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I will die on the hill that says the finish would've gone over a lot better if they'd done 3 arm drops, instead of Bryce just making the call himself. When did this become a thing anyway? You don't just use the 3 drop for the babyface to hold their arm at the last millisecond, you use it to stretch out the audience's investment/pain/whatever to the bitter end when they realise the person they were cheering on has been defeated - its the same as a long slow 3 count after the heel has cheated and the ref has crawled back in without seeing it (I guess you could call it the Hebner special) Something in my head says this has come from MMA and fights being waved off at the ref's discretion. Fuck that, this is pro wrestling god dammit.11 points
A brief, live PPV review from my girlfriend who had never seen wrestling at all, nevermind in person until last night: * Important questions I had not thought to clarify before the show: "Is there a scoring system? What happens when someone wins? Does he get something?" * Re: Isiah Kassidy -- "The guy in the mesh shirt looks like he might have been a dancer earlier in his life. I think his flips were better than the other team's flips, so I'm actually kind of sad that he lost." * Re: Mark Briscoe -- "Who is that? He has an amazing face. I've never seen a face like that before. He's my new favorite." * And re: The Main Event. I liked it a lot, personally, including the ending. Couldn't help think about various suggestions on here that we are in the midst of a Stop The Moxsunaga arc. We were going to have to leave early, so I kept telling her we should start heading out before the match was over, but she was so engrossed in it, she insisted we stay until the end. "I love the bad guy in this. He's a beast. He's my new favorite. I love the beast. I love how the beast suffers. I love how anticlimactic the ending was. I didn't know you could do that in wrestling. Sometimes that's how life is."9 points
I'm all for Darby and OC leading the charge against BCC. Those two have always represented the heart and soul of AEW to me. Don't tease me with thoughts of super-face Big Bad Brody King joining with them to act as their Claudio equaliser. Doesn't OC have history with all 4 members of BCC too? Went into this show with low expectations, came away thoroughly entertained with a real sense of "what's coming next? I'm excited/intrigued to find out" and I had been losing some of that feeling lately.8 points
8 points
Also, some of y’all are wrong as fuck; Mox rules ass. Not only did Danielson ask specifically for this, but it’s gonna make Darby Allin look like a bigger deal when he overcomes the monster Mox. I really liked this show, other than one return I could’ve done without.8 points
I'm glad I've pretty much stopped drinking. The last time I had a few beers was at a family gathering in August. I'm going to a concert in two weeks, so I'll probably have a few drinks. As for my main vice, I haven't touched that in four months.8 points
7 points
Moxley the character reminds me of someone who secretly can’t read or write, whose hidden shame of his own dullardness fuels his animus and rage towards others - he can’t even express it verbally/logically above a sub-literate level; he just feels and acts.6 points
Neo Nazi’s ruined cool Norse stuff too. You have to be really nerdy to pull it off now and that’s tough for me being so fucking cool.6 points
It's also about OC becoming the man since they dragged Jerry Lynn out there to say "OC, you are becoming the man." Subtlety, thy name is AEW. OC/Garcia/Darby/Hook as your kids going off to war? You could do a lot worse.6 points
AEW should talk with Arlington/whoever owns that esports arena where they did the road to All In. Would be a great place to reboot a Dark/Elevation show. Texas has a ton of indie talent for enhancement, you have Dustin and Rosa (at least them) with wrestling schools, and DFW is a huge airplane hub. Or mix it up with there and Daily’s (since a lot of talent lives in Florida/the southeast). Throw in 2300 Arena for the NE and somewhere in Canada or Washington State for the NW.5 points
Fucking HATED this. Jarrett did something pretty heroic and JR shat all over it. Not cool.5 points
I change my mind, it isn’t Empire Strikes back. You know what it reminded me of? That crazy bastard Kefka/Mox did it. He actually did it. He aligned the 3 statues on the Floating Continent and the World of Balance is fucking toast. Done. Now it’s up to Darby, OC, Garcia, Locke, Celes, Shadow and the boys to get a crew together and save the world, even after so much is already lost.5 points
5 points
Only watched the main. I’ll try and go back for hyped matches when I have time. I loved it. The match made sense. Mox was a bully attacking early and the entire match he was targeting the neck. Danielson was pumping the crowd up like Daniel Bryan. Shafir played her roll perfectly. It was a fun match and a great ending note to what was a short but personally emotionally noteworthy title run. With the idea that Danielson likely really needs surgery, I like this outcome the most, even if I would have fantasy done something different. Darby will overcome the Mox monster and the Pacpool Combat Club at Quake by the Lake 2. I like Mox, so as people that don’t I totally understand not being pro this move. I thought it was the right move. Doesn’t mean they won’t screw up the future moves though lol If Darby beat a broken Danielson it wouldn’t have meant as much than if Danielson’s gimmick wasn’t legend on his last legs that has the heart to fight through. Plus, the amount of crazy dives that Danielson would super sell would have given us heart attacks and ruin the match for half of you. Darby beating Mox while both are bloody will win over even the Mox-haters. Especially after overcoming a character defining setback of losing the title contender-ship.5 points
