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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2023 in Posts

  1. I think the bigger issues in the theoretical Sami/KO vs Usos feud is that Owens has really been awful to Sami this whole time and if we are honest Jey has had his back more this past couple months than Owens has in their entire relationship. Kevin is always about him first, he without hesitation was willing to wreck all of Sami's relationships just to have a better shot at the title (which is pretty much what he did in NXT when he first showed up). Kevin was proven wrong, Jey actually was his friend and that still got ruined as Sami just couldn't bear to see Kevin basically crippled. Neither man is a saint or evil but it feels hard to ignore just how toxic Kevin has been for Sami's well being. ...So I say fuck it, run Sami/Jey vs Jimmy/KO.
    9 points
  2. Unfortunately, the WWE Board agreed with your last sentence.
    8 points
  3. Seths whole gimmick should just be "guy who gets obnoxiously loud in the bar of a chain restaurant"
    8 points
  4. I bet you that cane weighs about 6000 pounds.
    6 points
  5. This is really well observed and gets at what I’m talking about when I say that, while I enjoy the hell out of this angle, the writing is actually not that great! Like, it’s fine, it works, but you got people acting like WWE has Jesse Armstrong ghostwriting this stuff, and I can’t help but shake my head. SO MANY muddled motivations, and characters taking actions that seem at cross-purposes with how WWE wants the audience to feel towards them. 90% of the success of this angle is down to these guys just being incredible performers who can squeeze humor and pathos out of anything if you stand back and give them the chance. Letting Sami be likable/sympathetic has been a cheat code for bookers for almost two decades now, and the Bloodline were able to rejuvenate a thoroughly washed act by making an absolute meal out of reacting to what he’s serving. If we’re looking for a current non-wrestling cultural reference point for this angle, I might suggest we look away from the Emmys and towards America’s foremost populist drama of the moment, YELLOWSTONE—another show with iffy writing but a killer, can’t-miss performance by Kelly Reilly as Beth Dutton, who makes all the actors around her better and all the other characters more interesting in her scenes, because they all just get to react to her chewing up and spitting out every square inch of Big Sky Country.
    6 points
  6. Message board rumors are now admissible as evidence. What could go wrong!
    5 points
  7. A couple of things: 1) HHH is still in the position where he needs to make an impression on the rest of the pro wrestling world, because when big free agent names come up -- MJF, Okada, Britt Baker, etc. -- they will want to know that the WWE values them as performers and they won't be "just another wrestler." That's why Cody has to win. 2) All this talk about Sami not being a credible threat to Roman. I agree -- 9 months ago when this started. The goofball is the side of the character that got all the way into the top dog's inner circle. He got the guy who was most suspicious of him to love him, to call him his brother. (With his literal brother standing next to him!) What you've been witnessing for the last 9 months is the build up of Sami. If he wasn't a threat to Roman, if he wasn't in line to break the Bloodline... then none of what you saw on Saturday would have been over with the crowd. They know Sami's got a shot. It may be a long shot, but it's a shot nonetheless. Everything in the story has been pointing to him breaking the Bloodline and having an overconfident Roman take the threat that he poses for granted. That's why Sami has to win. This story is a very unique mix of meta and storytelling. I'm fucking stoked about this whole thing. There are a hundred different ways to do this, but one thing's absolutely certain... Roman Reigns is facing, far and away, the biggest threat to his position as Head of the Table. Where they go from here? We'll see. But remember this is Hunter's WWE now. What happened before last summer doesn't matter any more.
    5 points
  8. That’s no cane - that’s Andre the Giant’s femur bone, brother. Andre left it to the Hulkster in his will after his tragic death via bodyslam at Wrestlemania III.
    4 points
  9. Ruby/Toni and Jamie/Emi were the double second best TV match this week IMO, with me only picking Ruby/Toni because the underdog deserves a nod, but Honorable Mention for Best Men's Match is the Creed Brothers vs. Drew Gulak/Giant Seth Rogen. That was a really fun carny strongman x "innovative offense" match. Somebody needs to buy Giant Seth Rogen some gear because he looks like he's trying to work a pop country gimmick to fit in with the rest of the NXT 2.0ers. There was a keylock lift, a bunch of firemen's carries used as offense, and Gulak slapping dudes, it was great. Gulak is still the secret weapon in WWE. Also, Regal's kid is starting to creepily look like Butch; I'm wondering whether there was an adoption situation we don't know about, or maybe they're actually brothers in disguise.
