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Fuck it I want Triple H to run in and say neither is worthy and grab his belts. The next night on Raw he can declare that the "King of Kings is now the Champion of Champions". I think someone here had a booking idea where he would never wrestle on TV and make the faces run thru his never ending horde of stooges. I love that idea, Hunter is clearly the best heel they have.

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At this point, I can totally see a situation where fans start chanting "Daniel Bryan" at Orton and Triple H just to troll them. It can be the new "What?" chant.


Yeah, I've had the sneaking suspicion that Triple H will sneak in and seize both belts for a while now. It's not quite as shady as the assholes just swapping belts with each other somehow. They have been swearing up and down there will be a Unified Champion.


Late to the party but here’s my RAW review.


Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan







Loved the closing segment for the crowd reactions to Daniel Bryan and the reactions to those in the ring to it.


Now to read 12 pages of topic.


Here's Steph





Gotta give her credit for trying that in those stilettos.


Question: Is there someplace to see the whole segment? I've only been able to find annoying reviews and the tail end that was posted here.


Gregg is definitely my seventh favorite poster right now but I think this was more of a case of them looking at the board and putting a bunch of logical pieces together than actually planning this. It was them making the best of unintended consequences after the rating last week and realizing how over Bryan would be. There were far easier ways to get to this point.

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Maybe Cm Punk can somehow become champion of champions, and to celebrate he sings 'Wonder of Wonders' from Fiddler to continue his new show tune singing gimmick.


Punk messing with someone's suit right before he made his face was pretty funny too.


Looked like Punk was also messing with a referee's ear piece. Man that closing segment was great.


Orton's promo in that closing segment was so good. He should never, ever go full smilin' babyface because it just never works with him. His moveset has too many rest holds and he's too used to heat building segments. His babyface promos go nowhere too. As a heel though, man, what a dick. He still needs to change things up a bit and Taz's interview on Steve Austin's podcast had me thinking that Randy Orton doing a Fuck The World gimmick would be great. 


When I consider the vast sea of bland micarders I skip past every week (Ziggler, Miz, Kingston et al), it's a tribute to how much Johnny Curtis puts into the role that I never skip a Fandango match. He never just coasts it, but plays the role to the hilt in every match. I like Axel just fine as a wrestler, but I wish that Fandango never got that concussion that likely cost him the IC title.


I was going to mention Summer Rae, but forgot. Aside from being a good looking lady, she's a vital part of the act. I loved how well she did devious when she feigned injury during the dance competition with Jericho, and I loved her horror when Mark Henry danced at her last week.


I really feel like they've been teasing the idea that HHH gets the title for the last 3 weeks.  Not sure how he gets past an elimination chamber match though.

HHH puts the Shield as three of the guys and mandates that he goes last. Reigns tries to grab the brass ring and spears HHH and almost gets the three before Ambrose makes the save. Rollins hesitates before helping Ambrose. The Shield ends up imploding, setting up a three-way at Wrestlemania.

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