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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2024 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. WCW in 1992 kicked WWF's ass in terms of overall match quality, but due to a variety of factors, it might as well have happened on Neptune. None of that equated to success.
    6 points
  3. Just look at this Even the last two are interesting. We get the question of who is Edge gonna squash this time, which is probably gonna be somebody young and coming up. We also get to see if Rosa has any rust to work off and another question mark talent-wise. The other three are bound to rule. I'm excited!
    6 points
  4. In terms of chemistry Rey/Psicosis might be my favorite. Vader/Hashimoto is, of course, great with two very different hard hitters going at it. Obligatory DVDVR mention of Ikeda/Ishikawa.
    5 points
  5. I push a dolly so I constantly looking out for peoples feet
    5 points
  6. Finally watched the IronMan match. Dear lord, that was fantastic.
    4 points
  7. Pretty Deadly rules because they're one of the only silly gimmicks there right now, while also being solid workers and a good team.
    4 points
  8. Dustin Rhodes: Now look, check it, it’s simple, it’s simple. See this? This the Tony Khan, a’ight? And he the booker. You social media burn the other dude’s booker, you got the game. But he trying to meme at your booker too, so you gotta protect it. Now, Tony Khan, he move one space any direction he damn choose, ’cause he’s on a lot of coke. Like this, this, this, a’ight? But he ain’t a worker. But the rest of these motherfuckers on the team, they got his back. And they run so deep, he really ain’t gotta do shit. Ricky Starks: Like your dad was a booker, Dusty. Dustin Rhodes: Yeah, like my dad. You see this? This the Champion. He Samoa Joe, he fuckin tough. He move any way he want, as far as she want. And he is the go-get-shit-done piece. Gonna fight before a match, he’ll make you wrestle still. Big Bill: Remind me of Regal. Dustin: And this over here is the ring. Like the ring. It can move like this, and like this. Big Bill: Dog, stash don’t move, man. Dustin: C’mon, yo, think. How many arenas we been in this month? Right? And every time we move the ring, we gotta move a trainees with it, right? To break it down a set it up. Starks: True, true, you right. All right, what about them little baldheaded bitches right there? Dustin: These right here, this is the jobbers. They like Brandon Cutler. They move like this, one space forward only. Except when they fight, then it’s like spraying comedic spray. And they like record all the BTE’s, they be out in the field. Big Bill: So how do you get to be the booker? Dustin: It ain’t like that. See, the booker stay the booker, a’ight? Everything stay who he is. Except for the jobbers. Now, if Brandon Cutler make it all the way up to the win-loss record, he get to be Champion. And like I said, the Samoa Joe is tough as fuck. He’ll choke your ass out. Starks: A’ight, so if I become champion, I win. D’Angelo Barksdale: If you post a funny joke making fun of the other dude’s booker and get them to do something dumb in response, then you win. Starks: A’ight, but if I make it to the end, I’m top dog, like Roman. Dustin: Nah, yo, it ain’t like that. Look, the jobbers, man, in the match, they get pinned quick. They be out the match early. Starks: Unless they some smart-ass workers.
    4 points
  9. There's a lot of things readers and advertisers used to not like that are perfectly commonplace nowadays. Time marches on, attitudes change. Or, what the heck, since this is DVDVR, let's use something from the Talking Heads. It's not... yesterday... anymore.
    4 points
  10. Minoru Suzuki vs Edge next week is like something out of a fever dream.
    3 points
  11. Rankings are coming back, starting this month. let’s fuckin go.
    3 points
  12. Valentine v Santana really doesn’t get talked about enough
    3 points
  13. You nailed Darby v Jeff. Queen is on a run. She's had presence since the beginning, but it's starting to feel like she could make a mark. I like what they're trying with Stat/Stoke/Willow. I was into this show. Sydal v Jericho was the American version of Senior League Lucha. In a good way. Penta v Henry was a 'Perfectly fine' enhancement match. Very enjoyable Saturday morning wrestling show.
    3 points
    3 points
  15. Steamboat/Rude is a great call. R&R Express & MX Express Lawler & Dundee Windham & Flair Valentine & Santana
    3 points
  16. For the legendary-type stuff that you might list: DiBiase/JYD Von Erichs/Freebirds Steamboat/Rude I could name a ton of midcard ones that, while not legendary level, were incredibly fulfilling for me and personally legendary within my fandom.
