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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 points
  2. Dawkins will have a job for life man. See exhibit A of him performing the greatest dive catch I’ve ever seen and saving Ricochet’s life. See exhibit B of truck sticking Braun Stroman, reminding everyone that there’s popcorn muscles and then there’s division one athlete muscles. Dude was the MVP of that match with Chad Gable right there too. Another guy with a job for life.
    10 points
  3. I think that was more Charlotte being real and knowing they just tore the house down while her face was swelling up from the bump that rug burned her.
    8 points
  4. No, don't back track. Doing one good deed doesn't make you a good person when you're publicly popping off at the mouth like the racist uncle of a generation gone by. Saying transphobic things like that negates good deeds. At heart he's a hateful garbage person and I would suggest his good deed was probably done as a way to over compensate for knowing deep down he's a garbage person. If you think standing up for the equal ethical treatment of everyone is "morally superiority bs" then maybe this is a you problem and not a him problem. You shouldn't let one good deed of someone cloud your judgement. Bad people can do good deeds all day long. It doesn't erase nor exonerate them if they then go and do a shitty thing. And make no mistake about it this was a SHITTY thing.
    8 points
  5. Wait until you see the Bounty’s Quilted Quicker Picker Upper First Blood Match between Cody and Roman.
    7 points
  6. 7 points
  7. Big difference between some who holds some retrograde ideas and someone who goes out of their way to yell slurs at an event
    7 points
  8. I don't know what possesses someone to accost someone else in a public space and start screaming attacks at them based on the physical traits they feel most vulnerable about and not because they did anything to you but because of some science stuff he probably has never really read about and is just a convenient way to get his latent desire for someone to scapegoat and pile on out of his system. I also have a hard time believing that someone who would naturally fall into that as a cool thing to do is also a "good guy" more generally. That kind of menacing desire to ostracize and punch down at people doesn't just come and go in a flash and then disappear. It's a big leap from having thoughts and beliefs that are bigoted and trying to corner someone in public to scream at them because you think it will get a laugh from the boys.
    7 points
  9. That's fair. We've all got problematic friends, or are fans of people who have said some very dumb shit - I'm not suggesting the guy's an irredeemable human being. I'm just, you know, 1000% sure people are also pretty offended by things like 'Youre a dude,' 'Youre a piece of trash,' 'You are filth,' 'Get the fuck out of here,' and 'faggot.' I wasn't trying to come across as morally superior, just as someone with morals.
    7 points
  10. Another fantastic WM Night 1. Rey/Dom was pro wrestling as SHIT. From the recap video to the entrances to the family drama to the action in the ring to stable wars to celebrity bullshit and a happy ending, this one was full of ALL the good shit that works in 1983, 2003 or 2023. I know most will say 2-3 other matches from this same show were better, but this is my MOTY right now. So, so good.
    6 points
  11. I mentioned the Dawkins catch but didn’t see anyone post the video I mean if you’re a fellow wrestler, that’s the best move of the night. Amazing.
    5 points
  12. MJF needs to grow out a mullet if he wants to be as over as a heel as Dominik is
    5 points
  13. Got damn, Rhea/Charlotte was nice. Probably Charlotte’s best match ever and BY A MILE the best thing she’s done since…pre-pandemic. Seemed like she understood she needed to tighten her shit up vs. Rhea’s physicality, and we got what felt like a rare female hoss battle, as a result. Of course, then she kinda had to shit on Rhea’s win by doing her usual passive aggressive “laugh and clap” routine, but whatever. Charlotte gonna Charlotte.
    5 points
  14. There's a reason why "I have a black friend" is not the "get out of racism free" card people think it is.
    5 points
  15. I've been telling some of my friends for months now that Dom Mysterio is the second best heel in the company. Roman as his peak is still the guy who can elicit the most crowd reaction so he's still #1 but Dom has been on an incredible run. He's not all the way there in the ring but he's getting better at that. Also, his entrance last night might be in my top 5 WrestleMania entrances.
    4 points
  16. MJF says stuff to get heat. Dom IS HEAT
    4 points
  17. That's going to be one of the big questions coming out of Mania, right? Can WWE actually book babyface champions in 2023? Cody's lucky in that he has some fresh opponents ahead of him. It sort of defeats the purpose of him to keep him from wrestling all that much though. This is the guy going through flaming tables vs Andrade for no real good reason other than to get a shot on the commercials forever.
