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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2014 in all areas

  1. Brie Bella's bachelorette party: http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/20/bella-twin-bachelorette-party-hair-daniel-bryan-brie-nikki-wwe/
    8 points
  2. What the fuck was so fabulous about this RAW that you fuckers needed to start 4 separate threads about it?
    8 points
  3. Jake's gonna have to lock the Warrior in a room of snakes again
    7 points
  4. I have a bad feeling with Bryan not being in the Rumble that a returning Sheamus might win it now.
    6 points
  5. Spot the cameos in the crowd.
    4 points
  6. He also seems to be Rick Rude's non-union, Mexican equivalent.
    4 points
  7. Whoa whoa, let's leave Brock out of this. Man earns every dollar he gets paid and is fucking awesome.
    4 points
  8. Always had both iirc If he's not careful, those sun rays are going to droop into a jester's hat.
    4 points
  9. Holy shit was that chase at the end comically bad or what? That didn't get me interested...at all...for the match on Sunday. Orton just didn't sell anything and constantly walked/sauntered off at every turn. That was the antithesis of a hot finish. It all reminded me of this:
    4 points
  10. I do appreciate the old-school build to Batista/Del Rio. They'll give you Batista powerbombing Del Rio for free, but you're going to have to pay to see him sit down while he does it.
    4 points
  11. There's got to be a clip of that online somewhere. It was a horror anthology and the entire monkey segment in on YouTube and holy fuck, it's been years since I watched it so I TOTALLY forgot Bryan Cranston was in it...... Tim Whatley got exactly what he deserved. He converts to Judaism just for the jokes, continues to tell Catholic jokes, keeps Penthouse in his waiting room, fools around with his hygienist while Jerry is under the gas, re-gifts the label maker Elaine gave him, etc. I have no sympathy for the dentist to the stars.
    3 points
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tlvbNvsM0s
    3 points
  13. What Gary Hart looked like has very little to do with the fact he was the greatest pro wrestling manager of all-time and he'd cut any you mooks to ribbons with a straight razor no matter how sinister you think he may or may not appear.
    3 points
  14. Look at that list, though. Without Bryan in the Rumble, who besides Batista or CM Punk could honestly win the thing? I guess if you throw in the returning Sheamus, that makes for another realistic winner. Takes a lot of drama out of the event and adds in a lot of dead spots when several entrants in a row are mid-carders, like Xavier Woods followed by Darren Young followed by Fandango, with no chance of winning
    3 points
  15. No DB in the Rumble is loose butthole.
    3 points
  16. Over/under on a Batista quad tear. . 3 matches.
    3 points
  17. If he doesn't have his rising platform handy, he should go around in a Segway like GOB Bluth.
    3 points
  18. As per usual when I have to create a 2nd thread - you are all in no strike territory now.
    2 points
  19. It seems like you think he threw Dern and Madsen under the bus, which he didn't. He mentions that it was one of their agents and fuck those agents. Honestly, he has every right to say that. Fuck them. It isn't their work and they're taking his script and spreading it around town. With how hard it is to keep a secret, at least this early on, it has to hurt to see that some dickhead went and took your script and showed it to others when they had no right to do so.
    2 points
  20. The difference between Bobby and Gary is, Bobby would just keep finding guys to come at you. Gary would poison your home town's water supply just for fun.
    2 points
  21. You seem to have mistaken him for this fine gentleman: Hell, even Cornette freely admits Bobby's the best.
    2 points
  22. He made a poisonous snake bite his face, he didn't have to say anything
    2 points
  23. The problem is that we're just supposed to assume that The Authority are being heelish even in their magnanimous acts because we intrinsically want to see somebody outsmart them and beat their chosen champion. However, the guy the crowd really wants to see do that has been written out of the storyline, and Orton's not hateable enough to just want to see anybody get over on him. So we're stuck with the heel faction coming out looking pretty okay, because really, what's the difference between Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, or Big Show as champ? They need a loveable underdog who isn't a multi-time champ already to be able to pull off the "disingenuous authority figure" vibe they're going for. If only they had somebody like that on the roster...
    2 points
  24. Cowboy Bob Orton was the getaway driver. You can see the cast on his arm if you look close enough.
    2 points
  25. You guys are slippin. How come you aren't talking about the big story of last night? Who was driving Orton's getaway car? I need answers.
    2 points
  26. Did the rumble really need Xavier fucking Woods in it...
    2 points
  27. The Heat's defense has been awful many times this season. Not sure if it's effort or scheme, but it's probably a bit of both. It use to be their signature, and now it might be a weakness. They still can do their "clamp down defense with 4 minutes to go" schtick, but it doesn't always work and sometimes they have given the other team too much confidence by then for it to be effective. Also this:
    2 points
  28. Well...I mean...Isn't that his thing? You ask the questions and he changes the answers?
    2 points
  29. Because he signed a two-year, part-time contract?
    2 points
  30. The AI in the game is really interesting as one second you have copters constantly crashing into each other and then the next second the enemy attacks are the most coordinated Navy SEAL shit you have ever seen
    2 points
  31. I just realized that a fuckton of these clips are from our own Tim Evans God Bless you Tim
    2 points
  32. Since classic Buff Bagwell cinema has been brought up, how about Terror Tract, in which ol' Buff gets stabbed to death by a psychotic monkey?
    2 points
  33. What in the fucking is happening?
    2 points
  34. If Bryan isn't winning and they want to limit the risk of the crowd reacting overly negatively to whoever does (say, a freshly returned Batista, that they needs to stay hot), it actually makes a ton of sense for him to not be in it.
    2 points
  35. So no Bryan in the Rumble? PASS.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. I loved Heyman and Lesnar walking up the alley looking like Bane and The Penguin. Billy Gunn looking more and more like Randy The Ram by the week... Batista returned... or was it Pitbull?
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. "...that's why they call me Mr. Mexico/I'm traveling at the speed of light/I wanna make a supersonic Lucha out of you..."
    2 points
  40. Final four is Bryan, Orton, Batista and Reigns. Bryan knocks out Orton, only to be speared by Reigns. Reigns celebrates, gets eliminated by Batista by clothesline. Batista gets Bryan up in a Batista Bomb, but Bryan huracanranas Batista over the ropes to the floor. Batista reaches up to shake Bryan's hand, but drags him to the floor and Batista Bombs him on the floor. Lights go out, music hits. Not instantly recognizable music, but vaguely familiar. And Maven, who was never officially eliminated in the 2002 Royal Rumble, fulfills the 12 year angle and returns as the #1 contender for Wrestlemania. Either that or Batista.
    2 points
  41. Just post more in the monthly wrestling photo or .gif threads - it's like the glitch in GTA V that allowed anyone to rack up billions of dollars. Hey, look at this wacky .gif of Zeb everyone!
    2 points
  42. Those 90° motel room workouts paid off for that exchange. Not shown, Bob refusing to release the Chickenwing until every Japanese emperor was named in reverse alphabetical order.
    2 points
  43. $1.49 for the first burger, $0.99 for each additional burger. Kids, get your parents permission before ordering.
    2 points
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