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I am not sure how these commercials for The Grinder expect anyone to want to watch the show


Preacher trailer

I haven't read the book in a long time, but I didn't get many "Oh I remember when this happen in the book" moments. They've changed things, obviously, and you knew they were going to since the book is so bizarre. It can still be good. Trailer doesn't lean me more toward either direction.

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It looks more 'Inspired by' than 'Based on', although it pretty much always was going to be. The comics were basically unfilmable. Good cast though. Very British (Cooper & Gilgun) & Irish (Negga).


Even with the *shrugs* of how Preacher will look, AMC will still have the most shows on my Must Watch list.


Starting with:



which starts its run on November 15th.


Am I the only person here watching The Leftovers this year? If so, you are all missing out on some tremendous TV these first five episodes.


Haha of course they get a British actor to play southern Jesse Custer.

Shoutout to Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes too. AMC knows what it likes in a lead.

I doubt this adaptation has the Assface character, which is a good thing.


New STAR TREK series coming in January 2017

So that's good news. Despite there being a couple of really good ST movies, I always felt like the premise worked better in the TV format.

Bad news: It will premiere on CBS, but all subsequent episodes will air on the CBS All Access subscription service. THE FUCK?


Never more appropriate.

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What the hell is CBS All Access? I've never heard of it before.


Netflix, sure.


Amazon Prime, yes.


Hulu Plus, ok.


CBS All  Access? LOL.


He's in it and he's welcome by people that enjoyed the series enough to know his name is Arseface

Yes Arseface. You indeed know his true spelling. My mistake. Cant wait to argue the finer points of the Arseface character with a true fan for once.

They are so rare to find.


New STAR TREK series coming in January 2017

So that's good news. Despite there being a couple of really good ST movies, I always felt like the premise worked better in the TV format.

Bad news: It will premiere on CBS, but all subsequent episodes will air on the CBS All Access subscription service. THE FUCK?


Never more appropriate.

Yaa... oh, fuck. Not paying for that AND a VPN to watch in Canada. JAGOFFS. 


Oh, dear God. This Heather Kadin person has a horrible track record too. PROMISING.


One last note, it sounds like those of us outside of the US may be able to watch it on regular ass television which is nice.


I thought All Access was dead. CBS quietly approved Person of Interest to have all of its episodes on Netflix, and Hulu recently got Elementary. Plus, I think The Good Wife is on Amazon Prime.


The initial idea for that service was to horde all current CBS content with some legacy content sprinkled in for good measure.


I had a nice little three-step thought process when I heard about the Trek series.


Step 2: This could be so timely. Throw out the movie crap and set this on a ship post-Dominion war. Examinations of how an existential war might have changed the Federation for good or ill, militaristic elements creeping into Starfleet, civilian reaction vs Starfleet's, veterans' coping with life post-war...

Step 3: There's literally no chance any of that's gonna happen. *sigh*

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Nope, they painted themselves into a corner with the books.  A fun show might be a "next gen" series for the Abramsverse.

As the Mouse proved, the books don't mean shit.  If they want to run post-Nemisis or in the TNG timeline, they can.


As much as all of that sounds wonderful, Cristobal, I'm thinking Mike's right about it probably being TNG to the movies. Post-DS9 sounds way more fun and relevant so fuck that noise.

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