    4 points
  18. First the good. Everything. All of it. That was a damn good show. Even the match I liked the least (Cena vs Theory) was still good. And some of it was downright fucking stellar. Rey vs Dom, Rhea vs Charolette, The Main Event. The bad. The bullshit sell out sponsorship shit went too far. You have Rey & Dom, the culmination of a almost a yera long story with very adult tones and a realism to it you don't often get from WWE. And these two guys have to settle their blood feud in a neon zone of kid's cereal bullshit. I complained in a Dynamite thread about the ropes being distracting to me and taking me out of the presentation. This was that x500000000. I get you gotta make your money. But the trons being neon purple EVERYWHERE is too god damn much. I also don't know how a kid's cereal company would be cool with a delinquent petulant child being released from prison and accosting his sister and mother taking an ass whopping from his father. Screams great product placement to me
    4 points
  19. KOs reaction > everything. Pro wrestling is the fucking best.
    4 points
  20. I really enjoyed the parallel moments in Flair vs Ripley. Both performers having near ref bump leading to a signature move near fall and also a signature submission leading to a rope break, showing how even of competitors they were. With Rhea being quicker to the ropes being a big difference. Charlotte sold really well. I also loved the ending with Flair looking on with earned admiration and respect for Rhea’s victory. My MOTN. I very much loved Rey be Dom. Everything about it was a treat and complimented the story they had building up to this match. The Main tag made me happy. The body catching while falling forward spot has been a staple visual in this feud and having it happen the few times it did throughout this match looked great. Even KO lifting Zayn in similar fashion (maybe not intentional but could have been) in the end standoff was beautiful. Very much a modern WWE main event. The multi team extravaganza was fun. Very much a multiple people rushing to the top to get or miss the attack. Very fun and a lot of neat characters.
    4 points
  21. Night 1 FAR exceeded my expectations. I'm in the corner of thinking Night 2 is the better card but hot damn they delivered tonight. Just a quick list of things that RULED 1. Cena's entrance with the Make-A-Wish kids was FANTASTIC. Loved it. Got a little dusty in here. Wish he had won honestly. 2. DAWKINS TRUCKED Stroman and Gable hit a RIDICULOUS rolling German on Stroman. Ricochet and Montez are insane too. 3. Dom's Prison entrance with the corrections van and mask, Rey's entrance with Nuthin But a G Thang and the lowrider, Muta mask. Oh hey the match was really good too! 4. Logan Paul and KSI's theatrics and KSI getting obliterated. Seth's battle chant was great too. 5. Rhea and Charlotte BROUGHT IT. Fantastic hard hitting match. 6. How about everything to do with the STORYTELLING of The Usos and K.O./Zayn??? ALSO... PWG logos? 7. Main Event Jey Uso is a true main event talent. I need that singles run. Great night.
    4 points
  22. Have we had a thread closed on the first day of the month before? Asking for a friend.
    4 points
  23. Weren't you going to stop posting because this place didn't feel like a welcoming community to you? Then you have the nerve to post some shit defending the open transphobe, which is unwelcoming to members of the community who I miss like Stef the Human. I wish you would touch grass like you said you were going to do instead of being offended that people have doubts about the shitty transphobe because he did something nice for your friend once. No one cares.
    4 points
  24. I can already see this is going to be divisive but I'm sold on Cody Rhodes and I'm also sold on Roman Reigns. People are going to pretend WWE is dying when Roman Reigns is clearly the biggest star they've had since Cena. I always wanted Jey Uso to beat Roman Reigns so let's go with that.
    3 points
  25. The fuck is this shit? Am I misunderstanding some hyperbole or are you actually asking for fans to physically attack a performer because you don't like the writing the company is giving him? What a garbage post.
    3 points
  26. God this company is so stupid lmao
    3 points
  27. Roman wins. The WWE trueborn defeated the evil ex AEW guy. Thank you for a fitting end to the series finale of sports entertainment.
    3 points
  28. I don't think anyone discredits Vince making money when it comes to pro wrestling. Now when it comes to football leagues, major movie productions, ice cream, minor league hockey teams, bodybuilding leagues, bodybuilding supplements and conditioning programs, hotels, worked karate/traditional martial arts shows, restaurants, boxing events, social media platforms, and motorcycle stunts, it may be an entirely different discussion.
    3 points
  29. Truly fantastic match with the absolutely right winner.
    3 points
  30. Charlotte Flair versus Rhea Ripley was fucking great!
    3 points
  31. Dana & Vince. Together. Ick.
    3 points
  32. “Sympathy” is exactly why I am happy Mark didn’t win. This match was great, Mark is a really good pro-wrestler, but if he won at Supercard there are people that would have argues it was only for the sympathy gesture, and he deserves way better than that. Also, I love been drawn into a story and then not having it play out the way I guessed and still make sense and make me more interested. i am firmly in the camp that this was the right call to make
    3 points
  33. Where would a Reigns run even go from here? He's literally beat everyone. What would be the point of him retaining here just to lose a rematch to Cody at the next PPV? It's time to wrap the Bloodline story in it's current form up.
