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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2020 in all areas

  1. I watched Dark Side of the Ring: The Last Days of Owen Hart when I woke up but I wanted to think this over. I usually struggle sleeping with my Cerebral Palsy so I listen to Radio 5 Live and there's a show called Up All Night covering news around the world. I was 14 and heard a wrestler had died at Over the Edge 1999, Owen Hart and it was making Good Morning Television (GMTV). I watched Over the Edge on VHS as my Dad set them to record due to the UK/USA time difference. Dark Side of the Ring: The Last Days of Owen Hart was the first time I'd watched footage from it since May of 1999. If I had to sum the documentary up in a sentence? This was a very difficult documentary to watch but it's one to watch and if anything, I wish it was two parts. It was chilling seeing people at the Kemper Arena recall what happened: Jim Ross, Godfather, D-Lo Brown and the police photos. I remembered that the clasp was totally inappropriate and the awful way Vince McMahon spoke at that press conference. I didn't know that Kevin Dunn told Jim Ross that Owen had died and he was counting down till he was back on air or Martha/Oje/Athena walking on the gantry Owen did. Fucking hell. So sad seeing Jim Cornette breaking down while telling the story that Owen Hart was shouting for people to look out as he fell. Yeah, that got me crying. I've never changed my opinion that the show should've ended as soon as what happened did. Fuck WWE, Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn. FUCK. THEM. Respect to Dr Martha Hart, Oje Hart and Athena Hart for enduring such a tragedy to where they are now. Wanted to hug all three. You can tell Oje and Athena were brought up well by their parents. I'll be firing up Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart at WrestleMania X tonight. What a talent Owen was in ring, as a personality, a prankster and as a family man. So sad. R.I.P. Owen Hart. Woo!!!
    9 points
  2. OK, I just finished the Owen episode, and these are my thoughts: Fuck this company, fuck Vince McMahon, fuck anyone else who had a rigging guy with little experience put that tiny-ass clamp on a 230-pound human being to lower them like that. Martha Hart came off as a completely amazing human being not letting this company get away with this shit and doing her own investigating. She just seems like a good, honest person. I can't even with this shit, these wrestlers need to get off their asses and unionize so that they're not out here killing themselves for some demented piece of profiteering shit.
    8 points
  3. For a second i thought there was a guy who's name was "Also Tiger". Like he was the third son of Original Tiger, and his older brothers already took Tiger Jr and El Hijo Del Tiger, and he utterly refused to be Tiger 4 or pick a colour or something.
    8 points
  4. Exactly. Alvarez's idea of having the Blazer need more safety equipment was spot on. But Vince is a dumdum who doesn't understand comedy and thinks anything above fart jokes needs to be explained ("he means Rob Gronkowski not Tom Brady LOL!"). If you don't like McMahon for what he did to Owen, or laying off wrestlers during a pandemic just so the balance sheet looks good, or doing business with murderers, or really any of the other myriad reasons there is to think he's straight garbage, I advise you to vote with your wallets. There's plenty of wrestling out there not run by shitbags.
    8 points
  5. I am old and lack fucks to give about whom I may piss off with my on-line remarks, so here goes: There is a special place in hell reserved for Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn. From the looks of McMahon lately, he hasn't long to wait to enjoy having a red-hot poker shoved up his ass for eternity, Dunn may have a few more years, but that buck-toothed motherfucker will be spending eons sucking devil cock. There, that's how we Irish roll with thoughts of the afterlife...
    7 points
  6. Nothing I tried to type feels right other than the guy died a hero. Just feel so sad for his family and friends who held onto any glimmer of hope. RIP, Shad.
    6 points
  7. Aw, cmon OSJ. McDevitt said that Vince ALMOST CRIED when they met with Martha. Have a heart, man.
    6 points
  8. I still maintain, the funniest thing I've ever heard in pro wrestling was Owen at the top of the entrance ramp with his Slammies, the tag belts, the Euro Belt, and I believe the World belt, and screaming: "LOOK AT ALL THIS GOLD! WE'RE RICH!!!” He broke everyone, even Bret.
