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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2023 in all areas

  1. ABADON vs. Kiera Hogan added to Collision tonight! 2 of my favs, always glad to see both on TV
    7 points
  2. update from December 1981 Florida: JJ Dillon looking like he talks to the customers so that the engineers don't have to. I thought JJ was slumming it a tad in JCP before he dropped all his randos and went in with the Horsemen. But it's possible that JJ has like a 5 year progression where he went from looking like a dumpy office worker who steals from his employer to looking like a corrupt elected official. In other words, that mustache.. I'm hoping that was merely a short-term thing.
    6 points
  3. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world her mildly critical tweet doesn't exist.
    6 points
  4. Not to mention Regal's "knee trembler" (still can't get over him using that name ).
    5 points
  5. I was hoping Malaki would mist in Dax’s and he’s start dressing like Judas Priest
    4 points
  6. Early this morning TK tweeted a 2 hour, 46 minute video recapping the entire Athena-Billie Starkz angle. (Fully out of the loop on ROH, but I'm going to try to watch it!) Anyway, due to the length of the video, I just saw someone refer to it as "Killers of the Ember Moon"
    4 points
  7. See, every time I think of Flair’s suits I think, “What can I say about that suit that hasn’t already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted.”
    4 points
  8. New wrestling crossword! Hey, the tweet embedded properly, look at that.
    4 points
  9. I think the best response I saw online for Flair's suits is that he looks like a fancy brunch menu.
    4 points
  10. Settle down, Collettietico ;).
    4 points
  11. The 11 year old has been sick so she’s working her way through the Capaldi episodes. Heaven Sent remains a top 5 modern Who episode.
    4 points
  12. Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston II and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brody King tonight, well tomorrow morning 1am UK time.
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. My wife fell back in January, breaking her knee and rupturing a tendon in her knee. So with that, two leg surgeries, and some other related health problems I've basically been doing caretaking all year since she's been laid up. Needless to say it's been a stressful as all hell. But! My wife is finally recovered enough that I get to take lil' road trip on my own this weekend to go watch some wrasslin. I get to see Masaaki Mochizuki and then starfish myself in the middle of a king sized hotel bed and I cannot fuckin' wait.
    4 points
  15. AEW Pro Wrestler Kota Ibushi vs NOAH Player Naomichi Marufuji is set for NOAH's The New Year show on 2024, 1, 2.
    3 points
  16. Killer Kelly rules. Her and Jody Threat had a great match that was built around Kelly trying to kiss Jody, between which they had a wild brawl around ringside. Finish came when Jody caught Kelly off-guard by kissing her and then hitting her finisher. That was the main event of the WPW show. Honestly one of their better cards ever. Match of the night was the tag team championship between champion Sammy Peppers of Red Hot Summer and Moses the Deliverer (filling in for Sammy's sick partner) against Fresh Air. I've never seen Fresh Air or even heard of them before, but they were fun as fuck. Have an 80s B-Boy gimmick with lots of fun tandem moves. Hope they get booked again. The other big stand out match was Warhorse beating Kevin O'Doyle and Charlie Hubley. Didn't expect much out of it but all three meshed really well and the crowd went banana over it. Other matches: WPW Men's Champion Tyler Colton d. Mo Jabari by DQ (former champ Bobby Schink kept running in and attacking Tyler) Vanna Black d. Tootie Lynn Rahim de la Suede d. Chad Daniels AJ Sanchez d. a dude who's name I can never remember (who's doing a rich boy gimmick) Josh Holiday d. Michael Allen Richard Clark James Roth d. Shaun Moore
    3 points
  17. I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that this will be a Big Ten game next year.
    3 points
  18. Swerve is winning the whole tournament, beating Danielson in the finals, and then he's becoming world champion.
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. This was a damn good two hours of wrestling. Brody/Claudio were two guys whaling on eachother and making it seem like they were both actually struggling with eachother. Abbadon shows up and actually wins, plus there's an indication of a Julia Hart Program which should be great. The Iron Savages are there too and I would have much rather have heard them do one of their tribute promos to coked up 80s hosses than Roddy's attempts at comedy. The HOB match was your average JTTS match, but the setup of a program with FTR is all kinds of awesome. Toni Storm is still awesome. I thought Garcia might get an upset victory here, but nah. Match was fine though. Danielson and Eddie predictably beat the piss out of eachother for all our enjoyment. If he turns but Wheeler doesn't, does he rebrand the team as FTR, Inc?
    2 points
  21. Great show! Great company! Great main event!!!!
    2 points
  22. As a kid I thought it was fairly bold of Lex Luger to be around mirrors so much considering how Marty Jannetty whacked Sensational Sherri with one, but then I figured Luger would just shove the referee in the way or something.
    2 points
  23. HIS NAME IS JEROME! Also, didn't we have like two back-to-back mirror related gimmicks with early Heartbreak Kid Shawn and Sherri and then the Narcissist? I am guessing they had an overstock of mirrors in Stamford.
