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Is that Laurenitis in the near right corner? 


Though the Indie Superstars vs dX seems like the long term plan, I would be perfectly okay with them doing Bryan/HBK and Punk/HHH as individual matches, as both have the potential to be ****+ matches  OR   Cena/Punk/Bryan for the unified title.


Yes, report form the post show I read said Booker had Bryan do the spinarooni then Cena then Cena brought out Laurenitis to do one, who then had Stephanie do one which then lead to Booker calling Punk to come out.


I think I want to see the other three more.



Late to the party as usual, but I figured somebody would've mentioned the NAO ripping off Bad Influence.  (And yes, I realize Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels did it first.)


And Road Dogg is looking really old.


If it happened in TNA, it didn't really happen.


Does it mean anything in terms of a future push that Titus O'Neal got called out to do a spinaroonie after the show?

Again from the report I read he was the only one who did a good one so take that for what you want



Does it mean anything in terms of a future push that Titus O'Neal got called out to do a spinaroonie after the show?

Again from the report I read he was the only one who did a good one so take that for what you want


I hope that was him going into business for himself when he did a pretty good looking spinaroonie. 


Late to the party as usual, but I figured somebody would've mentioned the NAO ripping off Bad Influence.  (And yes, I realize Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels did it first.)


And Road Dogg is looking really old.


Considering his drug problem got so bad at one point, even the WWF didn't want him, I consider it a triumph that he's still alive.

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It was an interesting show, but being in a live audience for three hours of RAW is tiring. I can do that for a PPV if it's well-booked, but a regular RAW? Not so much. 


Oh God, I can see it now. Steph is going to cheat on HHH with CM Punk at some point.


You know that somewhere in CM Punk's mind, that's his ultimate trophy.

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But has anyone seen the videos of Steph in the ring with Punk, Bryan, and Booker T doing the spinarooni after RAW?  Stuff like that is outright stupid on their part man. Doesn't matter if it was off of the air.

Kayfabe is dead, man.


I don't know how that was breaking Kayfabe. Sure Steph can be a bitch sometimes, but it's not like the wrestlers outright hate her like they do HHH. In fact most of them showed concern when Steph went down. So most likely they like Steph, and blame Hunter as the cause for her attitude problems. Which if you remember it was Hunter who originally helped turn sweet little Stephanie heel in the first place.


That end segment RULED. So great. It ties so many things together. They knew headed into it that Bryan would have been ridiculously over -- to the point where his presence overshadowed the Cena/Orton stuff --in his hometown. I've been of the thought all along that Bryan and Punk were never depushed. It's a slow burn for Bryan. If he beat Orton cleanly at XXX PPV, then where do you go from there? The Authority sends someone else after him when they didn't really have a solid second option in place since they didn't start the Reigns push yet? A retread like Kane or a heel-turned Show?

Bryan's getting the belt. Maybe over Orton. Maybe over Cena. But he's getting it. And then he's feuding with Punk at some point, too. And then you also have some form of The Wyatts and The Shield and Cody and maybe Dustin right there in the World Title picture, too. This stuff isn't just for this year and the next PPV. It's a long-term thing. I know everyone things VInce or whoever sucks but this is what's happening.


This why those dudes almost fully end the show. Cena and Orton might pop into stuff but some combination of those guys have ended 90% of the shows for months now. Cena and Orton's an afterthought at this point.

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I do love how they are just jumping up and down insisting that they really are unifying the belts, and the audience (at least the online hardcore audience) just remains purely skeptical.


I really think it's more that they just don't care. I don't think it's that big of a deal to the casual kid fan if the belts are unified, and I don't think anyone really wants to see Cena back in that spot already. And let's face it, nobody gives a shit about Orton.



It's a long-term thing.


You lost me there.  If there's two things that aren't synonymous, it's WWE and long-term booking.  The only thing WWE plans ahead of time is when Rock is available, because they have no choice then.


I loved last night's angle.  Loved it.  It's stuff like that that makes me love pro wrestling.  But every time WWE has a stroke of booking genius, it usually takes them less than five shows to fuck up all that goodwill.  I wish, wish, wish that your idea is right.  But it all it takes is some big Sheamus return pop to throw that out the window.

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Did I miss Christian coming back or did they just dig him out of the mothballs for this segment?




Anyone else get a chuckle out of them including Harley Race as past title holder? Tehnically speaking, he's never held either championship.


Harley Race has held whatever he wants.

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This is the picture on the front of the WWE webpage and I can't explain why it makes me giggle so. Mainly Cena's "Not cool bro" expression


Kane's "not cool bro" expression is even better. "Dude, I know I've set some people on fire and fried their testicles with jumper cables but there's a line Smokey. This isn't Nam."

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This is the picture on the front of the WWE webpage and I can't explain why it makes me giggle so. Mainly Cena's "Not cool bro" expression

It was like the end of a Twilight Zone where the protagonist ends up in an alternate reality after he made a deal with a strange old man, who turned out to be the devil.   


Since everyone is so mad at Orton for shoving Steph, I'm surprised they're not blaming Bryan for shoving him into her.  It would play in with Wyatt saying he was going to turn into a monster.

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