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Games of Thrones Unsullied thread


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I guess the Tyrells are feeding the poor but it's all money coming from King's Landing that could be going to something else.. or whatever.

Yes, the Littlefinger reveals were huge but I couldn't remember what we had known from past seasons.. Shit, didn't she just reveal they poisoned her husband? I don't remember that being revealed in the past..

Yep. Crazy aunt revelead that she poisoned her husband for Littlefinger AND wrote to her sister implicating the Lannisters in the crime.. Which set the whole Lannister/Stark stuff in motion because it was the main reason Ned agreed to go to Kingslanding.
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It's obvious to me the show's done a fairly poor job of some things if last night's reveal about Littlefinger and Lysa was either not caught by show watcher's or looked at as a total afterthought. That was a complete shock in the book.

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Yeah, I didn't remember a whole lot about the Crazy Aunt other than her husband died and she has an army but they are basically secluded from the rest of Westeros. I remembered Littlefinger's obsession with Cat, they played that up a lot. I don't know, they didn't play up her husband's death that much which I'm guessing they should have... 


I'm okay with it though. From all the book readers I've talked to, they have loved the show so it sounds like they are hitting the nail on the head with most things.

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You forgot her magnificent fake boobie, Niners.


Not to open a giant can of worms, but the couple people I follow on Twitter who have read the books have not been happy with the S4 episodes besides the first one. Apparently, the stuff with Cersei diverges with what the writers have done for this season. I haven't been to the Maesters thread to know, but I'm kinda in the middle without haven't read the source material. 

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Lysa/Littlefinger sex scene managed to be one of the most disturbing things on the show and we didn't even see anything.


I wonder if Littlefinger can actually keep a lid on crazy.  Crazy + exposed open gateway to the clouds = ...I don't know, tether yourself at all times?

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As a non book reader the whole Lysa/Little finger reveal was a big pile of 'meh' Its just turned the whole series into such a convoluted mess.

They had to get pretty damn lucky for the Starks and Lannisters to make the choices they did to have this plan work.

Feels a lot like one of Vince Russo's 'swerves for the sake of a swerve' stories.

I don't think Littlefinger necessarily had a particular plan in mind so much as he wanted to keep getting people to fuck themselves over any way he could. Remember the "chaos is a ladder" speech from last season. He could be reasonably assured of a few things when he started--that Ned Stark would be the new Hand, that he would try to play the game in King's Landing the way he plays it in the North and get himself killed, and that since everyone already expected the Lannisters to scheme, Robert would eventually drink himself to death in one way or another and things would go absolutely bonkers. He couldn't have anticipated the War of Five Kings, but he didn't really need to. All he needed to do was to start the shit rolling downhill and be ready to throw in the occasional new wrinkle from within his own influence to keep the most powerful people in Westeros busy destroying themselves while he consolidates his own power. By the time he and Sansa reach the Eyrie, he probably DOES have a specific plan in mind, but I think his long game was "wreck things behind the scenes until a path emerges, then be ready to seize it."

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Can someone who has read the books explain how this was revealed there and how it differed from the show? But, you know, in a spoiler-free way.


It would've been too much for Lysa to spell everything out. She was already telling Baelish things he already knew that he'd rather she not talk about. I suppose they could've had a third party there to react in shock to the reveal, but whoever that was would've had to die. I don't know how they could've made it clearer, aside from Baelish proclaiming "Yes! What you just said is proof that I am the catalyst for all the chaos plaguing the realm! Now let's never speak of this again."


I like that they didn't hold our hands and walk us through the implications of that reveal. I appreciate that they assumed I can remember things that happened in season one. It wasn't that long ago.

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As a non book reader the whole Lysa/Little finger reveal was a big pile of 'meh' Its just turned the whole series into such a convoluted mess.

They had to get pretty damn lucky for the Starks and Lannisters to make the choices they did to have this plan work.

Feels a lot like one of Vince Russo's 'swerves for the sake of a swerve' stories.

I don't think Littlefinger necessarily had a particular plan in mind so much as he wanted to keep getting people to fuck themselves over any way he could. Remember the "chaos is a ladder" speech from last season. He could be reasonably assured of a few things when he started--that Ned Stark would be the new Hand, that he would try to play the game in King's Landing the way he plays it in the North and get himself killed, and that since everyone already expected the Lannisters to scheme, Robert would eventually drink himself to death in one way or another and things would go absolutely bonkers. He couldn't have anticipated the War of Five Kings, but he didn't really need to. All he needed to do was to start the shit rolling downhill and be ready to throw in the occasional new wrinkle from within his own influence to keep the most powerful people in Westeros busy destroying themselves while he consolidates his own power. By the time he and Sansa reach the Eyrie, he probably DOES have a specific plan in mind, but I think his long game was "wreck things behind the scenes until a path emerges, then be ready to seize it."