    4 points
  10. Just got out of surgery and bulled through RAW so I'll watch this in the morning. Night night!
    3 points
  11. Just got out of surgery so I missed the first 40 minutes of so. I saw the IYO SKY vs Candice LaRey and it was pretty good. LaRey trained Britt Baker so it was a good indication of how WWE HOUSE-STYLE~! makes styles mesh, while Hayter and Storm are leading the charge differentiating the differences between Joshi and US style- so I'm assuming Baker vs Shida will start looking way more off kilter than this match did. Gargano leans into Corbin's very good offense like a champ! Gargano has a comically unstiff offense but looks good coming from behind and pulling out the win. RICK BOOGS! Is really strong! There is a lot of stuff I usually fast forward through so I have lots of time to call me wife, have my blood sugar checked (148! That ain't good. But I did have some cranapple juice POSTOP~!), watch BTE- so thank you, WWE, for being the ANTI-RAMPAGE! You really give me time to get some stuff in. HEY! It's CHELSEA GREEN! She's good! Piper Niven is Piper Niven! IT"S BattlARTS DOLPH ZIGGLER! Mustapha Ali is a JERK to DOLPH! It's BRONSON REED! This would be a good RAMPAGE middle match. Reed hits the Fat Boy Roll! Ziggler gets in some stuff. NICE Powerbomb by REED followed by his truly HELLISH Tsunami! That was good. Hey! It's Carmella! Asuka IS Gene Simmons! It's CODY RHODES! It'd FINN BALOR! Cody haits a Davey Boy Smith INVERTED Lateral Suplex! Cody will now have eternel DDP ribs with his pec. Cody beats up on the Judgement Day! As we watch in picture in picture, one can assume something will start our next feud with Cody. Maybe not. Cody hits a SWEET Toprope Brainbuster! A bit of Memphis punching section. Cody Cutter for two! Superkick for two! EDGE is BACK! SPEAR on Dom! EDGE'S WIFE! BETH PHOENIX AND HER AWWWWESOME HAIR SPEARS RHEA! LOCOMOTIONS CROSSROADS for the win! That was GOOD! Main event saves the episode from feeling like a midgrade episode of IMPACT!
    3 points
  12. Starkz throws a very nice suplex! Athena & Diamante as partners who wanna fight should be fun. If I was booking AEW, Workhorsemen vs Dark Order would be main eventing Dynamite. I LIKE THE NEW MATCHING GEAR! The match more than lived up to my VERY high expectations! Roosh just absolutely demolished Pillman! Magical Girl! Hey. Whaddaya know? Athena & Diamante as partners who wanna fight each other WAS entertaining. Sakazaki LAYING IT IN was just great, too. Finish marked me right out! HEYYYYY I'M LIVIN' Top Flight vs Ari & Neece was RIDICULOUSLY nifty. If I am being honest, I enjoyed the goofy LET'S REMEMBER SOME GUYS NBA references on commentary ALMOST as much as I enjoyed the match. The Yuka/Dark Order skit KILLED me. I LOVE The Outrunners. Outrunners vs Workhorsemen and vs Bear Country and vs Gates of Agony please! WHAT A MAIN EVENT! They pulled out all the stops for Elevation #100. I was distracted throughout the show by the guy with the same facial hair as me in the loud shirt apparently mansplaining the entire show to his wife. What a patient woman. I hope he appreciates her.
    3 points
  13. Wardlow saves Darby, Darby keeps TNT title, Wardlow/Joe resume for the ROH TV title. Everyone wins.
    3 points
  14. Judgment Day is a +1 on the HHH ledger, right? Over the past six months they’ve gone from spooky…something to grade A shitbags that have seen Rhea elevated, Dom elevated, and Balor showing personality for the first time in WWE.
    3 points
  15. Not everyone is going to bat 1.000. Triple H has shown that he knows what he's doing. He had a pretty killer few years with NXT. He's gotten off to a strong start on the main roster. That said, I have no idea what he sees in Kross. He's going to max out at the Baron Corbin level of things, and be nowhere near as fun as Baron Corbin.
    3 points
  16. They trained us at the DA’s office to speak with a southern accent. Made us practice. Supposed to make us talk slower. Mine’s terrible
    3 points
  17. Gotta give creative some flowers though. I haven’t seen this amount of critical analysis, diving into characters, questions, where is it all going’s about a storyline since the LOST thread. Tons of breakdowns on Twitter and Reddit, theories and what not. That’s good shit.
    3 points
  18. I wonder if fans in New York used to think "I wonder when Bruno is going to lose the belt", especially after years 4 or 5 of his Reign.
    3 points
  19. I have been discussing Jay Briscoe in my Sunday School class the last two weeks. I’m going to show Mark’s eulogy to the high school aged students this week. It is beautiful and there is a lot that we can discuss from it.
