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NikoBaltimore last won the day on August 7 2024

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About NikoBaltimore

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    HQ - Los Ingobernables DVDVR


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    Up All Night To Get Lucky

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  1. I had a similar mindset with some/many/who knows that if the Eagles can get a big lead going it'll be hard for KC to overcome. And sure enough we got that. Mahomes had a boo-boo face a few times, Kelce got mad, and things just felt nice. I wasn't jumping like a maniac excited they won but when the game was over we just sat on the couch satisfied with the result. I really should get a good cheesesteak this weekend. The main takeaway was Kendrick's halftime show. Watching it at the time I tried to pick up what I could but I admittedly don't listen to rap or Kendrick (I'm out of touch with most music as well FWIW) What I did pick up was pretty neat and after reading about the easter eggs made me love the show so much more.
  2. I fucking love everything about Peabody. The place is incredible, they have a Dugout section which is a big ol' arcade that's relatively cheap to get into and I can't recall a beer that was less than pretty good. Heck, we were up there two days ago and if not for the snow my wife would be going back tomorrow. Oh, and the Trashbuster is indeed delicious. Since I live in Harford County however Peabody is worth the drive yet there's a few spots around me. Slate and Falling Branch are fine but inconsistent with beer quality. Double Groove is a little bit better and they have records to play while at the bar but the clientele is not a bunch we like to hang with for too long. The best one around is Independent which always has some damn good beers and everything else is aces to boot. Oh, and maybe it was due to some convincing it was Baltimore Sun's best MD brewery last year which is wild since they're only a few minutes from me. I try to not go to these places often due to money but considering how dull the county was before they have stepped up.
  3. He's teaming with EJ Nduka and they turned heel at Final Battle. Lee is still doing pretty well and hopefully there's a tag reign for the two.
  4. I didn't think I needed another reason to root for Philly but now I do. Holy shit.
  5. What did he get arrested for? I just thought he was injured. Oh, and fuck Boulder and won't miss him. But moving on to people I like Cedric Alexander said he's no longer with WWE. So after 90 days he could either join or go against Hurt Syndicate depending on how they want to approve it. I'd love for him to join but the idea of somebody else joining by then and him being pissed sounds interesting to me.
  6. I don't know if they simply forgot Wednesday or what but all the other times Swerve wore the robe they always mentioned Jimmy Rave. I'm sure you remembered but I just felt like pointing that out anyway. There's a good chance this will be brought up next time if not by the announcers then by Swerve/Nana.
  7. Hmm...how can I mention Toni as Mariah without getting THAT reaction? Hmmm..... I got it! I love how Toni got the cheapest extensions possible as them falling out somehow added to the act. It looked like she did her best Mariah and pulled it off yet the strands coming out showed the madness behind it all. Or I could be thinking about this way too much in an effort to not fall into what I said above. You decide! The show itself was tons of fun BTW. The tag match was awesome and the main was a great way to get the blood feud moving. Hurt Syndicate facing Gunn Club is a matchup I didn't know would be great until they did this. Should be a good one. And man can Dustin cut a promo or what? It was real and impassioned yet called out MJF's promo tropes which were proven right. Also, going back to Toni/Queen it was a parody yet at the same time it was never a joke match. Her and Animata still had a damn good one and when push came to shove the Toni moveset was needed to get the win. It was also a helluva showcase for Queen and while she's had a ROH title match she deserves much more.
  8. I'm not arguing that Bryan Keith is a dud while doing this Learning Tree stuff. But before signing he had a much better vibe to him that once backed up by a few good matches he had made it an easy decision in their eyes to sign him. I know there was a thread for missed opportunities and I'm not saying I'm the biggest Bryan Keith fan. But until they get him the fuck away from Jericho he's going to be seen as a dud because they made a dumb decision. Hopefully once this runs its course he'll be able to get things back on track.
  9. I read about the love Jey got and him being in tears so figured why not check it. He was on McAfee's show earlier yesterday and said the win didn't fully sink for him yet because he's been too busy. I'm assuming in the moment it sunk in and we were seeing him process it in real time. Jey might not be the best wrestler but he has busted his ass to get to this point. I'm very happy for the guy. I also was curious and saw what Charlotte and Seth were wearing. Charlotte's was...something but what in the actual flying fuck was Seth and his wardrobe guy thinking? Holy shit that was awful. Since it was mentioned I liked New Day's theme from what I heard which adds to the almost amazement at them pulling off this team as heels. And whoever said best friends get hit the hardest was likely thinking of KO going all in the package piledriver to Sami. That looked gnarly.
  10. NikoBaltimore


    If I was a country fan I'm sure I would appreciate this. But I remember Mickie being really passionate talking about it so I appreciate that more than anything else. Also, I liked "Hardcore Country" as a theme and it got the crowd going.
  11. I watched the men's and women's RR match as well as the ladder match. All three were enjoyable and I'm happy with Jey winning but I have to point something out. Trish Stratus is 49 years old. Just think about that for a second. Now look at her again from this Rumble and see how she not only does her wrestling without missing a beat but she looks absolutely fucking incredible. I appreciate yoga but do not partake in it and healthy living is something I try and do when I think about it. But Trish has excelled on both fronts and looks absolutely amazing. Anyway, I was happy to see Alexa back and while I don't have an issue with Charlotte there were at least 8 other women that I would have preferred won. I am however very happy with Jey winning the men's match and while they gave him the world the character growth he went through makes the win feel organic and worthwhile. I see him beating Gunther on night one and that will be a good way to end the night setting up whatever Cody has planned for night two.
  12. I would send this to TK on Bluesky but he hasn't used it in two months. I don't use Twitter but I'm serious in asking if somebody can please ask him about using this. It's so, so damn perfect it's unreal. If he doesn't want to use it for Aussie Grand Slam then have the rematch at Revolution and all is good. The 90s, amirght? It was a helluva time for weird choices and while it doesn't age well nostalgia helps make it a bit better.
  13. NikoBaltimore


    I first heard Hulk's theme in the "Rock n Wrestling" cartoon as the opener. It was the right move to switch him to "Real American" but did like this was still used in some way. Regarding "For Everybody" I thought I heard somewhere Roddy tried to say the chorus a certain so it made it almost sound like he was saying "Fuck Everybody". True or not I loved that so much it made me enjoy the song more. Plus, considering he was who he was good or bad the way he did it sounded on brand for him. But like you mentioned "Piledriver" is worlds better and while the first one was fun for a WTF listen this one I have played multiple times and enjoyed most everything from it. As a matter of fact I'm listening to it right now.
  14. That's great and all but my first instinct was to watch this gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC7V-ayjorg Watching it again it stands out so much because it just feels so inspired. Whoever came up with the song choice knew what to do and it perfectly captures the story. Also, why can't these be done more often to hype up the big shows? I know this is WWE but instead of just having an official theme for WM go back to getting a killer song to use for a promo package. Done right it's super, super effective. EDIT: As an aside I'm hoping the board update fixes at least Youtube links on desktop. Having to edit it on mobile when my phone's not near me at the time is a drag.
  15. I don't think they ever met so they likely meant to say he was one of her inspirations growing up.
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