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Yes, she was a better dancer and someone posted an article once that said she was a professional dancer (or at least in dance school).


However, Summer is much better at being a manager. Actually, she's a great manager.

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However, Summer is much better at being a manager. Actually, she's a great manager.


How so? She never seems to garner heel heat for him. In fact she seems to do the opposite because she's so damn hot. I'll say she has more character than Rosa, but that doesn't mean she's a great manager. 


I will agree with Gonzalez (gasp!) Summer is killing a lot of Johnny's heat because she's making it all about her.  She needs to learn how to get heat for someone rather than stealing it.


I will agree with Gonzalez (gasp!) Summer is killing a lot of Johnny's heat because she's making it all about her. She needs to learn how to get heat for someone rather than stealing it.

Bit difficult to do it for a job guy. Trish couldn't do it for Test and Albert.


But Fandango is so much better than Test or Albert!


He should have pushed back a little on the Fandango gimmick though, it screams office rib to see if the new guy will say anything.


Sunny did it for the Bodydonnas. Sure she ended up becoming the real star, but her bitchiness helped put a lot of heat on the Donnas, and later the Smoking Gunns. 


And in my opinion The Godwinns/Donnas/Gunns feud might have been one of the most compelling feuds of 96 due to the Sunny, and Phineas storyline.


Seems like the first thing Fandango's dance partner should be able to do is dance. Summer Rae can not. Fandangirl had the perfect balance of elegance and snobbiness. She was subtle, giving off the vibe that she wasn't really a bitch, just someone who happened to be with a bit of a dick. She was realistic. Summer Rae is too over-the-top, too mannered, too distracting. She's too obviously playing a character.


I dont' want to come off all weird about Fandangirl the way some people do with AJ, so I'll just close by saying that I'm possibly in love with her, and if she was selling her shit on ebay I would probably buy it.

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I dont' want to come off all weird about Fandangirl the way some people do with AJ, so I'll just close by saying that I'm possibly in love with her, and if she was selling her shit on ebay I would probably buy it.


Since we are on the internet, I'm going to require you to be more specific about what of hers you want to buy on ebay.  "Shit" is both not specific enough and potentially far, far, far, far too specific.

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At some point during this year's 2012 Slammy Awards, Cole said that Punk won the Heart Break Shit at last year's 2012 Slammy Awards but I'm pretty sure Cena actually won.


They did a good job keeping Reigns in the shot so you could see his reactions during the Ambrose match.


Orton was pretty great in that final promo.  I might've even believed him If he said he'd go to the papers if he had to.


Wow, the next thing someone is going to say is Kaitlyn is useless and then I'm really going to be pissed.


Nah, gotta have somebody to put AJ over.  ;)


But, it's the Northwest. They're like Canada Jr. over there with their ironic hipster attitude. I'm surprised Vince didn't scream "SAY BIZARRO WORLD! SAY BIZARRO WORLD" from the Gorilla Position.



I mean look at that sign to the left of those titles.


But, it's the Northwest. They're like Canada Jr. over there with their ironic hipster attitude. I'm surprised Vince didn't scream "SAY BIZARRO WORLD! SAY BIZARRO WORLD" from the Gorilla Position.



I mean look at that sign to the left of those titles.


Oh, you mean to the left of those belts...







Wow, the next thing someone is going to say is Kaitlyn is useless and then I'm really going to be pissed.


Nah, gotta have somebody to put AJ over.  ;)



If AJ is Shawn and Tamina is Diesel then why the fuck isn't Kaitlyn Razor Ramon?


Nattie is not getting it done.

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