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On 2/27/2017 at 11:49 AM, Cristobal said:

Since my prediction just went in, I want to note that as a gentleman, I have not looked at any of the play-in threads before making the picks. My victory will be fair and well-earned.

Now, to vote for every single person I picked and call everyone who voted against them stupid.

Sigh ... it's like March never left.

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Polls should now be open in all the Play-In Threads (Assuming I didn't miss one)

Polls will close tomorrow at sometime - I will give warning as necessary

Polls for the 1st Round Matchups not featuring a Play-In Opponent will go up tomorrow

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25 minutes ago, RIPPA said:

I am lucky I haven't jumped off my balcony yet

I know your priorities, dude.

You totally won't suicide before beating Mass Effect: Andromeda campaign mode.

We are safe for at least three months.

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Couple of things

1) Just to make my life easier - the play-in polls will stay open till this afternoon (I will close them probably between 4-6 PM EST). ALL 1st Round Polls will go up tomorrow and run from tomorrow (Friday) through Tuesday. If it didn't require so much actual work I wouldn't open the physical poll part until Monday but it is what it is

2) I am tweaking the tiebreaker format this year - starting with the 2nd round of the tournament, first tiebreaker will be vote differential (of previous non-play-in game polls). The 2nd tiebreaker will default to my vote.

What I mean is - Say a third round vote is tied. If Wrestler A won round 1 by 10 votes and round 2 by 6 votes their Vote Differential would be +16. If Wrestler B won round 1 by 9 votes and round 2 by 10 votes their vote differential would be +19 and they would win.

This may or may not discourage pity votes. It may or may not encourage people to make sure they vote in each poll.

Who the fuck knows?

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It would be cool if, like the play-ins, there was at least a day or so between the topics going up and the polls opening so people can make their cases and whatnot, but I get how that's a huge pain in the ass (especially in the early rounds) if there's no way to automate it.



(no I'm not already thinking of my hills to die on why do you ask)

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The 1st Round matches that didn't feature a play-in guy are up

I already changed my mind and am staggering it again.

The other 16 matchups will go up tonight/tomorrow because 32 fucking match-ups released at once is way too many

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And since it seems like most people are wanting to use the extra time (I mean we are already at like 50 votes in on polls)

1st Round Polls that went up today close Monday afternoon

1st Round Polls that go up tomorrow close Tuesday afternoon

2nd Round Polls go up Wednesday

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All the other matches are now up.

They are all tagged with "1B" so if you click on that it SHOULD pull up just those polls.

You have until Tuesday so maybe not race to submit a vote

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