    3 points
  20. Each week, he came out in a different gimmick for three straight weeks, IIRC.
    3 points
  21. Evevation looks JAAKKKED!
    3 points
  22. I was hosting people coming over and fun was had by all. But the actual interest in and energy towards the Rumble show was not that much aside from the men's Rumble match. Part of it is AEW but also most of them not watching WWE in a long time. Despite that there were definitely things that were pretty great. Quick thoughts time! -For starters those that were down for drinking had Wild Turkey with us for Jay Briscoe. It was nice and felt so right but still bummed me out a bit. -Men's Rumble I definitely need to see again to appreciate Gunther. There were fun moments, scary moments and the finishing stretch was a good way to lead to Cody's win. I'm not JFC but I do love Cody and it will be interesting to see how things go leading up to WM. Oh, and Logan got nuclear heat in the house for reasons and we cheered when his punk ass got tossed. I do wish Gunther chopped the fuck out of him some before that but oh well. -Pitch Black match is something 10-year-old me would have come up with for sure. I thought it was visually appealing but as Lawful verified it must have been tough to watch live. -Alexa/Bianca was complete filler to us and we cared much more about talking about life than that. -Women's Rumble was not nearly as interesting as the men's but Asuka's mask and face paint was impeccable. Also, every Rumble I have folks draw numbers but nobody ever won. Until this year. My friend (more like a brother to me) thought back to the Bob Barker skit on Raw and picked $1 for both Rumble matches. He didn't know about Gunther but we all said he made an excellent choice. Same for Rhea as well. I always felt if somebody actually won with these picks I would get something for them. So with him being the first one to win this I'll need to think of something good. I would need to at least watch the ending of this again since I was kind of paying attention and kind of not. -The main event I want to see again with my full attention but holy fuckballs the post-match was impeccable. I'm a bit shy on saying that something is Emmy level and honestly as great as something is on a wrestling show there's no way anybody outside it would see it that way because wrestling. BUT I will maintain that Jay would make for one helluva actor and should consider at least a TV/movie role to see how much he likes it. I strongly feel he would be fucking tremendous and would gladly watch whatever he does. And that's not discounting anybody else in the Bloodline either as everybody brought their A game thoughout all this.. I would even dare say Sami could have a go at acting if he wants and it's wild thinking that when I was so used to him as El Generico (allegedly) And honestly why isn't Paul acting as a complete slimeball in a show? All we got was him as a commentator in the "Rollerball" remake but imagine how great be as a villain or even the main villain's advocate. Anyway, I'm just glad that there's something WWE's doing that makes me feel these type of things with a main event and postmatch like that. I am not one to fantasy book but like Octopus I have trust in what they're at least doing with this story. I'm sure they know not to fuck this up but over two years of the Bloodline makes me a bit comfortable knowing the payoff will be grand.
    3 points
  23. Ah, the "Let a meteor hit the stadium" Super Bowl.
    3 points
  24. As a fan of the ol wrestling, these feel like the good times: WWE is doing very well at what it does (arena shows, big four PPV's, celebrities, main event drama). The summer blockbuster superhero movies of wrestling. AEW is doing very well at what it does (weekly episodic tv, in-ring action, surprises, a bit more "raw" feel). The prestige, bingewatched Netflix or HBO series of pro wrestling. Impact is fun at what it does (goofy comedy, not taking itself too seriously, using its lower budget to its advantage). The FX comedy series of pro wrestling (though Speedball or Josh would fuck you up). Ok NJPW is in a bit of a rut but hopefully this NOAH angle with Okada helps turn things around. 2023 wrestling rules!
    3 points
  25. Joe vs Wardlow vs Darby could be a fun match.
    2 points
  26. I think Starkz would be better off taking a beating, earning sympathy, coming back with big fire and saving the German Suplex for her big comeback spot and a nearfall, and certainly saving the Tiger Suplex for a finisher. Just saying.
    2 points
  27. Ok, then I disagree. There's probably 3-5 doing better than they were. Gunther, Riddle... I can't think of any more off of the top of my head. Which would be fine if I wasn't constantly being told how good Triple H is at this. He walked into the best story WWE's told since Daniel Bryan/Wrestlemania 30. Everything else is more of the same. Maybe the mid card is deeper, but that's only useful if folks are making their way from the midcard to the main event, and that hasn't been happening. And I am almost entirely certain WWE is gonna fuck up the payoff for the Bloodline thing, because they're still overly dependent on a handful of stars. I also am probably harder on Triple H maybe even than I should be because for years he was such a condescending piece of shit to anyone who had an opinion on the state of WWE's product. "How's your wrestling show going?" The "my friend Mark" speech. Then he finally gets to pick the flavor and it's still "french toast dipped in shit," only this time with slightly more french toast. I think he's been badly exposed.
