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RAW 03/30/15

The Natural

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Also, it's really interesting that the best some folks can do is fling ad hominems to show how they are better wrestling fans than other wrestling fans. That shows a real maturity level and adeptness at argument. There are tons of mouthbreathers on earth in general, but conflating "mouthbreathers" with "people who actually connect with and care about a wrestler" is a new level of weirdness from the types of wrestling fans that want to show that they watch wrestling "the right way."

The people who chanted "You suck 'male wrestler you are dating/married to.'" are the "mouthbreathers" not the "people who actually connect with and care about a wrestler". It just so happens that this crowd was filled with both.

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Also, it's really interesting that the best some folks can do is fling ad hominems to show how they are better wrestling fans than other wrestling fans. That shows a real maturity level and adeptness at argument. There are tons of mouthbreathers on earth in general, but conflating "mouthbreathers" with "people who actually connect with and care about a wrestler" is a new level of weirdness from the types of wrestling fans that want to show that they watch wrestling "the right way."

The people who chanted "You suck 'male wrestler you are dating/married to.'" are the "mouthbreathers" not the "people who actually connect with and care about a wrestler". It just so happens that this crowd was filled with both.



Exactly what I'm saying (poorly, I suppose). I mean, you would never hear that shit at Full Sail, and those people clearly care about many of the wrestlers there and are serious fans.


Big Bryan fan =/= douchebags that think chanting that shit at women is funny...but some people make that argument (or some semblance of it) because they can't handle people actually caring about who wins and loses in wrestling. Imagine that: Caring about who wins and loses in pro wrestling or sports entertainment or whatever you want to call it. I don't get why such a, you know, common thing in pro wrestling causes some people to react in a hateful manner.


People who present themselves as sane voices are getting really agitated because fans don't react the way they want fans to react. 

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The New Day needs someone to make them more aggressive ... namely, Pope Elijah Burke. They already have the church gimmick going.


Pope tells them that the WWE is holding them back (NOT mentioning their race). Now you've got your Nation 2.0.

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Liked the two title defenses and the Divas match. There were rumblings they were going to hashtaggivedivasachance after Wrestlemania so I'm hopeful for more like this in the future. Still hate the Butt Bump as a finisher though.

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THE ASCENSION has a nice 'Orient Express/Beverly Brothers' late 80's/early 90's spot where you're like 'oh these guys are nobodies but I'm happy to watch the Steiners mow them down for a few minutes.'


The motherfucking Orient Express are not nobodies.

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Sheamus was the Indy-est looking wrestler I saw all weekend, and I went to Shimmer and WWN.


Lesnar tearing shit up ruled, but it came across even better on tv. Someone get the freeze frame of Cole's face coming down from the F5.


Best crowd chant was during commercial when Lilian was giving the presale code to Raw in San Jose for when they come back in August, and about 3/4 of the arena was chanting "We don't live here."


Cena/Ambrose was forgettable, but it was neat to see Cena work a full match as a WWE-style heel. His best heat spot I believe was during a commercial, where he bailed from a standoff and went to hug a little kid decked out in Cena gear in the front row.


The silver lining to the divas match was a small CM Punk chant getting drowned out with boos, and followed with a loud AJ Lee chant.


The main event was just cruel booking to everyone involved. There's no way they didn't expect that reaction for that uninspired match.

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After last night, I'd prefer if after every major PPV (Rumble, Mania, MITB, Summerslam, Survivor Series) they just had a show of sit-down interviews like they did with the snow storm. The things that were good this week (Cena/Ambrose, DB/Ziggler, Brock CRUSH) would've still been good next week, and the stuff that wasn't smark-feed wouldn't have been totally ruined like they were this week. Give the crazy ones a week to calm their hormones a bit at least.

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Brock vs Cameraman. Book it.


The cameraguy would be more popular than Roman probably.


While Brock is to be feared, he wants no part of the Cinematographers guild.


Though camera guy's putting their camera's down and refusing to shoot Brock in a sign of solidarity with their fallen comrade could be awesome.



"Fuck you, Brock! Don't you know we can film you at unflattering angles and make you look pudgy?"

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Probably around the same time that all the top tier indies and convention organizers realized they can make fucktons of money running major shows in the same city as WWE and leeching off WrestleMania. This likely coincided with WWE exclusively running football stadiums and domes or a few years after.

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As soon as they started doing big stadium shows every year, so 17 probably, but it's been gradual (20 and 22 were smaller venues, but after 23, there was no looking back). Hogan/Rock at 18 was shocking at the time, but would be 100% expected today. They started giving it a real "wrestling Mecca" feel with all the attractions like Axxess, HOF, etc in the mid 2000s and made it more than just another ppv like it was before. The casual fans got priced out and only the most dedicated fans make the pilgrimage. Then you add in the natural backlash toward Cena leading to lots of attention for the fans, the rise of the indies, and it just snowballed from there giving the most hardcore fans more and more reasons to buy up tickets. And hey, if you're spending a couple thousand already for a decent vacation, what's another $100 for Raw tickets?


The post-Mania Raw being a must see event really took off 4 years ago with the start of the "yes movement." Once you acknowledge the fans, it's all over. They know how to get attention (and fame to some degree, honestly) and they'll keep chasing that rush.


Although regardless of what anyone may think of this year's crowd, or the trend in general, WM weekend is super fucking fun, and I highly recommend going some time.

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Mania 22 in Chicago has that kind of crowd for the actual show. The dueling "Let's Go Cena/Fuck You Cena" chant being the peak/valley.

That was also the weekend that ROH did it's first triple shot weekend around the show, running Detroit Friday night, and Chicago both Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

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I was at that post-WM Raw in Chicago that year and it was mild compared to this. The only thing that was notable was the constant "John Cena SUCKS" chants. Then when the show went off the air, Cena goes, "Man, what do I have to do for you people?" to even louder boos. It was crazy and it looked to be setting the table for a Cena heel turn as he was really whiny because no one was cheering him.


I also remember HHH coming out for that Raw and everyone doing the "we're not worthy" wave for him.

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Seth never looked more like a super villain; that belt looks like its part of his outfit.

Neville looks like the superhero rival to Rollins super villain. (Actually, really dug his new gear.)


Sawft chant during the stretcher scene got a chuckle.

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It's even more of a sausage fest up in here now that y'all sexist, mysogynist, racist, pacifist therapists ran off one of the board's two women.


There's too many dicks on the dance floor.


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I can't be the only one who thinks Paul Heyman would make a great babyface manager?


The decade-long friendship between him and Brock is genuinely quite touching in the backstabbing world of wrestling.


I don't really want to see him turn on Brock.

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They could easily go with Heyman as the babyface manager of Reigns with the understanding that once Brock is reinstated, Heyman will stick with his best friend. They've set up that Reigns and Heyman like each other and could work together and it would be believable that Reigns would be okay with Heyman being the sole advocate for Brock Lesnar once he's reinstated.

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