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People get on Indie matches for being superkick fests but if you took a shot every time the Usos did one in any match over 5 minutes, you'd die of alcohol poisoning.

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Did I miss Christian coming back or did they just dig him out of the mothballs for this segment?




Anyone else get a chuckle out of them including Harley Race as past title holder? Tehnically speaking, he's never held either championship.



Technically speaking neither did George Hackenschmidt but that didn't stop Triple H from name dropping him at one point.


People get on Indie matches for being superkick fests but if you took a shot every time the Usos did one in any match over 5 minutes, you'd die of alcohol poisoning.

I think the problem is when you have everybody doing superkicks, not just a couple of guys.


Maybe that is how the recruit talent now


Can you do a superkick?


And if the answer is no


Can you at least do a spear?

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Haven't read through this thread yet, but wanted to say that I thought that last segment was amazing as soon as Cena took over. The crowd was starting to shit on what they were presenting because they wanted Daniel Bryan and weren't getting it. HHH, Steph, and Orton seemed like they were doing just what was scripted because they had to get through their lines no matter what the crowd was doing, Orton especially. Then Cena took over, the people started booing, then he incorporated Bryan - the guy they were chanting for for several minutes - and inserted him in to whatever he was going to say. It felt organic and real and it brought the crowd back in to the segment and actually got them to cheer for Cena. It was great crowd manipulation.


Also, notice that only Bryan and Punk were the only two who got involved physically at the end. All the other guys powdered. All this talk the last few weeks of how Punk and Bryan are out of the main event and will never see it again and how WWE has no faith in them at the top anymore, and now there they were mixing it up in the main storyline.


Not going to say it was an on purpose slow burn taking Punk and Bryan out of the story to have them mix with They Wyatts and Shield for a few weeks to get that pop when they finally get back involved with HHH, but the crowd (and myself) ate it up when Punk got in to it with Randy. They got more in to it when he got in to it with HHH and even MORE when Bryan and HBK got involved. It got me more interested in the Cena/Orton angle than I've been since. They just need to have Goldust and Cody somehow back involved and it brings everything full circle with all those guys against The Authority. It was also an interesting tease at the end with Cena standing with The Authority.


But yeah, I'd say that was one of the hottest ending angles in recent memory. Loved it.



Okay that bizarre mess of an ending was awesome in a DYNASTY sort of way.  

And Fuck yes, Seattle!!!!   HHH was like Principal Skinner trying to hold a pep rally and the kids were chanting for Bart.


A: Probably not.  It's just hometown heat right?  Yeah.


But more important than anything else:

Mark Henry's suit made its return from injury tonight!!!!

This needs to feature Vince as Superintendent Chalmers at some point.  I can imagine HHH screwing something up and Vince showing up going "HUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNTTTTTTEEEEEERRRR!



You're an odd fellow Hunter but you steam a good ham.

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People get on Indie matches for being superkick fests but if you took a shot every time the Usos did one in any match over 5 minutes, you'd die of alcohol poisoning.

I think the problem is when you have everybody doing superkicks, not just a couple of guys.



What's worse, one in every match or 10 in one match?


Maybe that is how the recruit talent now


Can you do a superkick?


And if the answer is no


Can you at least do a spear?


Even if you can't do a superkick or the spear, you can still get signed.  Question 3 is "Have you ever wanted to learn how to do the Overdrive or somesort of Flatliner/DDT?"


People get on Indie matches for being superkick fests but if you took a shot every time the Usos did one in any match over 5 minutes, you'd die of alcohol poisoning.

I think the problem is when you have everybody doing superkicks, not just a couple of guys.


What's worse, one in every match or 10 in one match?

One in every match is worse. Why have a bunch of guys with interchangeable move sets? It's better to have guys who feel distinct.

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Glad it's playing out this way, whether it was their original intention or not.  The Authority seemingly put the Shield and the Wyatts up to keeping Bryan and Punk busy with other things, thus ensuring their glorious WWE Title scene remain vanilla-midget-free.  META~!