    2 points
  28. Dear Charlie, Rob, Glenn, and Megan, Please make a better Super Bowl episode this time around. Thanks!
    2 points
  29. Pillman Jr. sadly can't put it all together. Maybe he needs a run as a gaijin in Japan to find himself similar to Harry Smith, Juice, and Archer. It also doesn't help that Action Andretti is now basically the WCW babyface Brian Pillman. I mean, I'll give him credit. TK tried and he certainly tried with the time he had on TV, but it just never worked.
    2 points
  30. Good run of birthdays here. Happy birthday to @RIPPAand @Octopus.
    2 points
  31. Eddy's persona + (hopefully) El Dandy's ability would be a great combo.
    2 points
  32. Cowboy assistant coach to Charger assistant coach feels like it ought to be the dictionary example of a lateral move
    2 points
  33. To me I get it if they decide that this is a chapter moreso than an ending and don’t pull the trigger on Sami. That’s rational and defendable. However, if it’s NOT Sami, then to me the one to dethrone Roman hasn’t revealed itself yet. At this particular point in time, 90 days out, Cody doesn’t feel like that guy to me in the narrative nor in the meta (and it’s crazy how closely those two things align these days). “Guy returning from injury to win at WM” is a good story. We’ve seen it before. It was the HHH 2002 story, part of the Austin 2001 story, and others. But that alone doesn’t feel up to the extremely high standard required of the “guy who finally beats Roman” story. Not to me anyway, not right now.
    2 points
  34. Wait, we really pretending Cody played to crickets at any time in the past year?
    2 points
  35. That match is fucking great! There were 220 but pf differing degrees, all building up to Don't Try To Outchop Yuji Hino. If Higuchi could have shifted it 220 headbuts, they'd both be dead but Higuchi would have had the advantage. Higuchi is a ponderous, psychological bastard.
    2 points
  36. I’ve probably been hardest on Pillman Jr and Anderson than anyone, but I’ll say that Dominic Mysterio going from nepotistic geek to heat seeking missile seemingly overnight after going to the clink is a lesson to not count guys out.
    2 points
  37. I voted for Hayter Vs Sakura as that was an awesome match.
    2 points
  38. What an atrocious call to throw it to KC. Both championship games were awfully officiated. Of course, that’s why all those fans were there and watching at home, to see them refs throw flags real good. Peak form. The real stars of the show.
    2 points
  39. “A fan”? That doesn’t look like Tanahashi to me. Could be wrong.
    2 points
  40. I’ll link my write up when it goes live tomorrow so you can see where I’m coming from,
    2 points
  41. I can hear the nasally laughter from here.
    2 points
  42. That's unfair. Mayu actually cares for her group members that aren't Momo Kohgo.
    2 points
  43. God I'm glad we banned Conspiracy Brother Jones, or whatever that dude's name was. This game is just plain strange, and that is before they gave them 43 chances to convert that 3rd down. In all seriousness, KC is depending on a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, and between Burrow, Chase, and Higgins Cincinatti has 847891899 legs.
    2 points
  44. I think he’s given interviews where he never even entertained mobile ports until he started to get approached about it, but everyone wanted to monetize the hell out of the features and he decided to just do it himself and make it free and more or less a 1:1 port.
    2 points
  45. Mark Briscoe is something to see. it is like an eulogy combined with a shoot interview. Total Briscoe and doing it so professionally as well Wow so according to the service, "reach for the sky Boy" in his entrance was actually based on a Toy Story reference and that Jay was a "a big softy" that always cried watching it
    2 points
  46. Look at a similar sized guy like Mark Andrews. Or any other Cruiserweight they signed from 2016. How many of them got to contribute to the WWE product in a meaningful way? Money is money. But sometimes there's things more important than money. Creative freedom and artist expression are big selling points to being a pro wrestler. There's got to be a whole bunch of wrestlers who would rather work where they can do their thing their way than the WWE way. Plus he's boys with Darby. His dad trained Darby. Look how well AEW has used Darby. If you're Nick Wayne & looking at the track records, I'm signing with AEW 100 times out of 100. As for why signing now, AEW is locked in now. Yeah there's no money coming in now. But he doesn't have t worry about the landscape changing or the business having a massive shift that wold make it harder to get signed or 10 other guys just like him coming along and taking up all those opportunities. If you're in high school and you gt offered your dream job for when you turn 18 why WOULDN'T you jump on it and lock it in ASAP?
    2 points
  47. 2 points
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