    3 points
  17. I'll forever stand by the Stairway to Hell match. The shot of Hak standing there with his eyes closed, leaning against the ropes in agony, covered in blood with barbed wire encircling his head, actively upset/grossed-out the ECW mutants. Which was nigh impossible to do. I think it even got Joey to emit this quiet, Owen voice "Oh my god." It ends with somebody getting nailed in their broken jaw with a full on kendo stick shot. Doesn't get more final than that, does it?
    3 points
  18. I'm keeping that autocorrect in.
    3 points
  19. Sabu vs. The Sandbag at ECW November 2 Remember 1997 is one of the worst matches I've ever seen. The two redeemed themselves in Stairway to Hell at ECW House Party 1998. Sabu broke his jaw but taped it up to continue the match as you do.
    3 points
  20. I have no idea who is going to win any of these games wow. You can throw the Packers vs 49ers rivalry history out the window because there are new quarterbacks and few players from the recent rivalry. The Lions are better than the Bucs all around but mere drops were all that the Bucs could have improved on last week. Baker was throwing lazers everywhere which hasn’t exactly been the Bucs game plan to start with let alone any success all year. The Chiefs made it which means their dangerous period, but the Bills have looked like the most dangerous Cinderella team by far. The Ravens look good and Lamar is more sold out to winning a ring than Barkley was to winning an NBA Trophy in 1993 but the Texans aren’t going to give it away and the Ravens have to be playoff ready and not rely on rah rah stuff.
    3 points
  21. Jeff and Darby are both nuts, but we know this, right? Fun as hell match. I'm just glad Darby is getting paid well (presumably) for this stuff because lord knows he'd be likely still doing it on the indies if he wasn't here. Statlander/Aminata was good and I love Stokely turning into Gary Har.t
    3 points
  22. I don’t think of Tenta having a dark side kind of story other than dying young.
    3 points
  23. Yep! Tony is still reading! We see you lurkin', Coach! - Mox/Taylor was pretty mean. It could have been a wash but Shane refused to stay down and kept turning the tables, very literally when he tried the lariat and had to spin and nail Moxley with a southpaw version, which was vicious. He definitely stood his ground and looked like a threat. Mox says "I am very very mad", I says "When aren't you?" Unfortunately nobody came out to challenge him. - Didn't watch a lot of Edge/Dante but what I did was alright (predicted this one too!). The spear out of the air was cool. Edge calling the crossface "the Grindhouse" is silly to me, very WWE, but not even they made anybody not say "crossface". Edge vs. Minoru Suzuki is something I don't think anyone ever thought about, asked for, wanted, imagined. But it's here, and I'm sure it is gonna be wild. - Rosa and Aminata was... well, it started pretty clunky. They were okay when they stopped trying to be all fast and elaborate and just laid into each other. After the strikes started coming it picked up. Rosa doesn't need to front-roll away from her opponents before turning around either, it's just unnecessary and doesn't look good. Basically: If you can only do it at half-speed, cut it out of the match. That goes for everything. - I am not interested in BCG without Juice but they had CARDBOARD JUICEY BOY!!! I am not interested in Acclaimed with or without anything so that segment was muted over here. Also ditched out on Roddy vs. Sydal, sorry guys. Did catch Sydal busting out a nice and impactful Meteora off the top. - Toni has rampant sexuality. Look out! - Buddy is in the top ten of "Most Obscenely Jacked Wrestlers" currently. Has to be. Who else is on there? Cage is probably #1 and we can go from there. Anyway, good good match with Garcia with Danny mostly getting eaten for lunch only to come back to the injured knee again and again as an exit strategy. As always, great selling from him. The end having a full-bore WWF locker-room-clearing brawl (which you never see anymore) was pretty old school and was a great way to hype up the Elimination Cage match. So, it's no tags? And just pinfalls or submissions? That sounds like it's gonna be hard to work actually. So many attempts are gonna be broken up in this match. - Poor, poor Ortiz. The super-hot St. Louis crowd was just ice cold for the man. He had all the heat in the world once upon a time but after the breakup, everything has been a distant memory. It doesn't help that he's only showed up like, once for a match since then, of course, but still. They need to do some vignettes with him and Eddie or something, try and get some love back. Danielson played the prick again by basking in his glory (apologies to Bobby) just to irritate Kingston and Claudio turning his back and sitting on the apron when King got on the buckles to do the same was priceless. Revving up the machine gun chop to Full Kobashi was nice but next time I want that spinning reverse chop. Torturing Eddie by holding him there while Ortiz was trapped and then SPITTING IN HIS FACE means this ain't over. Eddie is like the last guy you'd ever want to spit at. I'm surprised he even went for that.
