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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2023 in all areas

  1. Give me your chop spots, your 90’s wrestler cosplay, Your huddled masses yearning to do moves of their heroes, The wretched refuse of your Indy roster. Send these, the sharpshooting, Four-Pillar-inspired to me, I lift my tentacles beside the Forbidden Door!
    6 points
  2. Obviously I’m behind but I tossed some words at the last two Punk matches: http://segundacaida.blogspot.com/2023/07/aew-five-fingers-of-death-73-716.html?m=1
    5 points
  3. Just here to echo all the praise for the Collision tag match. Wow. I guess the only thing I would add is that the match had a number of complicated spots that required all four guys to really hit the timing just right and they all nailed it. All it takes is for one guy to be a little late and you've got the three others standing there looking awkward. That never happened. Just such a smooth job from everyone while still making it all look like an epic struggle.
    5 points
  4. I am finally watching Collision. Man, the tag match lives up to the hype. And then some. This is legit one of the best tag matches. Ever. Fantastic all around. Cash has always been great but man he has leveled up. Just a perfect performance throughout. Juice is also a revelation.
    5 points
  5. Rock seems like the type of corny mfer who would cross the picket line and then virtue signal tweet about doing it in the name of positivity and unity or some such lame bullshit.
    5 points
  6. why does Kota hate me?
    4 points
  7. Oh jeez, this was sad news to find out about after popping back in here for the first time in months. I still fondly remember Teddy Long's peanut head from the Smackdown Comix. HOLLA HOLLA Like others have said in here, it was nice to get a thanks or an encouraging comment from him on a post, and I remember when there was briefly a Euro promotions folder here, I started a thread posting updates from the Irish scene and he posted a reply saying "This right here is why I'm glad I created this folder". I never kept up with it, but that was very nice. He seemed like a great guy and I can't remember him ever getting into wars of words with other posters. He just focused on the fun aspects of wrestling. Condolences to those who knew him well.
    4 points
  8. How I think of Honor Club: It's paying a $10 a month storage fee for hundreds of classic ROH show DVD's (and with easier access to boot). The new stuff is just a bonus.
    4 points
  9. Also, a thing I loved about Gunther/Riddle was when they went on the floor. Gunther looked like an absolute beast with a chop and a bodyslam. He looked infinitely more vicious doing so than any number of cornballs doing things like Canadian Destroyers on the ring apron. Laying stuff in and knowing how to look dominant and Riddle selling like he is facing death itself >Spinning Super Spike Tiger Driver ‘83 Ring Apron spots.
    4 points
  10. I was gassing up today at 1 of those gas pumps that has little TVs in it. The commercial that came on was a Slim Jim commercial WITH RANDY SAVAGE.
    4 points
  11. Amazing elephant seems to be imitating Ric Flair.
    3 points
  12. That seems like the makings for a disaster. But, like, the fun kind of disaster that's entertaining to see go down.
    3 points
  13. is this a real take? she (and QTV as a whole, minus Powerhouse Hobbs) have fully landed in my 'fast forward' list. i see zero redeeming qualities.
    3 points
  14. How would you be able to fit anything in a Five Guys bag with all those fries???
    3 points
  15. Sami is just an untouchable babyface now and forever. I love he is losing in singles because it just adds to generating sympathy in his Rocky Morton role in their tag team. KO’s doing the best work of an already sterling career and his angry man shtick equates so well to him becoming an all-time hot tag equalizer. I also love they are putting teams away with their singles moves — why wouldn’t that work? KO/Sami now and forever.
    3 points
  16. Gable is out here doing real life Street Fighter 2 super combos:
    3 points
  17. I'm keeping an eye on the countdown clock until they reunite Jack Perry with Christian. They already have the former dressing like the latter, minus the EVIL TURTLENECK.
    3 points
  18. Reportedly, after the meeting, David Zaslav found his wallet had been replaced by a small metal cigarette lighter.
    3 points
  19. We're setting the over/under on heatstrokes caused by the field at: 4 1/2.
    2 points
  20. I hope this week we get a skit where Adam Cole convinces MJF to sneak into Tony’s office dressed as a pantomime horse
    2 points
  21. You say that like its a bad thing. . . .
    2 points
  22. Surprised the overall isn't higher, but still a good demo number. Remember, movies were almost never doing more than 0.14 in that slot.
    2 points
  23. I’m so fucking pumped for Justified. Nearly done with the rewatch with my wife so she’s ready too. The plot could be a turd covered in burnt hair and I wouldn’t give a shit. I think the only bummer will be not seeing Art or Tim or Rachel out probably not Duffy either. But, if they’re doing this for more than one season, it’s good that they don’t go full nostalgia right away.