The entire point to Littlefinger is that he's an opportunist with a bunch of really petty first world problems and also generally full of shit relative to someone like the Spider who REALLY suffered to get where he is. Just picture Edge. 

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As a non book reader the whole Lysa/Little finger reveal was a big pile of 'meh' Its just turned the whole series into such a convoluted mess.

They had to get pretty damn lucky for the Starks and Lannisters to make the choices they did to have this plan work.

Feels a lot like one of Vince Russo's 'swerves for the sake of a swerve' stories.

I don't think Littlefinger necessarily had a particular plan in mind so much as he wanted to keep getting people to fuck themselves over any way he could. Remember the "chaos is a ladder" speech from last season. He could be reasonably assured of a few things when he started--that Ned Stark would be the new Hand, that he would try to play the game in King's Landing the way he plays it in the North and get himself killed, and that since everyone already expected the Lannisters to scheme, Robert would eventually drink himself to death in one way or another and things would go absolutely bonkers. He couldn't have anticipated the War of Five Kings, but he didn't really need to. All he needed to do was to start the shit rolling downhill and be ready to throw in the occasional new wrinkle from within his own influence to keep the most powerful people in Westeros busy destroying themselves while he consolidates his own power. By the time he and Sansa reach the Eyrie, he probably DOES have a specific plan in mind, but I think his long game was "wreck things behind the scenes until a path emerges, then be ready to seize it."



The entire point to Littlefinger is that he's an opportunist with a bunch of really petty first world problems and also generally full of shit relative to someone like the Spider who REALLY suffered to get where he is. Just picture Edge. 


He kind of did come from nothing though.  His father was the smallest of the small lords of the smallest island of the fingers.  He is now the Lord of Harrenhall, Lord Protector of The Vale, and rich as a bitch.  He wanted to marry Catelyn, but her father basically said, "Fuck Off!, peasant."  He really made himself one of the most powerful men in Westeros, after almost getting killed for overstepping his place in life. 

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Cersei trying to get her social game back on after being a total Rachel from Big Brother lately. It was a solid gesture, and I think Large Marge botched it by being a little too coy and bitchy. Can't be too cocky about these things. NO ROOM FOR FLOATERS THOUGH. I bet Tommen's HoH Room would have a ton of pictures of Sir Pounce in it.


The Dany Warroom scene was good, though it felt like she just finished an arcade game, after pumping tons of quarters in, and the all she gets in return is the chance to play the game all over again. But this time there's an Imperial Warlord named Klingon! HIDDEN BOSS MODE.


Okay okay.... it's happened. This is a very special episode because I've it the threshold of how much I can ridicule Sansa. She's the worst character in the show, but now she's dealing with the fucking Moonies: Aunt Teet and The Suckler, and I can't deal with that kind of torture. She better start being proactive instead of sitting back on the "but I'm stoopid" card or else she's going to be a human pacifier. There is no country for dumb gingers.


Littlefinger's hilarious dead eyes when Aunt Teet asked him about their "wedding night" distracted me. Was something said about a letter and poison? Wait...I have a very unexpected guest. It's Littlefinger himself: actor Aiden Gillen.


Jae: Hey man, what was going on in that scene where that lady was talking about poi--


AG: Shhhhh


*Aiden kisses Jae passionately all over his face.*




Jae: Yeah. yeah. That's what I was thinking...


*Aiden leaves in a puff of smoke.


Right. So Big Gal and Pod the Bod are about to give Hound and Arya a run for their money in awesome slapped together tag teams. They're basically William Regal and Tajiri right now. 


Everything Cersei is doing makes me feel like she's about to kill herself. Anyone get that vibe? She reaches out to Large Marge, sends her daughter a huge gift, hanging with Obe like it's all cool. It's like she's looking back at all her decisions and realizing there's nothing left to do other than kill Tyrion - and even that will probably lose its flavor. 


I never want to hear Hodor's name ever again. Him blubbering it over and over as Gin Alley was preparing to violate that one girl was the worst. It's worse than Ned Beatty squealing like a pig for extraneous sounds I don't want to hear during scenes like that.