    2 points
  24. The character is temporarily locked after every three matches
    2 points
  25. Good call, I like the idea of having their CC match on the PPV - I think having a tourney match with AEW main show/title implications would be a great way to build interest for the ROH show. With their match at Grand Slam having been so great too, I could see them picking up a handful of extra last minute buys based on the match being a "proven commodity" to the AEW TV audience.
    2 points
  26. I'm fine with it if they then call Ilja up to the main roster to beat Gunther for the IC Title at Wrestlemania.
    2 points
  27. i got very worried on where this was going when i was reading this one-two punch of comments.
    2 points
  28. Even better than when they tried to redo it in the Loki finale.
    2 points
  29. Prince Nana's dance is the fucking best. Don't know how Swerve Strickland doesn't corpse while making his entrance.
    2 points
  30. I understood that reference!
    2 points
  31. Bader vs. Ngannou is probably the biggest fight PFL could do at the moment Warrior Spirit (2021) - UFC Champ Nicco Montano Documentary - Official Teaser - YouTube just watched this on TUBI , really worth a watch goes into her disastrous weight cut and extreme weight cutting in general
    2 points
  32. Butch/Lashley was good. Lashley dominated like one would expect, but Dunne got a pretty nice showcase with him caught Lashley off guard various time and showing passion. Santos/Wilde was a solid showcase for Wilde. Logan Paul's segment was solid and served as a good lead into KO/Waller which was another solid match. The tournament to decide who challenge Paul first should be good. Very curious to see what NXT name shows up. If they hadn't built the idea of KO/Logan so strongly I would say this would be the perfect spot for Hayes or Bron to show up and win. Bianca/Kairi was a bit off at times but still came together well enough by the end to be something pretty decent. The story of the night was mostly on Bayley clearly not being on the same wavelength of the rest of the group. Kind of surprised they didn't pull the DC murders Bayley trigger here. Audience was good enough that it probably would have went over rather well. Skipped around the final segment until Heyman showed up. Dug those parts, especially with Knight making the save when Kimmy and solo attacked. Solid show with enjoyable matches and segments. The no. 1 contender's tournament for the US title should provide some good matches for the rest of the month. Its also good to see Roman's next big feud set up. I'm curious if they wait till the Rumble for Orton/Roman or do it as a big Smackdown episode. Damage Ctrl still feel sliek a decent threat, but that is going to end fast if they don't start getting some regular victories. That was kind of how HHH screwed the group before. Hopefully he isn't making the same mistake though the focus on doing Bianca/Io again and how to get there makes me think otherwise.
    2 points
  33. re: AEW's Triple Crown i like that it is made up of titles from three companies (albeit two of those owned by the same man), but i kinda wish they could have appropriated a belt from AAA or CMLL to make it from the big three wrestling countries as well (sorry Canada).
    2 points
  34. Man, reading Flair's tweet 75% of it is noise to me but I kind of like his self awareness at the end. If it was legit anybody else I would almost feel sorry for somebody who's in a generation that's very different than the one that he thrived in. But it's Flair and he frankly should only have been there for a couple appearances at most where he's reined in. He is right in wanting to be there for Sting's retirement and he should. But this is what happens when you have a multi year contract and have to use him somehow. Since he's contracted I still think he's best doing backstage promos where they can edit out whatever. But if he goes out there I hope they now know he needs to be on a short leash with a live mic. Oh, and I don't post much in the AEW section anymore because of folks like Vileone. And it saddens me to see Gordlow not as interested as he was before. But I still love AEW to pieces and keep up on the news items on here. I just prefer to watch the shows without looking as much on here before and after. Plus with Dean gone the level of positivity he brought to the threads is very much missed. When people are talking shit it can be a bummer as it's not as well balanced out by his lovely wall of text. I'm not saying it's related to what any one person says about AEW (aside from Vile) It's more just a general vibe more than anything.
    2 points
  35. To be totally clear, it's the bell-to-bell that turns me off on those, nothing graphically - I kinda dig the vintage look, really. My 'timing' is just absolutely horrendous, the control scheme is just too much of a shift for me from the grapple-based system that's been used basically from the WCW games up to 2K19. It sure is. Why the hell am I getting a history of the cheesesteak?! Let me go fight a guy in the dressing room or something. The Smackdown/SVR games might have been a better inspiration here than the older stuff - even the goofy bullshit was really fun. I remember one from high school where Undertaker uses his powers to turn your male character into a lady in order to fight for the women's title - I mean, cmon. That's awesome outside the box type stuff. This story mode sucks so bad that when I started reading @Logw's post, I legitimately thought at first when describing cashing in the wellness credits, that it was part of the story I missed. Like yeah, I've already gotta go out to eat and to the gym, why wouldn't I get points for my doctor visits, workouts, checkups...
    2 points
  36. I'll wish for him to "sail" to the ring in a mini schooner like Shotzi and her tank
    1 point
  37. Speaking of Ultramantis Black
    1 point
  38. I know what it means, but there's probably some Blackpool carny slang for something else that goes by that too. Some dude working a ferris wheel with a special stick carved with notches on it.
