, I never had any major issues with him in the first place.


I think people saying this are saying it because at least it would make sense since the crowds clearly love Ziggler. Honestly, I don't get it, but when a guy stays over for that long despite his booking, I am personally in support of him getting a shot at running with the top title. 

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The internet wrestling fans in general have always been down with Ziggler.  Some people here are less into him than the IWC at large.


Including me.  He's been a great weekly tv worker, but he has a pretty small number of truly great matches.  I think he's good, but not THAT good, you know?


But the crowd tonight would have been pretty okay with him winning.

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Just got home from watching the Rumble at Wing House and, man, if that Philly crowd was pissed about Roman winning the Rumble they had nothing on the chicken wing and scantily clad waitress fueled rage I saw there. I admire Vince's determination to stick with his master plans even when they pretty much piss of his entire hardcore fanbase.


The only thing I can think of is how I'm going to get through another 10 years of watching a dull and utterly unlikable superhuman babyface begin every promo with "Well some of you like and some of you don't" to cover up the fact the majority of the crowd can't stand him and wants somebody else in that position.

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I;m not as high on Ziggler as some people are but after Bryan went out he was on of the people I would have been ok with winning the match instead of Reigns, Rusev was number 1, Ambrose 2, Wyatt 3, ziggler probably would have been 4th because I knew there was no way Cesaro was winning it

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I just like how Vince clearly is the type who would rather let his company burn to the ground than ever admit he was wrong and give the people what they really want. Bryan honestly got lucky last year cause you know he would have eventually lost the title to Orton. I get that Vince is probably in the last throws of his run and hes desperate to have one last mega star. He made Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena. He wants one more and he's pegged Roman Reigns to be that guy.


Reigns has the look but he has none of the talent. Reigns is a product of the WWE cookie cutter machine. He doesn't adapt or pull audibles. If you see one Reigns match you've seen them all. And they think he's going to get cheered against Brock? HA.

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I want to say more about this, but everytime I attempt to post my thoughts it turns into NERD RAGE~!~!  I'm going to hold off (if anybody cares) until I can properly state how I feel about that fucking Rumble match.


Until then, this is all I can say:



And if I could have the courage to be done with Raw/SD for good, this will be my mentality for some time:


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The WWE Universe is partially to blame for all of this, for getting Reigns so over when he was in The Shield.


It was clear from the beginning that Reigns was the weak link.  However, Ambrose and Rollins were able to hide his weaknesses.  It was almost Heyman-esque.

Honestly Reigns did pretty well in the Shield and it wasn't just Ambrose and Rollins carrying him. He is a very good tag worker. He just needs to grow more as a singles wrestler. i think he is perfectly fine as he is, just not ready for the main event. He needs another year and Vince isn't willing to be patient.



You can say that about plenty of workers who were "very good" or even "perfectly good" as a tag team or trios group but utterly failed as singles competitors.  


But he was made to be the "Superstar" of the trio all the way up until the split last year, and fans ate it up.  

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I feel like the elbow from the top rope to the Spanish announce table has been done about 100 times at this point, but it has never looked better than Rollins made it look tonight. He got so much air, whereas most guys are just hoping they can make the distance.

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They should've trotted out Batista and have him and Reigns be the final two


I was really hoping Batista would be a surprise entrant after Bryan got dumped just to see the crowd reaction, I think they would have been kinder to him than Reigns.

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Here's my very basic problem with Roman Reigns winning, and really the state of the WWE over the last 7 years or so:

Wrestling (for me at least) works best when there's either an easy story about revenge, redemption or vindication that ends with the good guy winning or a moment that is so amazing that you forget for just one second that this is all cooperative and predetermined.

Nothing about Roman Reigns' journey is either one of those things.

His story heading into the Rumble involved covering Big Show in chairs. And him winning just seemed so inevitable. Nothing about his booking has made me sit up and think "holy fuck this dude is awesome". Instead he just leaves me colder than Randy Orton ever did.

At least Orton is worth a shit in the ring.

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Greggulator, on 26 Jan 2015 - 12:03 AM, said:

He's far from the worst dude to ever get a main event push (SEE: Ryback.)


Ryback smokes Reigns in all aspects of being a pro wrestler. The match he just had with Rusev was a better performance than anything Reigns has ever done in singles.

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I feel like the elbow from the top rope to the Spanish announce table has been done about 100 times at this point, but it has never looked better than Rollins made it look tonight. He got so much air, whereas most guys are just hoping they can make the distance.


He straight jacked Lesnar all night. Struck him hard with that knee in the face in the beginning and then nailed that elbow smash so perfectly and with such impact that he bounced up in the air after hitting it. 


Not a big Rollins guy, but his video game offense was absolutely perfect for this setting. 


EDIT: But neither was the strike of the night that made me cringe the most. Actually, Paige punched Nikki south of the border, and it made me cross my knees. 

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Brysynner, on 26 Jan 2015 - 12:03 AM, said:


JCM, on 25 Jan 2015 - 11:58 PM, said:

I see some fans around the net saying Bryan fans are ruining WWE, and the fans were terrible for shitting on everything after Bryan's elimination. Is it just me or were Ziggler, Ambrose, Mizdow, and Ryback getting good pops after the elimination?

Maybe people just don't want a forced Reigns mega push.

The pops after Daniel Bryan got eliminated are the same pops Reigns got last year.


So Mizdow wasn't over in the tag match?

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I think it's going to be really interesting to see the reaction tomorrow night on Raw, especially with the weather as a potential hazard.

Also, I'm morbidly curious to see a build to a Mania main event in which neither wrestler can cut a promo. Like, are they gonna pay the Rock to stick around just to make walrus vagina jokes for two months via satellite while Roman smiles politely in the background?

Also, not to pile on Gregg, who is getting it from all sides tonight, but Rusev, Ambrose and Ziggler, the only men to be cheered post Bryan elimination, have a combined one total match in ROH and New Japan.

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