    2 points
  24. Yes, I assume Curt was cracking wise.
    2 points
  25. just saw a "WWE BREAKING NEWS WWE RAW Star LEG AMPUTATED" clickbait video title on YouTube, sad to see that Mean Gene is being forced by Satan to do his Hotline teases on YouTube
    2 points
  26. Correction: Quake hunted an animal for food. What was he going to do, make his Quakeburgers out of ground beef that was easily bought at a supermarket? The man was hungry! Starving, even!
    2 points
  27. Imagine if Max Moon had jumped to WCW in 1992. (Or traveled there on his jetpack.) I would've been... Nope, not making an over the moon joke. Nope nope nope.
    2 points
  28. I was a WWF kid growing up (later 90’s though) so it’s fun going back and watching excellent WCW matches with people like Regal and Arn
    2 points
  29. Steen/Generico foley/HHH Regal/Finlay
    2 points
  30. I hope a ring set on fire isn’t based on Hulk Hogan’s BS story of how Harley Race set the ring on fire at a WWF Missouri show, then asking Hulk for a job.
    2 points
  31. The Copeland open challenges have been great so far, especially loved the end of last week's match with Moriarty. Makes me wonder how many times we need to have "ex-WWE guy comes to AEW" and actually kicks some ass before the bad faith posters stop using that talking point... *insert J Jonah Jameson laugh gif here*
    2 points
  32. Yeah, we even got 2 women’s matches! I am fully in support of Rampage being the sicko show with more lucha and women’s matches.
    2 points
  33. I think AEW realized only the super-wrestling folks who want to see the wild world of wrestling are going to tune in regularly to Rampage, so gotta give the people what they want, and that means matches you don't get to see anywhere else, including Dynamite and Collision.
    2 points
  34. Rivalries I love: Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuiness Four Pillar mayhem CM Punk vs Samoa Joe Hijo Del Santo vs Negro Casas Eddie Kingston vs Chris Hero Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat
    2 points
  35. What's with these great Rampage episodes recently? Opener and main event were both thoroughly entertaining and two matches in the middle were worth their time as well. Stokley, Lethal and Ruby all had their ongoing stories slightly advanced, so this was all in all very enjoyable. Mox vs Taylor on Collision? Holy crap! There has been so many interesting "filler" matches recently, and it's really good direction. If you want to feature someone, why not put them in the ring with someone interesting. Hangman vs Workhorseman for last Saturday, as a great example.
    2 points
  36. Cypress (the tortie) looking at Shao May, who's gone limp in the sunshine, like, "Do you not have one shred of dignity?"
    2 points
  37. There was the (acclaimed) series on Smackdown in 05 where they fought for Dominick's custodianship - I guess Rey is regretting now that he won that feud. Also a year after the apuesta match, there were a bunch of matches centered around the initial lWo.
    2 points
  38. I'd argue Triple H/Rock was better than Rock/Austin. They went up the card together, they were seen as relatively equal to each other, there's varying heel/face alignments. Rock/Austin felt relatively one sided for the most part with Rock not really in Austin's league until Mania X7
    2 points
  39. The announcement of Kazuchika Okada vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi got me thinking about wrestling rivalries with the best chemistry. Come up with: Kazuchika Okada vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin. Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart. Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega. Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar. Steve Austin vs. The Rock. Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles. Probably missing something obvious.
    2 points
  40. Awww, Big John Tenta? The nicest guy in the business? Just because he got in a shoot with that piece of crap Koji Kitao? Bogus.