    1 point
  39. If I remember the story he told recently, JC said he talked to Buck Robley about KC and Buck was only making $x (maybe $300-500) booking and wrestling in KC in 1983.
    1 point
  40. I read this today during two flights and I loved it.
    1 point
  41. Fairly good Rampage here. The women's match felt like it was 75% in PnP so that sucked though. This was a collection of multi-persons; first one was fun and Danhausen busting out the hat cracked me up. Wheeler used "The Man in the Mask" on Ex like Regal. Whatever that finisher was that Uno has, it's gnarly. The Mummy AKA Ric Flair came out and flashed the logo of the furniture company to the crowd from inside his jacket! They're gonna be blowing up! Slashing prices for the holidays, buy sofa and love seat for 20% off! Stinger gave a shout out to Bam Bam Bigelow which was class. Love Bammer. They played Wight getting slammed on the car again, and man, he landed practically on the edge of it. Nasty. Callis showed, like Heyman on Smackdown, that a good manager can still get the most heat out of the entire crew. The main was a delirious spotfest with everything being super complicated and pretty well perfectly pulled off. Vikingo screwed up one dive but JD Drake saved it by immediately throwing his ass up against the ropes and lariating him, which was probably a receipt for Vikingo chopping him with his entire arm. I like me some Workhorsemen.
    1 point
  42. I think I'll have to politely disagree with the arguments about Spider-Man 2's combat. IMO, it's far superior to the first Spidey or MM. There is a point in this game where you have all your gadgets, all your bioelectric/symbiote powers, and you've gone far enough down the tech tree that you can find a flow where you can string together a series of moves in combat by switching between melee, gadgets, and powers, and it feels amazing, or spectacular, even. They took Arkham combat and thought about how to add more tools for you to keep up a constant flow of moves so that when you finish a group of thugs or hunters or **late-game enemies that Coletti is talking about**, you feel accomplished for being able to juggle all those threats at the same time. I especially think the crowd control options you have make any encounter outside of boss fights fun to manage. I do think that it's rough in the early game on the highest level until you get enough upgrades, and boss fights are generally underwhelming because you lose access to all those tools (though there is a fight against Kraven that I think is amazing and one of the best boss fights around). I just can't agree overall, though. The combat is so much better that it's wild to me. I think between the improved combat and the improved traversal, I'll find it hard to go back to Spider-Man PS4 or MM without also having all of Spider-Man 2's options at hand.
    1 point
  43. England ladies with a big comeback from down 0-2 to beat the Netherlands 3-2 and keep their Olympic hopes alive. Now, it's a strange bit, where the Netherlands play Belgium and England plays scotland. England have to beat scotland by 3 more goals than Netherlands do Belgium (if they win) to qualify. How's it strange? If England make the Olympics (have to finish top 2, or top 3 if France wins, as hosts they auto-qualify), they'll play as Team Great Britain, and include Scottish players.
    1 point
  44. Frankly, I feel my pecs a LOT LOT LOT more since I switched to free weights on the flat bench. Granted, I'm a big gangly MF with long arms, so I can really customize the level of deep stretch I get at the bottom, to the point that I think a fair number of beginner-to-intermediates would cry if they tried to get as close to the floor. But, the proof is in the gains; my chest is starting to really respond in the last month+ of finally going back. If I did the pec deck, it was usually one arm at a time, again with as much stretch as I could do. But I had to load it up so much (120 lbs on that is about as hard as a 25-30 lb. dumbbell, so take that for what it's worth) that it wasn't feasible with respect to my biceps and elbows. I don't really care for the reverse flys on them, the range of motion being the big issue; I feel like doing rear delt stuff is better with the Freemotion/cables if you get your arm angle grooved in correctly. Tonight is Push day, in fact, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Probably 60s on incline DB for whatever I can manage, and some Smith OHPs, along with the usual assortment of lateral raises. Maybe I should just say "fuck chest" other than the inclines and blast my shoulders into total submission tonight. Y raises, cables with the pin set at about medium so the beginning of the motion is the hardest part, and some heavy DB partials supersetted with whatever fucking weight I can still lift. Yeah. That sounds like painfun.
    1 point
  45. Can Bret Hart say or do anything that doesn’t just make you think he’s the sweetest nicest old man? https://youtube.com/shorts/0C4btWY3eyU?si=2Bsg7sEyxKO8pxj4
    1 point
  46. I watched the first episode of Monarch. Umm…as someone who is very creeped out by spiders, crabs, and centipede looking things, it was incredibly unsettling, BUT it was also pretty damn good. For All Mankind has been great so far. I’m glad they seemingly listened to their fans in curing all of the show’s ills by killing off Danny off screen.
    1 point
  47. Onward Scotsmen! The Alma Scots host SUNY Cortland at noon on Saturday for the first ever quarterfinal game in school history!
    1 point
  48. The rumor for Sue is still Vanessa Kirby, so roughly 13 years.
    1 point
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