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Owens is fast becoming my favorite guy in the entire company. I can't think of anyone else more interesting to watch both in and out of the ring. I liked that Balor cut down on some of the mannerisms for his non paint entrance(like not crawling down the ramp). Also Tyler Breeze was awesome as usual. They need a secondary tv title in NXT, and let Breeze have a run with it.

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Owens is fast becoming my favorite guy in the entire company. I can't think of anyone else more interesting to watch both in and out of the ring. I liked that Balor cut down on some of the mannerisms for his non paint entrance(like not crawling down the ramp). Also Tyler Breeze was awesome as usual. They need a secondary tv title in NXT, and let Breeze have a run with it.


Yeah, the Balor entrance was way more tolerable this time. I like that he has music cues to do his arms thing the fans do with him. It's really dramatic music, but he toned it down a lot.

I still wish they'd differentiate Finn Balor and FACEPAINT FINN in-ring somehow. They don't have to give him a completely different moveset. They just have to give him a few different things, like a different finisher.

That match was the most I've enjoyed Finn so far. I was never much of a Brian Kendricks fan -- decent shtick, but it never clicked for me for some reason. But I really liked Finn a ton in this.

Becky/Bayley was really good. That was a nice, tight match. Becky Lynch is almost completely figuring out her character and incorporate her character's shtick into what she does in the ring. She's got Sasha Banks and Bayley to figure that out with, and they're really awesome at doing just that.

Tyler Breeze rules. I loved him trying to set up the selfie stick with Itami in the background. I wish that was set up just a bit better -- like Breeze did that to at least one person he beat before hand so you know that's his new gloating taunt. Or I wish Itami stood up and did a wave or something and Breeze sold his fear a lot more. Good segment but I wish it was a bit tighter.

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Kendrick almost broke Finn's neck on that tiger suplex.  How bout we NOT let part-timers try dangerous shit on the future cash cows.  


I did mark when they cut back to commentary like 45 seconds after Riley stood up to Owens and he was still getting a death stare.  


the kevin owens gimmick is just "if larry bird was a wrestler"


I approve, to be clear



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NXT is making me care about Alex Riley in 2015? Another example of why NXT hands down in the best action-adventure-espodic-weekly-WWE talking point 'entertainment' show going today.




Becky Lynch. She is hot, can work, and can promo. Her gimmick is lame and very cringe-worthy. I am not sure what's going on with her.

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Owens in the booth was the best guest announcer spot in ages. His character of "guy who seems normal from a distance, but the more you get to know him, the more you're kind of afraid he might be a serial killer" is perfect, and has manifested itself very naturally thus far. Plus the look on Riley's face as he was getting chucked over the table was awesome.

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It's disturbing how much watching this all of a day later than I normally would felt like trying to kick an addiction and failing.

Sweet sweet NXT...

The sign during Corbin's entrance: Brood Harder.

Was it just me or did Bálor land that stomp extra hard on Kendrick? Possibly a receipt for the suplex?

So, even before the Owens stuff, it seems like they're trying to switch Riley to face color commentator. Maybe reign in his more annoying habits?

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Brian Kendrick was just added to the NXT roster page so I'd guess he's officially signed. I'm a big fan of his, especially his work as The Brian Kendrick back in 2008 or 2009.

If i remember his shoot with London clearly, Kendrick didn't enjoy the travel of a regular WWE schedule so NXT is an ideal place for a guy like him.

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Michelle McCool, really? Do they think they somehow have to suck up to the Undertaker leading up to Wrestlemania?


You would think Jimmy Yang would be a natural fit, because Vince likes him. But then Vince would probably start paying attention and everything would go to shit.

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