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Games of Thrones Unsullied thread


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The weird thing is I always found Paul really hammy. Like Elba doing the accent in Prometheus, he was always really unnatural sounding. And the awesome Tyrion speech was great but even he felt a bit ott at the end. Mind you I think Dinklage really struggles with the accent at times and it's obvious. For me Harrelson was better than both simply because I bought him as a drunk womaniser with anger issues more than Aaron Paul as a white guy who says bitch and Dinklage as an English nobleman.

I'm also fully aware that I'm in the minority here, not trying to inflame anyone's sensitive opinions.

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The weird thing is I always found Paul really hammy. Like Elba doing the accent in Prometheus, he was always really unnatural sounding. And the awesome Tyrion speech was great but even he felt a bit ott at the end. Mind you I think Dinklage really struggles with the accent at times and it's obvious. For me Harrelson was better than both simply because I bought him as a drunk womaniser with anger issues more than Aaron Paul as a white guy who says bitch and Dinklage as an English nobleman.

I'm also fully aware that I'm in the minority here, not trying to inflame anyone's sensitive opinions.


I support this new FSW that has well thought out, objective, and convincing counterarguments to the other guy that just says cunt all of the time.

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The weird thing is I always found Paul really hammy. Like Elba doing the accent in Prometheus, he was always really unnatural sounding. And the awesome Tyrion speech was great but even he felt a bit ott at the end. Mind you I think Dinklage really struggles with the accent at times and it's obvious. For me Harrelson was better than both simply because I bought him as a drunk womaniser with anger issues more than Aaron Paul as a white guy who says bitch and Dinklage as an English nobleman.

I'm also fully aware that I'm in the minority here, not trying to inflame anyone's sensitive opinions.


Maybe it's because I've been watching Woody Harrelson for years in comparison, but I think Dinklage has hit far more of a home run as Tyrion. Sometimes I found it really hard to actually separate Woody from Marty Hart, but I don't hold it against him like I would for Paul. Aaron Paul was good as Jesse, but I never felt in ANY season he brought the show to a different level for more than one or two episodes a season. Aaron Paul cranked up to 11 doesn't really (and shouldn't) constitute the best in the industry. Even though you only need one ep to submit, I can give you probably three for Dinklage and at least two for Woody.


Also, I think the bad accent thing is just a Ridley Scott trend. Idris in Prometheus and Kebbell in The Counselor. I think he's just trolling people at this point to make up for William Hurt's awesome accent in The Robin Hood Movie No One Wanted. I thought Dinklage gave a good account of himself in the Prince Caspian movie.

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Harrelson has no chance. He did good work with a horrible, thankless part, but it was mostly unheralded and little loved.

Marty wasn't Rust, but he was still a perfectly fine character made better by a vet actor. Horrible part? Come on now..

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Harrelson has no chance. He did good work with a horrible, thankless part, but it was mostly unheralded and little loved.

Marty wasn't Rust, but he was still a perfectly fine character made better by a vet actor. Horrible part? Come on now..

I just felt like all of the worst parts of the show revolved around his character.

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I think either Woody or Dinklage would be deserving because they are both fucking awesome but back to last night's episode...  The Tyrion speech and really everything going on in Westeros is so incredible outside of maybe Bran and his gang of misfits (though even they were interesting last week).


For whatever the reason I'm finding it difficult to get into Mama Dragon freeing all of these slaves and commoners, etc.. Maybe because it's been going on so long. Maybe I have West coast bias. The dragons haven't done a whole lot recently either. They're growing but I'm going to need them to start lighting shit up and not just sheepherders.

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Some thoughts: it seemed odd to me that Tywin actually sat in the Iron Throne.  I'd think that'd be a king-only thing.  Granted, it made for a nice metaphorical visual.


When Ned Stark found out that Joffrey was an incest bastard, that was like a big revelation.  Now it seems everybody in all the seven kingdoms knows about it.  Was it that word got out when Ned discovered it?


What are the rules for demanding trial by combat?  Wouldn't every hopeless case demand it?  Why did Tyrion wait until then to demand it?

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Some thoughts: it seemed odd to me that Tywin actually sat in the Iron Throne.  I'd think that'd be a king-only thing.  Granted, it made for a nice metaphorical visual.


When Ned Stark found out that Joffrey was an incest bastard, that was like a big revelation.  Now it seems everybody in all the seven kingdoms knows about it.  Was it that word got out when Ned discovered it?


What are the rules for demanding trial by combat?  Wouldn't every hopeless case demand it?  Why did Tyrion wait until then to demand it?

It would appear the King's Hand sits on the throne in the king's absence. Ned did it when he was the Hand.

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When Ned Stark found out that Joffrey was an incest bastard, that was like a big revelation.  Now it seems everybody in all the seven kingdoms knows about it.  Was it that word got out when Ned discovered it?


Stannis spread the Joffrey news as far as he could.  I think in the show he sent letters to all the lords demanding their loyalty way back in Season 2.

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God damn that was a great episode.

Dinklage was fantastic but Coster-Waldau (Jaime) was great as well, his telling of a story without saying much was very well executed.

The home stretch of this series should be awesome.

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Anyone can demand trial by combat. Tyrion didn't because he was safer not fighting. But then Shae hurt him so much, adding to all the humiliation of the trial, he decided to lash out and deprive them of their show.

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Anyone can demand trial by combat. Tyrion didn't because he was safer not fighting. But then Shae hurt him so much, adding to all the humiliation of the trial, he decided to lash out and deprive them of their show.

