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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Dusty, where is the nearest bank? "Turn on your location settings and let the Dream guide you to da pay windah daddy" Dusty, what restaurants are near by? "Do you wanna dine with kings and queens, or sleep in an alley eatin pork and beans?" Dusty, how is the stock market looking today? "Hard times! Hard times daddy!"
    9 points
  2. I think Itami already knows more English than Dusty.
    6 points
  3. I can't be the only one who wants Apple to replace Siri with "Dusty"
    5 points
  4. I picture it looking like I Am Legend. Robert has been wandering the lonely, desolate streets for months. Not a bullet fired. Not a sticky detonated. What's the point? There hasn't been anyone around these parts for so long, he forgot what a human voice sounds like. He sadly kicks a crushed Sprunk can down the street with his hands in his pockets, shuffling along, lost in his thoughts. Suddenly, his ears perk up. He twists his head ever so slightly, pointing his ear toward the sound. "Was that screeching tires?" He listens intently for a moment, but no more sounds are heard. He looks back to the door of the central pay and spray. A jovial laugh bellows from deep within as he recalls awaiting a poor soul to exit that garage door. If the minigun didn't get him, the sticky bombs did. As his hearty laughter echoes off of Maze Tower, an idling engine is creeping down the narrow corridor. Just as the final whisper of the laugh escapes his lips, he hears the click. He turns, but it is too late. Robert is enveloped in the fiery doom of JStout's sedan. As the debris settles and the fire burns, silence swallows Los Santos like a dark cloud. However, it is short-lived. Laughter begins again, but it is a different laugh. An evil laugh. It continues for several minutes, followed by a cough and one short sentence. "Sorry man. You know I had to."
    5 points
  5. One day in his last season Brady will get clobbered and carted off a la Favre and I can only imagine how amazing a day that will be for the internet. The memes will be AMAZING. Not a meme, but oh well... Here's a story, of a man named Brady, Who was busy getting his ass owned, Two anchormen, alleged "roughing the passer", Cause, they knew he was boned. Keep on hatin' Well video taping your opponents walk throughs has its benefits. . . how have they done since it was banned by the way? No rings?! What a coincidence. . . .
    5 points
  6. I like that you put this in the stupidity thread
    4 points
  7. Ya know Vickie Guerrero could be the woman induction this year...
    4 points
  8. Fat Daniel Bryan and Fat Chris Hero could team up and take over the indies. And my heart.
    4 points
  9. Hey look, Tabe and Mrs Tabe are celebrating 20 years of marriage today! Yay us!
    4 points
  10. EDIT: just noticed the Knicks banner and realized we were actually at the show with that second clip.
    3 points
  11. Pretty much. People still think MMA fans dress like Bobby Cannavale in Blue Jasmine. I am just trying to figure out why this narrative about the fans actually matters. I think it all comes down to this and you would think Meltzer could understand as a historian (especially considering what’s happening with the WWE). You play the hand you’re dealt. No sport has any choice in what fanbase they have or who they choose to root for. I mean you can try to push them in a certain direction, but you have to expect some pushback (see: McGregor, Conor). The narrative four years ago when Jones first won the belt was that he couldn’t draw because he didn’t have that connection. Sure, no one hated Jon Jones when he was breaking Brandon Vera’s face and already earmarked to be the UFC champion in MMA’s money division. That is what I will concede to Meltzer’s point. However, the spotlight changes everything. When a sports star goes from a small market team to New York or Los Angeles, it’s a whole different game when it comes to coverage. That extramarital affair you had while playing in Denver is now a big thing when you play in NYC. Same thing applies when it comes to going from prospect to champion in combat sports. He has been champion for going on four years, and the UFC has been to trying to make him a superstar since that time. Even though Dave admitted Jon is now a star, he is still having trouble looking at the UFC 182 buyrate and asking himself, “Does the UFC actually give a shit?” If it was as simple as babyface and heel reactions, Brock would have never had the effect he had on the sport. It doesn’t matter why people boo or cheer you and how rational their reason is. All that matters is how much are you drawing and do fans give a damn to do one or the other. People love Matt Brown. Not a PPV draw. People really love Urijah Faber. Not a PPV draw. So on and so forth. At the end of day, the UFC generates money based on how much the fans give a shit and doing it enough to watch or spend money. Drug test failure or not, Jon Jones did himself a favor with his post-fight interview after the Cormier fight. Plus, he was phenomenal in the post-fight presser. It wasn’t a 1m buys every fight from now on thing, but it was a definite turn-the-corner moment (again, as Meltzer pretty much conceded). If you can do in the range of 500k+ buys everytime Jones fights, you’re doing your job as a promoter correctly. That’s all the UFC should be concerned with. If it’s not a long-term solution UFC can readily identify, they can only come to that road when they get to it. As far Jon Jones the person and the race card narrative goes, I remember that came up when super underdog