    2 points
  24. EDIT: I personally didn't care for the AI angle. Topical and relevant? Yes, most definitely. However, it just didn't feel like a Mission: Impossible plot to me and felt more in the realm of sci-fi. Secondly, the AI material was poorly established, and it felt derivative of both Terminator and Person of Interest. Morales seemed interesting, but they were clearly holding a lot back for Part 2. I enjoyed the movie a lot more on the second viewing. It's a great-looking movie. IMHO tremendously shot. Great action and stunts. Lorne Balfe's music is great. I think it could've been tightened up a lot more. It basically has like four prologues before the opening credits, and that's a lot. I kind of appreciate the DePalma film a lot more now, which is only 110 minutes or so. I think it's aged the best out of any of the films.
    2 points
  25. To be fair, Pruitt is a very dumb person.
    2 points
  26. Rotund James’ or Husky Jimbos would work also
    2 points
  27. We're all dancing around the real issue here: why are these triple-sized Slim Jims not called "Chubby Jims"?
    2 points
  28. I laugh when people say X quarterback isn't tough. Like, you literally can't make it to the NFL (at most positions but certainly) at quarterback without being tough. You just can't. Obviously, there's a range of toughness among quarterbacks but there's a baseline that's way higher than idiot fans give them credit for. It's like saying the guy who finishes 9th in the 100 at the Olympics isn't fast.
    2 points
  29. They've apparently licensed his likeness for a product line called "Savage Size"
    2 points
  30. Living Dangerously 2000 famously had nothing announced until the TNN show a couple days before
    2 points
  31. I'm not sure if there's any purpose to the QTV/Acclaimed feud besides giving both groups something to do, but they really need to turn Harley Cameron face and have her joined the Acclaimed. She has way too much likable goofy energy and is a bit too talented to pull off the ironic pop star gimmick. Meanwhile, Taya is floundering as a face and could easily slide right in as the "real talent" QT and Johnny push Harley out for.
    2 points
  32. I've watched Eddie live the dream more than a few times now. I don't want Kobashi Cosplay Eddie, I want Chop Cheese Dusty.
    2 points
  33. So between the increased number of participants, the shorter match lengths, and the addition of the knockout stage like this year's BOSJ had, the G1 has been generating a lot of talk. Wrestlers discussing who should be in, and who should be out. Outside of kayfabe, I think it's really being done to hurry up and get the next generation some big match singles experience and exposure. It kind of seems like NJPW needs or wants to have guys like Narita, Tsuji, and Umino get to the point where they can start drawing and carry cards very much sooner rather than later. I think they got themselves on the path tonight. I'll co-sign all of the above as matches of the night. There were a few spots in Umino/Narita that looked like they didn't quite go as planned, but I think Umino especially was able to adapt on the fly remarkably quickly and salvage things. There are still some rough edges and questions I have about how both of them are presented (at least from my perspective, I feel like a lot of the issues that wrestlers like Tsuji have brought up with respect to their characters are valid), but as far as kicking off an Umino/Narita rivalry goes, they did a good job. Y'know what, I liked Gabe Kidd vs. Chase Owens, too. Not a classic, but it got off to a hot start, which I think was necessary (might just be my crappy old laptop speakers, but the crowd sounded really tepid to kick off the show). Nice brawl, a story was told, and it got me interested in what Gabe Kidd will get up to for the rest of the tournament. Plus, it set the stage for some prior-era BC vs. new-era BC stuff, which I know many are tired of...but, it seems like NJPW needs to do something with the old guard + House of Torture. Guess we'll see.
    2 points
  34. Probably thinking of the first WWECW standalone show (December to Dismember 2006). It had an "Extreme Elimination Chamber" with a lot of midcard guys as the main, and not much else in the way of announced matches. They even had to throw in a random Hardys/MNM match unannounced just to make it feel somewhat like a ppv worthy card. The whole thing ended in just over 2 hours. The wiki entry for this show is a real trip. Highly recommend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/December_to_Dismember_(2006)
    1 point
  35. Amazing to see someone else who hasn’t gone down the ironic road of “WHY DON’T YOU LIKE BRAINBUSTERS ON THE RING APRON VIKINGO STYLE BRUH” Gunther and Rhea Ripley are on another level. Fuck it give me Rhea vs Gunther.
    1 point
  36. Have him join the LWO as a smiling babyface.
    1 point
  37. But it'll be fun to speculate about who he stiffs that gets him fired.
    1 point
  38. Yeah, the fact that neither WWE nor AEW have moved to hire Jacob Fatu over the past 5 years when they’ve been hiring everybody with some buzz would seem to indicate there’s something disqualifying in his background or current conduct. If he hasn’t been signed by now, I don’t think he’s gonna be. Likewise, given that he’s coming off of a 6-year prison sentence, I imagine that Zilla will need to put in some time showing he can be a good citizen before any major company really considers hiring him.