    3 points
  34. 100% on board with “Dominic Mysterio is a better heel than MJF” being a Contentious DVDVR Talking Point (tm). Because it’s true. It isn’t all bad for Max though. Much better in the ring and almost certainly a better babyface (though we haven’t seen it for an extended period yet).
    3 points
  35. 3 points
  36. I cracked up when they showed a replay of Dominick throwing his sister's drink into her face. My daughter said, "I get a kick out of how much you love this stuff."
    3 points
  37. Dawkins shoulder tackling Braun on the outside got a huge pop from me.
    3 points
  38. The Answer is Pretty Deadly they should be like Ultimo Dragon with Tag Belts.
    3 points
  39. Granted, the Alpha Academy run has been far better than most anything else Chad Gable has been given to do on the main roster, but…when you see him effortlessly hitting Chaos Theory on Braun Strowman, it really underlines the fact that SOMEONE SHOULD BE JAILED for how badly WWE fumbled the ball with the prime of that guy’s career. Fucking world class talent.
    3 points
  40. I still rate the No DQ, Falls Count Anwhere match with Sasha Banks on RAW, 28th November 2016 as Charlotte Flair's best match but this is up there along the Last Woman Standing match with Becky Lynch at Evolution 2018 and one of the Asuka matches. With you on the post match.
    3 points
  41. Yeah, it does. Everything is on fire. And the Bloodline story stomps the Elite stuff's dick in the dirt. What a great show!
    3 points
  42. It does now. There will be misses and poor builds like anywhere else, but it’s a legit fun product again. I’m excited for the big shows. Plus, with Peacock I can just watch Wrestlemania without dropping 50 bucks or whatever.
    3 points
  43. I may be slightly drunk, but the was the show of the year. Rhea vs Charlotte fucking ruled, the storytelling in the main event is on par with Kenny/Hangman vs the Young Bucks, Mysterio vs Dom was great. Fuck man, does WWE rule?
    3 points
  44. Jesus so many incredible finishes in these matches that had the crowd completely involved. This night was a complete home run
    3 points
  45. Something's gone horribly wrong if I'm the reasonable person here.
    3 points
  46. Hmmm.... ok.. Fuck you, you self-righteous asshole. How's that for morally superior and entitled.
    3 points
  47. Our good friend @JLowe asked me to post this here instead of where I did (in an AEW thread). Continuing off of @Matt D’s philosophy on match structure: Didn’t want to overly ramble, but here’s brief thoughts on Wrestling Psychology to contribute to both the discussion had and potential conversations going forward. Narrative - The story being told. Usually told in a traditional story arc, does what’s being done in the ring make sense based on the world or environment the story is being told? This can also be done in more experimental ways as well, but the heart of storytelling is having something the audience can follow along with or be moved by, consciously or subconsciously. Spots - Often “High Spots” or “Moments” these are the exciting pieces of a match. The highlight reel. Flipping or weapons or comedic relief, etc. If combined with story, be it a moment as a callback or a built to spot or even momentum changing move. Spots are a wonderful tool in Wrestling Psychology. OR, everything is built around spots. Utter chaos of throwing a toaster at a guy’s head or a sequence of high flying acrobatics. That’s fine too, in some environments. Crowd Reading - I wish I could think of a better title for this but that’s usually how I hear it being referred to. Literally reacting to the crowd. The crowd wants a chop, you give ‘em a chop. I remember hearing Adam Cole on a podcast talk about how he learned to build a match like a rollercoaster. Pacing of the action and the slowed down anticipation of being down and being patient enough to wait and then give them more action. I’m paraphrasing but I think it was on Unrestricted. A good use of crowd reading would be Jerry Lynn talking about a match he was having at a small town show with a X-Division guy (don’t remember who) and the crowd gave no reaction to their usually exciting sequences of spots. Someone yelled out something about Lynn’s hair being long and Jerry reacted by flipping his hair and giving a look and the crowd laughed. Low hanging fruit but it got the audience on their side and it became a comedy match. Story likely went out the window, but in that moment, it was the right use of Wrestling Psychology. Combing an ability to get more out of a crowd along with the Story you are telling and even to milk a Spot, hot diggity dog! Wrestling Psychology is all of these things. Ideally, (or at least how I like it) a wrestler or match can combine these elements.
    3 points
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