Really don't like Jon Moxley as AEW World Champion, AGAIN. Should have been Bryan Danielson vs. Darby Allin here with Darby winning and getting the rub ending Bryan Danielson's full time career. Give it to someone who needs it. Mox doesn't.5 points
We've gotten so many great "dream" matches in Danielson's AEW run. Motherfuckers are selfish. I 100% believe that Danielson wanted to work with Perry and at least part of it was because Danielson is banged up and if you watch the match again Perry was bumping his ass off and doing a lot of the movement. It was actually a perfect match in that regard, for a broken down Danielson to give the rub and carry a younger guy who could go in there and make up for BD's limitations with what he could bring to the table, and on a show where it wasn't the main event. It was actually a really fucking good match too. It might not get rated as high but I'd take that match over the Okada match on Dynamite easily4 points
I'm honestly shocked at how many people are shitting on the ending and this PPV as a whole. I thought the ending was fantastic and it gives a long overarching story that has genuine "I have no idea where this is going" Takeshita winning is fn awesome, Hangman/White was spectacular(I think Hangman is another one on Mox's level because he, to my knowledge, is the only person to make Mox legitimately tap out in AEW history), Mortos/Hologram was wonderful and Mariah May is just glorious to watch. Despite missing opportunities, i still think Darby has a chance to be AEW's "Foley wins the title" sort of heartwarming moment.4 points
4 points
Someone mentioned Christian, is this how we get face Christian as our father protecting AEW from Stepfather Mox? He can ring up Uncle Cope for backup. I'm only half-joking .4 points
I didn’t see the show. But the end sounds incredible. Wheeler the conflicted protege doing the “et tu, Brute?” backstab? The BCC just tried to end not the career but the life of their founder, who is a beloved icon. They’re the evil force and now you need a hero (Darby, OC, etc.) to overcome the odds and put Mox away. I hope they just Keep It Simple Stupid and not get involved with any high power hijinks or anything silly. Mox is a big enough personality on his own to make it work.4 points
4 points
Also, at the end when all of the babyfaces ran in to make the save, Jim Ross had one of his all time great "I don't watch the product; I don't even watch the undercards of shows I'm on!" moment. "Not Jeff Jarrett!" Jeff Jarrett has been a very over babyface for like 3 months, sir. Which you would know, if you watched the shows you're on.4 points
What Curt said. How in the fuck has no one picked House yet? I have the Criterion of House. This is what came with it. The shirt fucking rules. As for the movie itself. I enjoyed it for what it is: a rather brave and totally baffling piece of film making. I cannot fault Obayashi for going all experimental. Sometimes you gotta try new things. There are times in House when I cannot tell if it wants me to be frightened by or to laugh at the obvious absurdity. The shifting of gears between chuckle and gasp is not entirely seamless as it is in something like Shaun of the Dead or Attack the Block. It is hard to classify House as a horror comedy because it seems to take itself very seriously and there are some innovatively nightmarish moments in this movie.. Maybe it's supposed to be like the Tetsuo movies or The Story of Riki-Oh where the violence is the joke? I am not certain. One thing is sure. Onscreen boobs will make you forgive a lot when it comes to a movie and its faults.4 points
MXM brought in Rico as their partner for the 6 man. The show is already a B grade regardless of what happens And Billy Gunn is in the match. There is your long term booking right there4 points
I feel like the online discourse doesn't help things for AEW. Whenever I go on Reddit I see pro-AEW people getting downvoted to hell and it feels like they're outnumbered 25:1. I assume twitter is similar. Online WWE fans are tribal as hell, rabidly anti-AEW and WWE brainwashing clearly didn't go away with Vince. I feel like all that negativity can influence people by osmosis and lead to preconceived notions I listened to Cornette going back to when he started doing podcasts and Brian Last since the first 605 with Bix and I finally had to stop listening to them this year. January to be precise, it was sort of a new years resolution to cut out sources of negativity in my life in what was sure to be a contentious election year. Believe it or not I came to the realization that listening to the two of them for 6-8 hours a week may have been one of the most negative things in my life. The negativity they have towards AEW