Anyone can demand trial by comment, but they have to either have someone ready to fight for them or be willing to scrap it out themselves.  That puts Tyrion on a rough position because he can't fight, and there aren't too many people trying to stand up for him for killing the king.  Who in their right mind would fight for Tyrion in that environment?  Plenty of people know he is innocent, but those same people have to be watching that trial thinking, "Yo, these motherfuckers are doing this to a member of their family, what would these evil ass people do to me?"

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I can't get past repeatedly trying to figure exactly how the conspiracy to poison Joffrey worked. I'm assuming we'll get more details as the season winds down, otherwise this is nonsensically convoluted booking of Black Scorpion proportions.

Plot hatched by littlefinger and oleanna.

Drunk knight used as patsy.

Tyrion and sansa framed.

Or do you want a columbo-type dramatization, showing who put the poisonbed stone in the goblet?

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Anyone can demand trial by combat. Tyrion didn't because he was safer not fighting. But then Shae hurt him so much, adding to all the humiliation of the trial, he decided to lash out and deprive them of their show.

Anyone can demand trial by comment, but they have to either have someone ready to fight for them or be willing to scrap it out themselves. That puts Tyrion on a rough position because he can't fight, and there aren't too many people trying to stand up for him for killing the king. Who in their right mind would fight for Tyrion in that environment? Plenty of people know he is innocent, but those same people have to be watching that trial thinking, "Yo, these motherfuckers are doing this to a member of their family, what would these evil ass people do to me?"

I would think you are supposed to expect Bronn to do it.

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I can't get past repeatedly trying to figure exactly how the conspiracy to poison Joffrey worked. I'm assuming we'll get more details as the season winds down, otherwise this is nonsensically convoluted booking of Black Scorpion proportions.

Plot hatched by littlefinger and oleanna.

Drunk knight used as patsy.

Tyrion and sansa framed.

Or do you want a columbo-type dramatization, showing who put the poisonbed stone in the goblet?



It's needlessly hysterically convoluted.  For this to work, think about the logistics:


1) Sansa unknowingly smuggles the poison stone around her neck.

2) Someone has to filch the poison stone from her necklace without her knowledge.  Who?  Doesn't this seem like a difficult task, to remove a specific gem from around a woman's delicate neck without her knowledge?

3) Someone drops the poison stone in the goblet to be dissolved by the wine.  BUT WAIT - Joffrey throws the goblet to the ground immediately before it was retrieved by Sansa and Tyrion and handed back to him.  If the poison stone was in the goblet previously, it is now lost on the ground.  Otherwise, Sansa and/or Tyrion REALLY DID put the poison in the goblet!  There's no other way for it to get there!


How many things need to break right for this to work?  

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Yeah, there are a thousand points of failure in the plan.  Martin just expects you to trust in Littlefinger's ability to fuck over anyone with impunity and come out unscathed.


You can tell it is ramshackle plot design by Martin just by virtue of Littlefinger's "men with no motive are never suspects" dialogue during the big reveal. 


No motive?  It's fucking Petyr Baelish we're talking about.  He's ALWAYS UP TO SOMETHING~!

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I can't get past repeatedly trying to figure exactly how the conspiracy to poison Joffrey worked. I'm assuming we'll get more details as the season winds down, otherwise this is nonsensically convoluted booking of Black Scorpion proportions.

Plot hatched by littlefinger and oleanna.

Drunk knight used as patsy.

Tyrion and sansa framed.

Or do you want a columbo-type dramatization, showing who put the poisonbed stone in the goblet?



It's needlessly hysterically convoluted.  For this to work, think about the logistics:


1) Sansa unknowingly smuggles the poison stone around her neck.

2) Someone has to filch the poison stone from her necklace without her knowledge.  Who?  Doesn't this seem like a difficult task, to remove a specific gem from around a woman's delicate neck without her knowledge?

3) Someone drops the poison stone in the goblet to be dissolved by the wine.  BUT WAIT - Joffrey throws the goblet to the ground immediately before it was retrieved by Sansa and Tyrion and handed back to him.  If the poison stone was in the goblet previously, it is now lost on the ground.  Otherwise, Sansa and/or Tyrion REALLY DID put the poison in the goblet!  There's no other way for it to get there!


How many things need to break right for this to work?  


Rewatch the episode, you'll see when she puts in in the goblet.  It was 100% done to frame Sansa, it just happened that Tyrion was also implicated.  The plan was for Olenna to poison Joffrey with the poison on Sansa's necklace and have Dontos take her to Littlefinger.  Everything else was just shit that happened.

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Anyone can demand trial by combat. Tyrion didn't because he was safer not fighting. But then Shae hurt him so much, adding to all the humiliation of the trial, he decided to lash out and deprive them of their show.

Anyone can demand trial by comment, but they have to either have someone ready to fight for them or be willing to scrap it out themselves.  That puts Tyrion on a rough position because he can't fight, and there aren't too many people trying to stand up for him for killing the king.  Who in their right mind would fight for Tyrion in that environment?  Plenty of people know he is innocent, but those same people have to be watching that trial thinking, "Yo, these motherfuckers are doing this to a member of their family, what would these evil ass people do to me?"



I'd think there's the possibility of Bronn or Jamie stepping up for Tyrion.  In fact, the first thing I thought was that Tyrion would pick Bronn and Tywin (or is it Tonmen?) would be forced by custom to pick the head of the King's Guard, Jamie.  Then you get Jamie and Bronn fighting for real, mirroring the training they did together.  Jamie surprises himself by getting the better of Bronn, but then throws the fight to save his brother's life.


That said, given that Tyrion said he knew he'd be found guilty, I don't know how he could possibly be safer not fighting.

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