Rashad Evans knocked out Chuck Liddell in Atlanta in 2008. Yeah, I am sure that there were racist fans there (former DVDVR mod sprewellrimz can attest to this) and booed Rashad when he did the Fred Sanford fake heart attack thing when he KO’d Chuck. However, Chuck was a big star then (especially to drunk white frat boys thus the passion and vitrol) and the fight did business. Even though the cocky black man narrative persisted, Rashad was still able to do business. You can argue the UFC was hotter then and that’s why, but that’s more or less bullshit. Big fights or events could sell in almost any landscape. Rampage vs. Evans, with the same type of buildup, would still sell a ton of PPVs. If someone told Dave that WrestleMania’s fiscal success directly correlates with WWE’s overall quality and ratings, he would go “what the fuck are you talking about?” and rightly so. You have to be able to isolate things and not have certain narratives (false or not) affect your overall outlook. People boo and that’s just what they do. I think that Jon’s biggest problem (outside of the partying aspect which was just uncovered) is he really doesn’t understand his own place within the entire UFC landscape. I think he looks at his brothers’ success in the NFL and wants to sort of replicate some type of crossover aspect that isn’t really there. Part of that is Malki Kawa is terrible at his job as a PR rep and manager, but that’s really whatever in the grand scheme of things. I think UFC 182 kinda showed he is figuring it out a bit, but it’s still not there yet. Jon has to figure out that the most violent sport in the world isn’t going to produce a bunch of crossover stars, and he doesn’t have to protect his reputation in a dubious, premeditated way. On social media, it is just going to coalesce into a bunch of things that can be used against you. However, I will say that I was more concerned about Ronda in the beginning of her UFC run than I ever was about Jon. I think the TUF experience and the fact she is doing legit movie roles helped push her to tone it way down. At first, she was just so abrasive and outspoken. She was calling Cris Cyborg a tranny, retweeting Newtown/Sandy Hook truther videos, going in on Fallon Fox, and just doing general over-the-top unladylike shit (which can somewhat be attributed to her stardom). It got to the point where I was legitimately concerned that some major politician or special interest group would step in and make some people from Zuffa publicly apologize. Now, Ronda is strictly Instagram pictures and training videos. I don’t know who got to her, but it was definitely effective. That’s probably why I am hesitant to admit Ronda is smarter than Jon when it comes to that aspect. Getting the muzzle put on you and letting it happen doesn’t necessarily qualify you as a smarter individual. Ronda is still going to get booed a ton, but I don’t think the UFC cares as long as she stays a consistent draw. Same goes with Jon Jones. Ultimately, protecting your personal brand to that level is not their job. Making you a star is their job.
    3 points
  12. I re-read my post about the Attitude Era and found myself thinking about McMahon, Russo and Kevin Dunn (I know, I know). It was always conventional wisdom that Russo had batshit crazy ideas and McMahon was the one who cut off the worst ones and took the bad ones and made chicken shit into chicken salad. I'm not sure how true that is, in hindsight. What has McMahon done, creatively, since then? All we've ever seen out of McMahon is his penchant for Beavis and Butthead humor but with less nuance. The more I think about it, the more it feels like Vince McMahon is not the genius that so many say he is. I think has the absolute worst creative instincts and when he actually succeeds it is in spite of himself. His most successful eras both revolved around Mount Rushmore type talents. Hogan in the 80s and the Attitude Era guys I mentioned above. The success of these boom periods is owed more to these guys than Vince, in my option. Outside these eras, he's been pretty much a failure. Wrestling is still the niche product it always has been. He has failed at every venture outside wrestling as well. The guy is a great promoter and businessman but that's about it. He had the drive and acumen to run those other promoters out of business and take over, but that's the extent of what he's good at. He's not creating stars, he's just taking advantage of the stars that come along and even then it's a struggle because his creative instincts are just so unbelievably bad. It's pretty depressing that he's still in charge.
    3 points
  13. I am so glad that people are finally saying this out loud. The Attitude era was, for the most part, the cultural equivalent of a boys locker room.
    3 points
  14. People who pine for the glory days of the late 90s are morons. That shit was like 75% puerile Vince humor. For every cool thing, we got 10 Beaver Cleavage skits. Things that made the "Attitude Era" good: Austin, Rock, Foley, Undertaker. Once in a lifetime talents doing their thing without being overwritten or overproduced. Things that made the "Attitude Era" garbage: poop jokes, dick jokes, fake tits, HHH being dominant because he was a member of the family If we returned to "PG 13" or whatever now, all we'd get is the latter, because the former are all gone.
    3 points
  15. It's 100% fake and the poster should be banned.
    3 points
  16. Kane has a permanent spot of cooling down the faces who get more over than Cena.
    3 points
  17. You know if we had the internet in the 70's, we'd have the Dusty Rhodes fashion watch and it would be fucking awesome.