is insane and the stuff I liked about the show (humour, old school rasslin talk) was becoming less and less of the content. I haven't missed it for a second. And now that I've been away from "the cult" (I was never actually a cultist, but it is ironic) I can see how much damage they do and how much fuel they add to the fire. It genuinely makes me sad that these two now profit off of tearing down a pro-wrestling promotion that is giving gainful employment to hundreds of people and attempting to put on a good product for wrestling fans. I'm actually all the way to FUCK BRIAN LAST territory after being a fan for years. The way he turned on Bix, and then Tom Robinson, should have been enough to warn me away but I stuck around because I found him entertaining. Same with Cornette. I can at least caveat that I never agreed with either of them even 50% of the time, Jim especially, and it got to the point with AEW that I'd have to turn it off and come back later because of how annoying I found them. It never really affected my enjoyment of AEW, I'm a free thinker and I can listen to shit without needing it to parrot my own thoughts, but it just got beyond bad after Punk was gone. I listen to political podcasts with people I frequently disagree with because I find it valuable to glean other perspectives if they're coming in good faith. These two are fucking malicious and spiteful, bad faith bad actors and my life is better without them in it I realize that could have gone in a podcast thread but fuck it, I think Cornette and his ilk influence a lot of the online discourse which influences the perception of AEW which influences the ratings. And it's so funny to me that people listen to Bischoff and Russo at all. Like, I can't imagine anyone my age who lived through the death of WCW caring what either of them has to say about modern wrestling. And if you're a teenager or 20 something....why are you listening to these old fucks???4 points
But in a way, that's part of the problem, isn't it? Obviously I am a fan of AEW and probably fall in the "sicko" category but if he doesn't understand modern fans, is he trying? Is TK? Sure you can book for the sickos but some of the booking should just be for the average normal modern wrestling fan. Have AEW ratings been slowly dropping for eleven straight quarters comparing year to year due to Brian and TK not understanding modern wrestling fans, and should they be trying to or is the promotion doing well enough they can do what they feel is most entertaining regardless? I don't have all the answers to the balancing act but I'm not sure its a great thing for one of the top wrestlers of AEW to be admitting. Balancing between being an alternative and attracting modern fans is tough, I'm just not sure they are doing a good job at it for the last year on a consistent basis.3 points
I don’t know, I’m not a wrestling booker and my focus during that time wasn’t on Bryan. Take a wild guess as to who I cared about more (and still do). All I’m saying is, they wasted the limited time they had with Bryan on shit like a Bobby Fish or Aaron Solo singles match. It’s all different strokes, guys. This is exactly what’s going on in the PPV thread. A dude who loves Mox can’t understand why people don’t love it too, but also admitted he would feel the same way we do now if it was Adam Cole in that spot. I mean… A dream match (for me) isn’t Bryan versus Dustin or Daniel Garcia of all people. But I also have no dream matches for him because he’s not exactly my cup of tea, and like I said earlier - I was kinda focused on the run of someone else.3 points
He posted earlier in thread about liking Willow/Mariah May. Which makes sense, as Willow is fantastic.3 points
Seeing that Masato Tanaka is still quite active and wrestling on the same DPW tag as FTR tonight makes me want to pleade to TK, come on, bring him in please!!!3 points
3 points
After The Wild Robot Sandy I came home and goofed off until her bedtime at 9. As she slowly drifted off Daddy decided he wanted to watch a Shaw Brothers movie and put on Heroes of the East. This perked Sandy right up and so she watched her first full Shaw Brothers movie. This is just as much fun as my favorite Venom Mob movie, the immortal The Kid with the Golden Arm. Sandy marveled at YukaMizuno being pretty badass and I'll watch anything with Gordon Liu. It could be "Joy of Painting with Gordon Liu" and I'd fucking watch it! Fight after fight Sandy would cry out "Again! Again!". I think Saturday nights are now Shaw Brothers night at the Harris compound henceforth! James3 points
Also, not that I think he’s good or anything, but what a stupid character arc for Yuta. He could’ve been in the front lines as the guy avenging Bryan, but now he’s back to being the fifth most important person in the BCC. Back to being the job guy in the Neo Nazi stable for you, dork.3 points
With the benefit of hindsight, we got 5 more matches out of Bryan's "full time" run. And it's a fucking shame we'll never get that Darby match now. -Jack Perry was a fucking WASTE of a .match for Bryan. So egregious now knowing how few matches there were. -NIgel was a fun and appropriate box to check in this last run. -Okada was also appropriate. It wasn't new territory but definitely fitting and meaningful. -Tag with Yuta v Pac & Cladio was also kind of a waste because it was just an extended story building to the final match. -Mox was another waste because it's a been there done that match. And then the post match was so bad it sours the solid work they did put in. Feels like theybhad a chance to give us a few cool matches we'll never get again and they decide to go nahhh yall get Jack Perry. Another missed opportunity in a growing list of them in the recent past for AEW.3 points