    2 points
  41. Opening segment was longer than I would have liked but did a good job having things come to a boil between Knight and Styles while giving Aldis & Orton moments to shine with Heyman. LWO vs. Legado del Fantasma was good. Glad Santos snuck away with the victory. Dunne/Bate vs. Pretty Deadly was another good match between the teams and nice showcase for Bate and Dunne. Its good to see Dunne back as the bruiserweight. He did the Butch role well, but it always felt out of place. The Lashley/Profits and FInal testament promos setting up their faceoff for next week were solid. The KO/Paul segment was pretty good and gave a nice bit of extra importance to their match with Logan seeing it as a way to gain a long wanted vengeance. As much as he may suck as person Paul continues to be pretty good at this in and out of the ring. KC Squared vs. Unholy Union was pretty nice while it lasted but also pretty short. They deserved more time. Still both teams looked impressive, and it did set up the KCs defending against Kabuki Warriors next week. Would have preferred Damage Ctrl. garner some heat by attacking Fyre & Dawn at the very least. Felt weird for them to not try to gain some measure of vengeance for the Holiday Havoc match. Bayley even brought up the attack on commentary. Stuff like this is why the division has had trouble building and keeping momentum. For whatever reason HHH just doesn't give the same level of attention and care he gave it in NXT. Was nice to see Theory ok and them set up a rematch between him and Melo. Hopefully it goes better than last week. Styles/Knight bleed into Orton/Solo. Both matches were fun while they lasted but felt more like angles than actual matches. It all worked well in setting up Roman to finally sign the contract and giving Orton his badass hero moment, but you can't help but feel a little cheated match wise. The first two matches of tonight were good but nothing amazing. The rest even being done well served more build to other matches and angles. Solid tv from a story standpoint but disappointing from an actual wrestling standpoint. Builds like tonight even when done well should be avoided on a show like Smackdown that has few enough matches as things already stand. Was an arguably solid show but also disappointing at the same time. Pretty Deadly are great at they do and fun to watch. They just had Rhea and Becky have a direct confrontation on Raw to tease the match they have been saving for Wrestlemania the past year. It got one of the biggest reactions that night. Bayley's comments are absolutely a misdirection and have been talked about as Damage Ctrl.'s plan for around a month or more now. They seemingly just decided to delay Bayley getting kicked out of Damage Ctrl post War Games because it was too obvious to do it then.
    2 points
  42. Throw in Serena Deeb and Athena and baby, you’ve got a stew going!
    2 points
  43. Since they were part of the Criterion “cat month,” I decided to watch both That Darn Cat and The Cat From Outer Space. While harmless, the best part as seeing all these character actors getting work. That Darn Cat had Frank Gorshin as a bank robber, William Demarest and Elsa Lancaster as nosy neighbors and Richard Deacon. Outer Space had both Harry Morgan and McLean Stevenson in it. Funnily enough, both had Roddy McDowell as a nominal bad guy or at least antagonist.
    2 points
  44. This was a tale of two shows for me. I didn't care about Jericho/Sydal, I could not possibly care less about a Penta match (and he immediately started to irritate me even though I wanted to watch it for the skinny Workhorseman), but then Queen Aminata came out and attempted to remove Statlander's head from her body using her ass. The kick as she was laying against the ropes was incredibly vicious too. And THEN, Darby and Jeff Harvey came out to knock everyone's dick in the dirt. The term that probably best describes the match is "kinetic". This was just two streams of violent energy smashing together or against anything else in their path. It was a trade-off of dominance back and forth based on the other guy just getting wrecked, with a nice, snug commercial break with Jeff trying to grind Darby down. And at the end he said "fuck the respect bump, this kid ain't taking my place, I'll get him another day. I'm out". But: old guys, amirite? PS Tomorrow's Collision is gonna RULE.
    2 points
  45. My biggest “OK Xoomer” thing is the prominence of pajamas in public. When I was flying over the holidays I would guess at least 15% of people were wearing pajama pants. Then again, I recall the early 90s trend of wearing boxer shorts as shorts and may have done so a time or two.
    2 points
  46. Great match. Gave it *****. Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude at WCW Beach Blast 1992 is still the best Iron Man match in wrestling history followed by Bayley vs. Sasha Banks, NXT TakeOver: Respect 2005 *****. Thank y'all for your best chemistry suggestions, knew I forgot some.
    1 point
  47. Well, it was the particular hill I personally was willing to die on. I looked past Vince's million transgressions before that, but mess with the character of my favorite wrestler, that was the last straw. Of course, if it wasn't for AEW+, I would have let that one slide as well. But seeing as how I had barely time to watch any WWE Network at the time, it was way easier to put my foot down on the matter. As for anyone else, I couldn't say.
    1 point
  48. I got my flight booked today. Looking forward to seeing you guys again. Last show we were at together was JAPW in 2006.
    1 point
  49. Man, just barely caught up on everything since last week's Rampage, but damn is Purrazzo great. Gotta give Red credit for keeping up last week, and Anna did fine but if we can get the ladies more time with a division based around Deonna, Toni, Hayter and maybe Moné? Shit's gonna ruuuule.
    1 point
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