Past Slammy episodes of Raw were really bogged down by talking segments but I thought they did a much better job with the pace of the show this time around.  Good balance of wrestling and award segments.  Only talking segment was the last one...was fully prepared to tune out, but it turned out...pretty well, all things considered.  Whether or not all the stuff they teased could actually happen...I guess we'll see.


Who was Sin Cara last night?  I don't remember Hunico having the big arm tattoo.  I'm assuming it wasn't the original Sin Cara/Mistico.


Just read about Del Rio's concussion.  Whoever was under the Cara mask, glad to see they're keeping up the tradition of botching stuff.


Who was Sin Cara last night?  I don't remember Hunico having the big arm tattoo.  I'm assuming it wasn't the original Sin Cara/Mistico.


Just read about Del Rio's concussion.  Whoever was under the Cara mask, glad to see they're keeping up the tradition of botching stuff.


Hunico has the big arm tat now.


Who was Sin Cara last night?  I don't remember Hunico having the big arm tattoo.  I'm assuming it wasn't the original Sin Cara/Mistico.


Just read about Del Rio's concussion.  Whoever was under the Cara mask, glad to see they're keeping up the tradition of botching stuff.


It was Hunico. He recently got that big ass tattoo. Someone in last week's RAW thread had a picture from NXT with him having it.


So, it kinda seems like we're getting the Slobs vs the Snobs as the main event angle. Orton needs to start growing out his beard again.


That Cena promo really was something else. It just makes his obnoxious pee-pee ca-ca material even more infuriating when he shows flashes like that and you remember how good he can be when he's serious. And he's the only one in the ring who knew what to do with the Bryan chants - no, HHH's smarmy "yeah, this is hometown heat buddy, don't get your hopes up" schtick doesn't count.


I don't know if HBK's healthy enough to stand on the apron and throw a couple of minute's worth of punches and superkicks, but DX vs. the Urban Outfitters really is the best thing they could do with any of those guys at WM.


It was only a small segment, but Roman Reigns is already showing cracks. I mean the guy is on the cusp of being pushed to the moon, and he botched presenting a freaking award. All the while Ambrose comes off as extremely cool, and natural in the same spot.


He flubbed one word and recovered. It's not the end of the fucking world.


Hardly a "botch," but please, more hyperbole. We never get enough of that from you.


It was only a small segment, but Roman Reigns is already showing cracks. I mean the guy is on the cusp of being pushed to the moon, and he botched presenting a freaking award. All the while Ambrose comes off as extremely cool, and natural in the same spot.

Dean Ambrose came off like Ken Kennedy/Anderson with a speech impediment trying to do a Jack Nicholson impersonation.


He flubbed one word and recovered. It's not the end of the fucking world.


Hardly a "botch," but please, more hyperbole. We never get enough of that from you.

No he missed his cue 3 times, and Ambrose had to pull a Marty McFly "Ooh la la" until he said the freaking winner.


Is that Laurenitis in the near right corner? 


Though the Indie Superstars vs dX seems like the long term plan, I would be perfectly okay with them doing Bryan/HBK and Punk/HHH as individual matches, as both have the potential to be ****+ matches  OR   Cena/Punk/Bryan for the unified title.



Is that Laurenitis in the near right corner? 


Though the Indie Superstars vs dX seems like the long term plan, I would be perfectly okay with them doing Bryan/HBK and Punk/HHH as individual matches, as both have the potential to be ****+ matches  OR   Cena/Punk/Bryan for the unified title.


Yes, report form the post show I read said Booker had Bryan do the spinarooni then Cena then Cena brought out Laurenitis to do one, who then had Stephanie do one which then lead to Booker calling Punk to come out.


He flubbed one word and recovered. It's not the end of the fucking world.


Hardly a "botch," but please, more hyperbole. We never get enough of that from you.

No he missed his cue 3 times, and Ambrose had to pull a Marty McFly "Ooh la la" until he said the freaking winner.

Do you mean the part where Dean Ambrose looked like he was intentionally drawing it out and Reigns stepped in and stole his thunder by saying the name? That seemed to me to be an intentional moment intended to tease dissension within the Shield as Roman Reigns shows signs of independence.

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