    3 points
  18. Dallas' scoreboard operator continues to be great.
    2 points
  19. Sabu & ECW is like Ronnie Wood and the Rolling Stones both great with out each other but there's something about them together that makes for magic it just clicks. Sabu would have been Sabu without ECW but not in the same respect nor would he be as revered as he is much like Ronnie when he joined the Stones in 78. Sabu brought and urgency and must see feel to ECW, Ronnie brought the slide guitar and kept Mick and Keith from killing each other. Sabu was on the path to urban legend but Paul made him an underground icon.
    2 points
  20. It's in San Jose. Induct Meltzer.
    2 points
  21. LOL "Dusty, from now on, refer to me as 'tha bull of tha woods.'" "YOU GOT IT BAYBEH"
    2 points
  22. Imagine Heyman with a roster of Cesaro Tyson Kidd Fandango Cody Rhodes Xavier Woods Mizdow Justin Gabriel The Colons Heath Slater Titus O'Neill Zack Ryder Kofi Kingston Sin Cara Albert Alex Riley William Regal Some guys in the developmental (Not the obvious ones) I'd watch it.
    2 points
  23. I don't get the they haven't done shit since Spygate talking point. As if being able to watch walkthroughs would have stopped the ball from sticking to David Tyree's head? They were the most consistent, winningest team before Spygate, they've been the most consistent, winningest team since. Winning and losing Super Bowls comes down to an element of luck.
    2 points
  24. To go back to what others were saying, The Atittude Era was mostly successful because it was a collection of really talented dudes and they were given an opportunity to showcase what they did well and pretty much create their own promos and personas. They had some help from creative also but it was like less than five people in the room, These days there are far too many cooks. Meltzer was saying the other day that he thinks the roster is thin on talent but I don't see it that way. Nearly everyone on the roster can work. Some of them are the best wrestlers in the world. What IS lacking is star power but again I think that goes back to terrible creative putting these guys in incoherent story lines and overproducing their promos. I'm not saying they have a Rock or Austin on the roster. I'm saying we have no way of knowing.
    2 points
  25. Control of WWE, which lasts 3 weeks.
    2 points
  26. Best 8 hours I've spent watching tv since Lonesome Dove....I don't think I can give a better compliment than that.
    2 points
  27. I've witnessed this with some MMA fans (or fans of any sport). Arrogant/obnoxious white fighter/player = passionate/he cares. Arrogant/obnoxious black fighter/player = Arrogant/obnoxious. It's a real issue but who knows how prevalent. Yeah, this. Tom Brady screams FUCK like a Tourette's patient on the sidelines = he's a passionate leader. Black guy does it, he's a "thug."
    2 points
  28. He also just debuted weeks ago.
    2 points
  29. At the very least they need to create the ability to use Dusty's voice for GPS instructions. Although if you did do this the notification would have to be a good 500 yards away because by the time Dusty was finished with the instruction you would have missed your turn.
    2 points
  30. Finally picked up the Vision of Confluence tonight. Hope it lives up to the hype.
    2 points
  31. shit writing is shit writing regardless of rating anyway.
    2 points
  32. I am itching to get on and do some murdering. Tried to do it last night. Made it as far as turning on my 360 for the first time in two weeks. Sadly, that was as far as I got.
    2 points
  33. One day in his last season Brady will get clobbered and carted off a la Favre and I can only imagine how amazing a day that will be for the internet. The memes will be AMAZING. Not a meme, but oh well... Here's a story, of a man named Brady, Who was busy getting his ass owned, Two anchormen, alleged "roughing the passer", Cause, they knew he was boned. Keep on hatin'
    2 points
  34. Hayes lived about twenty years in the 80s, though, so that screws the math up.
    2 points
  35. I'm assuming at first it was "Hey, money and dedication." Then it eventually became "Eh, it's already this bad, no saving it now. And I was no model to begin with. Why stop,babeh?"
    2 points
  36. I can't watch an Undertaker match without feeling guilty ever since I saw that pic of him and Michelle McCool in those corny ass shirts. He must have done some major damage to his testicles since it looks like he had them removed and placed in McCool's purse for safe keeping.
    2 points
  37. We'd have more Molly Holly matches to watch and that's okay
    2 points
  38. Not many Winger fans around here, I guess.
    2 points
  39. Dusty, where is the nearest bank? "Turn on your location settings and let the Dream guide you to da pay windah daddy" Dusty, what restaurants are near by? "Do you wanna dine with kings and queens, or sleep in an alley eatin pork and beans?" Dusty, how is the stock market looking today? "Hard times! Hard times daddy!" Dusti in the place of Siri reminds me of the campaign to get Brian Blessed to be the voice available for navigation:
    1 point
  40. When is the last time someone got hurt working with? There's Orton but it was his fault for almost breaking his leg on that table.. Watching Kane plodding through matches is painful on my eyes. Does that count?
    1 point
  41. Killings has done some bad/very bad its entertaining stuff since coming back. One of the weirdest things WWE booked was the Killings heel turn based of Killings drinking water during a match.
    1 point
  42. If I click on more here - is it more GTA info or more twerking fails?
    1 point
  43. Batista is such a Color Me Badd looking motherfucker
    1 point
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