There’s a discussion of it in DVDVR #163; not sure if that’s specifically what you’re referring to?3 points
If you watched Zero Hour, and then went on to watch the whole PPV except you went to bed before than main event, saved that for the next day, you would think you'd just seen one of the best AEW PPVs they've done. Everything on ZH was fun, Cage vs Atlantis was a decent showcase for both guys, Anna Jay and Harley Cameron was OK, Acclaimed vs MXM was a good mix of action and entertainment spots, Outrunneration vs Dark Athletes was a great sprint (must have been a bit bittersweet for Reynolds and Silver, the former AEW meme team, to be putting over the current meme team, but oh well). Oh, and Chris Daniels had Okada and Kyle O'Reilly kicked out of the building, to make sure nobody expected Okada to interfere in Bucks/PP or Perry/Shibata... becauses if that had happened, the fans might start to anticipate Okada vs Shibata, and I'm not sure that's a place AEW is going to go lightly. White vs Hangman was a real reminder that Jay White is actually really, really good. I think there was an expectation that furious Hangman is a force of nature that overwhelms all opposition, so seeing White as the crafty tactician keeping his head and outsmarting him was a real curveball. Mariah vs Willow was one of the best straight wrestling women's matches AEW has had - like for a while the better women's matches were always plunder-laced blood brawls, whereas this was moves and counters only, and it was great. Perry vs Shibata was another example of AEW trying to get Jack Perry over as legit tough, by booking him in singles matches against killers who eat him alive (but he finds a way to win). Probably better than his Suzuki match, and he didn't look as out of his depth as he did facing RUSH. I think the finish here, like the finish of Jay vs Hanger, was to set up in the fan's minds that the main event finish was going to be Danielson finding a way too... like we had two "Physically overmatched but crafty" guys finding a way to win, on a show where the main event was telling a similar story. The Three-Way, in the body of the match is was a great way of saying "Hey guys, Ospreay and Ricochet might be these super athletes, but Takeshita is every bit as fast as them, almost as athletic as them, and vastly more powerful and hard hitting than them". So him winning made perfect sense. The fact that they did a big heel turn angle with it, that's a bit sports entertainment-ish, and... do we really need THREE dominant heel stables in the promotion? The Don Callis Family angle has been hurt a lot by injuries and other things... like if Sammy Guevara hadn't blown his angle, and if Hobbs and Trent? had stayed healthy (and RUSH had stuck around), the DCF running in would look like a group of killers and their annoying friend showing up. But because it's usually just Don and Fletcher, it doesn't have that gang intimidation factor. A long talking segment on PPV, that's a good way to give the fans a break. Could have been a little shorter, and I think everyone was expecting Lashley to show up. But Swerve got to have his hometown reaction at least. Hologram vs Mortos was fantastic. Watching it with people who don't watch much Lucha and don't know the "Primera Caida - Technico, Segunda Caida - Rudo, Tercera Caida - Technico comeback or Foule!" structure made it more enjoyable. Mortos wrestled The Butcher on Rampage, and I was surprised - like I thought he might be one of those Super Heavyweight Cruiserweights like Dick Togo or Uhaa Nation (Apollo Crews) who looks huge next to small highflyers, but tiny next to actual big heavyweights. But he didn't. He was smaller than Butcher, but not dwarfed by him. Allin vs King was another reminder of why AEW's attempts to paint Jack Perry as a legit tough guy keep failing; Because Darby Allin also works there and takes more horrific beatings in every match. I think perhaps they should start to grow concerned about diminishing returns with Darby though, he has these incredible matches where he takes punishment 99% of wrestlers wouldn't, but he does it multiple times a year. You don't want fans to start thinking he can't be killed. It's like Ladder matches, if you only do one once every 4-5 years, they become a huge deal. Doing one every two to three months, they kind of blur into one undramatic miasma. Bucks vs Private Party was a Bucks match... I think as they age, they are starting to slow down a bit. Perhaps they should change their style and be a bit more dirty opportunistic, low blow/ eye poke guys. The spotfest style is going to get away from them... and Ospreay and Ricochet are in the company now. If they were ever the top high speed high flyers in AEW (debatable, Rey Fenix has been there from the start and so on), they certainly aren't now. It was one of the few matches on the show with a sense of inevitability about it; Like the upset never felt in the offing. Briscoe vs Jericho, that was good. Going to be interesting to see what happens with Jericho now that Jimmy Jacobs is gone, if Jacobs really was Jericho's main writer. And then the main event happened, and for most of the match it was really good. Right up until Moxley Thanos snapped Danielson out of existence, and the remaining babyfaces sat around devastated.3 points
