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Kevin Smith is REALLY exited about his not retiring and instead writing a new script called TUSK, which is about a man being forcibly changed into a walrus.I'd ask what he's been smoking, but I already know.


I'm glad he changed his mind... not just for his future movies, but also he'll finally shut up about his damn phantom retirement already.  We all knew he wasn't gonna do it, he was just the last one to realize it.  


Kevin Smith is REALLY exited about his not retiring and instead writing a new script called TUSK, which is about a man being forcibly changed into a walrus.

Starring Eddie Murphy/Jim Carrey/Rob Schneider!


So someone on the old board mentioned making a list of movies that you put off watching for whatever reason and then watching that list over the course of the next year. My wife and I both made a list of twelve and have been working through them.


Last night I watched Chicago, which I've put off for a looooong time. I'm not big on musicals but this was pretty enjoyable storywise. It's under two hours and doesn't have a lot of filler songs to pad it to EPIC length. My biggest complaint is the editing/direction. I think Moulin Rouge came out the year before and clearly Miramax told Rob Marshall to just do that. There's lots of cuts to disorienting shots that kill the physical performances, notably the Cell Block Tango bit. And it's like WHAT THE FUCK, they're dancing Fosse, just put the camera on them, you don't need to do rapid cuts to the beat like a music video to create action THE DANCING IS THE ACTION. The intercutting between dancing and real life events was fun, and reminded me of Bob Fosse's film All That Jazz(starring Roy Scheider, who gives an awesome performance). 


If you haven't seen it, it's really worth watching especially now after the Zimmerman trial.


Hearing about the walrus movie reminds me of the South Park episode where Kyle's dad surgically becomes a dolphin.


The first thing I thought of was Kafka's Metamorphosis, which of course would make any similarly-themed story look weak in comparison... but it's a good example that such a story CAN be legitimately great art.  I'll give Tusk a shot; like him or hate him, Smith's movies are always at least interesting, whether in a positive or negative fashion.  


Thanks for signing the Dredd sequel petition J.T., Lazlo Woodbine (I'll watch that video once my 'net connection settles down) and Lawful Metal.


Kevin Smith is REALLY exited about his not retiring and instead writing a new script called TUSK, which is about a man being forcibly changed into a walrus.

I'd ask what he's been smoking, but I already know.


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I just listened to the episode of Smodcast today that was the inspiration for TUSk and I gotta say, wether he plays it as horror film or off the wall shit, I will check it out.


Press Play is doing a Horror Movie video essay series. This one looks at Horror Movies and the War on Women. It's not what you think. It takes on the perspective that the victimization of women in horrorfilms is a necessary horror because it reminds us of the real life shit ladies go through all the time in a man ruled world. Pretty good stuff that's not as serious as I may have just said. It features some good brief analyses of ROSEMARY'S BABY one of my favorite films of all time(and my #1 movie of the 60's)




Kevin Smith is REALLY exited about his not retiring and instead writing a new script called TUSK, which is about a man being forcibly changed into a walrus.



So... an autobiography?

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Is Bad Boys worth continuing with? An hour through, and so far the only action has been the bad guys gunning down two people. No explosions. No car chases. This is a Michael Bay film, right? I only decided to watch it for some crazy visual stunts.


Just watched the Criterion Shallow Grave.

Two points

1. I want to go watch my copy of Sierra Madre.

2. Danny Boyle loves making movies about money.


Gotdayum, Picnic at Hanging Rock is like an Australian sequel to L'Avventura. So beautiful and haunting, with great subtle thematic points made in the background. I haven't seen many but I'd say it's a perfectly made film.

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Been watching foreign films via netlfix the last two weeks. So far I have gotten through Dororo, Dragon, 13 Assassins, Assassins, Sonatine, & Ip Man. Thought all of them were good to varying degrees save for Sonatine which I just couldn't get into. 13 Assassins and Ip Man were probably my favorites. 13 Assassins did well slow building to the big battle which delivered in spades, and the villain while pretty simplified I found myself loving to hate so his downfall was great for me. I was confused by the survival of one of the characters. It wasn't a bad thing, just a weird moment. Ip Man delivered some good fights and solid drama around the lead becoming such a symbol to his city during the Japanese occupation and even before then. I'm planning to check out the sequel tomorrow.


Takeshi Kitano can indeed be an acquired taste... just don't try Boiling Point or Fireworks anytime soon, they're even weirder than Sonatine.  Maybe give Violent Cop or Brother a shot, they're a bit more straightforward (aside from Brother's OBSESSION with chopping off fingers, anyway).  


And yes, Picnic at Hanging Rock FUCKING RULES.  Such an unbelievably haunting film.  That last glimpse of the girls climbing out of sight to the summit SHOULD NOT BE SCARY, it's literally just yet another shot of schoolgirls walking around the damn rocks like they have been for the past half hour, but it remains one of those images which will be burned right into my fuckin' brain until I die.  I'd actually classify PaHR as a horror movie, albeit the most passive and languid horror movie of all time.  

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I share the love for Picnic at Hanging Rock. Just an unbelievable film with such unabashed balls about not giving a fuck about what we think or telling us anything. I love it. Probably in my top three favorite Australian films along with Breaker Morant and Bliss, which is criminally under seen. 


The blocking of the girls at the picnic, and generally throughout the film, is so perfect too. Surreal film and something I'll have in the back of my mind for days. IT DOESN'T LEAVE YOU. IT BECOMES A PART OF YOU (like the chainsaw in Running Man).


Much of the direction for the search portion of the film is taken straight from L'Avventura. The central focus is on the rocks, humans just wander in and out of the frame because they are relatively insignificant in comparison to the natural wonder and mystery of the rock.


And so much sexual tension from just about every character in the film, too.


Picnic at Hanging Rock is great but I think The Last Wave owns it. The scene where the lawyer hallucinates water coming out of the A/C vent on his car and looks up to see the entire street submerged in water and people floating around dead is a moment you absolutely cannot get out of your head. 


...and then Weir went on to do Master and Commander which I have an irrational amount of love for. What a great director.


I remember enjoying Master and Commander for what it was. Not a great movie but good enough and it didn't drag much. I'll give The Last Wave a go but I can't see it outdoing da Rock, that was right down my alley. Truman Show is one of my favourites of the late '90s and I've been meaning to watch Gallipoli for close to a decade now. I'm going all in on a Peter Weir trip.



shit, he did Witness too! I've been putting that one off for waaaay too long.

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