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Is that Laurenitis in the near right corner? 


Though the Indie Superstars vs dX seems like the long term plan, I would be perfectly okay with them doing Bryan/HBK and Punk/HHH as individual matches, as both have the potential to be ****+ matches  OR   Cena/Punk/Bryan for the unified title.

Yes, report form the post show I read said Booker had Bryan do the spinarooni then Cena then Cena brought out Laurenitis to do one, who then had Stephanie do one which then lead to Booker calling Punk to come out.

I think I want to see the other three more.

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He flubbed one word and recovered. It's not the end of the fucking world.


Hardly a "botch," but please, more hyperbole. We never get enough of that from you.

No he missed his cue 3 times, and Ambrose had to pull a Marty McFly "Ooh la la" until he said the freaking winner.


Do you mean the part where Dean Ambrose looked like he was intentionally drawing it out and Reigns stepped in and stole his thunder by saying the name? That seemed to me to be an intentional moment intended to tease dissension within the Shield as Roman Reigns shows signs of independence.


That took way too long to be intentional. 


He flubbed one word and recovered. It's not the end of the fucking world.


Hardly a "botch," but please, more hyperbole. We never get enough of that from you.

No he missed his cue 3 times, and Ambrose had to pull a Marty McFly "Ooh la la" until he said the freaking winner.

Do you mean the part where Dean Ambrose looked like he was intentionally drawing it out and Reigns stepped in and stole his thunder by saying the name? That seemed to me to be an intentional moment intended to tease dissension within the Shield as Roman Reigns shows signs of independence.

That took way too long to be intentional.

I think it took the right amount of time to sell the idea that Reigns was thinking "enough of this bullshit".


Triple H moved Punk like he didn't exist, goddamn


I'm not a fan of HHH but I did like how he he grabbed two handfuls of his hair instead of just his jacket. I prefered this to when he shoved Goldust out of the ring after he & Cody won the tag titles.


What's going on here? You two seem to be bugged that I noticed a flub, and you're both personally offended. 

Haven't you earned your vacation yet?

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I still don't like how mortal enemies can sit in the ring and act like they just weren't beefing 2 months ago. Big Show just sitting near The Authority like everything was cool. I HATE that so much

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Show at least had a great look on his face when the Bryan chants started - he was stifling a huge shit-eating grin. That's enough character work/continuity for me, I guess.


I still don't like how mortal enemies can sit in the ring and act like they just weren't beefing 2 months ago. Big Show just sitting near The Authority like everything was cool. I HATE that so much

Didn't he swindle them by having Steph give him a better contract, or else he'd sue them? So it's not like he isn't satisfied with the end result, even though it was a pain in the ass for him to get there.




But has anyone seen the videos of Steph in the ring with Punk, Bryan, and Booker T doing the spinarooni after RAW?  Stuff like that is outright stupid on their part man. Doesn't matter if it was off of the air. 


Another funny thing about last night was when Orton said he took years off of Foley's life and the camera shot to Foley and he was like, "He's right."


Looking at Punk in his skivies (never did learn the spelling of that word) is a horrifying sight.  In 20 years he is going to look like regular on Full Throttle Saloon.   :unsure:


That felt like it was Barack Ocena cutting a promo about the failures of Randy W. Orton.

So Cena (the Democrat) gave a speech to the Orton (the Republican) about how he has to stop taking hand outs and work hard for everything he has? 

I think you have that talking point backwards. 


No he didn't. He just kept talking for like 40 seconds more like only Orton can, and they started getting really tired of it so they booed him harder.

This. Your top heel is cutting a promo on your top babyface regarding the unification of your top two titles, and the crowd is chanting "boring". That ain't good.


What's going on here? You two seem to be bugged that I noticed a flub, and you're both personally offended.

Haven't you earned your vacation yet?

I hope not. If Gonzalez goes then I may go back to being the board's most hated. And frankly, I've been enjoying the peace.


That felt like it was Barack Ocena cutting a promo about the failures of Randy W. Orton.

So Cena (the Democrat) gave a speech to the Orton (the Republican) about how he has to stop taking hand outs and work hard for everything he has? 

I think you have that talking point backwards.

No, that would be guy who worked hard for everything pointing out that his opponent is a fortunate son who would never have gotten anywhere if he didn't have his daddy's name in a soul-killing corporate environment that stresses a "what's best for business" talking point in an attempt to disguise the avarice and ego-stroking of the rich and powerful in charge.

  • Like 6




Is that Laurenitis in the near right corner? 


Though the Indie Superstars vs dX seems like the long term plan, I would be perfectly okay with them doing Bryan/HBK and Punk/HHH as individual matches, as both have the potential to be ****+ matches  OR   Cena/Punk/Bryan for the unified title.


Yes, report form the post show I read said Booker had Bryan do the spinarooni then Cena then Cena brought out Laurenitis to do one, who then had Stephanie do one which then lead to Booker calling Punk to come out.


I think I want to see the other three more.



Here's Steph






That felt like it was Barack Ocena cutting a promo about the failures of Randy W. Orton.

So Cena (the Democrat) gave a speech to the Orton (the Republican) about how he has to stop taking hand outs and work hard for everything he has? 

I think you have that talking point backwards.


No, that would be guy who worked hard for everything pointing out that his opponent is a fortunate son who would never have gotten anywhere if he didn't have his daddy's name in a soul-killing corporate environment that stresses a "what's best for business" talking point in an attempt to disguise the avarice and ego-stroking of the rich and powerful in charge.



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Late to the party as usual, but I figured somebody would've mentioned the NAO ripping off Bad Influence.  (And yes, I realize Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels did it first.)


And Road Dogg is looking really old.

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