    6 points
  9. I can't believe I didn't cry watching that. Especially considering I ugly-cried for 2 hours straight watching the Raw tribute the following night. I even bought a box of tissues today in preparation. Maybe I'm just getting emotionless in my old age. As a 17-year-old at the time I didn't really consider all of the ramifications regarding Vince's decision to continue the show. Now, with maturity(at least some amount) and a decent bit of reason, not only can I not believe Vince continued the show but, even moreso, I can't believe he actually had the option to make a choice. As mentioned in the doc tonight, the police should have stepped in and not only shut the show down but treated it as a crime scene as well. I find peace in knowing Martha fought for what she believed in. And I find peace knowing that Oje and Athena are forging an inspirational path in their own lives. Finally, if tonight's Jim Cornette was the Jim Cornette we always saw, I'd go out of my way to absorb his content all of the time. Cornette the man is infinitely more watchable than Cornette the gimmick.
    6 points
  10. "Ith a lower-body bithneth, dadday."
    5 points
  11. Shit like the Owen Hart episode really reminds me just how much disgust that I have for Vince McMahon.
    5 points
  12. I definitely think the comparative greatness of his AEW work is overstated. New outlandish outfit, new catchphrases, it's the same basic makeover he's done for two decades while still falling back to calling people jackasses or whatever. It's the same shtick with a new coat of paint. The setting is a bit looser and more playful, which people seem to enjoy. But the difference between this and his WWE work is not as great as stated. As with a lot of AEW stuff, it gets assessed more favourably because the company is new and isn't the other major outfit that's spent decades burning goodwill.
    5 points
  13. It gets me every time. Did the first time I came home from school in year 7 to read what happened. Bawled a 0.8 Mark Henry reading Broken Harts. Did tonight too. Wasn't my favourite but definitely a top 5. His super cool enziguiri. His INXS knock off music. I remember Foley talking about how his son got a crew cut like Owen and I did as well. Watching Cornette tonight.. that was tough. Even Jim Ross who I hold in a special category of carney shitball...I felt for him greatly. Agreed on feeling like there was some closure knowing how well his kids have turned out.
    5 points
  14. When this whole COVID thing is over, I am totally hugging everyone like Andre The Giant hugging this giant cake.
    5 points
  15. I wasn't coming in to tonight expecting to find Reason #137 to despise Kevin Dunn but here we are.
    5 points
  16. I was at a PPV watch party. We were all in shock. We kept hoping for something positive. I think that the show kept going because they were hoping for the best. That's me at my most optimist. But after Ross announced he had died, the room became silent. And the show kept going. And I'll never forget my friend's wife (who hated wrestling) finally saying what we were all thinking during the main event: "Why this is shit still going on?" WWF can all go fuck themselves telling Jim Ross that Owen had died and to now tell us that. Jim Ross is literally Howard Finkel. The greatest man at his job and he was still treated like a piece of shit.
    5 points
  17. What Niko, Oly, & Dream said. RIP Shad. A man that did what any real father would do.
    4 points
  18. Damn... Even as he was being swept away he told the lifeguard to save his son before him. Truly sad and heroic. RIP.
    4 points
  19. Never ever did I think that Jim Cornette would make me cry, but it was his comments right before the ad break that got me. I was blubbering like a fool.
    4 points
  20. Entries you add yourself do not count.
    4 points
  21. That photo looking down into the ring. Too frightening to even contemplate.
    4 points
  22. Parts that absolutely shocked me were the SAIL BOAT CLIP that held Owen to the rig, and Vince at that press conference. I’m glad his kids are of the same mindset as their mother that Owen will never be in the Hall of Fame.