3 points
I like Mox, but he’s super unorthodox in how he moves and has a swagger to him that is pretty defining. I really enjoy him but I can see why people are put off by him. All is fair in love and internet wrestling forums.3 points
who cares if Bryan asked for it, doesn’t mean it was the right call. You 100% wouldn’t be saying that if Bryan wanted to lose to Adam Cole.3 points
I saw this as the beginning of the chapter of Darby becoming "The Man". About damn time.3 points
The split on this is going to be interesting. I watched most of the card, was a decent but not spectacular night. The main event angle, largely, left me cold. I don't know, this is just two times they've done the "Danielson has a young protege and it looks to be building something interesting with him having allies that are heels" that they immediately just... decided not to pull the trigger on. Yuta trying to destroy Mox, Claudio, and PAC was an angle I excited for. So after the deflating ending, Yuta turning and ending the story I was excited for immediately was like a second shot to my excitement. Personally, just have no excitement for another Moxley title reign. Darby should be the only answer on who would take the title off him, but they already seem to be lining him up to challenge for the belt, and he's not losing on his first major defense. In general, just really not loving the faces in the company right now, which really limits how excited I can be for a top heel stable and champ.3 points
3 points
How many varieties of the RnR/Midnights/Blowjob Babyface '80s Tag Team were there? We had Rock'n'Rolls Midnights Original Midnight Express Fabs Fantastics Midnight Rockers Rock'n'Roll RPMs and that's where my knowledge hits a wall EDIT: Oh man. There were a NEW Rock'n'Roll RPMs too. And catch this little tidbit:3 points
I'm still annoyed with him based on what happened in Wembley and him not at all working the match that I wanted him to work, but I'm probably going to have to ease up a bit after this. https://x.com/The_MJF/status/1844177167988789678https://x.com/The_MJF/status/18441771679887896783 points
D'Amore booked Bully Ray vs Raj Dhesi (the former Jinder Mahal) for his indie promotion. Keep him the fuck away from AEW.3 points
I also thought Bucks/PP was alot better than I expected. Zay especially showed me alot. And that final TK Driver was NASTY AF. Maybe it was the camera angle but it looked killer.2 points
Got to wondering how many times a booker has gone with “despair” to end a big show. Not that bad guys don’t win big matches, but straight up end of Empire Strikes Back, end of The Mist, all is lost, good guys lose. Hogan turn is one with Heenan’s “what do we do now?”. Struggling to think of a bunch of others until last night. Like Reigns won 1,000 main events as a heel but it was more “this guy is bad, but he’s just the best dude, so he won”, not “the word has ended”. Gotta be more I’m blanking on.2 points
About 2 hours in and I'm loving the PPV. Hangman and White was a very strong opener with a slick finish. Willow and Mariah was tons of fun. It was hard hitting and both women pulled off some moves I hadn't seen them do. By the time we get to Ospreay vs. Ricochet vs. Takeshita I'm in awe. That was one of the best triple threats I've ever seen because they did a lot of very creative sequences that involved all 3 of them instead of the typical your turn, my turn that you get from three way dances. Takeshita is a superstar waiting to breakthrough, he has it all. I think the right man went over. I also loved the slow burn with the MVP/Shelton and Swerve segment. Looks like we are getting Swerve and Shelton first. The second half of the show they started to lose me. I thought Mortos/Hologram was pretty good and they eventually won the crowd over but it would have worked better as an opener. Darby vs. Brody was good but didn't have too much of a build to it. Private Party losing really pissed me off. Why do the whole Amazing Red video package and have the Bucks cut that promo if they were just going to lose anyway. They might eventually win but they do this a lot with tag teams where they don't pull the trigger when fans are ready for it. The Bucks have killed the tag division. There are a lot of great teams like The Outrunners or Gunn Club or Top Flight that we could be building the division around... Jericho meh. I'm happy for Briscoe but Jericho keeps getting these PPV matches and he's washed. The main event started out hot but that end really soured me. So abrupt. Crowd really shit on it. I know Bryan isn't "retiring" but this was a bad way to go out to me. I don't know where the Mox thing is going but I feel like just going from Bryan to Darby would have been more effective than another power grab story line.2 points
I could see some combination of Claudio/Pac/Yuta trying to take the gold off the Bucks, Perry, and Okada.2 points
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