The whole last section kind of bored me. The fighting was all dudes with beards in black fighting other dudes with beards in black. And it's like...Bran couldn't leave Jon a letter. I get you gotta go find this tree, bro.... but you know, send a raven or something sometime. All this Jon stuff has felt like filler to kill time until whatever big event happens.


It's another set up episode with mostly less interesting developments than the previous one. It wasn't bad, every season now has to have these episodes where the board changes and the pieces have to reset their positions. The only interesting bits are seeing who gets set up where.

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As a non book reader the whole Lysa/Little finger reveal was a big pile of 'meh' Its just turned the whole series into such a convoluted mess.

They had to get pretty damn lucky for the Starks and Lannisters to make the choices they did to have this plan work.

Feels a lot like one of Vince Russo's 'swerves for the sake of a swerve' stories.

I don't think Littlefinger necessarily had a particular plan in mind so much as he wanted to keep getting people to fuck themselves over any way he could. Remember the "chaos is a ladder" speech from last season. He could be reasonably assured of a few things when he started--that Ned Stark would be the new Hand, that he would try to play the game in King's Landing the way he plays it in the North and get himself killed, and that since everyone already expected the Lannisters to scheme, Robert would eventually drink himself to death in one way or another and things would go absolutely bonkers. He couldn't have anticipated the War of Five Kings, but he didn't really need to. All he needed to do was to start the shit rolling downhill and be ready to throw in the occasional new wrinkle from within his own influence to keep the most powerful people in Westeros busy destroying themselves while he consolidates his own power. By the time he and Sansa reach the Eyrie, he probably DOES have a specific plan in mind, but I think his long game was "wreck things behind the scenes until a path emerges, then be ready to seize it."



The entire point to Littlefinger is that he's an opportunist with a bunch of really petty first world problems and also generally full of shit relative to someone like the Spider who REALLY suffered to get where he is. Just picture Edge. 


He kind of did come from nothing though.  His father was the smallest of the small lords of the smallest island of the fingers.  He is now the Lord of Harrenhall, Lord Protector of The Vale, and rich as a bitch.  He wanted to marry Catelyn, but her father basically said, "Fuck Off!, peasant."  He really made himself one of the most powerful men in Westeros, after almost getting killed for overstepping his place in life. 


I'm not saying he doesn't have a point (everyone in the show has a point), but it's a hell of a lot less of a point that lots of peasants. 

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Can someone who has read the books explain how this was revealed there and how it differed from the show? But, you know, in a spoiler-free way.


It would've been too much for Lysa to spell everything out. She was already telling Baelish things he already knew that he'd rather she not talk about. I suppose they could've had a third party there to react in shock to the reveal, but whoever that was would've had to die. I don't know how they could've made it clearer, aside from Baelish proclaiming "Yes! What you just said is proof that I am the catalyst for all the chaos plaguing the realm! Now let's never speak of this again."

It was later in the book (the next to last scene of the 3rd book, actually) and it was not remotely so casual. IIRC (don't have my copy handy) Lysa is having a total shrieking meltdown for reasons best not elaborated on here, and starts screaming about all the things she did for Petyr, including murdering her husband and telling Cat the Lannisters did it. It makes much more sense in that context; she's throwing it in his face and the prospect that someone who shouldn't hear might doesn't even come up, nor does it matter that he already knows everything she's saying.

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How many books are there? We're near the end of book 3? I just want to know how many seasons they can get out of this. I know they've renewed for two more.


Five books right now. Books four and five run parallel though with different sets of characters between them, so I assume they will interweave them for the TV season(s) based on those books. There will supposedly* be seven books total.


*Assuming Martin doesn't die before he finishes them all

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Hmm - So I guess if they get through book 3 this season then next season they will be forced to split books 4 and 5 into two seasons because there's no guarantee  there will be source material after that...


Unless Book 6 is coming out soon or something.

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Right. So Big Gal and Pod the Bod are about to give Hound and Arya a run for their money in awesome slapped together tag teams. They're basically William Regal and Tajiri right now. 


Lost it completely here. 100% true.


"So, what DID you do when you squired for Ser Whipwreck?"


"I killed a man at November to Remember"


"What did you do?"


"Sprayed mist in his eyes."

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Right. So Big Gal and Pod the Bod are about to give Hound and Arya a run for their money in awesome slapped together tag teams. They're basically William Regal and Tajiri right now. 


Lost it completely here. 100% true.


"So, what DID you do when you squired for Ser Whipwreck?"


"I killed a man at November to Remember"


"What did you do?"


"Sprayed mist in his eyes."



You left out the ending.


"Okay, then, I guess I can allow you to peel off my tights.  Gently now...gently"

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