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2014 WWE Hall Of Fame


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I know the hall of fame is often times just a bunch of BS but I'm really not sure Stacy belongs especially considering Mickie, Victoria and Lita aren't in it.


I doubt they will ever put Mickie in unless she comes back for another run


Lita will go in though I do wonder if they held off on her because of possible awkwardness with Punk being around (which isn't an issue now). Lita also is one of the folks who can be inducted at anytime - there isn't really a "city" to hold her off till.


I also doubt Victoria will ever go in

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Man, everyone shits on Koko but hey...21 year career, 8 years in the company. A pretty recognizable African-American star in a sport that hasn't always had a good track record with minorities. Had a pretty fun run in Memphis.


I mean, I'm not even remotely defending his entry but we all remember Frankie, the theme music, and the dance, right?

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Not that I'm supporting Stacy at all, but I don't understand why anyone think that Mickie James or Victoria should be in the HoF.


Mickie was their most over diva for years and I'm not really saying they should be inducted..  I just believe they are more worthy than Stacy.

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Not to totally ignore your point but in regards to Alphonso, but are their any referees in the Hall yet?  Not that Fonzie needs to be inducted but would Earl Hepner, Nick Patrick or Tommy Young?

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Really sort of a low salience dead guy. I could see if Gorilla was still alive, sure, but right now, putting him in would make people look back to the stress and strain the travel put on guys back then. That's a best case scenario. The cost/benefit of it doesn't work out. 


BTW, I'm slowly going through 1994 WWF and I'm really close to his death right now and am glad that the Wrestling Challenges aren't online. I don't want to see Gorilla dealing with it at all. I just don't. 

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I think Heyman and RVD will be the first two and will probably go in the next time Mania is relatively close to Philadelphia.  I wouldn't be surprised if any of Dreamer/Sabu/Sandman went in at the same time.


Edit: Whoops this was the wrong hall of fame thread.

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Not to totally ignore your point but in regards to Alphonso, but are their any referees in the Hall yet?  Not that Fonzie needs to be inducted but would Earl Hepner, Nick Patrick or Tommy Young?


No referee should go in before this man



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The dead guy backlog looks something like this (this is off the top of my head but at quick glance I think one could argue they all merit a discussion... especially based on folks the WWE already inducted. And this isn't in any order)


Randy Savage


John Tenta

Dino Bravo

Owen Hart

Paul Bearer


Bruiser Brody

Dick Murdoch

Brian Pillman

Bad News Brown

Bam Bam Bigelow

Lord Alfred Hayes

Lou Thesz

Rick Rude

Dick the Brusier


So at their current pace of maybe one a year... yeah....


Oh and that list obviously doesn't even include Chris Benoit who we know will never get in

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I think some of that list is different than others. Tenta died of cancer. Lord Alfred was pretty old. That's different than Pillman or Rude, you know? No way is Bravo ever getting in. 


Yeah - I mean I could have spaced it out in terms of "Okay way to die" vs. "Yeah... no chance"


At this point, unless you died in the last year - the only way you are getting in is if you have someone lobbying for you (like how Ross got Gordon Solie in)

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