    1 point
  39. I'm way too nice for my own good or I would. At least two weeks running now. She's a bitch.
    1 point
  40. The Academy Awards fucked up so much in 2008: The Dark Knight wasn't nominated for Best Picture and Best and Director (Nolan). WALL-E wasn't nominated for Best Picture and Best Director (Stanton). Gran Torino wasn't nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor (Eastwood) and Best Director (Eastwood). Let the Right One In wasn't nominated for Best Picture, Best Foreign Language Film and Best Director (Alfredson). The Wrestler wasn't nominated for Best Picture or Best Director (Aronofsky). Sean Penn winning the Academy Award for Best Actor instead of Mickey Rourke. I FUCKING HATE The Reader.
    1 point
  41. I'm probably the least-enthused FTR fan on the board and even I have to concede that's the MOTW
    1 point
  42. Okay that main event tag match was a chaotic delight.
    1 point
  43. I never tried a beef stick until I was in rehab last year. I don't remember what brand it was, but it wasn't terrible.
    1 point
  44. Thoughts on Barely Legal When John Kronus came back to the locker room after the opener, I'm sure The Great Sasuke thanked him for performing the Space Flying Tiger Drop. Sasuke did pin Taka in the Michinoku Pro 6-man, and he beat Taka on a WWF PPV later in the year, but Taka got the last laugh by becoming a bigger star in the US. Lance Storm's chairshots were not "extreme," and the fans let him know it. Rob Van Dam was a sub for Chris Candido, but he beat Storm and launched his career as "Mr. Monday Night" in the WWF. Taz vs. Sabu was built up for a year and billed as the "Grudge Match of the Century," but it went on third from the top. Bill Alfonzo was openly cheering for Sabu because after betting on Taz for all of his wins, this time, Fonzie put his money on Sabu. Taz said he was going to bust Sabu up and choke him out, and that's just what he did. Announcing your first pay-per-view is a nerve-wracking experience, especially when the promoter tells you "don't F this up" before the show starts. At least I had two partners, one of whom was Bas Rutten. Joey Styles called the whole show by himself and did several on-camera spots to boot. Terry Funk is the MVP for winning another World title at the age of 53. Kudos to Tommy Dreamer for stepping aside and giving Funk the chance. Bob Backlund had pulled off the same feat in the WWF in 1994, but Funk was eight years older.
    1 point
  45. Joke's on you! There was no "PPV build."
    1 point
  46. I, too, have started a rewatch of the MI movies. I watched 3 last night, and I gotta say…This is probably not only the most overrated MI movie but probably the worst. Much like 2, 3 is just an action movie with light spy trappings, but Abrams doesn’t have an ounce of Woo’s style, so the action is just the sort of shaky cam, quick cut nightmare that was dominating cinemas in the mid-00’s. Like a lot of filmmakers, Abrams apparently watched BOURNE once and thought he could be Paul Greengrass. But, worse yet, he shot everything with a TV director’s eye, so everything feels small, crammed into a box. Tom Cruise running and jumping on film has never looked less cinematic. And without great action…there isn’t a lot else for this film to hang it’s hat on. Sure, PSH is great, but he’s in like 10 minutes of the movie, and Owen Davian is one of the most generic bad guys ever committed to a script page. Truly a testament to PSH’s acting that anyone remembers that character at all. Also, his most iconic scene (the en media res opening—again, the whole thing is so TV) is totally undermined as schmuck bait when the film finally gets back around to it. I really like Michelle Monaghan as an actor, but giving Ethan a dull wife was another anti-cinematic, TV choice that never felt right to me but felt even worse right after watching 2, in which Thandie Newton is an absolute fireball and the only woman to ever actually have romantic chemistry with Cruise in these films. Also! Maggie Q and JRD probably rank only above the Aussie copter pilot from 2 as the most forgettable IMF team members.
    1 point
  47. Bebe Neuwirth ran in and laid them both out
    1 point
  48. https://twitter.com/Futurhythm/status/1680266566984941568?t=Qgeb2BCp44AGmrtTuealbA&s=19 Imagine just shooting the shit with Chow Yun Fat.
    1 point
  49. Sabu was somehow that last oldschool mysterious wrestler and the first new age hardcore wrestler all at once, new age hardcore the way people in America came to define it anyway. People were scared of him yet couldn’t look away. They wanted to see what he would do next, even if it didn’t involve a table. Then if it involved a table they wanted to see that to. He’s a bridge connecting the years and eras.
    1 point
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