    4 points
  23. For me because I was broke as hell and it wasn't like a major PPV or a major match, I didn't get Over the Edge. If I was desperate (and that was plenty of times because I was super hardcore into it during the MNW), I would just watch the goddamn scrambled feed on one of the PPV channels if I was at home. I cannot say definitively I knew anything was wrong, but I noticed that there was a lot of extra talking early in the PPV. So at that point, I just weaved in and out paying attention. I don't think I watched the end of the show. I think I took a shower or something. Then, at about ten o clock central time, I went into the living room. My mom had the local news on because she watches it religiously. I'm talking to my brother not paying attention at all to the television, and I heard something about a pro wrestler dying in an accident in Kansas City. Not a minute later, the anchorwoman from our local ABC affiliate (WABG) said the name Owen Hart. Man, I fucking froze. I turned around and looked at the television. I guess our local news didn't have a shot of Kemper Arena ready so they showed some court house or government building in KC. I saw the lower third with the graphic saying he passed away. My heart sank. I think it took me three hours to get to sleep that night. As long as I live on this planet, I will never ever, ever, ever forget that.
    4 points
  24. I generally wish well for others, but I hope there’s a day coming when Vince will lose everything. I won’t be sad. I can’t think of anyone more deserving than to die without a pot to piss in...
    4 points
  25. There's a special place in hell for Jerry McDevitt (if you saw his comments on Martha Hart you know exactly why). Same goes for the creeps on wrestling social media defaming her.
    4 points
  26. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bret at no point turned heel in 1997. He was a babyface of the highest magnitude.
    3 points
  27. All I know about Jericho is that he had that run where he seamlessly became Shawn Michaels's primary antagonist, taking over from Batista, and then used that feud to flow into the suit-wearing, grim-faced heel character that he was at the time that everyone tried to do whether it made sense or not, and it was excellent television. So, I said this a few months back, but Jericho the performer is definitely one of the best of all time. Just unquestionably, particularly in his work as a heel, he's one of the greatest. I think his heel work is actually quite distinct. I don't think that it's the same shtick. Jericho in late '90s WCW was the equivalent of a 4Chan troll. I just saw his feud with Dean Malenko, which is the most that I've ever given a shit about Malenko as a character, and that's all Jericho basically being a shitty internet troll about Malenko's dad being dead. Then he tweaks that character so that he's playing an Alex Jones-style conspiracist except with enough lucidity that he's able to understand how to manipulate the system to get title shots or to keep a title. Then he does heel work in WWE that has him portraying a technically-correct heel who nevertheless takes his retribution on the morally-vacuous WWE-style face too far. I didn't see the stuff with Kevin Owens originally, but it got meme'd enough that I saw a lot of it second-hand, and that was just really fun "I've gone Hollywood and totally lost the plot on what real people act like" work, not at Hollywood Rock level, but a level below that. Owens egging him on was the perfect pairing. And now in AEW, he plays the good old cocky over-the-heel vet, but with enough awareness to know that he needs help to hang on to the top, even if he'd never admit it. All of that stuff feels different, and I think it is different. Those are distinctly different heel characters. I think that if you want to say that most of his face stuff feels the same, sure, but heels are allowed a greater variety of character choices and tropes, and I don't think most heels ever are as diverse in portraying different types of heel characters in an exceptional manner as Jericho is. Yeah, he might call someone "jerky" across those character portrayals, but that's a reductive way to look at how much range Jericho has as a character.
    3 points
  28. One Man Gang=clubbering!
    3 points
  29. Cryme Tyme vs. Gino & Joe Alonzo (January 31, 2020)
    3 points
  30. Anytime someone says the words ‘tough’ or ‘hard’ this is the picture that pops in my head
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. @Brian Fowler Hope you and any other Michiganders on the board are safe and above water today.
    3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. Somebody should've punched Dunn right in his stupid buck teeth. Jesus, no wonder Corny hates that motherfucker.
    3 points
  35. How disgusting is pro wrestling that Jerry Lawler's reaction to seeing a fellow wrestler die on air actually kinda pales in comparison to the fact that LAWLER actually DIED ON AIR years later during RAW? THAT's a Dark Side we'll never see.
    3 points
  36. While this was tremendously done it really needed to be two parts. People needed to end up doing time for this, and Vince is one of them.
    3 points
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